2658 Repositories
PHP laravel-bootstrap Libraries
Simple SSR Head for Inertia.js Laravel
Inertia.js Laravel SSR Head Simple SSR Head for Inertia Laravel, solve the social media metadata display of small Inertia.js x Laravel site. NOT a ful
A Laravel Code Generator based on your Models using Blade Template Engine
Laravel Code Generator is a PHP Laravel Package that uses Blade template engine to generate code for you. The difference between other code generators
Production ready Dockerfile for Octane powered Laravelish web services and microservices
Laravel Octane Dockerfile A pretty configurable and production ready multi-stage Dockerfile for Octane powered Laravelish web services and microservic
European green-pass decoding and validation for php/laravel
laravel-greenpass laravel-greenpass is a package for the management of the European Green Pass (i.e. covid certification). The package allows easy val
Laravel Livewire package for clone screen with the help of websocket
screen-wire This is a Laravel Livewire package. It allow you to see what users are doing on their screen. Installation composer require mrbohem/scree
A premade, easy to use local development setup to be used for authoring Laravel applications
Laravel Drydock This project is a premade, easy to use local development setup to be used for authoring Laravel applications. The deliverables of this
A collection of extensions for Laravel development in Visual Studio Code
Laravel Extension Pack for Visual Studio Code Includes the basic extensions to get started with Laravel development in Visual Studio Code. Laravel Ext
A fork of Laravel Valet to work in Linux.
Introduction Valet Linux is a Laravel development environment for Linux minimalists. No Vagrant, no /etc/hosts file. You can even share your sites pub
Laravel Live Templates for PhpStorm
Laravel Live Templates for PhpStorm How to: Go to Preferences | Tools | Settings Repository Add Read-only Source https://github.com/koomai/phpstorm-la
Windows version of Laravel Valet
Laravel Valet For Windows Introduction This is Windows version of Laravel Valet. Valet is a Laravel development environment for minimalists. This Wind
Laravel Valet for Windows.
Windows port of the popular development environment Laravel Valet. Introduction Valet is a Laravel development environment for Windows. No Vagrant, no
Laravel-Mix helper for projects with complex & multi assets.
Laravel-Mix helper for projects with complex & multi assets. 🔥 Getting started Since mix introduced in laravel 5.4 it is recommended to use this pack
A curated list of awesome Laravel bookmarks, packages, tools, articles, tutorials and related resources.
ATTENTION: This list is obsolete and discontinued. Please find a much more comprehensive, much more well-maintained awesome-laravel list at chiraggude
Login as a different user quickly
Lara Personate Is a user impersonate for the Laravel framework. This package makes it easier for users who have access rights such as super admin to t
🔥 Fire events on attribute changes of your Eloquent model
class Order extends Model { protected $dispatchesEvents = [ 'status:shipped' = OrderShipped::class, 'note:*' = OrderNoteChanged:
📒📚Generate beautiful interactive documentation and Open-API 3.0 spec file from your existing Laravel app.
Follow me anywhere @ovac4u | GitHub _________ _________ | Twitter |
Capture and monitor detailed error logs with nice dashboard and UI
Capture and monitor detailed error logs with nice dashboard and UI Requirements Check Laravel 6 requirements Check Laravel 7 requirements Installation
A Laravel extension for using a laravel application on a multi domain setting
Laravel Multi Domain An extension for using Laravel in a multi domain setting Description This package allows a single Laravel installation to work wi
Convert Integer to English word
Convert Integer to English Words Laravel package for converting numeric value to english words. Installation You can install the package via composer:
Reactive Form Builder for Vue.js with Laravel Support
Dynamic Form Builder for Laravel with Vue.js Create even the most complex forms with ease, using two-sided validation, eloquent, nested elements, cond
🐳 Build a simple laravel development environment with docker-compose.
docker-laravel 🐳 Introduction Build a simple laravel development environment with docker-compose. Usage $ git clone git@github.com:ucan-lab/docker-la
Prevent users from reusing recently used passwords
Laravel Password History Validation Prevent users from reusing recently used passwords. Installation You can install the package via composer: compose
BigBlueButton Server API Library for Laravel
BigBlueButton Server API Library for Laravel Package that provides easily communicate between BigBlueButton server and laravel framework Requirements
A Laravel package for parsing and processing Identity Documents
Laravel Identity Documents For general questions and suggestions join gitter: Package that allows you to handle documents like passports and other doc
Offer an online version of your Laravel emails to users.
This is was a collaborative project with Ryan Chandler. Please consider supporting him for the hard work he put into this package! Help support the ma
Bar management application to manage transactions and inventory.
Barbapappa Barbapappa bar management application. Installation This application requires some installation steps. Initial setup The project can be ins
A collection of helper methods for testing and debugging API endpoints.
