BigBlueButton Server API Library for Laravel



BigBlueButton Server API Library for Laravel

License Latest Version on Packagist Build Status Quality Score Total Downloads Laravel Framework

Package that provides easily communicate between BigBlueButton server and laravel framework


  • Laravel 5.5 or above.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require joisarjignesh/bigbluebutton

After install package publish config file

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=bigbluebutton-config


  • Define in config/bigbluebutton.php file
  • For Specific server configuration (only for multiple server by default is optional)
'servers' => [
       'server1' => [
           'BBB_SECURITY_SALT'    => '',
           'BBB_SERVER_BASE_URL'  => '',

After Define salt and url clear old configurations

php artisan config:clear


Check a url and secret working

dd(\Bigbluebutton::isConnect()); //default 
dd(\Bigbluebutton::server('server1')->isConnect()); //for specific server 
dd(bigbluebutton()->isConnect()); //using helper method 


Create a meeting

  • You can create meeting in three ways document

1.By Passing Array

    'meetingID' => 'tamku',
    'meetingName' => 'test meeting',
    'attendeePW' => 'attendee',
    'moderatorPW' => 'moderator'

2.By passing CreateMeetingParameters object for customize create meeting

use BigBlueButton\Parameters\CreateMeetingParameters;

$meetingParams = new CreateMeetingParameters($meetingID, $meetingName);


3.By passing array it will return CreateMeetingParameters object for overwrite methods

$createMeeting = \Bigbluebutton::initCreateMeeting([
    'meetingID' => 'tamku',
    'meetingName' => 'test meeting',
    'attendeePW' => 'attendee',
    'moderatorPW' => 'moderator',

$createMeeting->setDuration(100); //overwrite default configuration
Upload slides
  • You can upload slides within the create a meeting call. If you do this, the BigBlueButton server will immediately download and process the slides
        'meetingID' => 'tamku',
        'meetingName' => 'test meeting',
        'attendeePW' => 'attendee',
        'moderatorPW' => 'moderator',
        'presentation'  => [ //must be array
            ['link' => '', 'fileName' => 'doc.pdf'], //first will be default and current slide in meeting
            ['link' => '', 'fileName' => 'php_tutorial.pptx'],
End meeting callback URL
  • You can ask the BigBlueButton server to make a callback to your application when the meeting ends. Upon receiving the callback your application could, for example, change the interface for the user to hide the ‘join’ button.

    Note : End meeting callback URL will notify silently, User won't redirect to that page.

    If you want to redirect users to that page after meeting end then can use logoutURL

   'meetingID' => 'tamku',
   'meetingName' => 'test meeting',
   'attendeePW' => 'attendee',
   'moderatorPW' => 'moderator',
   'endCallbackUrl'  => '',
   'logoutUrl' => '',
Recording ready callback URL
  • You can ask the BigBlueButton server to make a callback to your application when the recording for a meeting is ready for viewing. Upon receiving the callback your application could, for example, send the presenter an e-mail to notify them that their recording is ready

    Note : Recording ready callback URL will notify silently, User won't redirect to that page.
    'meetingID' => 'tamku',
    'meetingName' => 'test meeting',
    'attendeePW' => 'attendee',
    'moderatorPW' => 'moderator',
    'bbb-recording-ready-url'  => '',

Join a meeting

  • Join meeting ( by default it will redirect into BigBlueButton Server And Join Meeting) document
use JoisarJignesh\Bigbluebutton\Facades\Bigbluebutton;

return redirect()->to(
    'meetingID' => 'tamku',
    'userName' => 'disa',
    'password' => 'attendee' //which user role want to join set password here
  • Join meeting but does want to redirect into BigBlueButton server and pass other parameters
[ 'foo' => 'bar', 'key' => 'value' ] ]); ">
    'meetingID' => 'tamku',
    'userName' => 'disa',
    'password' => 'attendee', //which user role want to join set password here
    'redirect' => false, //it will not redirect into bigblueserver
    'userId' =>  "54575",
    'customParameters' => [  
       'foo' => 'bar',
       'key' => 'value'

Get a list of meetings

\Bigbluebutton::all(); //using facade
bigbluebutton()->all(); //using helper method 

Get meeting info

use JoisarJignesh\Bigbluebutton\Facades\Bigbluebutton;

    'meetingID' => 'tamku',
    'moderatorPW' => 'moderator' //moderator password set here

Is a meeting running

    'meetingID' => 'tamku',

Bigbluebutton::isMeetingRunning('tamku'); //second way 

Close a meeting

use JoisarJignesh\Bigbluebutton\Facades\Bigbluebutton;

    'meetingID' => 'tamku',
    'moderatorPW' => 'moderator' //moderator password set here


Get recordings

    'meetingID' => 'tamku',
    //'meetingID' => ['tamku','xyz'], //pass as array if get multiple recordings 
    //'recordID' => 'a3f1s',
    //'recordID' => ['xyz.1','pqr.1'] //pass as array note :If a recordID is specified, the meetingID is ignored.
    // 'state' => 'any' // It can be a set of states separate by commas  

Publish recordings

   'recordID' => 'a3f1s',
    //'recordID' => ['xyz.1','pqr.1'] //pass as array if publish multiple recordings
   'state' => true //default is true  

Delete recordings

    //'recordID' => 'a3f1s',
    'recordID' => ['a3f1s','a4ff2'] //pass array if multiple delete recordings

Update recordings

    //'recordID' => 'a3f1s',
    'recordID' => ['a3f1s','a4ff2'] //pass array if multiple delete recordings

