3944 Repositories
PHP php-array-lib Libraries
A privacy respecting free as in freedom meta search engine for Google and popular torrent sites
A privacy respecting free as in freedom meta search engine for Google and popular torrent sites
Provides Engagespot integration for Symfony Notifier.
Provides Engagespot integration for Symfony Notifier.
A Blade component to quickly login to your local environment
Quickly login to your local environment When developing an app that has an admin section (or any non-public section), you'll likely seed test users to
Cecil is a CLI application that merges plain text files (written in Markdown), images and Twig templates to generate a static website.
Cecil is a CLI application that merges plain text files (written in Markdown), images and Twig templates to generate a static website.
A simple PHP project to make API requests on your cPanel installation
A simple PHP project to make API requests on your cPanel installation. This allows you to call modules inside the installation and interact with them to add, show or list data such as domains, e-mail accounts, databases and so on.
NamelessMC is a free, easy to use & powerful website software for your Minecraft server, which includes a large range of features.
NamelessMC is a free, easy to use & powerful website software for your Minecraft server, which includes a large range of features
Strings Package provide a fluent, object-oriented interface for working with multibyte string
Strings Package provide a fluent, object-oriented interface for working with multibyte string, allowing you to chain multiple string operations together using a more readable syntax compared to traditional PHP strings functions.
FyreValidation is a free, open-source validation library for PHP.
FyreValidation FyreValidation is a free, validation library for PHP. Table Of Contents Installation Validators Rules Error Messages Installation Using
A high-performance event loop library for PHP
🐇 A high-performance event loop library for PHP 🐇
pH7CMS Internationalization package.
🎌 pH7CMS Internationalization (I18N) package 🙊 Get new languages for your pH7CMS website!
Redis Object Cache for WordPress
A persistent object cache backend for WordPress powered by Redis. Supports Predis, PhpRedis, Relay, Credis, HHVM, replication and clustering.
Official PHP library for IPinfo (IP geolocation and other types of IP data)
This is the official PHP client library for the IPinfo.io IP address API, allowing you to lookup your own IP address,
PHP package that provides functions for calculating mathematical statistics of numeric data.
Statistics PHP package PHP package that provides functions for calculating mathematical statistics of numeric data. In this package I'm collecting som
Audit your PHP version for known CVEs and patches
PHP Version Audit PHP Version Audit is a convenience tool to easily check a given PHP version against a regularly updated list of CVE exploits, new re
QuidPHP/Main is a PHP library that provides a set of base objects and collections that can be extended to build something more specific.
QuidPHP/Main is a PHP library that provides a set of base objects and collections that can be extended to build something more specific. It is part of the QuidPHP package and can also be used standalone.
Adds phone number functionality to TYPO3 based on the PHP port of Google's libphonenumber API by giggsey
TYPO3 Phone Adds phone number functionality to TYPO3 based on the PHP port of Google's libphonenumber API by giggsey. Installation composer require si
Disable direct access to your sites /wp-login.php script, plus user notifications based on actions.
WordPress Login Locker Disable direct access to your sites /wp-login.php script plus user notifications based on actions. Package Installation (via Co
A command line code generator for Drupal
Drupal Code Generator A command line code generator for Drupal.
Monitor your Laravel application performance with New Relic
Laravel New Relic This package makes it simple to set up and monitor your Laravel application with New Relic APM. New Relic provides some excellent lo
Optimize images in your Laravel app
Optimize images in your Laravel app This package is the Laravel 6.0 and up specific integration of spatie/image-optimizer. It can optimize PNGs, JPGs,
A PHP class which allows the decoding and encoding of a wider variety of characters compared to the standard htmlentities and html_entity_decode functions.
The ability to encode and decode a certain set of characters called 'Html Entities' has existed since PHP4. Amongst the vast number of functions built into PHP, there are 4 nearly identical functions that are used to encode and decode html entities; despite their similarities, however, 2 of them do provide additional capabilities not available to the others.
Lightning Fast, Minimalist PHP User Agent String Parser.
