164 Repositories
PHP auth-boilerplate Libraries
Electrik is a full-featured, open-source, starter-kit to help you build you your SaaS application.
Electrik Electrik is a full-featured and open-source stater-kit for for your next SaaS application. It's built on top of Laravel, Livewire, neerajsoha
Free WordPress Gutenberg block-type Plugin Boilerplate for Developers.
ClioWP Blocks Boilerplate ClioWP Blocks Boilerplate is a Free WordPress Gutenberg block-type Plugin Boilerplate for Developers. Links Website https://
Actions: controller + auth + validation in one class
Actions: controller + auth + validation in one class This package provides only one class: an Action class that extends the FormRequest class we all k
Tiny, fast and simple PHP boilerplate built on top of FlightPHP
BlessPHP Tiny, fast and simple PHP boilerplate built on top of FlightPHP. Good enough to use as skeleton for prototypes and some pet-projects. The nam
Api first backend boilerplate build with laravel 🎯 you can use as a template 😉
Laravel Backend Template i use this as a starting point for my backend projects , it saves time with basic auth functionalities and has code examples
A preconfigured Laravel, React, Typescript, Docker boilerplate to save you time!
Laravel - React - Docker - Boilerplate This repo is built with the following: Laravel 9 React 17 Vite 3 ESLint 8 TypeScript 4.7 Husky/Commit lint PHP
Laravel web rest api authentication library (PHP).
Webi auth library Laravel web rest api authentication library. Install (laravel 9, php 8.1) First set your .env variables (mysql, smtp) and then compo
How to create a simple auth system with login and signup functionalities in Code-igniter 4.
Codeigniter 4 Authentication Login and Registration Example Checkout the step-by-step tutorial on: Codeigniter 4 Authentication Login and Registration
Laravel Vue Spa 🌄 BoilerPlate 🌄
Laravel-Vue-Spa-Boilerplate Getting started Introduction This is a Laravel (5.5) Vue js SPA(Single page application) Boilerplate Project with JWT Auth
WordPress plugin boilerplate using React and Block Editor components.
PluginWP Foundation 🚧 UNDER DEVELOPMENT 🚧 This code serves as a starting point for building a WordPress plugin using React and the block editor comp
This template repository is a boilerplate setup for a PHP application
PHP_Docker Repository Template What is this ? This template repository is a boilerplate setup for a PHP application. Its current version ships with PH
Simple PHP Pages - A simple puristic PHP Website Boilerplate
Simple PHP Pages - A simple puristic PHP Website Boilerplate 🚀 Hey! This project provides simple and basic concepts for PHP pages. It includes ideas
A wiki to ease developers' work by providing a user authentication librariesthat can be used as middleware within a web application to authenticate
A wiki to ease developers' work by providing a user authentication librariesthat can be used as middleware within a web application to authenticate (their application user) requests.
Mazer is a Admin Dashboard Template that can help you develop faster. We bring Mazer with Laravel starter project.
Mazer is a Admin Dashboard Template that can help you develop faster. We bring Mazer with Laravel starter project. It's completely free and you can use it in your projects.
Open Id Connect Api
flux-open-id-connect-api Open Id Connect Api Installation Native Download RUN (mkdir -p /%path%/libs/flux-open-id-connect-api && cd /%path%/libs/flux-
WordPress Plugin Boilerplate
This repository, developed by the team of Plugins & Snippets, offers an open source WordPress Plugin Template with many useful functions, specially to prepare basic widgets, short codes and settings page. The aim of this Boilerplate Template is to save time for WordPress Developers in building high-quality plugins.
Disable direct access to your sites /wp-login.php script, plus user notifications based on actions.
WordPress Login Locker Disable direct access to your sites /wp-login.php script plus user notifications based on actions. Package Installation (via Co
Nue Boilerplate - A package for those of you who are tired of coding
Nue Boilerplate Baca Dokumentasi Disini Screenshot Documentation Requirements Installation Configuration Components Alert License Requirements Laravel
Hierarchical Rol-Permission Based Laravel Auth Package with Limitless Hierarchical Level of Organizations
AAuth for Laravel Hierarchical Rol-Permission Based Laravel Auth Package with Limitless Hierarchical Level of Organizations Features Organization Base
A Native PHP MVC With Auth. If you will build your own PHP project in MVC with router and Auth, you can clone this ready to use MVC pattern repo.
