2658 Repositories
PHP laravel-bootstrap Libraries
Prerender Laravel pages using Clusteer and this nice package.
Laravel Clusteer Prerender Prerender Laravel pages using Clusteer and this nice package. 🤝 Supporting If you are using one or more Renoki Co. open-so
Frontend repository of libreoupas project, mostly written in PHP and JavaScript, using Bootstrap for responsivity.
libreoupas Description libreoupas est un site Internet permettant aux étudiant de la Faculté des Sciences et Technologies de Vandoeuvre-Lès-Nancy d'av
A laravel package to handle model specific additional meta fields in an elegant way.
Laravel Meta Fields A php package for laravel framework to handle model meta data in a elegant way. Installation Require the package using composer: c
An opinioned approach to extend the laravel seed classes.
Laravel Seed Extender A highly opinioned way to work with the laravel seeder. Installation Require the package using composer: composer require touhid
Laravel Mysql Spatial Builder Extension
magutti-spatial V2 Laravel Builder Mysql Spatial Extension Laravel Builder extensions to calculate distances between two Spatial points using Mysql na
Simplified database records management.
Simplified database records management. Inspector will let you take care of CRUD without taking over your frontend. Example $inspector = new \InvoiceN
Livewire DataTables components for back-end. Modular, easy to use, with tons of features.
Livewire DataTables Livewire DataTables components for back-end. Modular, easy to use, with tons of features. Inspired by Caleb's Livewire Screencasts
Sistema de Estoque com Laravel
Laravel PHP Framework Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable, creative ex
Export Laravel Octane metrics using this Prometheus exporter.
Laravel Octane Prometheus Exporter Export Laravel Octane metrics using this Prometheus exporter. 🤝 Supporting If you are using one or more Renoki Co.
A laravel package to generate class files from stub files.
Laravel Stub Generator A php laravel package to generate useable php files from given stub files . Installation Require the package using composer: co
A laravel package to generate model hashid based on model id column.
Laravel Model Hashid A package to generate model hash id from the model auto increment id for laravel models Installation Require the package using co
Persian AdminLte Laravel
راه نصب برای نصب روت ها را کپی و منتقل کنید فولدر ریسورس فایل های مورد نظر کپی کنید و به بخش کنترلر ها برید پوشه ادمین کپی کنید و بعد از اون در نهایت
Bootstrap 4 & 5 replacement for jGrowl notification
XoopsGrowl module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.11+ XoopsGrowl is a module for XOOPS CMS to configure an alternative to the jGrowl notification using Bootstrap Al
Berikut Adalah cara untuk melakukan CRUD di FrameWork Laravel, Silahkan Disimak
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Web para capacitaciones de Laravel con el flujo de trabajo GitFlow.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
This is a simple url bot validator made with laravel and react
🚀 This is a simple URL validator. Used Technologies React - Javascript framework Laravel - PHP framework Mysql - Relational database Installation Ins
Simple Bootstrap Laravel CMS. Support Laravel 8.x Can integrate into any existing Laravel project.
Simple Bootstrap Laravel CMS. Support Laravel 8.x Can integrate into any existing Laravel project. Only add few database tables with prefixes, not affect your existing database tables. Support Laravel 7.x & Laravel 6.x & Laravel 5.x & MySql & PostgreSql - Amila Laravel CMS
While BotMan itself is framework agnostic, BotMan is also available as a bundle with the great Laravel PHP framework.
BotMan Studio About BotMan Studio While BotMan itself is framework agnostic, BotMan is also available as a bundle with the great Laravel PHP framework
A Laravel model-based CMS
Decoy is a PHP content management written for the Laravel framework that allows you to access your data using standard Laravel Eloquent models.
