A user, group, role and permission management for Codeigniter 4



PHP Bootstrap 5 Font Awesome Maintained

CI4-Auth is a user, group, role and permission management library for Codeigniter 4.

CI4-Auth is based on the great Myth-Auth library for Codeigniter 4. Due credits go to its author Lonnie Ezell and the team for this awesome work.

I started customizing Myth-Auth to meet my specific requirements but after a while I noticed that my changes got quite large. I decided to build CI4-Auth based on Myth-Auth, changing and adding features I needed for my projects.


  • PHP 7.3+, 8.0+ (Attention: PHP 8.1 not supported yet by CI 4 as of 2022-01-01)
  • CodeIgniter 4.0.4+


  • Core Myth-Auth features
  • Role objects are consistently called "role" in the code (e.g. tables, variables, classes)
  • Added "Groups" as an addl. object, functioning just like roles
  • Separated user controller functions from the Auth Controller
  • Added views to manage users, groups, roles and permissions
  • Added Bootstrap 5 and Font Awesome 5 support
  • Added database seeders to create sample data
  • Removed all languages but English and German (I don't speak anything else :-) )


Install Codeigniter

Install an appstarter project with Codigniter 4 as described here.

Make sure your app and database is configured right and runs fine showing the Codigniter 4 welcome page.

Download CI4-Auth

Download the CI4-Auth archive from this repo here.

Copy CI4-Auth to your ThirdParty folder

Note: CI4-Auth is not available as a Composer package yet. It works from your ThirdParty folder.

Unzip the CI4-Auth archive and copy the 'lewe' directory to your \app\ThirdParty folder in your Codeigniter project. You should see this tree section then:

- app
  - ThirdParty
    - lewe
      - ci4-auth
        - src


  1. Add the Psr4 path in your app/Config/Autoload.php file as follows:
public $psr4 = [
    APP_NAMESPACE  => APPPATH, // For custom app namespace
    'Config'       => APPPATH . 'Config',
    'CI4\Auth'     => APPPATH . 'ThirdParty/lewe/ci4-auth/src',
  1. Edit app/Config/Validation.php and add the following value to the ruleSets array:
public $ruleSets = [
  1. The "Remember Me" functionality is turned off by default. It can be turned on by setting the $allowRemembering variable to true in lewe/ci4-auth/src/Config/Auth.php.

  2. Edit app/Config/Email.php and verify that fromName and fromEmail are set as they are used when sending emails for password resets, etc.


The CI4-Auth routes are defined in lewe/ci4-auth/src/Config/Routes.php. Copy the routes group from there to your app/Config/Routes.php file, right after the 'Route Definitions' header comment.

* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Route Definitions
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
// CI4-Auth Routes
$routes->group('', ['namespace' => 'CI4\Auth\Src\Controllers'], function ($routes) {

    // Sample route with role filter
    // $routes->match(['get', 'post'], 'roles', 'RoleController::index', ['filter' => 'role:Administrator']);

    $routes->get('/', 'AuthController::welcome');



The views that come with CI4-Auth are based on Bootstrap 5 and Font Awesome 5.

If you like to use your own view you can override them editing the $views array in lewe/ci4-auth/src/Config/Auth.php:

public $views = [

    // Welcome page
    'welcome'            => 'CI4\Auth\Views\welcome',

    // Auth
    'login'              => 'CI4\Auth\Views\auth\login',
    'register'           => 'CI4\Auth\Views\auth\register',
    'forgot'             => 'CI4\Auth\Views\auth\forgot',
    'reset'              => 'CI4\Auth\Views\auth\reset',

    // Groups
    'groups'             => 'CI4\Auth\Views\groups\list',
    'groupsCreate'       => 'CI4\Auth\Views\groups\create',
    'groupsEdit'         => 'CI4\Auth\Views\groups\edit',

    // Permissions
    'permissions'        => 'CI4\Auth\Views\permissions\list',
    'permissionsCreate'  => 'CI4\Auth\Views\permissions\create',
    'permissionsEdit'    => 'CI4\Auth\Views\permissions\edit',

    // Roles
    'roles'              => 'CI4\Auth\Views\roles\list',
    'rolesCreate'        => 'CI4\Auth\Views\roles\create',
    'rolesEdit'          => 'CI4\Auth\Views\roles\edit',

    // Users
    'users'              => 'CI4\Auth\Views\users\list',
    'usersCreate'        => 'CI4\Auth\Views\users\create',
    'usersEdit'          => 'CI4\Auth\Views\users\edit',

    // Emails
    'emailForgot'        => 'CI4\Auth\Views\emails\forgot',
    'emailActivation'    => 'CI4\Auth\Views\emails\activation',

Database Migration

Assuming that your database is setup correctly but still empty you need to run the migrations now.

