Stateless HTTP basic auth for Laravel without the need for a database.


Laravel Very Basic Auth

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Documentation available in:

🇬🇧 English
🇯🇵 日本語

This package allows you to add a HTTP Basic Auth filter on your routes, without the need to use a database – which the Laravel default auth.basic-middleware relies on.


Perfect when you want to give your clients access to your development site before you have yet to set up your database and/or models. Or perhaps your site doesn't even use a database and you still wish to keep it protected.

On failed authentication the user will get a "401 Unauthorized" response.

A thing to note

While HTTP Basic Auth does give you a protection layer against unwanted visitors, it is still not strictly safe from brute-force attacks. If you are solely using this package for security, you should at least consider looking into Apache or Nginx rate-limiters to limit login attempts.

Version Compatibility

Laravel l5-very-basic-auth
^5.4 5.*
^6 || ^7 || ^8 || ^9 6.*

The odd versioning is due to breaking changes in the testing framework and PHP versions. 3.x-releases are for Laravel 5.4 (PHP 5.6 and up) and 4.x-releases for Laravel 5.5.

Using Laravel 4.x?

Take a look at this gist, it uses the old Route::filter-methods to achieve pretty much the same goal.


Via Composer

$ composer require olssonm/l5-very-basic-auth

Since v4.* (for Laravel 5.5) this package uses Package Auto-Discovery for loading the service provider. Once installed you should see the message

Discovered Package: olssonm/l5-very-basic-auth

If you would like to manually add the provider, turn off Auto-Discovery for the package in your composer.json-file:

"extra": {
    "laravel": {
        "dont-discover": [

And then add the provider in the providers array (config/app.php).

'providers' => [


Run the command $ php artisan vendor:publish and select Provider: Olssonm\VeryBasicAuth\VeryBasicAuthServiceProvider to publish the configuration. You could also type $ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Olssonm\VeryBasicAuth\VeryBasicAuthServiceProvider" to directly publish the files.

The file very_basic_auth.php will then be copied to your app/config-folder – here you can set various options such as username and password.


There is no default password. Upon installation a random password is set for added security (we don't want everyone to use the same default password). Please publish the packages configuration to have the ability to set a custom password.


You may set the environments that the package should be applied for. You may simply use "*" to use in all environments (this is also the default).

'envs' => [


'envs' => [

Views and messages

In the very_basic_auth.php-configuration you have the ability to set a custom view instead of a message.

// Message to display if the user "opts out"/clicks "cancel"
'error_message'     => 'You have to supply your credentials to access this resource.',

// If you prefer to use a view with your error message you can uncomment "error_view".
// This will supersede your default response message
// 'error_view'        => 'very_basic_auth::default'

If you uncomment error_view, the middleware will try to find your specified view. You supply this value as usual (without the .blade.php-extention).

If you've upgraded to 2.1 from a previous version this key and value will be missing from your published configuration and you will have to add it yourself.


The middleware uses the auth.very_basic-filter to protect routes. You can either use Route::group() to protect multiple routes, or chose just to protect them individually.


Route::group(['middleware' => 'auth.very_basic'], function() {
    Route::get('/', ['as' => 'start', 'uses' => 'StartController@index']);
    Route::get('/page', ['as' => 'page', 'uses' => 'StartController@page']);


Route::get('/', [
    'as' => 'start',
    'uses' => 'StartController@index',
    'middleware' => 'auth.very_basic'

You may also set the credentials inline;

Route::get('/', [
    'as' => 'start',
    'uses' => 'StartController@index',
    'middleware' => 'auth.very_basic:username,password'

Note: inline credentials always take president over the very_basic_auth.php-configuration file.


$ composer test


$ phpunit

Laravel always runs in the "testing" environment while running tests. Make sure that testing is set in the envs-array in very_basic_auth.php.

Thank you

A big thank you to the people who has contributed to this package, among others:

kazuhei – for providing the awesome Japanese translation
freekmurze – for additional information on package/vendor installations
faiare – for pointing out and implementing the realm-attribute (RFC7235)


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

© 2021 Marcus Olsson.

  • Stuck in authentication loop

    Stuck in authentication loop


    every time I open the my test page I get the prompt to enter details, enter them and get another prompt. This is due to the fact, that $request->getUser() and $request->getPassword() are always empty. In postman and curl I simply get the error message.