Config xml

Get default config xml
\Bigbluebutton::getDefaultConfigXml(); //return as xml
//dd(XmlToArray($this->bbb->getDefaultConfigXML()->getRawXml())); //return as array 

Set config xml

0.9.0'), 'xml' => ' 0.9.0 ', //pass as string other wise pass as SimpleXmlElement object like above line 'meetingID' => 'tamku' ]); ">
  //'xml'       => new \SimpleXMLElement('
  'xml'       => '
   //pass as string other wise pass as SimpleXmlElement object like above line
  'meetingID' => 'tamku'


Hooks create

      'callbackURL' => 'example.test', //required
      'meetingID' => 'tamku', //optional  if not set then hooks set for all meeting id
      'getRaw' => true //optional

Hooks destroy

     'hooksID' => 33

dd(Bigbluebutton::hooksDestroy('53')); //second way


Get api version

  • Get api version
dd(\Bigbluebutton::getApiVersion()); //return as collection 


Start a meeting

  • Start meeting (first check meeting is exists or not if not then create a meeting and join a meeting otherwise meeting is exists then it will directly join a meeting) (by default user join as moderator)
$url = \Bigbluebutton::start([
    'meetingID' => 'tamku',
    'moderatorPW' => 'moderator', //moderator password set here
    'attendeePW' => 'attendee', //attendee password here
    'userName' => 'John Deo',//for join meeting 
    //'redirect' => false // only want to create and meeting and get join url then use this parameter 

return redirect()->to($url);

More Information Read This wiki

For Bigbluebutton Api Testing See This ApiMate

See Bigbluebutton Official dev Api Bigbluebutton


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Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

  • How can we set each BBB secret info for each room?

    How can we set each BBB secret info for each room?

    Hi everybody, I want to send each room (meeting) to specific BBB server. Could you help me to integrate and extend @joisarjignesh 's library for this improvement?

    opened by cod3r0k 11
  • BadFunctionCallException customParameter is not a valid property

    BadFunctionCallException customParameter is not a valid property

    On v2.3.0

    Whenever I tried joining a meeting, I am getting the error below.

    BadFunctionCallException customParameter is not a valid property

    Find Screenshots below



    opened by SamjiDiamond 9
  • Could we check active tab browser?

    Could we check active tab browser?

    Hi, I want to check some participants' status. For example, I want to check which participants' browser is active and not changed during each session.

    help wanted 
    opened by cod3r0k 6
  • moderatorPassword is not a valid property

    moderatorPassword is not a valid property

    hi I get an error when I try to create a new meeting bigbluebutton()->create([ 'meetingID' => 'tamku', 'meetingName' => 'test meeting', 'attendeePW' => 'attendee', 'moderatorPW' => 'moderator', 'endCallbackUrl' => '', 'logoutUrl' => '', ]);


    opened by abolfazlnorzad 5
  • Update meta data of recording

    Update meta data of recording

    Dear All, How can we have update recording ?

    With this function, we can update our meta data of recordings

    opened by cod3r0k 5
  • Issue when creating a conference

    Issue when creating a conference

    When creating a conference using $url = Bigbluebutton::create([ 'meetingID' => 'sdcsiqufgssf', 'meetingName' => 'testmeeting', 'attendeePW' => 'attendee', 'moderatorPW' => 'moderator' ]);

    i've this error on the bigbluebutton server: HTTP Status 500 – Internal Server Error with this log /var/log/bigbluebutton/bbb-web.log:2020-04-27T16:23:52.768+02:00 ERROR o.g.w.e.GrailsExceptionResolver - NumberFormatException occurred when processing request: [GET] /bigbluebutton/api/create

    It's a fresh bigbluebutton server and using api-mate all is working perfectly

    opened by labomatik 5
  • Do we have any meeting statistics (Blindside) for recorded session?

    Do we have any meeting statistics (Blindside) for recorded session?

    I found a news which related to the founder's of BBB.

    They said that we can have statistics of each session in the recording files. Do we have this in this library? Do you have any related solution and idea?

    opened by cod3r0k 4
  • How can we get information of enter and exit time of each user during each meeting

    How can we get information of enter and exit time of each user during each meeting

    Dear All, I want to have some reports which related to each session. How can we logs of enter and exit time of each user during the each meeting? Some user join into some meeting, but their internet or any other events (like closing a browser, turning off the electricity or etc.) cause that they leave each meeting. I want to have an excellent log for this.

    With Laravel, I can just log the login time and also logout time (if they came back and not closing the browser) and it is not sufficient.

    Please help me in this moment. @SamuelWei @joisarjignesh

    opened by cod3r0k 4
  • The meeting ID that you supplied did not match any existing meetings

    The meeting ID that you supplied did not match any existing meetings

    Hi all, When I want to join into one meeting, it showed me the below message The meeting ID that you supplied did not match any existing meetings

    What's goes on? I create a meeting and then join to it...?

    opened by cod3r0k 4
  • Can we call a function when some body go out from the room?

    Can we call a function when some body go out from the room?

    Dear All, How can we detect that anybody is not in the room (with hooks)? E.g. how can we get the duration of each user entrance? also some body maybe have loss internet connection. I want to call some function when anybody's connection is destroyed

    opened by cod3r0k 4
  • Recording size

    Recording size

    Dear @joisarjignesh , Can we calculate the size of each recording record id? The API get me some information but there is not any further information in documentation. Do we need to use ?

    opened by cod3r0k 3
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