If you will build your own PHP project in MVC with router and Auth, you can clone this ready to use MVC pattern repo. Auth system is implemented. Works with bootstrap 5. Composer with autoload are implemented too for future composer require.
Slim Auth is an authorization and authentication library for the Slim Framework.
Slim Auth is an authorization and authentication library for the Slim Framework. Authentication is provided by the Zend Framework Zend\Authentication component, and authorization by the Zend Framework Zend\Permissions\Acl component.
Test requests in Laravel without all the boilerplate.
Request Factories Test requests in Laravel without all the boilerplate. 💡 Psst. Although our examples use Pest PHP, this works just as well in PHPUni
Dockerise Symfony Application (Symfony 6 + Clean Architecture+ DDD+ CQRS + Docker + Xdebug + PHPUnit + Doctrine ORM + JWT Auth + Static analysis)
Symfony Dockerise Symfony Application Install Docker Install Docker Compose Docker PHP & Nginx Create Symfony Application Debugging Install Xdebug Con
This is a laravel Auth Starter Kit, with full user/admin authentication with both session and token auth
About Auth Starter It's a Laravel 8 authentication markdown that will help you to understand and grasp all the underlying functionality for Session an
PHP boilerplate for quick start projects using Slim Framework and Eloquent.
Lassi PHP boilerplate for quick projects using Slim Framework and Eloquent database. Lassi is a small PHP boilerplate to use Slim Framework with Eloqu
Hydra is a zero-config API boilerplate with Laravel Sanctum that comes with excellent user and role management API out of the box
Hydra - Zero Config API Boilerplate with Laravel Sanctum Hydra is a zero-config API boilerplate with Laravel Sanctum and comes with excellent user and
This WordPress Plugin Boilerplate is meant for you to develop your own plugin on.
WordPress Plugin Boilerplate This plugin boilerplate is meant for you to develop your own plugin on. Support & collaboration Features OOP plugin core
Stateless HTTP basic auth for Laravel without the need for a database.
Laravel Very Basic Auth Documentation available in: 🇬🇧 English 🇯🇵 日本語 This package allows you to add a HTTP Basic Auth filter on your routes, with
Kick-start you next Laravel based API with this awesome boilerplate 🚀
Laravel API boilerplate 🚀 An awesome boilerplate for your next Laravel 9 based API. It's only goal is to simply kick-start your API development and p
A simple and clean boilerplate to start a new SPA project with authentication and more features from fortify
A simple and clean boilerplate to start a new SPA project with authentication and more features from fortify. Its like the little sister of Jetstream, but as SPA.
Simple user-authentication solution, embedded into a small framework.
HUGE Just a simple user authentication solution inside a super-simple framework skeleton that works out-of-the-box (and comes with an auto-installer),
Basic Authentication handler for the JSON API, used for development and debugging purposes
Basic Authentication handler This plugin adds Basic Authentication to a WordPress site. Note that this plugin requires sending your username and passw
Boilerplate between the Magento API and ImportExport, so that you can do fast Array/XMLRPC/SOAP based product imports.
Boilerplate between the Magento API and ImportExport, so that you can do fast Array/XMLRPC/SOAP based product imports.
Kirby: the CMS that adapts to any project, loved by developers and editors alike.
Kirby: the CMS that adapts to any project, loved by developers and editors alike. The Starterkit is a full-blown Kirby installation with a lot of exam
This repository is a boilerplate for development of the php-telegram-bot.
This repository is a boilerplate for development of the php-telegram-bot.
A Laravel starter kit with auth scaffolding using Livewire & Bootstrap.
Zephyr This package is a Laravel starter kit with auth scaffolding using Livewire & Bootstrap. It was created for people who prefer using Livewire & B
Project with laravel 9 and livewire login and register + edit user profile
Laravel 9 has just been released, and I decided to make a prototype project with Laravel 9 + livewire. In this project, full user registration with mobile number along with profile editing has been implemented. Project features are as follows
An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC for webman plugin
An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC for webman plugin
Single file PHP that can serve as a JWT based authentication provider to the PHP-CRUD-API project
Single file PHP that can serve as a JWT based authentication provider to the PHP-CRUD-API project
Laravel Quick-Start - a boilerplate for Laravel Application with typical packages preinstalled and configured
Laravel Quickstart is a boilerplate for Laravel Application with typical packages preinstalled and configured to extend a full-fledged application. We tried to make it as minimal as possible.
