A framework agnostic PHP library to build chat bots



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About BotMan

BotMan is a framework agnostic PHP library that is designed to simplify the task of developing innovative bots for multiple messaging platforms, including Slack, Telegram, Microsoft Bot Framework, Nexmo, HipChat, Facebook Messenger and WeChat.

$botman->hears('I want cross-platform bots with PHP!', function (BotMan $bot) {
    $bot->reply('Look no further!');

If you want to learn how to create reusable PHP packages yourself, take a look at my upcoming PHP Package Development video course.


You can find the BotMan documentation at https://botman.io.

Support the development

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Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

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Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within BotMan, please send an e-mail to Marcel Pociot at [email protected]. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


BotMan is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license.

  • Telegram: Conversations

    Telegram: Conversations


    I use botman in a new Laravel 5.3 application. I have tried with the laravel starter, but i couldnt get it to work. So i started with a clean install.

    As I am not very familiar with Laravel, I got it working, except the conversations. I have taken the Example conversations from the Laravel Starter.

    When I use Start Conversation, the conversation is triggered and the buttons appear in Telegram. When I click a button, nothing happens.

    Can it be something with the cache? As i can read in previous issues and documentation, when used in Laravel, caching is automatic handled?


    namespace App\Http\Controllers;
    use Illuminate\Http\Request;
    use Mpociot\BotMan\BotManFactory;
    use Mpociot\BotMan\BotMan;
    use App\Conversations\ExampleConversation;
    class BotManController extends Controller
    	public function handle(Request $request)
    		$botman = app('botman');
    		// Simple respond method
    		$botman->hears('Hello|hi|Hi', function (BotMan $bot) {
    			$bot->reply('Hi there :)');
    		$botman->hears('Start conversation', function (BotMan $bot) {
    			$bot->startConversation(new ExampleConversation());


    namespace App\Conversations;
    use Illuminate\Foundation\Inspiring;
    use Mpociot\BotMan\Answer;
    use Mpociot\BotMan\Button;
    use Mpociot\BotMan\Conversation;
    use Mpociot\BotMan\Question;
    class ExampleConversation extends Conversation
         * First question
        public function askReason()
            $question = Question::create("Huh - you woke me up. What do you need?")
                ->fallback('Unable to ask question')
                    Button::create('Tell a joke')->value('joke'),
                    Button::create('Give me a fancy quote')->value('quote'),
            return $this->ask($question, function (Answer $answer) {
                if ($answer->isInteractiveMessageReply()) {
                    if ($answer->getValue() === 'joke') {
                        $joke = json_decode(file_get_contents('http://api.icndb.com/jokes/random'));
                    } else {
         * Start the conversation
        public function run()
    opened by mrtn 46
  • BotMan property in Conversation object

    BotMan property in Conversation object

    Didn't find a better place to ask this question, maybe Botman could have it's own gitter or slack? 😃

    Conversation object now get serialized and deserialized from the cache by loadActiveConversation in BotMan while BotMan is an attribute of Conversation itself. I am not yet familiar with a code enough to propose how to avoid this circular dependency, however, BotMan should really be a singleton (which will help to avoid problems with cache and storage drivers that require connecting to some backend). One way to do might be to not serialize it via __sleep and rather inject current BotMan instance in getStoredConversation.

    Any thoughts on this?

    opened by thedotedge 29
  • Start Conversation without hears

    Start Conversation without hears

    Is there a way to start a conversation with ->hears()?

    We are wanting to have our bot ask a question every morning at a certain time, how could we go about that with a conversation?

    opened by brianclogan 26
  • Listen to other data types

    Listen to other data types

    BotMan should be able to listen for other data types, such as images, audio, location or generic attachments.

    Proposed API

    // Images
    $botman->receivesImages(function($bot) {
       $data = $bot->getMessage()->getImages();
    // Videos
    $botman->receivesVideos(function($bot) {
       $data = $bot->getMessage()->getVideos();
    // Audio
    $botman->receivesAudio(function($bot) {
       $data = $bot->getMessage()->getAudio();
    // Location
    $botman->receivesLocation(function($bot) {
       $data = $bot->getMessage()->getLocations();
    // Generic
    $botman->receivesAttachments(function($bot) {
       $data = $bot->getMessage()->getAttachments();

    Necessary Steps:


    • [X] Telegram Driver
    • [X] Slack RTM Driver
    • [X] Facebook Driver
    • [x] MS Bot Framework Driver
    • [x] WeChat Driver
    • [ ] HipChat Driver


