🚀 Supercharged Excel exports and imports in Laravel


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Supercharged Excel exports and imports

A simple, but elegant Laravel wrapper around PhpSpreadsheet exports and imports.

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  • Easily export collections to Excel. Supercharge your Laravel collections and export them directly to an Excel or CSV document. Exporting has never been so easy.

  • Supercharged exports. Export queries with automatic chunking for better performance. You provide us the query, we handle the performance. Exporting even larger datasets? No worries, Laravel Excel has your back. You can queue your exports so all of this happens in the background.

  • Supercharged imports. Import workbooks and worksheets to Eloquent models with chunk reading and batch inserts! Have large files? You can queue every chunk of a file! Your entire import will happen in the background.

  • Export Blade views. Want to have a custom layout in your spreadsheet? Use a HTML table in a Blade view and export that to Excel.


🎓 Learning Laravel Excel

You can find the full documentation of Laravel Excel on the website.

We welcome suggestions for improving our docs. The documentation repository can be found at https://github.com/SparterNL/laravel-excel-docs.

Some articles and tutorials can be found on our blog: https://medium.com/maatwebsite/laravel-excel/home

📬 License & Postcardware


Laravel Excel is created with love and care by Spartner (formerly known as Maatwebsite) to give back to the Laravel community. It is completely free (MIT license) to use, however the package is licensed as Postcardware. This means that if it makes it to your production environment, we would very much appreciate receiving a postcard from your hometown.

Markt 2
6231 LS Meerssen
The Netherlands.

More about the license can be found at: https://docs.laravel-excel.com/3.1/getting-started/license.html

Created by Spartner (formerly Maatwebsite)

We are a strategic development partner, creating web-based custom built software from Laravel. In need of a digital solution for your challenge? Give us a call.

+31 (0) 10 - 7449312

🔧 Supported Versions

Versions will be supported for a limited amount of time.

Version Laravel Version Php Version Support
2.1 <=5.6 <=7.0 Unsupported since 15-5-2018
3.0 ^5.5 ^7.0 Unsupported since 31-12-2018
3.1 ^5.8|^6.0|^7.0|^8.0 ^7.2|^8.0 New features
  • [BUG] import date format issue

    [BUG] import date format issue

    • [x] Able to reproduce the behaviour outside of your code, the problem is isolated to Laravel Excel.
    • [x] Checked that your issue isn't already filed.
    • [x] Checked if no PR was submitted that fixes this problem.


    • PHP version: 7.1
    • Laravel version: 5.7
    • Package version: 3.1


    I created new import with WithChunkReading and batch size. The issue i am facing is importer converts date columns to timestamp( i believe its timestamp) 43257.0. after investing the issue i found very old thread https://github.com/Maatwebsite/Laravel-Excel/issues/404 and one of the solution that fixed it for me was setting true value to false in class ReadChunk available at vendor/maatwebsite/excel/src/Jobs/ReadChunk.php. line is $this->reader->setReadDataOnly(true); This solution works for now but when we will do composer update it will be gone as its not configurable in library.

    Steps to Reproduce

    1. create excel
    2. add column with any date format.
    3. import excel using chunk method importer via library.

    Expected behavior:

    I would expect the library to upload the date as expected.

    Actual behavior:

    library converts date to timestamp( assuming its timestamp)

    Additional Information

    Here is my import class,

    `<?php namespace App\Imports;

    use App\Sample; use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\ToModel; use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithBatchInserts; use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithChunkReading; use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithHeadingRow; use Maatwebsite\Excel\Imports\HeadingRowFormatter;


    class Sample implements ToModel, WithHeadingRow, WithBatchInserts, WithChunkReading {

    public function model(array $row)
        return new user([
            'UserName'           => $row['UserName'],
            'Password'           => $row['Password'],
            'date'               => $row['date'],
    public function batchSize(): int
        return 1000;
    public function chunkSize(): int
        return 1000;


    opened by hardikdangar 41
  • Laravel 4.2/Laravel-Excel 1.3: Numbers formatted as text still appearing as number

    Laravel 4.2/Laravel-Excel 1.3: Numbers formatted as text still appearing as number

    I've been playing around with this for a few days but simply cannot make it work. I have some long numbers(16 digits) stored in my database which I am then using the toArray() function to create my xlsx excel spreadsheet. The code i'm using to format the column: $sheet->setColumnFormat(array( 'A' => '@' ));

    However the numbers are being shown in excel as numbers and they are being shortened with scientific notation.