An implementing of the Laravel Breeze application / authentication starter kit frontend in Next.js
Windmill with Laravel Breeze as Backend API Introduction This repository is an implementing of the Laravel Breeze application / authentication starter
Laravel Boilerplate / Starter Kit with Gentelella Admin Theme
Laravel Boilerplate Project Laravel Boilerplate provides a very flexible and extensible way of building your custom Laravel applications. Table of Con
Enables Google Authentication for YOURLS
google-auth-yourls Enables Google Authentication for YOURLS Proper documentation coming soon. For now, here is the very rough documentation: Download
Auth is a module for the Yii PHP framework that provides a web user interface for Yii's built-in authorization manager
Auth is a module for the Yii PHP framework that provides a web user interface for Yii's built-in authorization manager (CAuthManager). You can read more about Yii's authorization manager in the framework documentation under Authentication and Authorization.
Wordless is a junction between a WordPress plugin and a theme boilerplate that dramatically speeds up and enhances your custom theme creation
Wordless is a junction between a WordPress plugin and a theme boilerplate that dramatically speeds up and enhances your custom theme creation. Some of
Vueform Laravel + Vue 3 + TailwindCSS 3 Boilerplate
Vueform Laravel + Vue 3 + TailwindCSS 3 Boilerplate Last tested with Laravel 8.75. Installation Clone this repo with: git clone https://github.com/vue
CakeDC Auth Objects is a refactor of the existing Auth objects present in the CakeDC Users Plugin, to let anyone else use them in their projects.
CakeDC Auth Objects is a refactor of the existing Auth objects present in the CakeDC Users Plugin, to let anyone else use them in their projects.
Customize Login and Register Page for User/Admin in Laravel v8
Customize Login and Register Page for User/Admin in Laravel v8
A tool to generate boilerplate code, interact with and debug Drupal.
Table of Contents generated with DocToc Drupal Console Required PHP version Drupal Console documentation Download Drupal Console Run Drupal Console Co
Boilerplate for Slim Framework 3
Boilerplate for Slim Framework 3 Boilerplate for getting started with Slim Framework Use this skeleton application to quickly setup and start working
Slim 3 PHP micro framework MVC application boilerplate
Slim 3 PHP micro framework MVC application boilerplate
It's a Laravel 8 authentication markdown that will help you to understand and grasp all the underlying functionality for Session and API Authentication
About Auth Starter It's a Laravel 8 authentication markdown that will help you to understand and grasp all the underlying functionality for Session an
A PHP boilerplate based on Slim Framework, for start projects with Eloquent ORM, Validation, Auth (JWT), Repositories and Transformers ready
A PHP boilerplate based on Slim Framework, for start projects with Eloquent ORM, Validation, Auth (JWT), Repositories and Transformers ready.
Enraged Xenomorph - DDD/CQRS Symfony Application Boilerplate
Enraged Xenomorph - DDD/CQRS Symfony Application Boilerplate This project is very opinionated attempt to compile a bit of experience, few good practic
WordPress & TypeScript. Simple starter template for WordPress projects
WordPress & TypeScript. Simple starter template for WordPress projects that want to use TypeScript in combination with @wordpress/scripts
Laravel auth-boilerplate using sanctum
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Laravel boilerplate with the best development practices.
Laravel Boilerplate Introduction 👋 Welcome to Laravel Init - a boilerplate for installing laravel application. It covers: One-liner shell script to s
WordPress plugin starter/boilerplate.