Laravel API Test Helpers This is a collection of helper methods for testing and debugging API endpoints. Installation You can install the package via
Use your Laravel named routes in JavaScript
Ziggy – Use your Laravel routes in JavaScript Ziggy provides a JavaScript route() helper function that works like Laravel's, making it easy to use you
Handle all the hard stuff related to EU MOSS tax/vat regulations, the way it should be.
VatCalculator Handle all the hard stuff related to EU MOSS tax/vat regulations, the way it should be. Integrates with Laravel and Cashier — or in a st
Open Source Voucher Management System is a web application for manage voucher. used PHP with Laravel Framework and use MySQL for Database.
Voucher Management System is a web application for manage voucher. You can create and manage your voucher. Voucher Management System is used PHP with Laravel Framework and use MySQL for Database.
A mail driver to quickly preview mail
A mail driver to quickly preview mail This package can display a small overlay whenever a mail is sent. The overlay contains a link to the mail that w
🚀 An open source multiplayer space strategy game.
Badges Introduction The game story takes place in a virtual galaxy where randomly generated planets produce various raw materials which can be used by
Document templates Laravel package is intended for creating/managing user editable document template
Document Templates Introduction Document templates Laravel package is intended for creating/managing user editable document templates, with ability to
RoadRunner ⇆ Laravel bridge
RoadRunner ⇆ Laravel bridge Easy way for connecting RoadRunner and Laravel applications. 🐋 If you want to see an example of a laravel application in
Paddle.com API integration for Laravel with support for webhooks/events
Laravel Paddle This package provides an integration with Paddle.com for Laravel. Read the blogpost about the introduction of the package! Features Sup
A CLI program that helps you check your endpoints by requesting the given servers and send a report message in any supported channel like Telegram
API Monitor A CLI program that help you check your endpoints by requesting the given servers and send a report message in any supported channel ( Tele
A Laravel package that adds a simple image functionality to any Laravel model
Laraimage A Laravel package that adds a simple image functionality to any Laravel model Introduction Laraimage served four use cases when using images
Laravel Package for making thumbnails instantly
Laravel Thumbnail Generator Package for uploading the image and saving that image along with it's thumbnail. What does it do ? Uploads Image Make its
laravel/ui with auth scaffolding for Laravel 8
Legacy UI Presets with Auth scaffolding for Laravel 8 Introduction This project brings old Auth scaffolding to Laravel 8 for projects that cannot migr
Laravel package to convert English numbers to Bangla number or Bangla text, Bangla month name and Bangla Money Format
Number to Bangla Number, Word or Month Name in Laravel | Get Wordpress Plugin Laravel package to convert English numbers to Bangla number or Bangla te
Google VerifiedSMS Laravel Package
Google VerifiedSMS Laravel Package This is a laravel package developed for google business communication api and verified SMS API. Before we commence
Laravel boilerplate
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Task Scheduling with Cron Job in Laravel
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
A Frankenstein's monster: Kirby inside of Laravel.
A Kirby-Laravel Starter Kit This is an experimental starter kit for using Kirby within Laravel (a little like Statamic). In my limited experience it r
Larafirebase is a package thats offers you to send push notifications or custom messages via Firebase in Laravel.
Introduction Larafirebase is a package thats offers you to send push notifications or custom messages via Firebase in Laravel. Firebase Cloud Messagin
Stash view is a composer package for Laravel which caches views using Russian Doll Caching methodology.
Stash View Stash view is a composer package for Laravel which caches views using Russian Doll Caching methodology. What is Russian Doll Caching ? It i
Promotional Codes Generator for Laravel 5
laravel-promocodes Promocodes generator for Laravel 5.*. Trying to make the best package in this category. You are welcome to join the party, give me
A Laravel package for creating PDF files using LaTeX
LaraTeX A laravel package to generate PDFs using LaTeX · Report Bug · Request Feature For better visualization you can find a small Demo and the HTML
Fulltext indexing and searching for Laravel
Laravel fulltext index and search This package creates a MySQL fulltext index for models and enables you to search through those. Install Install with
A Laravel package making a diagram of your models, relations and the ability to build them with it
Laravel Schematics This package allows you to make multiple diagrams of your Eloquent models and their relations. It will help building them providing
Open Food Facts API wrapper for Laravel
Laravel Open Food Facts API This package provides a convenient wrapper to the Open Food Facts API for Laravel applications (5.7+). Installation You ca
Laravel package to convert English numbers to Bangla number or Bangla text, Bangla month name and Bangla Money Format
Number to Bangla Number, Word or Month Name in Laravel | Get Wordpress Plugin Laravel package to convert English numbers to Bangla number or Bangla te
The API & platform builder, build your apps 10x faster even more, it's open source & 100% free !