    • [X] Telegram Driver
    • [X] Slack RTM Driver
    • [X] Facebook Driver
    • [ ] MS Bot Framework Driver
    • [x] WeChat Driver
    • [ ] HipChat Driver


    • [X] Telegram Driver
    • [X] Slack RTM Driver
    • [X] Facebook Driver ( @christophrumpel )
    • [x] WeChat Driver
    • [ ] HipChat Driver


    • [X] Telegram Driver
    • [X] Facebook Driver ( @christophrumpel )
    • [x] WeChat Driver
    • [ ] HipChat Driver


    • [X] Telegram Driver
    • [X] Slack RTM Driver
    • [X] Facebook Driver ( @christophrumpel )
    • [X] MS Bot Framework Driver
    • [ ] WeChat Driver
    • [ ] HipChat Driver

    Related issue: #169

    help wanted 
    opened by mpociot 24
  • Whatsapp Business API in botman

    Whatsapp Business API in botman

    As a Botman user developing bots for facebook messenger, I wanted to know if it is planned to add whatsapp to the Botman platform? Especially considering that the way to communicate with the api is very similar to facebook messenger.

    Here I leave the links of whatsapp Business APIs

    https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/api/webhooks https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/api/webhooks/inbound

    Thank you very much for any information.

    opened by dafner 21
  • no answer, no exception

    no answer, no exception

    I just made like in tutorial

    use Mpociot\BotMan\BotManFactory;
    use Mpociot\BotMan\BotMan;
    use Mpociot\BotMan\Storages\Drivers\FileStorage;
    $token = 'MY-TOKEN';
    $config =  [
        'facebook_token' => $token,
        'facebook_app_secret' => 'MY-SECRET',
    // $storage = new FileStorage(__DIR__);
    // create an instance
    $botman = BotManFactory::create($config);
    $botman->hears('foo', function ($bot) {
        $bot->reply('Hello World');
    // give the bot something to listen for.
    $botman->hears('.*', function (BotMan $bot) {
        $bot->reply('Hello yourself.');
    // start listening

    I see in logs...that facebook made request to my address. but no answer appear. Also didn't get anythng in error log.

    opened by adeptofvoltron 21
  • "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"?


    For PHP 7.3 :

    composer require botman/botman

    returns :

    "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"?

    Steps To Reproduce:

    opened by AdamLew 19
  • Serialization of 'Closure' is not allowed

    Serialization of 'Closure' is not allowed

    I'm using botman with laravel 5.4 when I try to run some conversation with ask function. It will result to Serialization of 'Closure' is not allowed. Example conversation:

    namespace App\Conversations;
    use Illuminate\Foundation\Inspiring;
    use Mpociot\BotMan\Answer;
    use Mpociot\BotMan\Button;
    use Mpociot\BotMan\Conversation;
    use Mpociot\BotMan\Question;
    class ReservationConversation extends Conversation
         * First question
        public function askReason()
            $question = Question::create("Ahoj, ako ti pomozem?")
                ->fallback('Unable to ask question')
                    Button::create('Tell a joke')->value('joke'),
                    Button::create('Give me a fancy quote')->value('quote'),
            return $this->ask($question, function (Answer $answer) {
         * Start the conversation
        public function run()

    When I take a look to stack trace I see that error comes from FileStore.php

    public function put($key, $value, $minutes)
            $this->ensureCacheDirectoryExists($path = $this->path($key));
                $path, $this->expiration($minutes).serialize($value), true
    opened by xar 19
  • Does not send reply

    Does not send reply

    Helo, I have set up the botman project and configured facebook messenger, i can receive messages, but the reply() method does not send a message back to the user.

    I have also tried using botman:tinker but no reply also.

    I am using a windows 10 PC

    opened by jokamjohn 18
  • botman->say()


    Hi There,

    Firstly, awesome library, what more can be said.

    I was wondering if someone has a working example of botman->say, I am new to all of this and try as I may I can not originate messages to either skype or telegram, my own ignorance I am sure. (Got everything else working, hears, replies, conversations).

    What I am trying to do is originate a message to a user, using laravel, simple get route for testing as follows:

    public function testOriginate()
    	\\ log at this point shows I get here
    	$botman = app('botman');
    	$botman->say('Hello There I have some interesting news','29:xxx',BotFrameworkDriver::class);

    switching to telegram driver and user id has no effect. No errors in the log etc. Just seems to disappear into a dark abyss.

    Would appreciate a push down the rabbit hole.

    Thanks in advance.

    opened by jacquesvn 18
  • Nothing being passed in Payload

    Nothing being passed in Payload

    For some reason, the payload that comes from Slack is empty, is that an issue with the repo, or slack?

    I followed your directions, setup a route that responds with the URL verification, that works just fine, but when I send a message to the bot, Slack sends a message with the $request variable being completely empty. Am I missing something here?

    opened by brianclogan 18
  • Add FileCache driver

    Add FileCache driver

    • Please check if the PR fulfills these requirements
    • [x] The commit message follows our guidelines
    • [x] Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
    • [ ] Docs have been added / updated (for bug fixes / features)
    • What kind of change does this PR introduce? (Bug fix, feature, docs update, ...) feature

    • What is the current behavior? (You can also link to an open issue here) None, when testing with the bot the default behavior is the ArrayCache. If you want to test conversations there is no way to do this in a simple manner. This cache driver is not to be used for production usage.

    • What is the new behavior (if this is a feature change)? Add a simple cache implementation to use for testing reasons with the bot.

    • Does this PR introduce a breaking change? (What changes might users need to make in their application due to this PR?) None.

    • Other information: When creation this cache driver a location for the json files can be specified when constructing this driver. When this PR may be excepted I will add the needed documentation :-).

    opened by prennings 0
  • Changelog for latest updates

    Changelog for latest updates

    • BotMan Version: 2.7.7

    Is it possible to tag the latest releases since 2.6.1 and most importantly get a Changelog?

    I just ran composer update on my project and it pulled 2.7.7 but I don't know if there are any breaking changes. So I'm not really confident.

    Very happy to see this package being updated thought. Keep up the good work! Thanks ;)

    opened by clementmas 0
  • Hangout Driver cant originating message (say method)

    Hangout Driver cant originating message (say method)

    BotMan Version: 2.6.1; PHP Version: 7.3; Messaging Service(s): Hangout Driver; Laravel: 5.8;


    I'm trying to originating message with say method, but it wont send any message to the recipient. I was try using email and user id, but it was return the same response of payload.

    My Code : ` $email = "users/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; // i got this from $bot->getUser()->getId() from worked conversation $message = "test";

        $config = [
            "hangouts" => [
               "token" => "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
        $botman = BotManFactory::create($config);
        $resp = $botman->say($message, $email, HangoutsDriver::class);


    response { "text": "tesfast", "cards": [ { "sections": [ { "widgets": [] } ] } ] }

    and message still wont send. please help me to find out why its not working. thank you.

    Steps To Reproduce:

    opened by tyghaykal 0
  • Master


    • Please check if the PR fulfills these requirements
    • [ ] The commit message follows our guidelines
    • [ ] Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
    • [ ] Docs have been added / updated (for bug fixes / features)
    • What kind of change does this PR introduce? (Bug fix, feature, docs update, ...)

    docs update

    • What is the current behavior? (You can also link to an open issue here)

    Many people have cant use botman because of errors with installation. After a doing the instruction from official site we understand we haven't composer. After installing composer we try php artisan serve and have a 500 error with "Wooops..."

    It's not clear how to start with botman on the clean installed Operating System On the web there are many questions about problems with errors. Fast search in the botman issues gives me this: 0 1 2

    • What is the new behavior (if this is a feature change)?

    There are many projects with "Example installation" (like nextcloud for example) I wrote a step-by-step guide to have working botman on clean Ubuntu installation

    • Does this PR introduce a breaking change? (What changes might users need to make in their application due to this PR?)

    Absolutely NO!

    • Other information:
    opened by sebaxakerhtc 0
  • ButtonTemplate not working

    ButtonTemplate not working

    • BotMan Version: 2.0.#
    • PHP Version: 7.1.33
    • Messaging Service(s): Facebook Messenger
    • Cache Driver:


    I'm trying to use ButtonTemplate but it doesn't work

    $bot->reply(ButtonTemplate::create('Hello world')
        ->addButton(ElementButton::create('button1')->type('postback')->payload('Click me!'))
    opened by edmund5 2
  • How to mock or disable Botman middleware?

    How to mock or disable Botman middleware?

