Navigator is a package to create headless navigation menus for use in Laravel applications

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Laravel navigator



Navigator is a package to create headless navigation menus for use in Laravel applications:

// In a Service Provider

Nav::define(fn ($user) => [

// In a view

@foreach(navitems() as $item)

// Or as json...


This is a headless package so you are completely free to style as you see fit.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require nedwors/navigator


Select a Service Provider - or perhaps make a dedicated one - and pop the following in:

Nav::define(fn () => [

Et voila! You now have a menu ready to use. You can retrieve the items as follows:


// or


Now, you'll probably want more than just a dashboard link - then again maybe not, it's your app! - but hopefully you can see how easy it is to get up and running.

Let's dig further into the features available to you:


The package consists of two main features - each Nav and the Items within. We will explore the Item and then the Nav.

It's worth noting at this point that Item extends Illuminate\Support\Fluent to allow for custom methods/properties on a per project basis. Also, Nav is macroable to allow for custom functionality in your projects.




A new Item is created using the Nav::item() method. This method receives the name of the Item:


$item->name // Dashboard

The name is passed into the Laravel __() lang helper before outputting.


The url is defined and retrieved as follows:


$item->url // /dashboard

The for() method can also be used to construct Laravel routes:

Nav::item('Dashboard')->for('', $customer)

The url is not required for an item to function. By default, all items have a null url.


A reference to an icon in your app can be defined and retrieved as follows:



You may want to use the awesome Blade Heroicons package which itself uses the awesome Heroicons icon set. They can be defined as follows - perhaps to use with a dynamic component:



You can define conditionals to determine if the given Item should be displayed or not:



They can also be composed:


When your nav items are loaded, any falsey Items are filtered out by default.

This behaviour can be modified if desired

Determining Active Status

A basic need of any menu item is to determine if it is active or not. To do so, simply access the active property:

@if ($item->active)

By default, an Item will return true if the current URL matches its URL. You can configure this behaviour

Sub Items

Creating sub items for any given item is simple - just define as so:


There's no limit to the number of sub menus you can have, and sub menus themselves can have sub menus. It's probably rare that would be needed, but the power is there if needed. Also, generators can be passed as the sub menu:

Nav::item('Billing')->subItems(fn () => yield from [
    // Sub Items here...

To learn more, see the define section.

A common need with sub menus is determing if any of the sub items are active, perhaps to expand the drop down list of the parent Item. Rather than looping through each decendant and determining if it is active or not, you can call hasActiveDecendants:

@if ($item->hasActiveDecendants)

This will return true regardless of nesting - even for grandchildren or great-great-greatgrandchildren (you get the idea). If one of a parent's decendants are active, even though hasActiveDecendants will return true, active will not. This only applies to the Item is accessed on.


Now we've seen how to make some Items, we need to actually make a menu! At its simplest, we can define a menu and retrieve a menu. But we also have control over advanced functions such as filtering. Let's start by making a menu:


To create a menu, use the define method:

Nav::define(fn () => [
    // Items go here...

As you can see, the define method should be passed a closure that returns an iterable. Under the hood, the Items are held as a LazyCollection to aid performance. As such, a generator can be returned instead of a plain array:

Nav::define(fn () => yield from [
    // Items go here...

This probably won't be needed on most projects, but the power is there if needed.

The closure that you pass to define receives both auth()->user() and app() for convenience - think for conditionals:

Nav::define(fn (?Authenticable $user, Application $app) => [
    // Items go here...

How about multiple menus? No problem, just pass the menu name as the second argument to each menu definition:

Nav::define(fn () => [
    // Items go here...
], 'admin');


Now we've defined the menus, we need to output them in our views! This can be acheived by:


// or


Both these return a LazyCollection of the menu Items. If you need access to a specific menu, this can be passed as an argument:


// or


You will want to add an alias to your app.php config file to use Nav::items() without the full namespace


Nav items can also be retrieved as their json representation:


Just like Nav::items(), if you need access to a specific menu, this can be passed as an argument:



All those conditionals you set up need to do something right? Well, by default all Items that are not truthy because of their conditionals will be filtered out. If you would like to control what should be filtered out, use the filter method. This method accepts a Closure with the same structure as a Collection filter:

Nav::filter(fn (Item $item) => ...)

You can also define filters for multiple menus:

Nav::filter(fn (Item $item) => ..., 'app')
Nav::filter(fn (Item $item) => ..., 'admin')

All filters are applied to all sub items of the given menu too.

You probably won't need to use this functionality, but it's there if needed.

Active When

By default, Items active property will be true when the current url is the Item's url. This applies whether you defined the Item using a named route or a url. If you would like to override what constitutes an Item as being active, you cna use the activeWhen method. This should be passed a Closure that receives an Item:

Nav::activeWhen(fn (Item $item) => ...)

This may be useful for use cases outside the realms of traditional routing. Like `filter', this can be defined per menu:

Nav::activeWhen(fn (Item $item) => ..., 'app')
Nav::activeWhen(fn (Item $item) => ..., 'admin')

The active check will be used for all sub menus within the menu too.


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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  • L9


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