The API & platform builder, build your apps 10x faster, even more. It's open source & 100% free ! Try live demo Why badaso ? 100% FREE - No need for e
Multi theme support for Laravel application
Multi theme support for Laravel application This Laravel package adds multi-theme support to your application. It also provides a simple authenticatio
Manage your Laravel Task Scheduling in a friendly interface and save schedules to the database.
Documentation This librarian creates a route(default: /schedule) in your application where it is possible to manage which schedules will be executed a
Simple but yet powerful library for running almost all artisan commands.
:artisan gui Simple but yet powerful library for running some artisan commands. Requirements Laravel 8.* php ^7.3 Installation Just install package: c
The most integrated web scraper package for Laravel.
Laravel Scavenger The most integrated web scraper package for Laravel. Top Features Scavenger provides the following features and more out-the-box. Ea
The Laravel magic you know, now applied to joins.
The Laravel magic you know, now applied to joins. Joins are very useful in a lot of ways. If you are here, you most likely know about and use them. El
Mutex for Laravel Console Commands.
Laravel Console Mutex Mutex for Laravel Console Commands. Laravel Console Mutex 8.x 8.x 7.x 7.x 6.x 6.x 5.8.* 5.8.* 5.7.* 5.7.* 5.6.* 5.6.* 5.5.* 5.5.
Laravel Livewire (TALL-stack) form generator with realtime validation, file uploads, array fields, blade form input components and more.
TALL-stack form generator Laravel Livewire, Tailwind forms with auto-generated views. Support Contributions Features This is not an admin panel genera
Integration of Adminator into Laravel 6.x/7.x/8.x with RTL support
Laradminator Laravel PHP Framework with Adminator as admin dash Setup: All you need is to run these commands: git clone https://github.com/kossa/larad
Manage Your Laravel Schedule From A Web Dashboard
Introduction Manage your Laravel Schedule from a pretty dashboard. Schedule your Laravel Console Commands to your liking. Enable/Disable scheduled tas
Stop duplicating your Eloquent query scopes and constraints in PHP. This package lets you re-use your query scopes and constraints by adding them as a subquery.
Laravel Eloquent Scope as Select Stop duplicating your Eloquent query scopes and constraints in PHP. This package lets you re-use your query scopes an
Provides a Eloquent query builder for Laravel or Lumen
This package provides an advanced filter for Laravel or Lumen model based on incoming requets.
This package provides convenient methods for making token code, sending and verifying mobile phone verification requests.
Laravel Mobile Verification Introduction Many web applications require users to verify their mobile phone numbers before using the application. Rather
Laravel Blog Package. Easiest way to add a blog to your Laravel website. A package which adds wordpress functionality to your website and is compatible with laravel 8.
Laravel Blog Have you worked with Wordpress? Developers call this package wordpress-like laravel blog. Contact us for any customization: contact@binsh
This package used to upload files using laravel-media-library before saving model.
Laravel Media Uploader This package used to upload files using laravel-media-library before saving model. In this package all uploaded media will be p
Laravel application performance monitoring
Gauge - Laravel Application Performance Monitoring Gauge is an easy to use package to monitor the performance of your Laravel applications. Gauge in b
An opinionated blade template formatter for Laravel that respects readability
blade-formatter An opinionated blade template formatter for Laravel that respects readability Online Demo Features Automatically Indents markup inside
Lakasir is a free, open source and online Point Of Sale Software designed for small shop or retail
Lakasir is a free, open source and online Point Of Sale Software designed for small shop or retail. It is built with modern technologies such as Laravel, VueJS, Bootstrap 4, RESTful API etc.
Laravel api document generator
Jheckdoc laravel Simple laravel api document generator Demo page: https://jheckdoc-laravel-demo.herokuapp.com/api/documentation Installation You can i
Schedule and unschedule eloquent models elegantly without cron jobs
Laravel Schedulable Schedule and Unschedule any eloquent model elegantly without cron job. Salient Features: Turn any Eloquent Model into a schedulabl
LaraLTE2, Laravel PHP Framework with AdminLTE2
LaraLTE2 Laravel PHP Framework with AdminLTE2 Whenever I start a new Laravel project, I do the same thing; Install packages, download Javascript plugi
A basic Laravel project aimed at facilitating rapid prototyping.
HTG Laravel A basic Laravel project aimed at facilitating rapid prototyping. Why write yet another login form when you just want to try something out?