A Powerful Laravel Help Desk and Lead Management App
Handesk Description Handesk has been created by our need (At Revo Systems www.revo.works) to have a powerful yet simple Ticketing system, we needed a
Kyle is a web application built with Laravel for web developers and small companies to efficiently track and stay on top of yearly expenses related to services
Kyle Kyle is a web application built with Laravel for web developers and small companies to efficiently track and stay on top of yearly expenses relat
LaraEstimate is a complete Dynamic Estimates/Quotes System made with Laravel 7 and VueJS.
LaraEstimate LaraEstimate is a complete Dynamic Estimates/Quotes System made with Laravel 7 and VueJS. The system has the following features: Allows t
Vote based Question & Answer site built using Laravel 5.4, material design, x-editable and jQuery Upvote with email and database notifications.
About Vote based Question & Answer site built using Laravel 5.4, material design, x-editable, jQuery Upvote and email/database notifications. Register
vimrcfu - Share your best vimrc snippets
vimrcfu http://vimrcfu.com Made with Laravel 4.2 Set up Clone the repository into a directory on your local machine (development) or server (productio
A collection of open source projects built using Laravel.
Open Laravel A repository of open source projects built using Laravel. Getting Started Clone the project repository by running the command below if yo
A PHP 5.3 CMS built on top of Laravel 4 and other composer components.
Anvil Forge your website! A PHP 5.3 CMS built on top of Laravel 4 and other composer components. Installation Installing Anvil is easy. Run the follow
ARCANESOFT - CMS built with Laravel Framework.
ARCANESOFT CMS built with Laravel Framework. By ARCANEDEV© Available Packages Production Package Description arcanedev/breadcrumbs A simple & easy way
A platform to create documentation/wiki content built with PHP & Laravel
BookStack A platform for storing and organising information and documentation. Details for BookStack can be found on the official website at https://w
Example basic bookmarking site, now in Laravel 4.
Bookymark An example Laravel 4 project. PSR-2 - all models and controllers are autoloaded from app/src. All code passes phpcs for PSR-2. Full PHPUnit
IT Asset Management & Tickets Web Application - Laravel 5.2
I.V.D. Assets I.V.D. Assets is a web application developed with Laravel 5.2, that caters to the needs of I.T. Departments and Help Desks. Manage all y
Personal Knowledge Management. Use branch "minimal change" to deploy as laravel package.
Knowfox Knowfox is my Personal Knowledge Management system. Having been an keen Evernote user since 2012, I finally got around to taking my precious n
Laracast's awesome larabook tutorial - refreshed with Laravel 5.0 code
Larabook Updated - Laravel 5.0 A light version of Facebook, called Larabook. Updated using new techniques and features of Laravel 5.0 Fixes I tried my
A Laravel 4 CMS – WARNING: This project is no longer being developed because there are many good alternatives now.
This is the main larapress repository. Warning: This Application is under development and not yet production ready! Important Links Installation Contr
A simple blog package for Laravel 4
Laravel Blog A Laravel 4 package to add a simple blog to a site Features Paginated index view with configurable results per page Year/Month archive fi
A powerful and responsive blog system powered by laravel 5.5.
Powerful and responsive blog system powered by laravel 5.5. Click https://lufficc.com/blog to view live demo. Xblog 中文 README | Docs This blog is for
Laravel-Blog is a blog application written in Laravel 4.2.
