Simple staging Janitor jobs
Plugin for very simple staging setup for (required). Beta quality - use at your own risk. It's working without problems for me but any comments and suggestions for improvements are welcome. There are two variants pure php and rsync.
Plugin assumes flat structure and while you can define the destination (live site) as you want i would suggest structure like
PHP job vs Rsync job
Both jobs are different. The PHP job should be more compatible but it naive, takes longer, it alwyas copies everything and it requires you to have space for 3 versions of your site. It works like this
- Copy to
- Rename to
- Rename to
- Delete
Rsync job requires you to have rsync available on your server but it syncs changes from staging to live directly. This makes it much more efficient and you have only 2 versions of site at the time. Rsync also has better include/exclude options. Many shared hostings with ssh have rsync available but check if you allow php to run exec();.
You probably want to use Rsync job if you can.
composer require floriankarsten/simple-staging
// Required loads the jobs
'' => [
// this is required name of final destination of website
// for example if i have site folders and i set as destination
'floriankarsten.simplestaging' => [
'destination' => '',
'base' => '/users/floriankarsten/bestwebsite/' // Not required. Absolute path to base of our website. By default its parent of index/public folder which is what you probably want.
In your blueprint
// PHP job
type: janitor
label: Deploy to Live site rsync
progress: Deploying...
job: deploylive
// Rsync job
type: janitor
label: Deploy to Live site rsync
progress: Deploying...
job: deployliversync
Configuration PHP job
'floriankarsten.simplestaging' => [
'basic' => [ // 'basic' is namespace for our 'php job'
'excludedir' => ['vendor', 'node_modules'] // basic job can only exclude directories. Empty by default.
Configuration Rsync job
'floriankarsten.simplestaging' => [
'rsync' => [
'executable' => '/usr/lib/rsync' // path to rsync library. Default 'rsync'
'flags' => ['a', 'r'] // overwrite default rsync flags. Default ['a', 'r']
// include/exclude work as if they were passed directly to rsync (so things like *.jpg etc.). If you use only include without exclude we assume and exclude '*'
'exclude' => ['vendor', 'node_modules'], // Empty by default.
'include' => ['content'], // Empty by default.
This plugin wouldn't happen without @garethworld who kindly hired me to make it and then wanted to have it released to Kirby community. Thanks GARETH