PHP exercises from my course at ETEC and some of my own play-around with PHP



PHP exercises from my course at ETEC and some of my own play-around with PHP

Translations: Português (BR)


Project Description Demo
aula-1-datetime Fist exercise ever, shows the current datetime and salute 🔗
tailwind-datetime A version of the first one, but with a cool card using Tailwind CSS 🔗
loja-virtual A simple and not completed web store with Bootstrap 🔗

Click on the 🔗 to see the demo


How to run the projects locally.

Using PHP Development Server

For my personal use, I think that the php CLI is the best way to start a local server.

  1. Clone this repository
  2. In the repository root directory, run:
php -S localhost:<some_port_number>
# example: php -S localhost:4002
  1. Go to http://localhost:<the_port_number>/api/<exercise_name>


In the classes at ETEC, we learn using XAMPP to run the local server.

Since I'm not using databases yet, it is not so necessary, but you can use it:

  1. Clone this repository under <xampp_dir>/htdocs/
  2. Start the Apache Server using XAMPP
  3. Go to http://localhost/etec-php-exercises/api/<exercise_name>
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