创造不息,交付不止 Introduction Laravel-Blog is a blog project written in Laravel 4.2. Screenshots Article List Page Article composing page Single post page Ad
A Visual Bookmark App built on top of Laravel 5
Laravel Bookmark Visual bookmark organizer application in Laravel  Working
Laravel web app for signing up for community service opportunities
Community Service A Laravel web app for registering for service opportunities. Installation Make sure the following are installed on your system: Node
Laravel Datatables Package Demo App
#Laravel Datatables Demo App Datatables Package for Laravel 4|5 This package is created to handle server-side works of DataTables jQuery Plugin via AJ
A simple RSS feed reader for Laravel 5
Laravel 5 - Feed Reader A simple RSS feed reader for Laravel 5 Features One command to read any RSS feed Different RSS feed profiles enabled Quick Sta
Bootstrap 4 & 5 replacement for jGrowl notification
XoopsGrowl module for XOOPS CMS 2.5.11+ XoopsGrowl is a module for XOOPS CMS to configure an alternative to the jGrowl notification using Bootstrap Al
Validation rules for Money and Currency
money-validation-laravel Validation rules for Money and Currency Installation composer require brokeyourbike/money-validation-laravel Usage Package us
This is a blog. A project was written in Laravel 8
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
A Qiniu Storage filesystem for Laravel
Laravel filesystem Qiniu Qiniu storage for Laravel based on overtrue/flysystem-qiniu. Requirement PHP = 5.5.9 Installation $ composer require "overtr
laravel-quick laravel-quick 封装了一些我们开发中常见的工具,使开发变得更高效 安装 composer require yxx/laravel-quick 生成翻译好的中文包命令 linux 和 mac php artisan vendor:publish--provide
This package provides extended support for our spatie/enum package in Laravel.
Laravel support for spatie/enum This package provides extended support for our spatie/enum package in Laravel. Installation You can install the packag
Chinese to Pinyin translator for Laravel5 / Lumen based on overtrue/pinyin.
Laravel-pinyin Chinese to Pinyin translator for Laravel5 / Lumen based on overtrue/pinyin. Install composer require "overtrue/laravel-pinyin:~4.0" For
this package makes laravel website a progressive web application.
Laravel PWA You can follow this video tutorial as well for installation. Installation Install the package by the following command, composer require l
Easily validate data attributes through a remote request
Laravel Remote Rule Easily validate data attributes through a remote request. This package allows you to define a subset of custom rules to validate a
A simple laravel package to enable cascade deleting on polymorphic relations.
Morph Cascade Delete A simple laravel package to enable cascade deleting on polymorphic relations. Installation Install with composer composer requi
A Laravel package to simplify using DPO Payment API in your application.
DPO (Direct Pay Online) Laravel Package The best DPO Laravel package, simple Ever This is the package that will help you add DPO Payment API to your L
Driver for managing cash payments in the Cashier Provider ecosystem
Cash Driver Provider Installation To get the latest version of Cash Driver Provider, simply require the project using Composer: $ composer require cas
Tugas Jabar Coding Camp (JCC) Pelatihan Online Materi Laravel Khusus Hari 6 - 18
Tugas Jabar Coding Camp (JCC) Pelatihan Online Materi Laravel Khusus Hari 6 - 18 Notes : Tugas sudah di simpan di repo gitlab hanya kembali dikumpulka
Aplikasi Informasi Film Sederhana Ini Adalah Aplikasi yang dikembangkan dari kumpulan materi saat belajar materi laravel di jabar coding camp lalu untuk beberapa fitur saya kembangkan lagi sendiri, walaupun saat masih tahap pengerjaan karena belum selesai.
Aplikasi Film Sederhana Aplikasi Film Sederhana Ini Adalah Aplikasi yang dikembangkan dari kumpulan materi saat belajar materi laravel di jabar coding
Laravel real-time CRUD using Google Firebase.
Laravel real-time CRUD using Google Firebase.
Curso Laravel Eloquent ORM
Curso Laravel Eloquent ORM
The Pest Laravel Expectations Plugin
This Pest plugin adds Laravel specific expectations to the testing ecosystem it('can check model exists', function(){ $user = User::factory()-creat
Small package that can helps in debugging with API logs for Laravel Project.
Rest APIs Logger This is a small package that can helps in debugging with API logs. Installation Install the package via composer composer require tfs
Phantom Analyzer scans websites for spy pixels. It runs via Laravel Vapor using Browsershot.
Phantom Analyzer Phantom Analyzer was a tool we launched during Halloween 2020. It's a much simpler version of Blacklight by The Markup and we had so
Generate trends for your models. Easily generate charts or reports.
