Provides access to Pexels API for Laravel projects


Laravel Pexels

Provides access to Pexels API for Laravel projects

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To get the latest version of Laravel Pexels, simply require the project using Composer:

$ composer require justraviga/laravel-pexels

Or manually update require block of composer.json and run composer update.

    "require": {
        "justraviga/laravel-pexels": "^0.1"


use JustRaviga\Pexels\Clients\PhotoApiClient;
use JustRaviga\Pexels\Facades\Pexels;

$client = new PhotoApiClient(); // Good for controller method/artisan command handle()/job handle() dependency injection
// OR
$client = Pexels::photos();

$response = $client->search('cats');

foreach ($response->photos as $photo){
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