Build XML based USSD menus.


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Build USSD menus with ease.

Instead of having tonnes of nested, complex PHP files, this package give you the ability to construct your menus in XML and execute them as though they were plain PHP files.

This approach greatly shrinks the code footprint as well as increase readability.

Let's see an example for a simple would be SACCO USSD application.

xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<menu name="sacco">
    <action name="check-user"/>
    <options header="SACCO Services" noback="no">
        <option text="Savings">
            <list header="Saving Accounts" provider="saving-accounts" prefix="account"/>
            <options header="Savings">
                <option text="Deposit">
                    <options header="Deposit From:">
                        <option text="My Number">
                            <variable name="sender" value="{{phone_number}}"/>
                        <option text="Another Number">
                            <question name="sender" text="Enter Phone Number: "/>
                    <question name="amount" text="Enter Amount: "/>
                    <action name="deposit"/>
                <option text="Withdraw">
                    <options header="Withdraw To:">
                        <option text="My Number">
                            <variable name="receiver" value="{{phone_number}}"/>
                        <option text="Another Number">
                            <question name="receiver" text="Enter Phone Number: "/>
                    <question name="amount" text="Enter Amount: "/>
                    <action name="withdraw"/>
                <option text="Check Balance">
                    <action name="check-balance" text="To see your balance, enter PIN: "/>
                <option text="Check Transaction">
                    <question name="transaction_id" text="Enter Transaction ID: "/>
                    <action name="check-transaction"/>
        <option text="Loans">
            <response text="Coming soon."/>


Install the package via the Composer.

composer require bmatovu/laravel-ussd


php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Bmatovu\Ussd\UssdServiceProvider" --tag="config"




xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<menu name="demo">
    <question name="guest" text="Enter Name: "/>
    <response text="Hello {{guest}}."/>
use Bmatovu\Ussd\Ussd;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Http\Response;

 * @see
class UssdController extends Controller
    public function __invoke(Request $request): Response
        try {
            $ussd = new Ussd('menu.xml', $request->session_id);

            $output = $ussd->handle($request->text);
        } catch(\Exception $ex) {
            return response('END ' . $ex->getMessage());

        return response('CON ' . $output);


Publish the menu schema (optional). Defaults to using the schema bundled within the package if none is present in your menus path, usually menus/menu.xsd.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Bmatovu\Ussd\UssdServiceProvider" --tag="schema"

Validate your menu files against the schema

php artisan ussd:validate


The package comes with a CLI USSD simulator supporting a handful of populator aggregators.

Publish the simulator config file to get started. Update the aggregator and the USSD service endpoint in the config file.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Bmatovu\Ussd\UssdServiceProvider" --tag="simulator"


./vendor/bin/ussd --help
./vendor/bin/ussd 256772100103

If you're an aggregator missing from the current list reachout to have you added. Or simply send a pull request



$color = 'blue';
<variable name="color" value="blue"/>

Note: This tag has no output


$username = readline('Enter username: ');
<question name="username" text="Enter username: "/>


exit('Thank you for banking with us.');
<response text="Thank you for banking with us."/>

Note: this tag throws an exception to mark a break in the normal flow.


Options are like named grouped if, else-if statements that allow a user to navigate to a predefined path.

$choice = readline('Choose gender [1. Male, 2. Female]: ');

if($choice === 1) {
    // do male stuff
} elseif($choice === 2) {
    // Do female stuff
<options header="Choose gender">
    <option text="Male">
    <option text="Female">

Disable backward navigation

By default 0) Back option will be added to the options rendered. Use the attribute noback to this able this behavior.

This behavior may only be used for nested tags.

<options header="Choose gender" noback="no">


Can container any other tags inclusive of the IF tag itself.

if($gender == 'male') {
    // ...
<if key="gender" value="male">


This construct should cover for if-else, if-elseif-else, and the native switch.

Example #1

if($gender == 'male') {
    // ...
} else {
    // ...
    <when key="gender" value="male">

Example #2

if($gender == 'male') {
    // ...
} elseif($gender == 'female') {
    // ...
} else {

    <when key="gender" value="male">
    <when key="gender" value="female">

Example #3

switch ($gender) {
    case "male":
        // ...
    case "female":
        // ...
        // ...
    <when key="gender" value="male">
    <when key="gender" value="female">


The action tag gives you the ability to perform more customized operations.

$userInfo = \App\Ussd\Actions\GetUserInfoAction('256732000000');

<action name="get-user-info"/>

<action name="get-user-info" msisdn="256732000000"/>

<action name="get-user-info" msisdn="{{msisdn}}"/>

Note: Actions behave just like the normal tag i.e they can take input from a user or cache, and may or may not return output.


List are showing dynamic items. E.g: user accounts fetched on demand.

Provider is the class providing the list of items. Each item must container an id and a label.

$listItems = (new \App\Ussd\Providers\SavingAccountsProvider)->load();

        'id' => 4364852, // account_id 
        'label' => '01085475262', // account_number
<list header="Saving Accounts" provider="saving-accounts" prefix="account"/>



This package persists USSD session data in cache. Each key is prefixed with the session_id and it automatically expires after the configured ttl.

Accessing variables

$this->store->get('color'); // blue Cache::store($driver)->get("{$sessionId}color"); // blue">
color" value="blue"/>

$this->store->get('color'); // blue

Cache::store($driver)->get("{$sessionId}color"); // blue

Reusing existing variables

<variable name="msg" value="Bye bye."/>

<response text="{{msg}}"/> 

Manual injection

$this->store->put('color', 'pink');


Save default variables

Example for saving any variable from the incoming USSD request.

(new Ussd($menu, $request->session_id))
    // ->save($request->all())
        'phone_number' => $request->phone_number,
        'network_code' => $request->network_code,

Use custom menu entry point

By default the parsing starts at the 1st element in you menu file, i.e /menu/*[1].

If you wish to start from a different point or using a custom menu file structure. Here's how to go about it...

(new Ussd($menu, $request->session_id))

See: xpath playground


You can extend the USSD simulator with your aggregator of choice by simply registering it in the simulator config file.

The provider class should implement Bmatovu\Ussd\Contracts\Aggregator.


+     "aggregator": "hubtel",
      "aggregators": {
+         "hubtel": {
+             "provider": "App\\Ussd\\Simulator\\Hubtel",
+             "uri": "http://localhost:8000/api/ussd/hubtel",
+             "service_code": "*123#"
+         }


Why use XML 🥴 and not JSON ☺️ ?

Compare the snippets below...

<menu name="demo">
    <question name="guest" text="Enter Name: "/>
    <response text="Hello {{guest}}."/>
    "@name": "demo",
    "question": {
        "@name": "guest",
        "@text": "Enter Name:"
    "response": {
        "@text": "Hello {{guest}}."

XML is more suited for writing programming language like constructs. It's very easy to validate XML schemas. XML is also more compact and readable 🥰 .


To run the package's unit tests, run the following command:

composer test


If you find any security related issues, please contact me directly at to report it.


If you wish to make any changes or improvements to the package, feel free to make a pull request.

Note: A contribution guide will be added soon.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License file for more information.

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