Laravel Trend Generate trends for your models. Easily generate charts or reports. Support us Like our work? You can support us by purchasing one of ou
A TALL-based Laravel Livewire component to replace the (multiple) select HTML input form with beautiful cards.
TALL multiselect cards A TALL-based Laravel Livewire component to replace the (multiple) select HTML input form with beautiful cards. Table of content
Convert remote api response data into laravel model
laravel remote model Create remote driver to convert remote api request into laravel model. 中文文档 日本語文書 overview Install the version between laravel5.5
Checks if a laravel route is vlaid
Laravel Route Checker Checks if your Laravel routes has valid controllers Installation The package should be installed as a dev dependency, as there i
Support multiple language resources for Laravel
Laratrans Support multiple language resources for Laravel. Docs Installation composer require lechihuy/laratrans After you install the package success
Demo of how you can run your Laravel app with Docker Compose. Look at docker-compose.yml and the docker folder. The rest is just a clean Laravel + Horizon install.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Laravel package meta 🧡
About hwa-meta is a meta package. It helps us to build and develop faster with pre-built functions. This saves a lot of time on future projects. We sh
Laravel soft delete children when parent soft deletes
Laravel Soft Deletes Parent Automatically soft delete a model's children while maintaining their own soft deleted state when you restore the parent mo
Wraps your Pest suite in a Laravel application instance, allowing global use of the framework in tests.
Pest Larastrap Plugin This is currently a highly experimental project and is subject to large pre-release changes. Pest PHP is an awesome PHP testing
Laravel with NTPC OpenID skeleton
這是啥? 本專案已整合了新北市 OpenID 登入,實作了基本身分驗證系統。 本機帳號登入 新北市 OpenID 登入,初次登入時會建立本機帳號,密碼隨機產生 系統需求 PHP 建議使用 8.0.11 以上 使用方式 以下 FOLDER_NAME 自行替換成想要的資料夾名稱 執行 git clone
A Laravel package for quickly adding .well-known URLs
A Laravel package for quickly adding .well-known URLs well-known is a Laravel package for quickly adding well-known locations (RFC8615) to a Laravel a
A simple laravel package for wallet implementation
wallet A simple laravel package for wallet implementation. This package can basically be plugged into a laravel project and it will handle wallet impl
CRUD COM LARAVEL 8, MVC, LOGIN E ROTAS, PRONTO PARA VOCE USAR NOS SEUS PROJETOS. Para rodar o Crud é preciso instalar o composer e um servidor localho
Vote based Question & Answer site built using Laravel 5.4, material design, x-editable and jQuery Upvote with email and database notifications.
About Vote based Question & Answer site built using Laravel 5.4, material design, x-editable, jQuery Upvote and email/database notifications. Register
Laravel-Tasks is a Complete Build of Laravel 5.2 with Individual User Task Lists
An app of tasks lists for each individual user. Built on Laravel 5.2, using 5.2 authentication and middleware. This has robust verbose examples using Laravel best practices.
Quick intro to Laravel using a custom CMS app I made
Quick intro to Laravel using a custom CMS app I made This is mainly to show an example of a small CMS being built in Laravel. CMS (Content Management
The Laravel.io Community Portal.
Laravel.io This is the repository for the Laravel.io community portal. The code is entirely open source and licensed under the MIT license. We welcome
Laravel lumen and AngularJS Todo Application
Laravel lumen and AngularJS Todo Application Todo application using Laravel lumen micro framework and AngularJS Features Create/Edit/Delete Todo Lumen
An AngularJS / Laravel app - Keyword Based Email forwarder | read/write emails through IMAP
@MailTree Simple mail forwarder. Based on the specific email body/subject keywords forward mails to the list of predefined users. Install Imap Install
A simple, proof-of-concept Laravel blog application powered by a MongoDB ORM.