    • BotMan Version: 2.6.1
    • PHP Version: 7.4
    • Messaging Service(s): Telegram
    • Cache Driver: file


    I need to skip Botman middleware in tests. The default Laravel Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\WithoutMiddleware trait doesn't disable Botman middleware in tests. I also tried to mock it but without success:

    I have a CreateUniverse Matching middleware. First I resolve it through the Service Containter:

    // botman.php
    $middleware = resolve(CreateUniverse::class);
    $botman->hears('hi', function (BotMan $bot) {

    Then I'm trying to mock it:

    // RoutesTests.php
    $middleware_double = Mockery::mock(CreateUniverse::class);
    $this->app->instance(CreateUniverse::class, $middleware_double);

    But get an error:

    Mockery\Exception\InvalidCountException: Method matching(<Any>) from Mockery_0_App_Http_Middleware_CreateUniverse should be called exactly 1 times but called 0 times.

    It looks like my mock is not applied.

    opened by chimit 0
  • 2.6.1(Sep 11, 2020)

  • 2.6.0(May 31, 2020)


    • Added missing namespace 'File' (#1105)
    • Apply fixes from StyleCI (#1107)
    • symfony/http-foundation 5.0 (#1117)
    • Allow any callable as a callback (#1102)
    • Added OutgoingMessage type to BotMan::reply() $message parameter (#1104)
    • Add tests for PHP 7.4. (#1134)
    • Update LaravelCache.php (#1028)
    • Indicate possible null values in PHPDoc @return (#1097)
    • Updated compatibility for tightenco/collect (#1063)
    • fix wit ai connection (#1131)
    • Add Select action for Slack (#1087)
    • Allow BotMan to hear from an array of commands (#855)
    • Fix type of Curl::prepareRequest() (#1059)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.4.1(Aug 9, 2018)

  • 2.4.0(Aug 8, 2018)


    • Added ability to listen for multiple events at once


    • Fixed Symfony dependency issues
    • Allow using opis/closure 3.0
    • Fix invalid conversation cache handling
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.3.3(May 2, 2018)

  • 2.3.2(Apr 16, 2018)

  • 2.3.1(Apr 3, 2018)

  • 2.3.0(Feb 20, 2018)


    • Added extras on attachment objects
    • Added support for Laravel's autowiring in the PSR-11 implementation


    • Fixed an issue with custom middleware added to specific hears commands
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.2.0(Feb 19, 2018)

  • 2.1.10(Feb 7, 2018)

  • 2.1.9(Jan 19, 2018)

  • 2.1.8(Jan 18, 2018)

  • 1.5.9(Jan 15, 2018)

  • 2.1.7(Jan 12, 2018)

  • 2.1.6(Dec 19, 2017)

  • 2.1.5(Dec 4, 2017)

  • 2.1.4(Dec 1, 2017)

  • 2.1.3(Oct 18, 2017)

  • 2.1.2(Oct 9, 2017)

  • 2.1.1(Oct 5, 2017)

  • 2.1.0(Sep 30, 2017)


    • Added ability to cache message user information (#542)
    • Added macro functionality to the Conversation method
    • Added getStoredConversationQuestion method
    • Improved Fake Driver


    • Fix incorrect 'conversation_cache_time' config path (#557)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.0.4(Sep 11, 2017)

  • 2.0.3(Sep 10, 2017)

  • 2.0.2(Sep 6, 2017)


    • Drivers can have a method called additionalDrivers to simplify manual driver loading, when not using BotMan studio.


    • Fixed matching middleware inside of conversations not receiving the manipulated $message object.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.0.1(Aug 28, 2017)


    • Added ability to originate inline conversations.
    • Moved each driver into their own repository.
    • Facebook - Added support to send file and audio attachments.
    • Telegram - Added support to send file, audio and location attachments.
    • Added Kik driver.
    • Added custom Attachment classes.
    • Added support to listen for message service events.
    • Changed the way middleware works in BotMan.
    • Added support for Slack interactive menu messages.
    • Added Facebook Referral driver.
    • Allow replying to an existing thread for Slack drivers (#327).
    • Added loadDriver method to BotMan.
    • Added ability to use BotMan with a local socket.


    • Switched from plain text to JSON responses for Slack slash commands, to allow richer message formatting.
    • Moved message matching into a separate Matcher class.


    • Removed FacebookPostbackDriver, FacebookOptinDriver and FacebookReferralDriver in favor of the new event API.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.5.8(Jul 12, 2017)



    • Allow adding of plain array buttons on Element class (#448)
    • Added Authentication to RedisStorage (#439)


    • Fixes an issue with Facebook attachment detection. (#463)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.5.7(May 30, 2017)

  • 1.5.6(May 18, 2017)

  • 1.5.5(Apr 24, 2017)

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