API integration for Laravel with support for webhooks/events


Laravel Paddle

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This package provides an integration with for Laravel. Read the blogpost about the introduction of the package!



We proudly support the community by developing Laravel packages and giving them away for free. Keeping track of issues and pull requests takes time, but we're happy to help! If this package saves you time or if you're relying on it professionally, please consider supporting the maintenance and development.


Only the master branch and version 2.0 of this package are compatible with Laravel 8.0. If you're still using an older version of Laravel (or PHP < 7.3), please use the chart below to find out which version you should use. Mind that older versions are no longer supported.

Laravel Version Package Version
8.0 2.0
6.0-7.0 1.0

You can install the package via composer:

composer require protonemedia/laravel-paddle


Publish the config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ProtoneMedia\LaravelPaddle\PaddleServiceProvider" --tag=config

Set your Vendor ID and Code and the Public Key settings in your .env file or in the config/paddle.php file. The Public Key is used to verify incoming webhooks from Paddle.

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"

Paddle Sandbox

As of version 2.2.0, this package supports the Paddle Sandbox environment. To use this environment, set the sandbox_environment configuration key to true. This will configure the API URLs, as well as the Paddle JavaScript library. If you've published the Blade View while using a previous version of this package, make sure you republish the view:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ProtoneMedia\LaravelPaddle\PaddleServiceProvider" --tag=views


The API calls are available with the Paddle facade. Check out the the documentation to learn all about the Paddle API. You can build your API calls fluently or you could simply pass an array which holds the data. This package has some basic validation rules for the given data and this might result in an InvalidDataException if your data is invalid. Whenever an API call fails it will throw a PaddleApiException.

// Fluent:
$paddleResponse = Paddle::product()
    ->passthrough(['team_id' => $team->id])

// Array with payload:
$payload = [
    'product_id' => $paddlePlanId,
    'customer_email' => $team->owner->email,
    'passthrough' => ['team_id' => $team->id],

$paddleResponse = Paddle::product()

return Redirect::to($paddleResponse['url']);

Available API calls

// alerts

// checkouts

// products

Paddle::product()->listTransactions($entity, $id);

// subscriptions




Webhooks and Laravel Events

You can configure your webhook URI in the paddle.php config file. Update your webhook settings at Paddle accordingly. By default the URI is paddle/webhook. This means that the webhook calls will be posted to

Every webhook will be mapped to an Event and contains the payload of the webhook. For example when the Subscription Created webhook is called, the request is verified and a SubscriptionCreated event will be fired.


  • ProtoneMedia\LaravelPaddle\Events\HighRiskTransactionCreated
  • ProtoneMedia\LaravelPaddle\Events\HighRiskTransactionUpdated
  • ProtoneMedia\LaravelPaddle\Events\LockerProcessed
  • ProtoneMedia\LaravelPaddle\Events\NewAudienceMember
  • ProtoneMedia\LaravelPaddle\Events\PaymentDisputeClosed
  • ProtoneMedia\LaravelPaddle\Events\PaymentDisputeCreated
  • ProtoneMedia\LaravelPaddle\Events\PaymentRefunded
  • ProtoneMedia\LaravelPaddle\Events\PaymentSucceeded
  • ProtoneMedia\LaravelPaddle\Events\SubscriptionCancelled
  • ProtoneMedia\LaravelPaddle\Events\SubscriptionCreated
  • ProtoneMedia\LaravelPaddle\Events\SubscriptionPaymentFailed
  • ProtoneMedia\LaravelPaddle\Events\SubscriptionPaymentRefunded
  • ProtoneMedia\LaravelPaddle\Events\SubscriptionPaymentSucceeded
  • ProtoneMedia\LaravelPaddle\Events\SubscriptionUpdated
  • ProtoneMedia\LaravelPaddle\Events\TransferCreated
  • ProtoneMedia\LaravelPaddle\Events\TransferPaid
  • ProtoneMedia\LaravelPaddle\Events\UpdateAudienceMember

Some webhooks, like the Fulfillment Webhook, don't have an alert_name key. Those webhooks will be mapped to a ProtoneMedia\LaravelPaddle\Events\GenericWebhook event.

When you register a listener to handle the event, the payload is easily accessible. You also have access to the original HTTP request.


namespace App\Listeners;

use ProtoneMedia\LaravelPaddle\Events\SubscriptionCreated;

class CreateSubscriptionModel
    public function handle(SubscriptionCreated $event)
        $status = $event->status;

        $nextBillDate = $event->next_bill_date;

        // or

        $webhookData = $event->all();


        $request = $event->getRequest();

Blade directive

This directive imports the Paddle JavaScript library and configures it with your Vendor ID.

    {{-- your app --}}



composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

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If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

  • "Undefined index: error" when calling getOrderDetails

    Whenever I call Paddle::checkout()->getOrderDetails I get this error, I think it is related to a check for a "success" field in the Request class, the response of getOrderDetails does not include this field.

    if ($json['success'] ?? null) {
       return $json['response'];

    Line 116-118 in protonemedia/laravel-paddle/src/Api/Request.php

    opened by jordysinke 7
  • Undefined index: alert_name

    Undefined index: alert_name

    Hello! Thank you for building this awesome package!

    When I receive a "payment_succeeded" webhook from Paddle, an exception log is created:

    [2020-01-27 22:58:09] production.ERROR: Undefined index: alert_name {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): Undefined index: alert_name at .../vendor/protonemedia/laravel-paddle/src/Events/Event.php:59)

    However, everything works excellently. My listener catches the event and does the business logic as expected. I don't understand why this exception is happening while everything works as expected. It feels like Paddle is dispatching 2 requests, instead of 1. But the Alert History from Paddle shows only 1 request, and the payload does contain alert_name.

    Should I submit a PR which checks if "alert_name" exists in the payload, inside the fire method from the Event base class? Like this:

        public static function fire(array $data)
            if (isset($data['alert_name'])) {
                $event = Str::studly($data['alert_name']);
                $eventClass = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\' . $event;
                event(new $eventClass($data));

    Thank you very much!

    opened by sandulat 7
  • [139] The given prices format is not valid.

    [139] The given prices format is not valid.

    I got this error.

    [139] The given prices format is not valid. The prices must have the format of ['currency:amount', 'currency:amount', …]. 

    Here is my code:

            $products = "1,2,3";
            $user = Auth::user();
            $checkOutUrl = Paddle::product()->generatePayLink([
                'title' => '3D Wallpaper',
                'webhook_url' => '',
                'prices' => '[USD:19.99]',
                'customer_email' => $user->email,
                'customer_country' => 'BD',
                'passthrough' => ['products' => $products],

    How to solve this?

    opened by MdAnowarHosen 6
  • getPrices returns

    getPrices returns "Bad Method Call"

    Hi there,

    First, thanks for this amazing package.

    I am trying to get the price for my product with the following code:

                     ->getPrices(['product_ids' => '594915', 'customer_ip' => ''])

    But unfortunately, it returns a "Bad Method Call", like below:


    Can I ask your help to clarify what am I doing wrong?

    Thanks in advance, Bruno

    opened by brunocfalcao 6
  • Laravel 8 Support

    Laravel 8 Support

    Installing this package on a Laravel 8 project throws this:


    The problem is kitetail/zttp requires guzzlehttp/guzzle ^6.0 whereas Laravel 8 requires guzzlehttp/guzzle ^7.0.1.

    It doesn't look like the kitetail/zttp package is maintained anymore.

    Please consider dropping kitetail/zttp in favor of Laravel's baked in HTTP Client:

    opened by pktharindu 3
  • SSLv3 error on webhook for Paddle

    SSLv3 error on webhook for Paddle


    On a Laravel forge spinned up server I am trying to use the package but I get this error: error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure

    This is with the Webhook Simulator tester.

    Any ideas how to get it to work?

    opened by petericebear 3
  • wrong API endpoint for getOrderDetails method

    wrong API endpoint for getOrderDetails method

    When we call getOrderDetails method, it looks like the endpoint called is, but it should be instead.

    With the first one, the method always returns a 404 error.

    opened by dimzeta 3
  • Getting error in webhook call.

    Getting error in webhook call.

    Thanks a lot for the amazing package.

    While making a webhook call from the Paddle webhook simulator, I am getting below error.

    error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure

    I configure the server with Laravel Forge.

    Is there any steps I missing regarding the configuration.

    opened by hemratna 3
  • Added return_url and annotation methods

    Added return_url and annotation methods

    I've added return_url validation parameter because need to have redirection after payment. Paddle API supports it. Also Added annotation in GeneratePayLinkRequest class because my PHPStorm likes it :) Cheers!

    opened by sergunik 2
  • SSL issue

    SSL issue

    I'm quite lost regarding where exactly this issue occurs, so please excuse me if it turns out that it has nothing to do with this package.

    When I test my webhook in the Paddle dashboard, I get error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure. First, I thought that Paddle was connecting over SSLv3 but that seems highly unlikely as I've done some searching and it seems this is ancient and not recommended encryption.

    On my nginx server I have (this might be relevant to the issue):

    ssl_protocols TLSv1.2;
    ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
    ssl_dhparam /etc/nginx/dhparams.pem;

    The reason that I'm posting this issue here is that WebhookController has

    $verified = openssl_verify(

    Judging from the response that I get in the Paddle dashboard I still think it's on their end but I wanted to double check if the issue could come from the code above, or that maybe you ran into this issue as well while working on this package.

    I have set my public_key in my ENV file and run config:cache on deployment.

    opened by joostvanhoof 2
  • Package installation problem

    Package installation problem

    I'm using laravel 7 and php 8.0. When I'm trying to install this package, I got this error:

    Problem 1 - Root composer.json requires protonemedia/laravel-paddle ^2.3 -> satisfiable by protonemedia/laravel-paddle[v2.3.0]. - protonemedia/laravel-paddle v2.3.0 requires illuminate/support ^8.67 -> found illuminate/support[v8.67.0, ..., 8.x-dev] but these were not loaded, likely because it conflicts with another require.

    and when I'm trying to install 1.0v of this package, I got this error:

    [InvalidArgumentException] Package protonemedia/laravel-paddle at version ^1 has a PHP requirement incompatible with your PHP version, PHP ext ensions and Composer version: - protonemedia/laravel-paddle 1.2.1 requires php ^7.2 which does not match your installed version 8.0.10

    It would be better If I can install the latest version of this package. Please help me to solve this.

    opened by MdAnowarHosen 1
  • Live mode problem

    Live mode problem

    This paddle package working fine for sandbox. But, if I change to PADDLE_SANDBOX=false and give my exact Paddle credentials for the production server, then it redirect me to this link: Why does it happening?

    opened by MdAnowarHosen 0
  • Support .env variables according

    Support .env variables according

    Hello! I'm using v2.4.0 and according to documentation I could set the vendor_id, vendor_auth_code and public_key on .env or in published config file. But I've set in .env and my Paddle::subscription()->listPlans() returned a non permission returned from Paddle ([107] You don't have permission to access this resource). So I investigated and found on the src/Api/Request.php line 101 the code:

    $data = $this->getData() + ['vendor_id' => config('paddle.vendor_id')];
    if ($method === static::METHOD_POST) {
        $data['vendor_auth_code'] = config('paddle.vendor_auth_code');

    This mean that the vendor_id and vendor_auth_code is coming only from config file and it's not getting from .env, right?

    I solved it adding a null coalescing operator in this part and I would like to check if can I send a PR with this new code?

    $data = $this->getData() + ['vendor_id' => config('paddle.vendor_id')??env('PADDLE_VENDOR_ID')];
    if ($method === static::METHOD_POST) {
        $data['vendor_auth_code'] = config('paddle.vendor_auth_code')??env('PADDLE_VENDOR_AUTH_CODE');

    I've changed all other config usages too for try to use the .env if config variable is not set.

    opened by rcarvs 0
  • Support vendors in blade directive and Request

    Support vendors in blade directive and Request

    I mentioned this feature in #28.

    I added support for multi vendors via configuration in Request:


                'vendor_id' => '44334',
                'vendor_auth_code' => 'fdfsdfsdf'

    Also, I added support for multi vendors in blade directive:


    Both changes are covered in unit tests. What have left is to add support for verifySignature in WebhookController, but only this method can support overloading public_key from config, not the controller because I think we can't support multi-vendors in that case. Users need to create own controllers because they know where from they will read public_key.

    We can discuss Do we want to change WebhookController or not.

    opened by Djuki 0
  • Multi vendor  support?

    Multi vendor support?

    At the moment, this library can be user for one vendor. What if our app has multiple tenants, and for each one of them we want to allow payments?

    That would be possible if Request would not overwrite the vendor id and vendor_auth_code. and just read them from the config if the values do not exist in the $data.

    If you would support PR for this, I can do that.

    opened by Djuki 4
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