Mongoblog A simple, proof-of-concept Laravel blog application powered by a MongoDB ORM. Separated API and front-end This is a RESTful application, who
An example of OrderMVC as a Laravel Application
OrderMVC - Laravel Application This is the Application implementation of OrderMVC in Laravel. Requirements Laravel requires PHP 5.3 however, PHP 5.4 i
A Blogging Platform with a built-in Feed Aggregator. Built with AngularJS and Laravel.
ReMark ReMark is an open source publishing platform built with the informed content creator in mind. It works as: A blogging platform A feed aggregato
A sample RESTful API in Laravel with PHPunit test.
Laravel PHP Framework URL | URI | Action |
Scrumwala: Your very own Scrum, Agile project management web app - built with Laravel
Scrumwala Your very own Scrum/Agile web app built with Laravel Features Create and manage projects with plan and work views Group issues in a project
A free and open-source Laravel 5.5 and VueJS (SPA) Ticket system
Ticket-conductor A Laravel 5.5 and VueJS (SPA) Ticket system app (This project was mostly for myself to learn Vue Js a bit better, and will not be mai
Webloyer is a web UI for managing Deployer deployments
Webloyer Webloyer is a Web UI for managing Deployer deployments. Features Webloyer has the following features: Project management Managing deployment
Stapler-based file upload package for the Laravel framework.
laravel-stapler Laravel-Stapler is a Stapler-based file upload package for the Laravel framework. It provides a full set of Laravel commands, a migrat
Pokeproject is a web application born from my passion for the known franchise Pokémon.
POKEPROJECT Gotta catch em' all! About Pokeproject Pokeproject is a web application born from my passion for the known franchise Pokémon. I decided to
Provides access to Pexels API for Laravel projects
Laravel Pexels Provides access to Pexels API for Laravel projects Table of contents Installation Using Installation To get the latest version of Larav
Laravel passport authentication API endpoints
Basic sample code for Laravel/Passport to authenticate users via API
An easy-to-use virtual wallet implementation for Laravel
Laravel Wallet Some apps require a prepayment system like a virtual wallet where customers can recharge credits which they can then use to pay in app
A Docker container for Laravel web apps
Ubuntu Docker container for Laravel web applications Docker-laravel is a LEMP image for running Laravel web applications. It extends docker-base, whic
Laravel 5 with Dockerized Gulp, PHP-FPM, MySQL and nginx using docker-compose
docker-laravel Laravel 5 with Dockerized PHP-FPM, MySQL and nginx using docker-compose Usage Get Composer docker-compose run --rm phpnginx curl -O htt
Docker Containers for simple Laravel development.
Docker containers of Laravel development. Docker Containers for simple Laravel development. Prerequisites This package only works for Linux users righ
Laravel best practices
Translations: Nederlands (by Protoqol) Indonesia (by P0rguy, Doni Ahmad) 한국어 (by cherrypick) 日本語 (by 2bo) 简体中文 (by xiaoyi) 繁體中文 (by woeichern) ภาษาไทย
Web application with Laravel in Backend and VueJS in Frontend
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Helper for countries laravel package
Countries helper Helper for countries laravel package Installation You can install the package via composer: composer require eliseekn/countries-helpe
Frequently asked questions crud implementation for laravel projects
Laravel FAQs This is a simple package to help manage frequently asked questions in a project. Installation You can install the package via composer by
Example of using abrouter/abrouter-laravel-bridge in Laravel
ABRouter Laravel Example It's a example of using (ABRouter Laravel Client)[https://github.com/abrouter/abrouter-laravel-bridge] Set up locally First o
Authentication REST-API built with Lumen PHP Framework
Authentication REST-API built with Lumen PHP Framework Laravel Lumen is a stunningly fast PHP micro-framework for building web applications with expre
Laravel 8 with Admin-lte@3.0.1 template
laravel 8-Adminlte@3.0.1 Laravel 8 with Admin-lte@3.0.1 template The following tools are required in order to start the installation. PHP =8.0 compos