A Frankenstein's monster: Kirby inside of Laravel.


A Kirby-Laravel Starter Kit

This is an experimental starter kit for using Kirby within Laravel (a little like Statamic). In my limited experience it runs smoothly, but please be ready for some weird bugs.


The implementation is fairly simple: anything Laravel doesn't want, pass to Kirby.

  • Kirby is imported as a submodule in cms/kirby - you can checkout any Kirby version you like.
  • Kirby\Cms\App is bootstrapped in bootstrap/app.php.
  • All routes that are not caught by Laravel are rendered by Kirby. See routes/web.php.
  • Kirby-specific URLs are excluded from the CSRF middleware. See app/Http/Middleware/VerifyCsrfToken.php.

Folder Structure/Kirby Roots

You can change the folder structure in bootstrap/app.php, but I have set an opinionated default.

  • Accounts: cms/accounts
  • Blueprints: resources/blueprints
  • Config: config/kirby
  • Content: content
  • Kirby’s source: cms/kirby
  • Logs: storage/logs/kirby
  • Media: public/media
  • Plugins: cms/plugins
  • Site: cms/site
  • Templates: resources/views/templates
  • Sessions: storage/kirby/sessions
  • Snippets: resources/views/snippets

Blade Templating

There is a simple plugin that allows you to use .blade.php files for Kirby templates and snippets. These files should be put in their respective directories within resources/views.


  • If Kirby's helpers are imported normally within Composer, they cannot override Laravel's global helpers. This causes a few errors. To combat this I've used funkjedi/composer-include-files which autoloads files before anything else.
  • Laravel seems to use the global e() helper for views, so overriding this with Kirby's e() causes problems. As a hack-y workaround, I import app/helpers.php, which defines e() as Laravel's implentation, before loading the Kirby helpers... I know.
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