A collection of standards as PHP Enums: ISO3166, ISO4217, ISO639...




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A collection of standards as PHP Enums


Make sure you are running PHP 8.1 or higher to use this package

To start right away, run the following command in your composer project;

composer require prinsfrank/standards

Or for development only;

composer require prinsfrank/standards --dev


ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2

$valueAlpha2 = ISO3166_1_Alpha_2::from('NL');        // ISO3166_1_Alpha_2::Netherlands
$value = $valueAlpha2->value;                        // 'NL'
$valueName = $valueAlpha2->name;                     // 'Netherlands'
$valueAlpha3 = $valueAlpha2->toISO3166_1_Alpha_3();  // ISO3166_1_Alpha_3::Netherlands
$valueNumeric = $valueAlpha2->toISO3166_1_Numeric(); // ISO3166_1_Numeric::Netherlands

ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3

$valueAlpha3 = ISO3166_1_Alpha_3::from('NLD');       // ISO3166_1_Alpha_3::Netherlands
$value = $valueAlpha3->value;                        // 'NLD'
$valueName = $valueAlpha3->name;                     // 'Netherlands'
$valueAlpha2 = $valueAlpha3->toISO3166_1_Alpha_2();  // ISO3166_1_Alpha_2::Netherlands
$valueNumeric = $valueAlpha3->toISO3166_1_Numeric(); // ISO3166_1_Numeric::Netherlands

ISO 3166-1 Numeric

$valueNumeric = ISO3166_1_Numeric::from('528');       // ISO3166_1_Numeric::Netherlands
$valueNumeric = ISO3166_1_Numeric::fromInt(528);      // ISO3166_1_Numeric::Netherlands
$value = $valueNumeric->value;                        // '528'
$valueName = $valueNumeric->name;                     // 'Netherlands'
$valueAlpha2 = $valueNumeric->toISO3166_1_Alpha_2();  // ISO3166_1_Alpha_2::Netherlands
$valueAlpha3 = $valueNumeric->toISO3166_1_Alpha_3();  // ISO3166_1_Alpha_3::Netherlands


ISO 4217 Alpha-3

$valueAlpha3 = ISO4217_Alpha3::from('EUR');        // ISO4217_Alpha3::Euro
$value = $valueAlpha3->value;                      // 'EUR'
$valueName = $valueAlpha3->name;                   // 'Euro'
$valueNumeric = $valueAlpha3->toISO4217_Numeric(); // ISO4217_Numeric::Euro

ISO 4217 Numeric

$valueNumeric = ISO4217_Numeric::from('978');     // ISO4217_Numeric::Euro
$valueNumeric = ISO4217_Numeric::fromInt(978);    // ISO4217_Numeric::Euro
$value = $valueNumeric->value;                    // '978'
$valueName = $valueNumeric->name;                 // 'Euro'
$valueAlpha3 = $valueNumeric->toISO4217_Alpha3(); // ISO4217_Alpha3::Euro


ISO 639-1

$valueAlpha2 = ISO639_1_Alpha_2::from('nl');                                  // ISO639_1_Alpha_2::Dutch_Flemish
$value = $valueAlpha2->value;                                                 // 'nl'
$valueName = $valueAlpha2->name;                                              // 'Dutch_Flemish'
$valueAlpha3Bibliographic = $valueAlpha2->toISO639_2_Alpha_3_Bibliographic(); // ISO639_2_Alpha_3_Bibliographic::Dutch_Flemish
$valueAlpha3Terminology = $valueAlpha2->toISO639_2_Alpha_3_Terminology();     // ISO639_2_Alpha_3_Terminology::Dutch_Flemish

ISO 639-2 (Common, Bibliographic and Terminology)

$valueAlpha2 = ISO639_2_Alpha_3_Bibliographic::from('dut');               // ISO639_1_Alpha_2::Dutch_Flemish
$value = $valueAlpha2->value;                                             // 'dut'
$valueName = $valueAlpha2->name;                                          // 'Dutch_Flemish'
$valueAlpha2 = $valueAlpha2->toISO639_1_Alpha_2();                        // ISO639_1_Alpha_2::Dutch_Flemish
$valueAlpha3Terminology = $valueAlpha2->toISO639_2_Alpha_3_Terminology(); // ISO639_2_Alpha_3_Terminology::Dutch_Flemish