Copy the file lewe/ci4-auth/src/Database/Migrations/2021-12-14-000000_create_auth_tables.php to app/Database/Migrations. Then run the command:

> php spark migrate

Database Seeding

Assuming that the migrations have been completed successfully, you can run the seeders now to create the CI4-Auth sample data.

Copy the files lewe/ci4-auth/src/Database/Seeds/*.php to app/Database/Seeds. Then run the following command:

> php spark db:seed CI4AuthSeeder

Run Application

Start your browser and navigate to your public directory. Use the menu to check out the views that come with CI4-Auth.


The Services did not change and are from the Myth-Auth core. See there for their documentation.

Helper Functions (Auth)

In addition to the helper functions that come with Myth-Auth, CI4-Auth provides these:


  • Function: Dump'n'Die. Returns a preformatted output of objects and variables.
  • Parameters: Variable/Object, Switch to die after output or not
  • Returns: Preformatted output


  • Function: Ensures that the current user is in at least one of the passed in groups.
  • Parameters: Group IDs or names (single item or array of items)
  • Returns: true or false Note: This is not the same helper as in Myth-Auth since Myth-Auth is inconcistent in using the terms 'group' and 'role'.


  • Function: Ensures that the current user is in at least one of the passed in roles.
  • Parameters: Role IDs or names (single item or array of items).
  • Returns: true or false Note: This is comparable to the in_groups() helper function in Myth-Auth.

Helper Functions (Bootstrap 5)

In order to create Bootstrap objects quicker and to avoid duplicating code in views, these helper functions are provided:


  • Function: Creates a Bootstrap 5 alert box.
  • Parameters: Array with alert box details.
  • Returns: HTML


  • Function: Creates a Bootstrap card header.
  • Parameters: Array with card header details.
  • Returns: HTML


  • Function: Creates a two-column form field div (text, email, select, password).
  • Parameters: Array with form field details.
  • Returns: HTML


  • Function: Creates a modal dialog.
  • Parameters: Array with modal dialog details.
  • Returns: HTML


  • Function: Creates a search form field.
  • Parameters: Array with search form details.
  • Returns: HTML


The CI4-Auth library is not perfect. It may very well contain bugs or things that can be done better. If you stumble upon such things, let me know. Otherwise I hope the library will help you. Feel free to change anything to meet the requirements in your environment.

Enjoy, George Lewe

  • Creating a new user

    Creating a new user

    Dear sir, Thankyou for your Authentication software CI4-Auth I have started to use it and it is very helpful. It would be great if when I create a new user through the website itself as an administrator could force a reset password when the new user logs in the first time.

    opened by stezam 8
  • Resend Activation Email

    Resend Activation Email

    Sorry to be a pest again. There seem to be a problem when one asks to resend the activation email. It seems that is not posting the token so it is always returning the error that account is not found.

    Thanks Good Day

    opened by stezam 6
  • Problem running first database migration against SQLServer

    Problem running first database migration against SQLServer

    Hi I'm having some trouble while running first database migrations, therefore I cannot execute database seed I'm using latest CI4 with SQLServer Express 2019

    php spark migrate

    CodeIgniter v4.1.9 Command Line Tool - Server Time: 2022-04-19 11:41:34 UTC-03:00
    Running all new migrations...
    [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Foreign key 'auth_tokensuser_id_foreign' references invalid table 'users'.
    at SYSTEMPATH/Database/SQLSRV/Connection.php:459

    The only 2 tables that are created (and I guess partially) are auth_logins and users

    Thanks in advance for any advise

    opened by kabeza 4
  • Passwords cannot contain re-hashed personal information

    Passwords cannot contain re-hashed personal information

    Getting this error on my first user registration and cannot figure out why. From what I can read into the code, it should not be triggering. Suggestions?