Howdy WordPress plugin starter. Based on "Service Provider" design pattern. Environment setup composer install npm install Plugin Backend Architecture
Laravel 8 boilerplate in docker-compose with Treafik and SSL setup and github workflow ready for CI/CD pipeline
Laravel8 boilerplate Laravel 8 boilerplate in docker-compose with Treafik and SSL setup with .github workflow ready To start the containers in prod en
A user, group, role and permission management for Codeigniter 4
CI4-Auth CI4-Auth is a user, group, role and permission management library for Codeigniter 4. CI4-Auth is based on the great Myth-Auth library for Cod
HTML5 Twitter Bootstrap 3.1 Magento Boilerplate Template
Magento Boilerplate A HTML5 Twitter Bootstrap 3.1 Magento 1.8 Boilerplate Template Read the blog post or checkout the demo for more information. Insta
A Magento 1.x module which facilitates automatic purging of static assets from HTTP caches such as browser cache, CDN, Varnish, etc using best practices outlined within the HTML5 boilerplate community.
Magento Cachebuster Cachebuster is a Magento module which facilitates automatic purging of static assets from HTTP caches such as browser cache, CDN,
A htaccess boilerplate for all Magento Community installations. Features focus on speed, SEO and security.
magento-htaccess A htaccess boilerplate for all Magento Community installations. Features focus on speed, SEO and security. The file should be placed
A foundation for WordPress Plugin Development that aims to provide a clear and consistent guide for building your plugins.
WordPress Plugin Boilerplate A standardized, organized, object-oriented foundation for building high-quality WordPress Plugins. Contents The WordPress
Laravel and Nuxt.js boilerplate
Laravel + Nuxt.js Boilerplate Now supporting Nuxt v3 Examples on using Dark Mode, authentication, and listing data What is included NUXT v3 front end,
Multi Auth and admin auth in Laravel Project
Laravel Multi Auth For Complete Documentation, visit Here This package is just create admin side (multi auth), which is totaly isolated from your norm
Message box application written in Laravel - simple inbox design using auth UI.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Wordpress Plugin Boilerplate but Powered with examples and a generator!
WordPress Plugin Boilerplate Powered WordPress Plugin Boilerplate Powered is a complete foundation for building your WordPress plugins following PSR-4
Backend controllers and scaffolding for Laravel authentication.
Introduction Laravel Fortify is a frontend agnostic authentication backend for Laravel. Fortify powers the registration, authentication, and two-facto
Laravel Sanctum provides a featherweight authentication system for SPAs and simple APIs.
Introduction Laravel Sanctum provides a featherweight authentication system for SPAs and simple APIs. Official Documentation Documentation for Sanctum
An open source tool that lets you create a SaaS website from docker images in 10 minutes.
简体中文 Screenshots for members ( who subscribe the plan ) for admin ⚠️ This document was translated into English by deepl and can be improved by PR An o
Phalcon Auth - Guard-Based Authentication
Phalcon Auth You can see an example of an application with authorization and limit here sinbadxiii/phalcon-auth-example Стандартная аутентификация на
The Laravel Boilerplate Project - https://laravel-boilerplate.com - For Slack access, visit:
Laravel Boilerplate (Current: Laravel 8.*) (Demo) Demo Credentials Admin: admin@admin.com Password: secret User: user@user.com Password: secret Offici
Learn how to run WordPress with Docker. Read about our experiences and start off with an easy boilerplate.
Hi! We're Dan and Jay. We're a two person team with a passion for open source products. We created Server Side Up to help share what we learn. Find us
A simple boilerplate for Laravel + Vue with authentication through Sanctum/Fortify
About this boilerplate Basic boilerplate to quickly and easy get started with a Laravel API and a Vue SPA frontend. Nothing has been done, so everythi
⚡️ This package provides a wonderful PHP skeleton to start building your next package idea.
This package provides a wonderful PHP Skeleton to start building your next package idea. Requires PHP 8.0+ ⚡️ Create your package using Composer: comp
Helps you securely setup a master password and login into user accounts with it.
🔑 Make your Login form smart in a minute! Built with ❤️ for every smart laravel developer Helps you set a master password in .env file and login into
Laravel Auth is a Complete Build of Laravel 8 with Email Registration Verification, Social Authentication, User Roles and Permissions, User Profiles, and Admin restricted user management system.
Laravel Auth is a Complete Build of Laravel 8 with Email Registration Verification, Social Authentication, User Roles and Permissions, User Profiles, and Admin restricted user management system. Built on Bootstrap 4.