    Is there anything I can do about this outside of appending a space either side?

    I'm aware of excel's 15 digit limit however when formatting as text I was lead to believe this would not be a problem.

    opened by lszanto 38
  • chunk filter every time gets first 250 Rows

    chunk filter every time gets first 250 Rows

    Excel::filter('chunk')->load($path)->chunk(250, function($results) use ($data) { print_r($results); });

    this function gets every time first 250 rows of excel , not get the other rows , my excel file contains 12000 Rows but it returns first 250 rows.

    Please help me , may be i am wrong or may be this function returns only first 250 rows , is there any other way to get all rows in chunk wise ?

    Note : i am using multiple sheets .

    opened by adnandogar 34
  • [QUESTION] after import event

    [QUESTION] after import event



    • PHP version: 7.2
    • Laravel version: 5.7
    • Package version: 3.1


    I have some trouble getting the after import event to work. The event never fires. :( The after sheet works fine, what am I doing wrong?

    i have tried both the register events and the auto register events.

    My code

    namespace App\Imports;
    use App\Order;
    use App\Order\Address;
    use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
    use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\Importable;
    use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\RegistersEventListeners;
    use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\ToModel;
    use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithBatchInserts;
    use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithChunkReading;
    use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithCustomCsvSettings;
    use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithEvents;
    use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithHeadingRow;
    use Maatwebsite\Excel\Events\AfterImport;
    use Maatwebsite\Excel\Events\BeforeImport;
    class OrderAddressImport implements
        use Importable, RegistersEventListeners;
        protected $order;
        public function __construct(Order $order)
            $this->order = $order;
         * @param array $row
         * @return Address
        public function model(array $row)
            $data = ['order_id' => $this->order->id];
            $data = array_merge($data, $row);
            return new Address($data);
        public function batchSize() : int
            return 1000;
        public function chunkSize() : int
            return 5000;
         * @return array
        public function getCsvSettings(): array
            return [
                'delimiter' => ';',
                'enclosure' => '',
                'input_encoding' => 'UTF-8'
        public static function afterImport(AfterImport $event)
    opened by dalholm 33
  • Add WithValidation Concern

    Add WithValidation Concern

        new UsersImport implements ToModel, WithHeadingRow , WithValidation
                use Importable;
                 * @param array $row
                 * @return Model|null
                public function model(array $row)
                    return new User([
                        'name'        => $row['name'],
                        'email'        => $row['email'],
                        'password' => 'secret',
                 * @return array
                public function rules(): array
                    return [
                        'email' => Rule::in(['patrick@maatwebsite.nl']),
                         // Above is alias for as it always validates in batches
                         '*.email' => Rule::in(['patrick@maatwebsite.nl']),

    Will redirect back (like Laravel's validation) with an error bag with message: 'There was an error on row 2. The selected email is invalid.'

    Alternatively you can catch the validation exception and handle it:

    try {
    } catch (\Maatwebsite\Excel\Validators\ValidationException $e) {
         $failures = $e->failures();
         // each failure is an instance of Failure
         $failure->row(); // row that went wrong
         $failure->attribute(); // either heading key or column index
         $failure->errors(); // Actual error messages   
    opened by patrickbrouwers 32
  • chunk import date format issue

    chunk import date format issue

    I am importing a file.xlsx in this there is field DOB = 16-OCT-1992 , after the getting values in file DOB is converted into 34215 ,i think it is not calculating formulas in DOB field , Please help me out ? Urgent

    Excel::filter('chunk')->load('file.xlsx')->chunk(250, function($results) { foreach($results as $row) { // do stuff } });

    opened by adnandogar 32
  • [BUG] Temporary files are creating on one server on queued export