Lightning Fast, Minimalist PHP User Agent String Parser.
A simplified SMPP client lib for sending or receiving smses through SMPP v3.4.
PHP-based SMPP client lib This is a simplified SMPP client lib for sending or receiving smses through SMPP v3.4. In addition to the client, this lib a
Extension for PHPStan to allow analysis of Drupal code.
phpstan-drupal Extension for PHPStan to allow analysis of Drupal code. Sponsors Would you like to sponsor? Usage When you are using phpstan/extension-
Easy way to upload Laravel model related files from the request.
Easy way to upload laravel model related file from the requset.
Doctrine2 behavioral extensions
SonataDoctrineExtensions Doctrine2 behavioral extensions Branch Github Actions Code Coverage 1.x 2.x Support For general support and questions, please
A Redis-backed PHP session handler with optimistic locking
php-redis-session-abstract A Redis-based session handler with optimistic locking. Features: When a session's data size exceeds the compression thresho
A simple library for managing database connections, results pagination and building queries in PHP
PHP lions-software-database-manager This is a simple library for managing database connections, results pagination and building queries in PHP. Esta é
e107 Bootstrap CMS (Content Management System) v2 with PHP, MySQL, HTML5, jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap
e107 is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) which allows you to manage and publish your content online with ease. Developers can save time in building websites and powerful online applications. Users can avoid programming completely! Blogs, websites, intranets – e107 does it all.
This extension links MediaWiki to phpBB's user table for authentication, and disallows the creation of new accounts in MediaWiki.
This extension links MediaWiki to phpBB's user table for authentication, and disallows the creation of new accounts in MediaWiki. Users must then log in to the wiki with their phpBB account.
The PHP Practitioner
The PHP Practitioner
QuidPHP/Core is a PHP library that provides an extendable platform to create dynamic applications
QuidPHP/Core About QuidPHP/Core is a PHP library that provides an extendable platform to create dynamic applications. It is part of the QuidPHP packag
The Official Vultr API PHP Wrapper
WIP - This is not the final API Client. Unstable release use with caution. Vultr API PHP Client. Getting Started Must have a PSR7, PSR17, and PSR18 Co
OneSignal PHP SDK
OneSignal SDK for PHP developers with fluent API and supports Laravel / Lumen out of the box.
The next-generation caching layer for PHP
The next-generation caching layer for PHP
PHP MVC Framework
You can select version on branch list. cmd composer install 0.1. Z Framework (V2.0.0) 0.2. Easiest, fastest PHP framework. (Simple) 0.3. Document 1.
AcLog is a simple, zero-dependency PHP package to log activity to files
AcLog is a simple, zero-dependency PHP package to log activity to files. This is not meant for logging errors, this is can be used for logging c
Build XML based USSD menus.
Instead of having tonnes of nested, complex PHP files, this package give you the ability to construct your menus in XML and execute them as though they were plain PHP files.
Laravel mercado pago es un paquete que te ayuda a implementar el sdk de mercado pago para php en laravel
Introducción Laravel mercado pago es un paquete que te ayuda a implementar el sdk de mercado pago para php en laravel. 💻 Instalación Para instalar ut
Turkpin API With this package, you can create an epin order and deliver it to your customers
Turkpin API Package Turkpin API With this package, you can create an epin order and deliver it to your customers. Official Documentation Installation
A feed parser to normalise typical feed data into Atom-like constructs.
PHP5 Feed parser and normaliser A feed parser to normalise typical feed data into Atom-like constructs. This parser supports / will support: RSS 2.0 p
A complete open source hotel management system built with Laravel Framework.
Hotelio : Hotel Management System Hotelio is a open source hotel management system that manages your hotel operations, smoothly, effortless. Hotelio i
A PocketMine-MP plugin that allows you to comfortably register events using a new piece of PHP 8 power — attributes.
