php-echarts is a php library for the echarts 5.0.



一款支持Apache EChart5.0+图表的php开发库 优先ThinkPHP5/6的开发及测试。

Apache EChart5.0已经最新发布,在视觉效果、动画效果和大数据展示方面已经远超之前的版本; 故不考虑EChart5.0之前版本的兼容问题;建议直接尝试5.0+


第一个EChart5.0 demo

ThinkPHP5/6 示例

use beyong\echarts\ECharts;
use beyong\echarts\options\YAxis;
use beyong\echarts\Option;
use beyong\echarts\charts\Bar;

$echarts = ECharts::init("#myChart");

$option = new Option();
$option->title(['text' => 'ECharts 入门示例']);
$option->xAxis(["data" => ['衬衫', '羊毛衫', '雪纺衫', '裤子', '高跟鞋', '袜子']]);

$chart = new Bar();
$chart->data = [5, 20, 36, 10, 10, 20];


$content = $echarts->render();
echo $content;


使用 Composer 安装 (强烈推荐):

支持 psr-4 规范, 开箱即用

composer require youyiio/php-echarts

github下载 或 直接手动下载源码:



git clone php-echarts



require_once '/path/to/php-echarts/src/autoload.php;

示例 - Line

$echarts = ECharts::init("#myChart");

$option = new Option();
$option->title(['text' => 'ECharts 入门示例']);
$option->xAxis(["data" => ['衬衫', '羊毛衫', '雪纺衫', '裤子', '高跟鞋', '袜子']]);

$chart = new Line();
$chart["data"] = [5, 20, 36, 10, 10, 20];


$content = $echarts->render();
echo $content;

示例 - Bar

$echarts = ECharts::init("#myChart");

$option = new Option();
$option->title(['text' => 'ECharts 入门示例']);
$option->xAxis(["data" => ['衬衫', '羊毛衫', '雪纺衫', '裤子', '高跟鞋', '袜子']]);
$option->legend(["data" => ['销量']]); //显示指定的series的标记,对应chart->name

$chart = new Bar();
$chart->name = '销量';
$chart->data = [5, 20, 36, 10, 10, 20];


$content = $echarts->render();
echo $content;


如果有遇到问题请提交 issues


Apache 2.0

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