    [BUG] Temporary files are creating on one server on queued export


    • [x] Have read and understood: https://github.com/Maatwebsite/Laravel-Excel/blob/3.1/.github/SUPPORT.md
    • [x] Checked if your Laravel Excel version is still supported: https://docs.laravel-excel.com/3.1/getting-started/support.html#supported-versions
    • [x] Checked that your question isn't already asked before.
    • [x] Filled in the entire issue template


    • PHP version: 7.2
    • Laravel version: 7.22.4
    • Package version: 3.1.20


    Temporary files are creating on one server on queued export

    Additional Information

    Hello, I am running my application on laravel vapor (serverless). On queued exporting , the temporary files are not get stored on disk s3. I am stuck on that!

    opened by shineraj94 29
  • [QUESTION] CSS is supported with blade views ?

    [QUESTION] CSS is supported with blade views ?

    • [ ] Able to reproduce the behaviour outside of your code, the problem is isolated to Laravel Excel.
    • [ ] Checked that your issue isn't already filed.
    • [ ] Checked if no PR was submitted that fixes this problem.


    • PHP version: 7.0
    • Laravel version: 5.5
    • Package version: 3.0


    I'm using this code :

        <h1>{{ $report->title }}</h1>
        <h2>{{ $report->description }}</h2>
        <p>{{ __('excel.dateLabel') }} {{ $date }}</p>
                    <th>{{ __('excel.firstColumn') }}</th>
                    <th>{{ __('excel.secondColumn') }}</th>
                    <th>{{ __('excel.thirdColumn') }}</th>
                    <th>{{ __('excel.fourthColumn') }}</th>

    But when I would use class or style tag only background-color work. Color, font-weight.... not working.

    Steps to Reproduce

        <h1>{{ $report->title }}</h1>
        <h2>{{ $report->description }}</h2>
        <p>{{ __('excel.dateLabel') }} {{ $date }}</p>
                    <th style="font-weight : bold">{{ __('excel.firstColumn') }}</th>
                    <th>{{ __('excel.secondColumn') }}</th>
                    <th>{{ __('excel.thirdColumn') }}</th>
                    <th>{{ __('excel.fourthColumn') }}</th>
    help wanted 
    opened by launtony 29
  • Formatting troubles

    Formatting troubles

    I've tried not to bother you with this but I am getting no where so I'm afraid I have to ask for help. I'm having two issues with Maatwebsite/Laravel-Excel / PHPExcel that I can not find an answer to and I'm hoping that somebody out there can help.

    1. I'm importing a csv and one of the columns has numbers in it with leading zeros that keep getting trimmed off. How can I prevent that? Preferable I would like all values to be treated as strings and not have the values manipulated at all.
    1. I'm also exporting a csv that must have an empty last column in each row. The problem is that, that column is dropped on export. If I add a space as the value then it remains but unfortunately I need the value to be empty.
    opened by devinfd 29
  • Row 2 is out of range (2 - 1)

    Row 2 is out of range (2 - 1)

    I use this code

    $fileName = '/var/www/file.xls';
    Excel::load($fileName, function($reader) {

    And I get this error

    PHPExcel_Exception in RowIterator.php line 125 Row 2 is out of range (2 - 1)

     in RowIterator.php line 125
    at PHPExcel_Worksheet_RowIterator->seek('2') in RowIterator.php line 99
    at PHPExcel_Worksheet_RowIterator->resetStart('2') in RowIterator.php line 81
    at PHPExcel_Worksheet_RowIterator->__construct(object(PHPExcel_Worksheet), '2', null) in Worksheet.php line 2568
    at PHPExcel_Worksheet->getRowIterator('2') in ExcelParser.php line 329
    at ExcelParser->parseRows() in ExcelParser.php line 182
    at ExcelParser->parseWorksheet() in ExcelParser.php line 132
    at ExcelParser->parseFile(array()) in LaravelExcelReader.php line 1024
    at LaravelExcelReader->_parseFile(array()) in LaravelExcelReader.php line 473

    Problem seems to be that the Excel file has more than one Pages.

    opened by drakakisgeo 28
  • Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted

    Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted


    • [X] Able to reproduce the behaviour outside of your code, the problem is isolated to Laravel Excel.
    • [X] Checked that your issue isn't already filed.
    • [X] Checked if no PR was submitted that fixes this problem.