AdvancedEvents This is a PocketMine-MP plugin that allows you to comfortably register events using a new piece of PHP 8 power — attributes. Inspired b
Inventory and Sales System of Biosys Medical Trading
Inventory and Sales System of Biosys Medical Trading This system will provide an organize and up to date inventory to the company. This will allow the
Hierarchical Rol-Permission Based Laravel Auth Package with Limitless Hierarchical Level of Organizations
AAuth for Laravel Hierarchical Rol-Permission Based Laravel Auth Package with Limitless Hierarchical Level of Organizations Features Organization Base
Alpine MySql PHP Tailwind - Codeigniter 4 & Smarty
AMPT-CI Alpine MySql PHP Tailwind - Codeigniter 4 & Smarty What is CodeIgniter? CodeIgniter is a PHP full-stack web framework that is light, fast, fle
Brings localization feature to tightenco/jigsaw using JSON files
Jigsaw localization Brings localization feature to tightenco/jigsaw using JSON files. Get started Setup Bring jigsaw-localization to your Jigsaw proje
Laravel Seeable - Keep track of the date and time a user was last seen.
Laravel Seeable This package makes it easy to keep track of the date and time a user was last seen. Installation Install this package. composer requir
A template abstraction prototype for PHP template engines
Schranz Templating A template abstraction prototype for PHP template engines. This project should help to find a way for a general Template Render Int
PHPStan extension for sealed classes and interfaces.
Sealed classes with PHPStan This extension adds support for sealed classes and interfaces to PHPStan. Installation To use this extension, require it v
OVHcloud APIs lightweight PHP wrapper
Lightweight PHP wrapper for OVHcloud APIs - The easiest way to use OVHcloud APIs in your PHP applications - Compatible with PHP 7.4, 8.0, 8.1 - Not affiliated with OVHcloud
A QR Code generator for PHP7.4+
chillerlan/php-qrcode A PHP 7.4+ QR Code library based on the implementation by Kazuhiko Arase, namespaced, cleaned up, improved and other stuff. Docu
Opinionated version of Wikimedia composer-merge-plugin to work in pair with Bamarni composer-bin-plugin.
Composer Inheritance Plugin Opinionated version of Wikimedia composer-merge-plugin to work in pair with bamarni/composer-bin-plugin. Usage If you are
Composer plugin for applying patches from packaged patchsets
Composer Plugin For Applying Patchsets ‼️ NEW Supports both composer branches v1.x and v2.x. This plugin can automatically apply patches to any depend
Comprehensive Plugin for composer to execute PHP Quality assurance Tools
NOT MAINTANED ANYMORE The development of composer-plugin-qa was dropped in favor of phpqa which is actively maintained. The project use docker and can
Laravel Pint is an opinionated PHP code style fixer for minimalists.
Laravel Pint is an opinionated PHP code style fixer for minimalists. Pint is built on top of PHP-CS-Fixer and makes it simple to ensure that your code style stays clean and consistent.
A collection of standards as PHP Enums: ISO3166, ISO4217, ISO639...
Standards A collection of standards as PHP Enums Setup Make sure you are running PHP 8.1 or higher to use this package To start right away, run the fo
Apliquei os conceitos de Generators e Fibers separadamente para ler um arquivo de 120MB sem consumir toda a memória
Big File Challenge Este desafio foi proposto pelo Zanfranceschi Você pode ver a proposta do desafio aqui ou então pelo Twitter Para a implementação da
This package aims to help you standardize all your API responses in a simple and structured way.
Laravel API Response This package aims to help you standardize all your API responses in a simple and structured way. By default, the stucture of the
This package is the official Laravel integration for Pirsch Analytics
Laravel Pirsch This package is the official Laravel integration for Pirsch Analytics. Installation Install this package. composer require pirsch-analy
Laravel Model File Uploader package
Laravel Model File Uploader package Easy way to upload laravel model related file from the requset. Install (Via Composer) composer require plusemon/u
ShurjoPay payment gateway integration for PHP applications.
ShurjoPay PHP Library Using this library you can integrate ShurjoPay payment gateway into your PHP applications. If you face any problem then create i
A PHP SDK for the ScreenshotOne.com API to take screenshots of any URL
phpsdk An official Screenshot API client for PHP. It takes minutes to start taking screenshots. Just sign up to get access and secret keys, import the
Create a PHP 8 CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) RESTful API with an MySQL database.
