A Laravel Artisan SQL Interactive Interface



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A Laravel 4 & 5 Artisan SQL Interactive Interface, plus a handful of Artisan commands to execute SQL queries.


It's like tinker for SQL, just run

php artisan sqli

And execute whatever sql query you like in your sql:

postgresql:laravel> select email from users;

And you should see it this way:

| id | email                        |
|  1 | arnold@schwarzenegger.com    |
|  2 | danny@devito.com             |
Executed in 0.0602 seconds.

You can get a list of your tables by running:

postgresql:laravel> tables count

count option is optional:

| table_schema | table_name                  | row_count |
| public       | firewall                    | 2         |
| public       | migrations                  | 3         |
| public       | sessions                    | 1         |
| public       | users                       | 1         |
| public       | actors                      | 3431326   |
| public       | movies                      | 1764727   |

You can view a list of databases:

postgresql:laravel> databases

| Connection Name | Driver | Database                 | Host      |
| postgres        | pgsql  | production               | localhost |
| tracker         | mysql  | tracker                  | localhost |

You can change your current database connection by:

postgresql:laravel> database mysql

You can list all commands by executing

postgresql:laravel> help

| command  | description                                                                  |
| quit     | Exit interface.                                                              |
| tables   | List all tables. Use "tables count" to list with row count.                  |
| help     | Show this help.                                                              |
| database | Change the current database connection. Usage: "database [connection name]". |

To exit, just type CTRL-C, CTRL-D or quit.

Other Artisan Commands

You don't need to enter sqli to execute commands, you have access to the most common DML commands via direct Artisan commands:


A special DML command, to execute whatever else you may needd:


And a command for listing tables:



The syntax could not be simpler, just execute

php artisan select email, first_name, last_name from users

And you should get a result like:

| id | email                        | first_name     | last_name      |
|  1 | arnold@schwarzenegger.com    | Arnold         | Schwarzenegger |
|  2 | danny@devito.com             | Danny          | DeVito         |

Create a very small alias for Artisan:

alias a='php artisan'

And it'll be as if you where in your sql interface:

a select * from posts where post_id < 100

a update posts set author_id = 1

a delete from posts

a sql call removeOldPosts()

Command 'table'

The command

php artisan tables --count

Will give you a list of your tables with an optional row count:

| table_schema | table_name                  | row_count |
| public       | firewall                    | 2         |
| public       | migrations                  | 3         |
| public       | sessions                    | 1         |
| public       | users                       | 1         |
| public       | actors                      | 3431326   |
| public       | movies                      | 1764727   |

Too many columns aren't good to look at?

Use the less command to help you with that:

a select * from users | less -S

Should give you a scrollable view of your table:

| id | email                        | permissions | activated | activation_code                            | activated_at        | last_login          | persist_code                                                 | reset_password_code | first_name     | last_name      | created_at                 | updated_at                 | password                                                     | gender_id | middle_name | nick_name | birth_day | birth_month | birth_year | early_signup | imported_from_id | registration_time | registration_ip | registrated_by_id | activation_time | beta_invitation |
| 38 | arnold@schwarzenegger.com    |             | 1         | V38ScwjCORUvCpuhjkieR4KbnQSlVbhFHujmsyVvN8 | 2014-02-16 14:07:59 | 2014-03-27 18:59:56 | $2y$10$POQ18Kc5JXftOtJswQujBO0PAQ4cfqsSXLKckn9aZOM4VgaExRDHa |                     | Arnold         | Schwarzenegger | 2014-03-29 18:38:39.998522 | 2014-03-27 18:59:56        | $2y$10$5S3KaI6PPHnySECVRwRcferQdiJZP6QgX5adxK7z/WPlxP386HW0e |           |             |           | 31        | 10          |            |              |                  |                   |                 |                   |                 |                 |
| 40 | clint@eastwood.com           |             |           |                                            |                     |                     |                                                              |                     | Clint          | Eastwood       | 2014-03-29 18:38:39.998522 | 2014-03-29 18:26:17.402382 |                                                              |           |             |           |           |             |            |              |                  |                   |                 |                   |                 |                 |
| 41 | paul@newman.com              |             |           |                                            |                     |                     |                                                              |                     | Paul           | Newman         | 2014-03-29 18:38:39.998522 | 2014-03-29 18:32:22.489968 |                                                              |           |             |           |           |             |            |              |                  |                   |                 |                   |                 |                 |


When passing arguments to scripts Linux based systems may remove quotes and misunderstand your parentheses in queries, you if you need to use them you'll have to double quote it:

a insert "into users (email, first_name, last_name, created_at, updated_at) values ('clint@eastwood.com', 'Clint', 'Eastwood', 'NOW', 'NOW')"

or just the parts that have them:

a insert into users "(email, first_name, last_name, created_at, updated_at)" values "('clint@eastwood.com', 'Clint', 'Eastwood', 'NOW', 'NOW')"

But you can also escape them with \

a update users set created_at = \'NOW\'

Command Line Completion

All SQL commands, connections, tables names and columns are present in completion, just use TAB to complete your commands.



  • Laravel 4.1+ / Laravel 5+


Require the package using Composer:

composer require pragmarx/sqli

Add the service provider to your app/config/app.php:



Antonio Carlos Ribeiro


sqli is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License - see the LICENSE file for details


Pull requests and issues are more than welcome.

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