    • PHP version: 7.1.13
    • Laravel version: 5.6
    • Package version: ^3.0


    I am getting Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted when i try to export with FromQuery option

    Steps to Reproduce

    Expected behavior:

    I want to fix my problem :)

    Actual behavior:

    Additional Information

    namespace App\Exports;
    use App\OldTransaction;
    use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
    use Illuminate\Http\Request;
    use jDate;
    use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\Exportable;
    use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\FromQuery;
    use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\ShouldAutoSize;
    use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithHeadings;
    use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithMapping;
    class OldDepositExport implements FromQuery, ShouldQueue, WithMapping, WithHeadings, ShouldAutoSize
    	use Exportable;
    	 * DepositExport constructor.
    	 * @param Request $request
    	public function __construct(Request $request)
    	public function headings(): array
    		return [
    	public function map($transaction): array
    		return [
    	public function query()
    		return User::query()
    			->where('status', '=', 1)

    See this image https://i.imgur.com/yMgUqXP.jpg

    opened by saeedvz 27
  • [Bug]:


    Is the bug applicable and reproducable to the latest version of the package and hasn't it been reported before?

    • [X] Yes, it's still reproducable

    What version of Laravel Excel are you using?


    What version of Laravel are you using?


    What version of PHP are you using?


    Describe your issue

    I'm using Laravel-Excel in a Nova action (using maatwebsite/laravel-nova-excel 1.3.2). I need to export a set of rows from a resource (always all of them, ignoring any current selection), but importantly, it needs to be prefixed with 4 rows of fixed data. I'm attempting to achieve this using the FromCollection interface, as per the docs.

    However, when I trigger the action, it downloads the data for the selected record(s) in my view in the default format, as if my code was not being called at all. The data returned from my collection() method is completely ignored and does not appear at all in the downloaded data. If I put a dd() in the method, the download does not happen, suggesting that it is being called, but the Collection it returns is not being used.

    As far as I can see, I'm doing this correctly, so I assume there must be a bug here?

    How can the issue be reproduced?

    A Nova action defined like this:

    class myExport extends DownloadExcel implements FromCollection
        public function collection(): Collection
            return new Collection([
                [1, 2, 3],
                [4, 5, 6]

    This should result in a CSV download containing:


    But instead it downloads the selected records in Nova, in the default format.

    What should be the expected behaviour?

    A download should be created which contains only the data returned by the collection() method.

    opened by Synchro 0
  • [Bug]: while using OnEachRow it not rollback entries from second table if database or some another error occur.   or you can say it delete entries from parent table but not child table. i am trying to do relation entries

    [Bug]: while using OnEachRow it not rollback entries from second table if database or some another error occur. or you can say it delete entries from parent table but not child table. i am trying to do relation entries

    Is the bug applicable and reproducable to the latest version of the package and hasn't it been reported before?

    • [X] Yes, it's still reproducable

    What version of Laravel Excel are you using?


    What version of Laravel are you using?


    What version of PHP are you using?


    Describe your issue

    if their error comes it rollback the entries from the first table. but it does not roll back the entries from the second table.

    Can anyone guide how it is possible?

    what my case is.

    if their error comes it rollback the entries from the agent table. but it does not roll back the entries from the payment table.

    How can the issue be reproduced?

    To create this error I hardcoded the value for the third row and set the status value to null. but status only takes an integer value why it creates the error.

    it gives an error Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'status'

    but it rollbacks entries from the agent table but not from the payment table

    class noteImport implements OnEachRow {
        public function onRow(Row $row){
            $row = $row->toArray();
                $Option = [
                "firstpay" => 1,
                "amount" => 1,
                "payment_type" => 1,
                "info" => "1",
                "enter_date" => date('y/m/d'),
                "recieve_date" => date('y/m/d'),
                "status" => $row['srno'] != 3 ? 1 : "",     
                $agent = Agent::create([
                "agent_code" => "1",
                "name" => "1",
                "address" => "1",
                "phone" => 454,
                "password" => "asd",
                "upload" => "1",
                "status" => 1,

    What should be the expected behaviour?