Créer une API RESTful PHP 8 CRUD (Create, Read, Update , Delete) simple avec MySQL et PDO (PHP Data Objects) Détails du référentiel : Lire, insérer, m
Modularize your laravel app in a package way.
Laravel Modular Pustaka laravel untuk modularisasi kode secara rapi dan mudah di maintain. Instalasi $ composer require kodepandai/laravel-modular Set
Component bundles with symfony (php)
Component bundles with symfony (php)
KTMB (Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad) Station Schedule Checker in PHP via MyRailTime 2.0's API
KTM Station Schedule Checker & Journey Planner in Web Form (PHP) KTMB (Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad) Station Schedule Checker & Journey Planner in Web
A server software for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition in PHP
A server software for Minecraft: BE. This is a SPOON of PocketMine-MP Getting started Documentation Installation instructions Docker image Plugin repo
🙈 Code style configuration for `php-cs-fixer` based on PSR-12.
php-code-style Code style configuration for friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer based on PSR-12. Installation Step 1 of 3 Install gomzyakov/php-code-style via c
AES 128 bit Encryption and Decryption algorithm excuted purely on PHP with no external libraries.
AES128 Executed with PHP Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a specification for the encryption of electronic data established by the U.S National I
A Native PHP MVC With Auth. If you will build your own PHP project in MVC with router and Auth, you can clone this ready to use MVC pattern repo.
If you will build your own PHP project in MVC with router and Auth, you can clone this ready to use MVC pattern repo. Auth system is implemented. Works with bootstrap 5. Composer with autoload are implemented too for future composer require.
A virion for PocketMine-MP to create and manage fake blocks
🧊 fakeblocks Create and manage fakeblocks Description: A virion for PocketMine-MP to create and manage fake blocks. This virion indicates to the clie
This is a Native PHP MVC. If you will build your own PHP project in MVC with router, you can clone this ready to use MVC pattern repo.
Welcome to PHP-Native-MVC-Pattern 👋 If you will build your own PHP project in MVC with router, you can clone this ready to use MVC pattern repo. Work
A PHP Library To Make Your Work Work Easier/Faster
This Is A Php Library To Make Your Work Easier/Faster,
Detect the position of a face in an image.
Face Detector PHP GD 를 이용해 이미지의 얼굴 위치를 식별합니다. mauricesvay/php-facedetection 프로젝트를 기반으로 만들었습니다. js 로 포팅하며 개선한 사항들을 적용하여 error_reporting = E_ALL safe 하게
Victor The Cleaner for Composer - This tool removes unnecessary files and directories from Composer vendor directory.
Victor The Cleaner for Composer This tool removes unnecessary files and directories from Composer vendor directory. The Cleaner leaves only directorie
StringBuffer is a PHP class providing operations for efficient string buffering
StringBuffer is a PHP class providing operations for efficient string buffering
Simple MySQL library for PHP 5.4+ includes Query Builder, PDO Native functions, Helper functions for quick use.
Simple MySQL library for PHP 5.4+ includes Query Builder, PDO Native functions, Helper functions for quick use.
A high-performance license server system service for creating and managing products, major versions, and software licenses for the purpose of selling installable software products.
A high-performance license server system service for creating and managing products, major versions, and software licenses for the purpose of selling installable software products. Comes with a SDK and command-line tool. Works anywhere that PHP runs.
Collection of PHP functions, mini classes and snippets for everyday developer's routine life
JBZoo / Utils Collection of PHP functions, mini classes and snippets for everyday developer's routine life. Install composer require jbzoo/utils Usage
Toxiproxy PHP Client - Toxiproxy makes it easy and trivial to test network conditions, for example low-bandwidth and high-latency situations
Toxiproxy makes it easy and trivial to test network conditions, for example low-bandwidth and high-latency situations. toxiproxy-php-client includes everything needed to get started with configuring Toxiproxy upstream connection and listen endpoints.