$valueAlpha2 = ISO639_2_Alpha_3_Terminology::from('nld');                     // ISO639_1_Alpha_2::Dutch_Flemish
$value = $valueAlpha2->value;                                                 // 'nld'
$valueName = $valueAlpha2->name;                                              // 'Dutch_Flemish'
$valueAlpha2 = $valueAlpha2->toISO639_1_Alpha_2();                            // ISO639_1_Alpha_2::Dutch_Flemish
$valueAlpha3Bibliographic = $valueAlpha2->toISO639_2_Alpha_3_Bibliographic(); // ISO639_2_Alpha_3_Bibliographic::Dutch_Flemish
  • Add ::names ::values ::toArray helper to BackedEnum

    Add ::names ::values ::toArray helper to BackedEnum

    This PR add static function names(), values() and toArray in the BackendEnum class.

    use PrinsFrank\Standards\BackedEnum;
    use PrinsFrank\Standards\Language\ISO639_1_Alpha_2;
    $array = BackedEnum::toArray(ISO639_1_Alpha_2::class);
    $values = BackedEnum::values(ISO639_1_Alpha_2::class);
    $names = BackedEnum::names(ISO639_1_Alpha_2::class);

    This maybe useful and maybe not. Feel free to accept or drop this PR. Cheers :clinking_glasses:

    Apart from this, @PrinsFrank what do you think instead of using it with BackedEnum class, use directly in the enum class it self. Like:

    use PrinsFrank\Standards\Language\ISO639_1_Alpha_2;
    $array = ISO639_1_Alpha_2::toArray();
    $values = ISO639_1_Alpha_2::values();
    $names = ISO639_1_Alpha_2::names();
    // and maybe add toJson too
    $json = ISO639_1_Alpha_2::toJson();
    opened by lakuapik 4
  • Small fixes

    Small fixes

    Fix composer phpunit test suite: no tests were running since the unit was lowercase

    Fix case convert tests when not expecting null: since those converter functions were set to not return null (since they should be one for one), if it happened it would throw a \TypeError

    Simplify Enum:fromKey: added return type to ?\BackedEnum since they all are backed, also since the filter always expects one to be found, it can be simplified to return early on the first one found or null if none

    opened by akalineskou 2
  • HTTP Status Codes (iana)

    HTTP Status Codes (iana)

    Added an enum that lists HTTP Status Codes (PrinsFrank\Standards\Http\HttpStatusCode).

    Since this is just a dumb enum, no unit tests were added (no functionality to test).

    Sources used:

    • https://www.iana.org/assignments/http-status-codes/http-status-codes.xhtml
    • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes
    opened by iRealWorlds 2
  • IANA Assigned Ports and services

    IANA Assigned Ports and services

    Not an ISO standard but IANA, but ports would be a good addition;



    opened by Jellyfrog 2
  • [Feature Request] E.123 / E.124 / Country calling codes

    [Feature Request] E.123 / E.124 / Country calling codes

    opened by francoisauclair911 1
  • Add .gitattributes

    Add .gitattributes

    With this file, we can ignore files/folder that are not used for package distribution. This will save disk space when user install the package.


    Before: 224KB, After: 182K. It saves around 42KB. Its not a lot, but it saves some space.

    Feel free to drop or accept this PR. Cheers :beers:

    opened by lakuapik 1
  • v1.5.0(Nov 27, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Added HTTP Methods

    Other changes

    • Add incremental backoff to spec updating so manual retries are not ne… by @PrinsFrank in https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/pull/46

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/compare/v1.4.0...v1.5.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.4.0(Sep 24, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add UnitEnum utility class providing similar function as BackedEnum functionality but for UnitEnums instead.
    • Update the six group datasource url for currency codes as it has been update on their website by @PrinsFrank in https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/pull/44

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/compare/v1.3.0...v1.4.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.3.0(Aug 24, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add ::names ::values ::toArray helper to BackedEnum by @lakuapik in https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/pull/33

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/compare/v1.2.0...v1.3.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.0(Aug 14, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add country calling codes enum by @PrinsFrank in https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/pull/32

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/compare/v1.1.0...v1.2.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.0(Jul 16, 2022)

    What's Changed

    Turkey, Türkiye and BC key changes.