    I installed laravel in a subfolder, could it be some redirect issue? Maybe I have to enter something in .htaccess?


    opened by repat 9
  • Request - Config & Inline Credentials

    Request - Config & Inline Credentials

    Hi, as the title suggests;

    # Inline
    Route::group(['middleware' => 'auth.very_basic:admin,password'], function() {
    # Config
    Route::group(['middleware' => 'auth.very_basic:services.xservice.basic_auth'], function() {

    Basically the config part can be negated as can be used as:

    Route::group([ 'middleware' => 'auth.very_basic:' . config('services.xservice.basic_auth') ], function() {
    opened by kevyworks 7
  • Disable prompting for authentication details

    Disable prompting for authentication details

    Thank you. Package works great - straight out of the box, though the creation of the config file in the vendor folder (which should be write-only to web processes) is a little disconcerting.

    Anyway, my requirement. I would like to be able to protect a route or group using basic auth details, but I don't want the browser to pop up with a user credentials box. This is specifically for a machine-to-machine API, so no user will ever be logging in, and any user encountering the route should not be given clues that basic auth is in place on that route.

    The idea is just to return a 401 without the WWW-Authenticate header, or better still a 404 - no clues that a route is there.

    Obviously it's not going to stop a brute force attempt given the knowledge about the route, but a little security-by-obscurity should help to reduce the likelihood of it happening.

    Is this something you would be interested in supporting, if I had a PR?

    opened by judgej 6
  • PHP 7 support / issue

    PHP 7 support / issue

    Switched my environment from PHP 5.6 to 7.2 and prompt still works however after entering the correct password, it declines it.

    As soon as I switch over to 5.6, the username/password combination works again.

    I know PHP 7 is not supported but it would really help to support it in my situations where people are upgrading or migrating their hosts.

    under investigation 
    opened by zicodes 6
  • Uncaught ReflectionException: Class translator does not exist

    Uncaught ReflectionException: Class translator does not exist

    Hi and thanks for creating the package.

    I have a multi-lingual site and would like to customize the 'opt out / cancel' message. I tried updated the 'very_basic_auth.php' config file to include

    'error_message'     =>  trans('auth.opt_out')

    but get an error. Is this supported? Is there a different way of doing this?

    Thanks in advance

    opened by tyler36 4
  • Add realm attribute to WWW-Authenticate header.

    Add realm attribute to WWW-Authenticate header.


    Thank you for this great package. I encountered a problem not remembering authentication with Internet Explorer (version 11).

    Internet Explorer probably requires the realm attribute in WWW-Authenticate header. Without realm attribute, Internet Explorer refuses to remember authentication.

    opened by faiare 2
  • [Info] Can't load page using very-basic-auth at all on emphaty browser on raspberry pi one Model B

    [Info] Can't load page using very-basic-auth at all on emphaty browser on raspberry pi one Model B


    I'm using your package for a fork of a dashboard package. I'd like to show the page on a old raspberry pi in the Epiphany Browser (v3.8.2) in kiosk mode.

    But the site could not been loaded. The browser don't stop loading the page and don't show the authentication dioalog as expected.

    Since I can solve this with native apache basic authentication, this is not critical at all. But I thought this could be a Problem with some Browsers want to be fixed.

    Hope it helps.

    opened by okaufmann 2
  • improve publish config command

    improve publish config command


    thank you for this nice and handy package.

    When publishing assets it's always a good idea to specifically target a service provider. More info here:

    opened by freekmurze 2
  • PHP 8

    PHP 8

    Support for PHP 8 is available and has been tested.

    However, Travis CI doesn't seem to support PHP 8 just yet so the build is failing. Until all tests has been passed I will not put out a new release.

    In the meanwhile – if PHP 8 support i critical, require the hash bfd6e8a on dev-master. I.e:

    composer require olssonm/l5-very-basic-auth:dev-master#bfd6e8a
    under investigation 
    opened by olssonm 1
  • Add license scan report and status

    Add license scan report and status

    Your FOSSA integration was successful! Attached in this PR is a badge and license report to track scan status in your README.

    Below are docs for integrating FOSSA license checks into your CI:

    opened by fossabot 1
  • Issues with Apache/CGI-combo

    Issues with Apache/CGI-combo

    Authorization headers do not work as expected when using the Apache CGI-module.

    It would be nice if there was a fix for this built in directly in the package to remove the need for a custom solution to circumvent this, as this issue might be common on shared hosting services. The only custom code that would be needed is a line in the .htaccess.

    For reference: RewriteRule .* - [E=REMOTE_USER:%{HTTP:Authorization}]

    For previous discussion, see #5.

    bug enhancement 
    opened by olssonm 1
Marcus Olsson
Freelancing web developer based in Borås, Sweden.
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