Frequently asked questions crud implementation for laravel projects


Laravel FAQs

This is a simple package to help manage frequently asked questions in a project.


You can install the package via composer by running:

composer require detosphere-ltd/laravel-faqs

After the installation has completed, the package will automatically register itself. Run the following to publish the migration file

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="DetosphereLtd\LaravelFaqs\FAQServiceProvider"

After publishing the migration you can create the faqs table by running the migrations:

php artisan migrate

Models and Migrations

This package has only one model (Faq) and its corresponding migration file. You are allowed to extend it and use it any how you want. The model only guarded properties on the model are the id and uuid.


The Faq model has scopeType to query faqs by type. It is as easy as shown below.

$faqs = \DetosphereLtd\LaravelFaqs\Models\Faq::type('type')->get();

Action classes

This package exposes four action classes. Find details about them below.


This is used to create a new faq. The execute method accepts an array. It returns the created faq.

$faq = (new CreateFAQAction)->execute([
    'question' => 'What does your app do?',
    'answer' => 'It helps manage Frequently asked questions on any application.',
    'type' => 'type'


This is used to update an already existing faq. The execute method accepts the faq to update and an array. It returns the updated faq.

$faq = \DetosphereLtd\LaravelFaqs\Models\Faq::first();

$updatedFaq = (new UpdateFAQAction)->execute($faq, [
    'question' => 'What does your app do?',
    'answer' => 'It helps manage Frequently asked questions on any application.',
    'type' => 'type'


This is used to delete an existing faq from the database. The execute method accepts the faq to delete. Faqs are soft deleted. It returns void.

$faq = \DetosphereLtd\LaravelFaqs\Models\Faq::first();

(new DeleteFAQAction)->execute($faq);


This is used to increment the helpful_yes and helpful_no of an existing faq in the database. The execute method accepts the faq to increment and the helpfulness to increment. Helpful must be yes or no. It returns the incremented faq. Throws an query exception if invalid helpful paramater is passed.

$faq = \DetosphereLtd\LaravelFaqs\Models\Faq::first();

$incrementedYes = (new IncrementFAQHelpfulnessAction)->execute($faq, 'yes');

$incrementedNo = (new IncrementFAQHelpfulnessAction)->execute($faq, 'no');


You can instantiate the class like you would any normal PHP class

(new CreateFAQAction)->execute([
    'question' => 'What does your app do?',
    'answer' => 'It helps manage Frequently asked questions on any application.',
    'type' => 'type'

Also, you can also resolve the class from laravel's container

   'question' => 'What does your app do?',
    'answer' => 'It helps manage Frequently asked questions on any application.',
    'type' => 'type'

Lastly, you can also inject the action class into your controller method like below.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use DetosphereLtd\LaravelFaqs\Actions\CreateFAQAction;

class FaqController extends Controller
     * Display a listing of the resource.
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
    public function store(Request $request, CreateFAQAction $action)
            'question' => $request->question,
            'answer'=> $request->answer,
            'type' => $request->type

        return response(201);




Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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  • 1.0.2(Oct 14, 2021)

    • Added model documentation
    • Changed from fillable to guarded properties on the Faq model

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.1(Oct 12, 2021)

  • 1.0.0(Oct 12, 2021)

    Initial release of Laravel FAQs package

    • create faqs
    • update faqs
    • delete faqs
    • increment helpfulness of faq

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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