PHP tool to scan ADOdb code for SQL Injections
PHP-Reaper PHP tool to scan ADOdb code for SQL Injections Why The main idea is to be able to detect problems as early as possible, when the code is fr
LINE strategy for Opauth, Opauth is a multi-provider authentication framework for PHP.
Opauth-LINE Opauth strategy for LINE. Implemented based on https://developers.line.me/web-api/integrating-web-login-v2 using OAuth 2.0. Opauth is a mu
A demo application for running an OAuth2 server
OAuth2 Demo PHP This application is designed to demo the workflow between OAuth2.0 Clients and Servers. If this is your first time here, try experimen
Test requests in Laravel without all the boilerplate.
Request Factories Test requests in Laravel without all the boilerplate. 💡 Psst. Although our examples use Pest PHP, this works just as well in PHPUni
True coroutines for PHP=8.1 without worrying about event loops and callbacks.
Moebius Pure coroutines for PHP 8.1. No promises and callbacks needed. Just pure parallel PHP code inside coroutines. Moebius Band: A loop with only o
The official SingleStore Laravel driver.
SingleStore Driver for Laravel This repository contains a SingleStore Driver for Laravel. This package is currently in a pre-release beta, please use
Jin microservices is a complete microservice demo based on PHP language + hyperf microservices framework
介绍 Jin-microservices是基于 php 语言 + hyperf 微服务 框架的完整微服务demo。 github:https://github.com/Double-Jin/jin-microservices gitee:https://gitee.com/ljj96/jin-mic
An example chat app to illustrate the usage of kitar/laravel-dynamodb.
Simplechat An example chat app to illustrate the usage of kitar/laravel-dynamodb. Demo https://demo.simplechat.app/ This demo app is deployed with Lar
Authenticate users with fingerprints, patterns and biometric data.
WebAuthn Authenticate users with fingerprints, patterns and biometric data. use Laragear\WebAuthn\Http\Requests\AssertedRequest; public function logi
Attributes to define PHP language extensions (to be enforced by static analysis)
PHP Language Extensions (currently in BETA) This library provides attributes for extending the PHP language (e.g. adding package visibility). The inte
Utilities to scan PHP code and generate class maps.
composer/class-map-generator Utilities to generate class maps and scan PHP code. Installation Install the latest version with: $ composer require comp
HydePHP - Elegant and Powerful Static App Builder
HydePHP - Elegant and Powerful Static App Builder Make static websites, blogs, and documentation pages with the tools you already know and love. About
Official PHP library for the DeepL language translation API.
deepl-php Official PHP client library for the DeepL API. The DeepL API is a language translation API that allows other computer programs to send texts
Nova Search is an open source search engine developed by the Artado Project.
Loli Search Loli Search açık kaynak kodlu bir arama motorudur ve yalnızca kendi sonuçlarını değil, diğer arama motorlarının sonuçlarını da göstermekte
Dockerise Symfony Application (Symfony 6 + Clean Architecture+ DDD+ CQRS + Docker + Xdebug + PHPUnit + Doctrine ORM + JWT Auth + Static analysis)
Symfony Dockerise Symfony Application Install Docker Install Docker Compose Docker PHP & Nginx Create Symfony Application Debugging Install Xdebug Con
A Real time chat app made in Next.js, Laravel and Ably.
Chat App with Next.js, Laravel and Ably This repository serves as a code container for the tutorial I wrote on Ably's Blog. Blog link will be updated
A PHP-based job scheduler
Crunz Install a cron job once and for all, manage the rest from the code. Crunz is a framework-agnostic package to schedule periodic tasks (cron jobs)
PHP Curl - This package can send HTTP requests to a given site using Curl.
PHP Curl This package can send HTTP requests to a given site using Curl. It provides functions that can take several types of parameters to configure
Binance Connector PHP - a thin library that working as a connector to the Binance public API
Binance Connector PHP This is a thin library that working as a connector to the Binance public API. Installation composer require binance/binance-conn