    The expected behavior is it should delete an entry from the second (payment) table

    opened by krishantalwar 0
  • [Bug]: Database connection [*] not configured when using exists validation rule

    [Bug]: Database connection [*] not configured when using exists validation rule

    Is the bug applicable and reproducable to the latest version of the package and hasn't it been reported before?

    • [X] Yes, it's still reproducable

    What version of Laravel Excel are you using?


    What version of Laravel are you using?


    What version of PHP are you using?


    Describe your issue

    Verified that this bug was introduced between 3.1.40 (last working) and 3.1.44.

    When utilizing non standard database connection (provided by env) the application fails to interact with the database in the validator.

    When laravel excel calls (indirectly) into the Database Manager, the app config is not be respected.

    I noticed that from this point the database manager is pointed at a connection that is not configured (disregarding the app config):


    For posterity, here is the state of the connection when laravel excel resolves initially:


    How can the issue be reproduced?

    From a new Laravel App: configure a database connection (e.g. testing). Create an import that uses rules() and ensure at least one of these rules requires the database (exists:table_name,column).

    What should be the expected behaviour?

    No error should occur. Laravel excel should respect the application configuration.

    opened by robertmarney 2
  • [Bug]: Dates are not formatted if importing with WithChunkReading

    [Bug]: Dates are not formatted if importing with WithChunkReading

    Is the bug applicable and reproducable to the latest version of the package and hasn't it been reported before?

    • [X] Yes, it's still reproducable

    What version of Laravel Excel are you using?


    What version of Laravel are you using?


    What version of PHP are you using?


    Describe your issue

    If an worksheet (xlsx, xls, ods) is imported that contains a dates the value of a cell is numeric, so it ignores the configured format(from the style). Note: imports.read_only should be switched to false to allow the correct reading of worksheets.

    For ReaderFactory the PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader is configured with setReadDataOnly using the value from the config file. For ReadChunk the value is always set to true. So (global) styles will not be applied to date cells.

    I assume that also the handling of empty cells will differ (see below).

    How can the issue be reproduced?

    Create a import class that implements the WithChunkReading and WithFormatData. Load an xlsx, xls, ods file that uses a date (format should be available specified in the sheet styles).

    What should be the expected behaviour?

    Dates should always handled the same way for all readers. Or; both readers should use the configuration values.

    For ReadChunk the code should be changed like this:

    $this->reader->setReadDataOnly(config('excel.imports.read_only', true));
    $this->reader->setReadEmptyCells(!config('excel.imports.ignore_empty', false));
    opened by svenbw 0
  • [Bug]: Function sheets() is called twice

    [Bug]: Function sheets() is called twice

    Is the bug applicable and reproducable to the latest version of the package and hasn't it been reported before?

    • [X] Yes, it's still reproducable

    What version of Laravel Excel are you using?


    What version of Laravel are you using?


    What version of PHP are you using?


    Describe your issue

    When implementing the WithMultipleSheets interface, the sheets() method is called twice. It does not result in duplication of the sheets, but the code inside is executed twice. In my case, I had calls to database made in that function, wth resulted in dupicate queries (But data was correct).

    How can the issue be reproduced?

    namespace App\Exports\WorkedHours;
    use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithMultipleSheets;
    class WorkedHoursExport implements WithMultipleSheets
        use Exportable;
        public function sheets(): array
          \Log::debug('Calling sheets method')

    What should be the expected behaviour?

    The method is only called once.

    opened by Naghal 0
  • [Bug]: Laravel Excel Reader does not ignore empty strings

    [Bug]: Laravel Excel Reader does not ignore empty strings

    Is the bug applicable and reproducable to the latest version of the package and hasn't it been reported before?

    • [X] Yes, it's still reproducable

    What version of Laravel Excel are you using?


    What version of Laravel are you using?


    What version of PHP are you using?


    Describe your issue


    I am trying to read the data of a XLSX file and import them into DB. Until now, I produced excel files using my LibreOffice and the SkipsEmptyRows interface in order to read file line by line and ignore empty rows. However, when I created the same Excel file with the same data in Google Docs, for some reason empty rows are not ignored. After some research, I found that google docs create rows with an empty string. Please find below a file example with this problem.

    So, my question is how can I skip rows / cells which include empty strings ?

    I tried the following but with no success

    • Update the variable ignore_empty => true, in config/excel.php

    • registerEvents

    public function registerEvents(): array { return [ BeforeImport::class => function (BeforeImport $event) { return $event->getReader()->getPhpSpreadsheetReader()->setReadEmptyCells(false); } ];

    Screenshot from 2022-12-12 12-49-04

    Screenshot from 2022-12-12 12-48-41

    I noticed that the calculation of total rows is coming from the function listWorksheetInfo which is into vendor/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Xlsx.php

    Screenshot from 2022-12-12 13-27-00

    The weird thing here is that while it's reading the file and storing the total numbers of rows, it jumps suddenly from "real" total number of rows to a "magic" number of rows.

    Screenshot from 2022-12-12 13-30-10

    Does anyone have explanation about this? Or how can I manage it in order to ignore these empty lines?

    Extra Note : I am using the WithChunkReadinginterface in order to keep the memory usage under control & OnEachRowinterface in order to process each row's data

    SampleExample (1).xlsx

    How can the issue be reproduced?

    To set a counter about the total number of rows instead of reading $xml->getAttribute('r')

    What should be the expected behaviour?

    In this case the total of number of rows should be 15 and not 1048576

    opened by KarinaRashchynskaya 0
  • 3.1.45(Jan 2, 2023)

    What's Changed

    • Add support for ignoring PHP auto_detect_line_endings INI directive by @bram-dehart-nsgo in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3813
    • Fix the PSR simple cache mess by using composer to check which version is installed to maintain backwards compatibility with old php and laravel versions by @patrickbrouwers in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3851

    New Contributors

    • @bram-dehart-nsgo made their first contribution in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3813

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/compare/3.1.44...3.1.45

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.1.44(Oct 14, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add test to check if WithFormatData works with SkipsEmptyRows by @svenbw in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3761

    New Contributors

    • @svenbw made their first contribution in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3761

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/compare/3.1.43...3.1.44

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.1.43(Oct 3, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • check that the $import variable is not empty by @douglasduarte in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3745

    New Contributors

    • @douglasduarte made their first contribution in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3745

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/compare/3.1.42...3.1.43

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.1.42(Sep 28, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Revert validation to array introduced in 3.1.41 by @mitchdesign in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3742

    New Contributors

    • @mitchdesign made their first contribution in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3742

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/compare/3.1.41...3.1.42

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.1.41(Sep 26, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix typo in excel.php file by @guiassemany in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3613
    • Fix testing for multiple stored files by regex by @keithbrink in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3631
    • Fix local temp file cleanup by @FrancisMawn in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3628
    • Allow validations with toArray by @ahmedash95 in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3641
    • Simplify validations by using only one concern by @ahmedash95 in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3642
    • Cast empty headers to int by @ahmedash95 in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3646
    • Is empty when by @ibrahimeldesoki in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3645
    • Support required_unless (and other required_*) rules by @RobertWeideKyos in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3660
    • Prevent install of psr/simplecache 3.0 by @ziming in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3735

    New Contributors

    • @guiassemany made their first contribution in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3613
    • @keithbrink made their first contribution in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3631
    • @FrancisMawn made their first contribution in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3628
    • @ahmedash95 made their first contribution in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3641
    • @ibrahimeldesoki made their first contribution in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3645
    • @RobertWeideKyos made their first contribution in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3660
    • @ziming made their first contribution in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3735

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/compare/3.1.40...3.1.41

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.1.40(May 2, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Expose the ability to set custom response headers when exporting collections by @andrew-belac in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3605
    • Adds WithDefaultStyles concern to allow configuring the workbook default styles.
    • Adds WithBackgroundColor concern to allow configuring the workbook default background color.