    Email: marc@prime42.net UserName: Marc Password: 2ijkU0LJB5dB705!DFlvo$I <-- I am not using this obviously (since I just posted it) but it is one that fails.

    What in that password is "Personal"?

    opened by MarcPinnell 3
  • Error using Filter

    Error using Filter

    When I use The filters of CI4 Keep getting the wrong uri and therefore error 403 cannot figure ou why. Can you hel me please?


    $routes->group('', ['filter'=>'roleFilter:1'], ['namespace' => 'CI4\Auth\Controllers'], function ($routes) {
        // Sample route with role filter
        // $routes->match(['get', 'post'], 'roles', 'RoleController::roles', ['filter' => 'roleFilter:Administrator']);
        // Authentication
        // Groups
        $routes->match(['get', 'post'], 'groups',  'GroupController::groups', ['as' => 'groups']);
        $routes->get('groups/create', 'GroupController::groupsCreate', ['as' => 'groupsCreate']);
        $routes->post('groups/create',  'GroupController::groupsCreateDo');
        $routes->get('groups/edit/(:num)', 'GroupController::groupsEdit/$1', ['as' => 'groupsEdit']);
        $routes->post('groups/edit/(:num)', 'GroupController::groupsEditDo/$1');
        public function before(RequestInterface $request, $params = null)
            if (!function_exists('logged_in')) helper('auth');
            if (empty($params)) return;
            $authenticate = service('authentication');
            // if no user is logged in then send to the login form
            if (!$authenticate->check()) {
                session()->set('redirect_url', current_url());
                return redirect('login')->with('t_warning' ,'You need to be logged in to perform this operation!');
            $authorize = service('authorization');
            // Check each requested permission
            foreach ($params as $role) {
                if ($authorize->inRole($role, $authenticate->id())) return;
            if ($authenticate->silent()) {
                $redirectURL = session('redirect_url') ?? '/';
                return redirect()->to($redirectURL)->with('error', lang('Auth.exception.insufficient_permissions'));
            } else {
                throw new PermissionException(lang('Auth.exception.insufficient_permissions'));
    **Config Filters**
    namespace Config;
    use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;
    use CodeIgniter\Filters\CSRF;
    use CodeIgniter\Filters\DebugToolbar;
    use CodeIgniter\Filters\Honeypot;
    use CodeIgniter\Filters\InvalidChars;
    use CodeIgniter\Filters\SecureHeaders;
    use \CI4\Auth\Filters\GroupFilter;
    use \CI4\Auth\Filters\LoginFilter;
    use \CI4\Auth\Filters\PermissionFilter;
    use \CI4\Auth\Filters\RoleFilter;
    class Filters extends BaseConfig
         * Configures aliases for Filter classes to
         * make reading things nicer and simpler.
         * @var array
        public $aliases = [
            'csrf'              => CSRF::class,
            'toolbar'           => DebugToolbar::class,
            'honeypot'          => Honeypot::class,
            'invalidchars'      => InvalidChars::class,
            'secureheaders'     => SecureHeaders::class,
            'loginFilter'       => LoginFilter::class,
            'groupFilter'       => GroupFilter::class,
            'roleFilter'        => RoleFilter::class,
            'permissionFilter'  => PermissionFilter::class,

    ** The Error I get ** 404 - File Not Found Controller or its method is not found: \App\Controllers\GroupController::groups

    opened by stezam 2
  • Bootstrap 5 Helper load

    Bootstrap 5 Helper load

    Hi, For the Authorization part views to work ok with bootstrap 5, you need to call bs5 helper. Otherwise views do not renders ok. I did it including this line on every construct function of the Groups, Permissions, Roles and Users controllers: helper('bs5_helper');

    Thanks for the good job with CI4-Auth

    opened by treborin 1
  • Install instructions

    Install instructions

    Install instructions

    Oops $routes->group('', ['namespace' => 'CI4\Auth\Src\Controllers'], function ($routes) {

    This works :-) $routes->group('', ['namespace' => 'CI4\Auth\Controllers'], function ($routes) {


    regard JvdSl1

    opened by janvandersleen 1
George Lewe
George Lewe
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