Boilerplate between the Magento API and ImportExport, so that you can do fast Array/XMLRPC/SOAP based product imports.


What are the main features of ApiImport?

  1. The glaringly obvious one: being able to do imports programmatically rather than manually uploading a CSV file.
  2. Importing bundled products.
  3. Importing categories.
  4. Importing attributes, attribute sets and attribute groups.
  5. Associate attribute(s) with an attribute group in one or more attribute sets you specify.
  6. Reindex products after they are imported.
  7. Automatic creation of dropdown attribute values.
  8. Useful events for enriching your entities from other Magento modules.

Additionally, ApiImport is 100% free from rewrites - making it upgrade-proof and reliable.

How do I install ApiImport?

ApiImport is both modman and composer compatible.

Install directly with modman

./modman clone ApiImport

Install through composer

Add something like the following to your composer.json:

    "require": {
        "danslo/api-import": "1.1.*"
    "extra": {
        "magento-root-dir": "htdocs/"
    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": ""
            "type": "composer",
            "url": ""

Afterwards, issue the composer install command.

How do I use ApiImport?

Access it directly through Magento models

getMessage(), $e->getCustomMessage()); }">

require_once 'app/Mage.php';


$api = Mage::getModel('api_import/import_api');
try {
    $api->importEntities($anArrayWithYourEntities, $entityType, $optionalImportBehavior);
} catch (Mage_Api_Exception $e) {
    printf("%s: %s\n", $e->getMessage(), $e->getCustomMessage());

Access it through the Magento Webservices API (any SOAP/XMLRPC capable language)

require_once 'app/Mage.php';


// Get an XMLRPC client.
$client = new Zend_XmlRpc_Client(
    Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_WEB) . 'api/xmlrpc/');

// For testing, just set an infinite timeout.
$client->getHttpClient()->setConfig(array('timeout' => -1));

// Login to the API and get a session token.
$session = $client->call('login', array($yourApiUser, $yourApiKey));

// Import regular entities (products, categories, customers).
$client->call('call', array(
    array($anArrayWithYourEntities, $entityType, $optionalImportBehavior)

// Import attribute sets.
$client->call('call', array(
    array($anArrayWithYourAttributeSets, $optionalImportBehavior)

// Import attributes.
$client->call('call', array(
    array($anArrayWithYourAttributes, $optionalImportBehavior)

// Import attribute assocations.
$client->call('call', array(
    array($anArrayWithYourAssociations, $optionalImportBehavior)

// End our session.
$client->call('endSession', array($session));

Import CSV file

getMessage(), $e->getCustomMessage()); }">

require_once 'app/Mage.php';


/** @var Danslo_ApiImport_Model_Import_Api $api */
$api = Mage::getModel('api_import/import_api');

try {
    $file = fopen('var/import/products.csv', 'r');
    $entities = array();
    $header = fgetcsv($file);
    while ($row = fgetcsv($file)) {
        $entities[] = array_combine($header, $row);

} catch (Mage_Api_Exception $e) {
    printf("%s: %s\n", $e->getMessage(), $e->getCustomMessage());

What kind of data does ApiImport expect?


Because ApiImport is built as an extension to Magento's Import/Export functionality, it expects the exact same format! The only difference is that you are now supplying ApiImport with the data in an array format, rather than a CSV file. CSV column names are simply array keys, and CSV values are array values.

The Danslo_ApiImport_Helper_Test class provides several examples on how to programmatically generate your entities.

Another useful trick to figure out what to give to ApiImport is to simply use Magento to generate an exported CSV file of some sample entities.

For attributes, attribute sets and associate attributes to attribute groups in an attribute set, you can have a look to test.php, where you can find some example data. It's not the same than CSV because there is no way to import it with CSV in Magento.

Entity types

The second parameter to importEntities specifies what kind of entity is imported. By default it will assume you are importing products. If you want to import a different kind of entity, use the return value of any of these methods:

  1. Mage_ImportExport_Model_Import_Entity_Product::getEntityTypeCode()
  2. Mage_ImportExport_Model_Import_Entity_Customer::getEntityTypeCode()
  3. Danslo_ApiImport_Model_Import_Entity_Category::getEntityTypeCode()

Import behaviors

Magento will choose a replace behavior by default. If you would like to use another import behavior, you can pick one of these:

  1. Mage_ImportExport_Model_Import::BEHAVIOR_APPEND - Tries to append images, related products, etc. instead of replacing them.
  2. Mage_ImportExport_Model_Import::BEHAVIOR_REPLACE - Simply replaces the data in Magento with whatever you have in the entity array. Any data you do not specify in your array will not be deleted!
  3. Mage_ImportExport_Model_Import::BEHAVIOR_DELETE - Deletes every product you have specified. You probably don't want to use this.
  4. Danslo_ApiImport_Model_Import::BEHAVIOR_STOCK - Magento normally requires sku, _type, _attribute_set. This is not useful when you simply want to update stock of existing entities. With this behavior you can simply specify sku and qty!
  5. Danslo_ApiImport_Model_Import::BEHAVIOR_DELETE_IF_NOT_EXIST - Works with attributes, attribute sets and attribute associations import. Any data you do not specify in your array will be deleted! Send your array, data that there are in Magento and not in your array are deleted.

What if I only want to update stock?

Just import using the BEHAVIOR_STOCK behavior. See an example below:

require_once 'app/Mage.php';


$api = Mage::getModel('api_import/import_api');
            'sku' => 'some_sku',
            'qty' => 10
            'sku' => 'some_other_sku',
            'qty' => 20
        // etc

Obviously you would generate your entities array programmatically.

Where can I see the results?

As long as you have enabled developer mode (see index.php) and logging (see backend), ApiImport will write a log file every time it is run to:


There are plans to make this easily available through the backend.

What Magento versions are supported by ApiImport?

ApiImport is intentionally only compatible with Magento 1.6+.


The following is a very simple benchmark run done on a Virtual Machine running Debian, with 1GB RAM and without any MySQL optimizations. Your experience may vary. These are fully indexed results, mind you.

Generating 5000 simple products...
Starting import...
Done! Magento reports 5000 products in catalog.
========== Import statistics ==========
Total duration:      37.475983s
Average per product: 0.007495s
Products per second: 133.418781s
Products per hour:   480307.612782s

Generating 5000 configurable products...
Starting import...
Done! Magento reports 10000 products in catalog.
========== Import statistics ==========
Total duration:      68.099526s
Average per product: 0.013620s
Products per second: 73.421950s
Products per hour:   264319.020648s

Generating 5000 bundle products...
Starting import...
Done! Magento reports 15000 products in catalog.
========== Import statistics ==========
Total duration:      113.453821s
Average per product: 0.022691s
Products per second: 44.070794s
Products per hour:   158654.859310s

Generating 5000 grouped products...
Starting import...
Done! Magento reports 20000 products in catalog.
========== Import statistics ==========
Total duration:      62.553724s
Average per product: 0.012511s
Products per second: 79.931292s
Products per hour:   287752.652192s


Copyright 2014 Daniel Sloof

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

  • Products import. Adding product to category and root of that category. How to?

    Products import. Adding product to category and root of that category. How to?

    I tried to add products to "Toners" category by specifying "_category => 'Accessories/Toners'" for each product. And it works great. Products are added to "Toners". But "Toners" category is part of "Accessories" category. Is it possible/how to add product not only to "Toners" but also to it's parent called "Accessories"? So when i click "Accessories" i want to see all products of it's sub-categories.

    opened by phpcoder2011 10
  • Add CSV example

    Add CSV example

    As you write:

    The glaringly obvious one: being able to do imports programmatically rather than manually uploading a CSV file.

    It's might be easy to provide an actual example :)

    (Also fixed the Exception, only that type supports the CustomMessage) Also fixes #32

    opened by barryvdh 6
  • Bundled product import

    Bundled product import


    I have an issue importing bundled products. If I add more than one product under 1 "default title" I get a Integrity constraint violation.

    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (catalog_product_bundle_selection, CONSTRAINT FK_CAT_PRD_BNDL_SELECTION_OPT_ID_CAT_PRD_BNDL_OPT_OPT_ID FOREIGN KEY (option_id) REFERENCES `catalog_product_bundle_option)'

    The issue looks alot like this one:

    For the first product I pass these parameters:

    "_bundle_option_title" "_bundle_option_required" "_bundle_option_type" "_bundle_option_child" "_bundle_option_parent" "_bundle_option_position" "_bundle_product_sku" "_bundle_product_qty" "_bundle_product_can_change_qty" "_bundle_product_position"

    for the second product under the same title I pass these:

    "_bundle_option_title" "_bundle_product_sku" "_bundle_product_qty" "_bundle_product_can_change_qty"

    Are any other parameters required?

    Thanks in advance.

    opened by jensvandorpe 6
  • Enhancement/image support

    Enhancement/image support

    Here is a PR to : Add image support : now you can import image directly via Soap.

    Enhance benchmark :

    • Add a method to benchmark image import.
    • Add a method to benchmark localizable products.
    • Add possibility to send bulk of entities to Magento. That's how I benchmarked that is better to send calls of 2500 rows to be sure to keep a rate of transfer above 70rows/second.
    opened by willy-ahva 6
  • Need help to send products with different store view

    Need help to send products with different store view

    Hello Danslo,

    Can you help me to send to the ApiImport array with products which have different store views ? I tried some combination but no one ran, like : [1] => array(2) { [0] => array(15) { '_attribute_set' => string(7) "Default" 'short_description' => string(22) "Some short description" '_product_websites' => string(4) "base" 'status' => int(1) 'visibility' => int(4) 'tax_class_id' => int(0) 'is_in_stock' => int(1) 'sku' => string(10) "some_sku_1" '_type' => string(6) "simple" 'description' => string(24) "Some description default" 'name' => string(48) "Some attr cust2 product ( 1 ) ; Locale : default" 'price' => int(144) 'weight' => int(652) 'qty' => int(29) 'test_custom_attr' => string(27) "my custom attribute default" } [1] => array(6) { 'sku' => string(10) "some_sku_1" '_store' => string(5) "fr_fr" 'short_description' => string(24) "Courte description fr_fr" 'description' => string(17) "Description fr_fr" 'name' => string(41) "cust2 attr produit ( 1 ) ; Locale : fr_fr" 'test_custom_attr' => string(25) "Mon attribut custom fr_fr" } }

    Thanks for help, Willy

    opened by willy-ahva 6
  • Issue on product import from csv

    Issue on product import from csv


    When I try to import from a csv using the magento import workflow I have this issue :

    Fatal error: Call to undefined method Mage_ImportExport_Model_Import_Entity_Product::getStores() in app/code/local/Danslo/ApiImport/Model/Import/Entity/Product/Type/Bundle.php on line 113

    Any idea?

    opened by sebfie 5
  • Enhancement/attributes


    Hi @danslo,

    This time I worked to add a way to import attributes, attribute sets, attribute groups and to associate attributes to attribute groups in one or more attribute sets you specify.

    I added three API methods : importAttributes, importAttributeSets and importAttributeAssociations.

    I added a new behavior : delete_if_not_exist. Works with attributes, attribute sets and attribute associations import. Any data you do not specify in your array will be deleted! Send your array, data that there are in Magento and not in your array are deleted.

    You are free to merge PR #17 which is the base of this one, and then merge this one.

    New stuff begin at #537be07.

    opened by willy-ahva 5
  • Preventing Error if $categoryTableTmp already exists

    Preventing Error if $categoryTableTmp already exists

    Create Temporary Table('catalog_category_entity_tmp') if not Exists, after receiving "Error: SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table 'catalog_category_entity_tmp' already exists", during Category Import.

    opened by bragento 5
  • Stock Import - time consuming

    Stock Import - time consuming

    The stock Import for about 7000 skus is by far the most CPU & DB query time consuming process we have monitored on our system (Mage The analysis through New Relic showed quite clearly how various slow select statements are executed in the process of loading the products by sku. Maybe a threshold would be useful at this point favoring either loading the full collection of stock items with joined skus and iterating through them during the import process against loading each item for itself.

    opened by bragento 5
  • create singleton only when module is enabled

    create singleton only when module is enabled

    Magento has a bug, where an exception is thrown, when you try to load a non existant singleton for the 2nd time.

    The first time, the registry key is created with the value false.

    The 2nd time, it will try to create the key again (because the condition is only if (!self::registry($registryKey)), but should be checking if the key is set) and raise an Exception.

    opened by bragento 4
  • Need some help to add image support in ApiImport

    Need some help to add image support in ApiImport

    Hello @danslo,

    Can you take a look at my improvement on my github ?

    I try to add in ApiImport the image support. According to the documentation (, the array i send to the api is : but I also try : and some others ...

    Actually, images are well imported in magento in media/import and then moved in media/catalog/product, but I've never been able to associate an image to the product. I tried a lot of things to debug but all seems to be good and I no longer have idea ...

    Maybe, when it will be finished I'll can send you a pull request. I hope you can help me, Thank you !

    opened by willy-ahva 4
  • Product Import improvement

    Product Import improvement

    Hello, Many Thanks for this great Module. I have added a Patch which will allow using the CategoryId for Category-Mapping. It is useful for Importing Products. I got this Improvement from

    opened by EliasKotlyar 0
  • Multi behavior patch

    Multi behavior patch

    Allows to call attributes-related import functions (importAttributes, importAttributeSets and importAttributeAssociations) to be called with a comma-separated list of behaviors (to avoid calling the api twice with large amounts of data and therefore transmitting the same data twice)

    opened by 5b5 0
  • update catalog items

    update catalog items

    I'm trying to import categories in bulk using the Danslo_ApiImport_Model_Import_Entity_Category::getEntityTypeCode(); I'm not able to update the categories. I've been deleting the categories and re-importing.

    opened by bbtb1982 0
  • Meaningful Errors & MultiImageImport

    Meaningful Errors & MultiImageImport

    When some entities contain errors the plugin returned a soapfault with a generic error. This commit returns a success with entity ids that have been migrated and the error message.

    Allow importing _media_image_content columns directly to gallery.

    opened by admiral0 0
  • Cannot import _media_is_disabled value if 0

    Cannot import _media_is_disabled value if 0


    I use Talend to import 1'000 products per API call and I encountered some issues when I tried to import products gallery images.

    The code in ApiImport/code/Model/Import/Api/V2.php line 49 set the value of _media_is_disabled to NULL and it causes an SQL error because this value cannot be NULL.

    Why is it needed to remove empty values?

    opened by matiaso 12
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