Laravel Query Log
Log executed Laravel SQL queries and their line number and more!
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text format
url : http://example.test
method : GET
total_query : 3
total_time : 5.69
sl : 1
query : select * from `students` where `id` = ? and `name` = ?
bindings : 6|Tomas
final_query : select * from `students` where `id` = 6 and `name` = 'Tomas'
time : 4.38
file : C:\www\example\app\Http\Controllers\SiteController.php:10
line : 10
sl : 2
query : select * from `students` where `id` = ? and `phone` = ?
bindings : 6|649-768-7305
final_query : select * from `students` where `id` = 6 and `phone` = '649-768-7305'
time : 0.75
file : C:\www\example\app\Http\Controllers\SiteController.php:11
line : 11
sl : 3
query : select * from `students` where `id` = ?
bindings : 6
final_query : select * from `students` where `id` = 6
time : 0.56
file : C:\www\example\app\Http\Controllers\SiteController.php:12
line : 12
Other Packages
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