A simple helpdesk tickets system for Laravel 5.1+ which integrates smoothly with Laravel default users and auth system
A simple helpdesk tickets system for Laravel 5.1+ which integrates smoothly with Laravel default users and auth system, demo is available at: http://ticketit.kordy.info/tickets
Laravel Boilerplate provides a very flexible and extensible way of building your custom Laravel applications.
Laravel Boilerplate Project Laravel Boilerplate provides a very flexible and extensible way of building your custom Laravel applications. Table of Con
Hej! is a simple authentication boilerplate for Socialite.
Hej! - a Socialite authentication flow implementation Hej! is a simple authentication flow implementation for Socialite. Out-of-the-box, Hej! can help
A skeleton WordPress project to be used as a base for new WordPress projects.
BoxUK WordPress Project Skeleton A base WordPress project from Box UK to get you up and running quickly. Installation Create a new project with compos
A simple framework for running WordPress unit and integration tests.
Touchstone A modern wrapper around the official WordPress testsuite. It can be used to run both Unit and Integration tests. Installation Run the follo
Laravel + Angularjs + Bootstrap + AdminLTE binded by Gulp workflow Admin Dashboard Boilerplate / Starter.
Laravel Angular Admin Laravel + Angularjs + Bootstrap + AdminLTE binded by Gulp workflow Admin Dashboard Boilerplate. Plus Oauth and JWT authenticatio
Laravel 5 boilerplate with front-end and back-end support
Laravel 5 Boilerplate with Skeleton framework Skeleton (as of now) Laravel 5 framework application. Application includes and/or are currently being us
Laravel Boilerplate (Current: Laravel 8.*)
Laravel Boilerplate (Current: Laravel 8.*) (Demo) Demo Credentials Admin: admin@admin.com Password: secret User: user@user.com Password: secret Offici
Laravel app boilerplate with email verification process on registration
The default master branch is for Laravel 5.4 , for Laravel 5.3 boilerplate switch to the v5.3 branch Laravel app boilerplate with email verification o
Laravel and AngularJS Starter Application Boilerplate featuring Laravel 5.3 and AngularJS 1.5.8
💁 Zemke/starter-laravel-angular has been upgraded to AngularJS 1.5.8. 💁 Zemke/starter-laravel-angular has been upgraded to Laravel 5.3. You can pull
Configurable Basic Auth based on Pimcore Documents
CORS Property Basic Auth This bundles allows to add basic auth based on Properties on Pimcore Documents. Simply use these properties password_enabled
Login Using Laravel UI
Projeto Laravel utilizando a biblioteca Laravel UI para autenticação de usuários com Username e Senha.
This system will provide security and comfortable opportunities to protect your gaming account.
VK Security – Auth system VK Security provides the ability to use game authorization inside in conjunction with the official VKontakte groups. Conveni
Base Laravel project with React and Laravel Sanctum authentication
About this project This is a base Laravel project with ReactJS frontend and Laravel Sanctum API authentication. You could read more about here. Instal
A Laravel package which helps you automate creation of files.
Laravel file generator This is a Laravel package which helps you automate creation of files. High Res Link Benefits If you create a type of file frequ
A Laravel REST API backend with React/Redux, hot module reloading in development and route-level code splitting
React Laravel Boilerplate This is the boilerplate that I personally use for getting projects off the ground quickly using my favourite stack of techno
🔐 JSON Web Token Authentication for Laravel & Lumen
Credits This repository it a fork from original tymonsdesigns/jwt-auth, we decided to fork and work independent because the original one was not being
Shopware 6 app boilerplate + Symfony backend + Dockware docker dev environment 💙
Shopware 6 app boilerplate with Symfony backend This boilerplate template can be used to get up and running with a docker-based dev setup for Shopware
Tema boilerplate WordPress
WordPress boilerplate based on _s Hi. I'm a starter theme called _s, or underscores, if you like. I'm a theme meant for hacking so don't use me as a P
Stream Site with a auth script for OvenMediaEngine
OvenMediaEngine Stream Site Two PHP pages, one for authentication. The other is for displaying the streams. License AGPL Previews Installation Require
laravel/ui with auth scaffolding for Laravel 8
Legacy UI Presets with Auth scaffolding for Laravel 8 Introduction This project brings old Auth scaffolding to Laravel 8 for projects that cannot migr
Laravel boilerplate
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie