The PHP Practitioner


The PHP Practitioner

Step 3: Variables

  • commands operations end with ;
  • variables start with $
    • $var
  • period . is used for concatenation
    • echo 'Hello ,' . $var;
  • double quotes for printing the variable in a string
    • echo "Hello , $var";
  • curly braces can be used for better readability
    • echo "Hello, {$var}";

Step 4: PHP and HTML

  • a file with 100% php has no php closing tag ?>
  • $_GET['var'] gets the value of a key value pair in the url
    • with url http://localhost:8888?var=foo , $_GET['var'] will return foo
  • htmlspecialchars(); Convert special characters to HTML entities
    • useful for making sure no html is parsed in $_GET , aka sanitize
  • use as a shorthand for
  • end css statements with ;
  • comment out html with

Step 5: Separate Logic From Presentation

  • require loads an external php file
    • allows separation of logic and rendering

Step 6: Understanding Arrays

  • $myArray[] defines an empty array

  • assign values

  • loop over array

     foreach($myArray, as $item){
      // do stuff 
    • or
     foreach($myArray,as $item) : ?>
    // do stuff
     endforeach; ?>

Step 7: Associative Arrays

  • key value pairs use arrow =>
    • $myArray['key'=>'value]
  • add key/value to existing array $myArray['newKey']='newValue'
  • add value to non associative array myArray[]='newValue'
  • remove key/value unset(myArray['key'])
  • dump variable info with var_dump($myVar)
  • die('message') stops execution
    • e.g. die(var_dump($myVar))

Step 8: Booleans

  • boolean values true / false
    • e.g. $completed = true;
  • ternary operator $condition ? 'do this when true' : 'do this when false';
  • ucwords('uppercase the first character of each word in a string')

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