    A new minor version is released as Turkey has now officially been renamed to Türkiye in ISO3166.

    This brought one major challenge though; Renaming enum names are breaking changes, and releasing a new major version for every country rename is not ideal and leaves a lot of overhead for package users. Therefor, a new enum is added with the latest name for countries, currencies and languages, that can be used instead of enum keys. Keys will not change to keep this package backwards compatible:

     * @source https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#search/code/
    enum ISO3166_1_Name: string
        case Turkey = 'Türkiye';
        // Enum key is unchanged to be backwards compatible

    Methods are added to get the name corresponding to alpha2, alpha3 and numeric values:

    $turkiye = ISO3166_1_Alpha_2::fromValue('TR');
    $name = $turkiye->toISO3166_Name()->value(); // Türkiye

    Helper methods for casing and numeric values as integers

    All alpha2 and alpha3 values in ISO3166 and ISO4127 are uppercase, and lowercase in ISO639. You may want to get them as lowercase and uppercase respectfully. Methods to get these values are now available:

    $netherlands = ISO3166_1_Alpha_2::fromValue('NL');
    $netherlandsLowerCase = $netherlands->lowerCaseValue(); // nl
    $dutchFlemish = ISO639_1_Alpha_2::fromValue('nl');
    $dutchFlemishUpperCase = $dutchFlemish->upperCaseValue(): // NL

    Numeric enums sometimes have leading zeros that are required as their complete value. You may want to get those values as integers though;

    $euro = ISO4217_Numeric::fromValue('978');
    $euro = ISO4217_Numeric::fromInt(978);
    $euroAsInt = $euro->valueAsInt(): // 978

    Other changes

    Apart from these changes, a lot has been done to improve this package's stability and make this package more mature;

    • Name Composer scripts like $tool:$action by @szepeviktor in https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/pull/14
    • Fix Composer script in CI by @szepeviktor in https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/pull/16
    • Run unit tests in CI by @szepeviktor in https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/pull/17
    • Add phpstan by @PrinsFrank in https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/pull/21
    • Simplify BackedEnum by @szepeviktor in https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/pull/23
    • Convert key variance to new enum to prevent many major releases by @PrinsFrank in https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/pull/26
    • Add code coverage generation by @PrinsFrank in https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/pull/30

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/compare/v1.0.0...v1.1.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.0(Jul 10, 2022)

    What's Changed

    With version 1.0.0, this package is now stable! As the standards are now pulled daily from their respective sources, this package will be updated as soon as their counterpart spec updates! Unfortunately, when pulling from the official sources it became apparent that the 0.0.1 release contained several enum keys that were not consistent with the official spec. make sure to follow the upgrade guide to implement these changes and get up and running with this new release!

    • Add .gitattributes by @lakuapik in https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/pull/6
    • Small fixes by @akalineskou in https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/pull/5
    • Rename ISO4217_Alpha3 to ISO4217_Alpha_3 by @Wick96 in https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/pull/3
    • HTTP Status Codes (iana) by @iRealWorlds in https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/pull/4
    • Add automatic spec updating by @PrinsFrank in https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/pull/9, https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/pull/10 and https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/pull/11
    • Run SpecUpdater in a Composer way by @szepeviktor in https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/pull/13

    New Contributors

    • @lakuapik made their first contribution in https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/pull/6
    • @akalineskou made their first contribution in https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/pull/5
    • @Wick96 made their first contribution in https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/pull/3
    • @iRealWorlds made their first contribution in https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/pull/4
    • @szepeviktor made their first contribution in https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/pull/13

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/PrinsFrank/standards/compare/v0.0.1...v1.0.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.1(Jun 8, 2022)

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