A modified version of the Laravel Framework
Hexavel Framework Hexavel is a restructured version of Laravel, with the purpose of providing better work flows which will simplify the development pr
Boilerplate for a standard tested resourceful Laravel app
Gold Standard A Laravel boilerplate resource This repo is an example of what I consider to be my "gold standard" of a resource-oritented application w
Laravel Vue SPA, Bulma themed. For demo login use `admin@laravel-enso.com` & `password` -
Laravel Enso Hit the ground running when building your new Laravel SPA project with boilerplate and extra functionality out of the box! click on the p
HTML Meta Tags management package available for for Laravel 5.*
HTML Meta Tags management package available for Laravel 5/6/7/8 With this package you can manage header Meta Tags from Laravel controllers. If you wan
AWS Cognito package using the AWS SDK for PHP/Laravel
Laravel Package to manage Web and API authentication with AWS Cognito AWS Cognito package using the AWS SDK for PHP This package provides a simple way
EasyPanel is a beautiful, customizable and flexible admin panel based on Livewire for Laravel.
EasyPanel EasyPanel is a beautiful, customizable and flexible admin panel based on Livewire for Laravel. Features : Easy to install Multi Language RTL
Generate PDFs in Laravel with Mpdf.
Laravel Mpdf: Using Mpdf in Laravel for generate Pdfs Easily generate PDF documents from HTML right inside of Laravel using this mpdf wrapper. Importa
A genealogy/family tree application, built with Laravel.
Genealogy Application Development in progress In development progress, any changes of table structure will be updated directly to corresponding migrat
Laravel Larex lets you translate your whole Laravel application from a single CSV file.
Laravel Larex Translate Laravel Apps from a CSV File Laravel Larex lets you translate your whole Laravel application from a single CSV file. You can i
A simple Socialite implementation for Laravel Jetstream.
Introduction Socialstream is a third-party package for Laravel Jetstream. It replaces the published authentication and profile scaffolding provided by
Enable user Timezones in your application.
Laravel Timezone An easy way to set a timezone for a user in your application and then show date/times to them in their local timezone. How does it wo
Magic Test allows you to write browser tests by simply clicking around on the application being tested, all without the slowness of constantly restarting the testing environment.
Magic Test for Laravel Magic Test allows you to write browser tests by simply clicking around on the application being tested, all without the slownes
This package gives you a set of conventions to make the most out of Hotwire in Laravel
Introduction This package gives you a set of conventions to make the most out of Hotwire in Laravel (inspired by the turbo-rails gem). There is a comp
MailEclipse - Laravel Mailable Editor!
MailEclipse is a mailable editor package for your Laravel applications to create and manage mailables using a web UI.
An open source self hosted notes and bookmarks taking web app.
Benotes An open source self hosted web app for your notes and bookmarks side by side. This project is currently in Beta. You may encounter bugs or err
Add Server-Timing header information from within your Laravel apps.
Laravel Server Timings Add Server-Timing header information from within your Laravel apps. Installation You can install the package via composer: comp
Slack notification for Laravel as it should be. Easy, fast, simple and highly testable.
Based on illuminate/mail About Laravel Slack Slack notification for Laravel as it should be. Easy, fast, simple and highly testable. Since it uses On-
A collection of Laravel goodies.
Laravel Mixins Launcher 🚀 Hey! We've built a Docker-based deployment tool to launch apps and sites fully containerized. You can find all features and
A modular multilingual CMS built with Laravel 5.
AsgardCMS Platform View the documentation at AsgardCMS.com/docs. Join the conversation on Slack License The AsgardCMS is open-sourced software license
A simple wrapper for PHP Intervention Library to provide a more simple interface and convenient way to convert images to webp
This package is a simple wrapper for PHP Intervention Library to provide a more simple interface and convenient way to convert images to webp - next generation format - extension, and resize them to render only needed sizes.
Package for unit testing Laravel form request classes
Package for unit testing Laravel form request classes. Why Colin DeCarlo gave a talk on Laracon online 21 about unit testing Laravel form requests cla
A Toast notification library for the Laravel TALL stack.
A Toast notification library for the Laravel TALL stack. You can push notifications from the backend or frontend to render customizable toasts with almost zero footprint on the published CSS/JS 🔥🚀
Create Laravel views (blade template) using 'php artisan' command-line interface
About LaraBit Have you ever wonder to create Laravel views (Blade Templates) using the same type of artisan commands that you usually use to create ne
Laravel backend Inertia and Vue starter template
Inertia.js - Vue.js ve Laravel Starter Template Yunus Emre Altanay If you want to make a single page application using laravel infrastructure. This re
Un proyecto que crea una API de usuarios para registro, login y luego acceder a su información mediante autenticación con JSON Web Token
JSON WEB TOKEN CON LARAVEL 8 Prueba de autenticación de usuarios con una API creada en Laravel 8 Simple, fast routing engine. License The Laravel fram
A Laravel 8 Project Implement with GraphQL With Sanctum APIs Authentications Which utilized in Any Frontend or Any Mobile Application Programs.
A Laravel 8 Project Implement with GraphQL With Sanctum APIs Authentications Which utilized in Any Frontend or Any Mobile Application Programs.