    New Contributors

    • @andrew-belac made their first contribution in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3605

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/compare/3.1.39...3.1.40

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.1.39(Apr 23, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix PHP Deprecated #3588 by @J2TEAM in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3599

    New Contributors

    • @J2TEAM made their first contribution in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3599

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/compare/3.1.38...3.1.39

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.1.38(Mar 24, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Failing test for prepareForValidation not called with SkipsEmptyRows by @VFAndrew in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3573
    • Features/WithGroupedHeadingRow by @VFAndrew in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3575

    New Contributors

    • @VFAndrew made their first contribution in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3573

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/compare/3.1.37...3.1.38

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.1.37(Feb 28, 2022)

    New Contributors

    • @squatto made their first contribution in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3527

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/blob/3.1/CHANGELOG.md

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.1.36(Feb 3, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix return type of FromQuery::query() by @halloei in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3485
    • Add support for Laravel 9 by @HajMo in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3496
    • Allow setting db connection from config by @hulkur in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3497
    • Fix typo in README links by @whoami15 in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3503
    • Added an ability to specify CSV ouput encoding by @Lupennat in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3507

    New Contributors

    • @halloei made their first contribution in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3485
    • @HajMo made their first contribution in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3496
    • @hulkur made their first contribution in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3497
    • @whoami15 made their first contribution in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3503
    • @Lupennat made their first contribution in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3507

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/compare/3.1.35...3.1.36

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.1.35(Jan 4, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fixed range by @DominicVonk in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3460
    • Fixed SkipsEmptyRows support with the WithColumnLimit concern by @fsilvestro in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3455
    • Removed cache flush exporting files by @fsilvestro in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3477

    New Contributors

    • @DominicVonk made their first contribution in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3460
    • @fsilvestro made their first contribution in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3455

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/compare/3.1.34...3.1.35

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.1.34(Dec 2, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • Feature/refactor config local path by @khacnha in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3329
    • Fix queueImport function to be able to assert chained jobs. by @yasuaki640 in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3337
    • Adding InteractsWithQueue to AppendToSheet jobs (fixes: #3365) by @lk77 in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3366
    • [Bug] Skipped failure still persist in the collection/array. by @juliomotol in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3359
    • Implement PHP 8.1's ArrayAccess interface by @grantholle in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3454

    New Contributors

    • @khacnha made their first contribution in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3329
    • @yasuaki640 made their first contribution in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3337
    • @juliomotol made their first contribution in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3359
    • @grantholle made their first contribution in https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/pull/3454

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel/compare/3.1.33...3.1.34

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.1.30(Apr 6, 2021)

  • 3.1.28(Mar 10, 2021)

  • 3.1.27(Feb 22, 2021)

  • 3.1.26(Nov 27, 2020)

  • 3.1.25(Nov 13, 2020)

  • 3.1.23(Sep 29, 2020)

  • 3.1.22(Sep 8, 2020)

  • 3.1.21(Aug 6, 2020)

  • 3.1.20(Jul 22, 2020)

    Changelog: https://github.com/Maatwebsite/Laravel-Excel/blob/3.1/CHANGELOG.md#3120---2020-07-22 Release write up: https://medium.com/maatwebsite/new-milestone-20-million-downloads-for-laravel-excel-55f31ab562b4

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.1.19(Feb 28, 2020)

    • Add fix for on each row and with validation (#2548)
    • Laravel 7 support (#2571)
    • Get the index when validating a row (#2523)
    • Timeout and number of tries for the chunked import jobs (#2513)
    • Remote temp file prefix (#2438)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.1.18(Dec 24, 2019)

    • Bump minimum version of phpspreadsheet to 1.10
    • Test against PHP 7.4 and all Laravel 6.x versions
    • Update ignored files in .gitattributes (#2395)
    • import file with calculated value from an external file that doesn't exist don't crash (#2396)
    • Cleanup file creation to prevent wrong asserts (#2378) …
    • Added FromGenerator support (#2394)
    • Support for Laravel 6 job middleware (#2420)
    • Limit WithProgressBar output to one per batch (#2414)
    • Refactor chunked queued exports from queries (#2402)
    • Make export object public (#2422)
    • Do not error when trying to delete nonexistent temp file (#2434)
    • Add support for WithValidation with OnEachRow (#2371)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.1.17(Sep 4, 2019)

  • 3.1.16(Sep 3, 2019)

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