72 Repositories
PHP audit-log Libraries
Kit is a lightweight, high-performance and event-driven web services framework that provides core components such as config, container, http, log and route.
Kit What is it Kit is a lightweight, high-performance and event-driven web services framework that provides core components such as config, container,
Testing utilities for the psr/log package that backs the PSR-3 specification.
FIG - Log Test Testing utilities for the psr/log package that backs the PSR-3 specification. Psr\Log\Test\LoggerInterfaceTest provides a base test cla
OPcodes's Log Viewer is a perfect companion for your Laravel app
Log Viewer Easy-to-use, fast, and beautiful Features | Installation | Configuration | Authorization | Troubleshooting | Credits OPcodes's Log Viewer i
A Laravel package to scrub sensitive information that breaks operational security policies from being leaked on accident or not by developers.
A Laravel package to scrub sensitive information that breaks operational security policies from being leaked on accident or not by developers.
Laravel Simple Access Log
Laravel Simple Access Log Many systems need to log user access for auditing purposes. This package creates a database table with sensible fields for l
Laravel telegram log is a package that can catch your logs all quite simply
Laravel Telegram log Laravel telegram log is a package that can catch your logs all quite simply. Requirments This package is tested with Laravel v8 i
Simple and customizable console log output for CLI apps.
Console Pretty Print Simple and customizable console log output for CLI apps. Highlights Simple installation (Instalação simples) Very easy to customi
Audit your PHP version for known CVEs and patches
PHP Version Audit PHP Version Audit is a convenience tool to easily check a given PHP version against a regularly updated list of CVE exploits, new re
AcLog is a simple, zero-dependency PHP package to log activity to files
AcLog is a simple, zero-dependency PHP package to log activity to files. This is not meant for logging errors, this is can be used for logging c
A Laravel Nova tool for viewing your application logs
This package makes it easy to view your Laravel application logs inside of Nova. It even supports polling. Installation You can install the Nova tool
Magento - Attach log correlation ID (aka Trace ID) to requests, monlog entries, and New relic transactions
magento2-log-correlation-id Magento 2 log correlation id for PHP requests/processes and magento logs. This is useful when debugging issues on a produc
Activity Log für REDAXO 5
Activity Log für REDAXO 5 Eine einfache Möglichkeit um Aktivitäten zu loggen. Die Logs werden im System unter Activity Log angezeigt. rex_activity::me
Laravel logger is an activity event logger for your Laravel or Lumen application
Laravel logger is an activity event logger for your Laravel or Lumen application. It comes out the box with ready to use with dashboard to view your activity. Laravel logger can be added as a middleware or called through a trait. Easily have an Activity Log. This package is easily configurable and customizable. Supports Laravel 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 6, and 7+
Middleware to generate access logs for each request using the Apache's access log format
Middleware to generate access logs for each request using the Apache's access log format. This middleware requires a Psr log implementation, for example monolog.
Access laravel log through Filament admin panel
Access laravel log through Filament admin panel Features Syntax highlighting Quickly jump between start and end of the file Refresh log contents Clear
Borgert - A simple CMS to start projects in Laravel containing some modules
A simple CMS to start projects in Laravel containing some modules.Blog, Pages, Products, Mailbox, Image Gallery, Log Viewer and Users.
Activity Log für REDAXO 5
Activity Log für REDAXO 5 Eine einfache Möglichkeit um Aktivitäten zu loggen. Die Logs werden im System unter Activity Log angezeigt. rex_activity::me
Kirby 3 Plugin to use free and paid API of Seobility.net
Kirby 3 Seobility Kirby 3 Plugin to use free and paid API of Seobility.net Commercial Usage Support open source! This plugin is free but if you use it
Allows you to process logs using any PSR-3 compatible logger such as Monolog
Yii 2 PSR Log Target Allows you to process logs using any PSR-3 compatible logger such as Monolog
Damn Vulnerable PHP Application (DVPA)
Damn Vulnerable PHP Application (DVPA) - It is Lab Written in The PHP lang, Which Contains PHP Type Juggling - RCE Challenges
A set of PHP scripts which leverage MySQL INFORMATION_SCHEMA to create log tables and insert / update triggers
mysql-logtable-php mysql-logtable-php is a set of PHP scripts which leverage MySQL INFORMATION_SCHEMA to create log tables and insert / update trigger
This tool can write the monolog standard log directly to clickhouse in real time via the tcp protocol
log2ck This tool can write the monolog standard log directly to clickhouse in real time via the tcp protocol. If you can write regular rules, other st
Laravel Email Audit Log
This service provider will monitor all emails that has been sent out of your system. Sent emails will be stored in email_audit_log table
Log executed Laravel SQL queries and their line number and more
A lightweight laravel package for logging executed SQL queries, line number and more
This package provides a Logs page that allows you to view your Laravel log files in a simple UI
A simplistics log viewer for your Filament apps. This package provides a Logs page that allows you to view your Laravel log files in a simple UI. Inst
Small tool that extracts witness data from Helium miner logs.
Helium Miner Logs Analyzer Small tool that extracts witness data from Helium miner logs. It currently works for the Pisces 100 and miner version miner
phpcs-security-audit is a set of PHP_CodeSniffer rules that finds vulnerabilities and weaknesses related to security in PHP code
phpcs-security-audit is a set of PHP_CodeSniffer rules that finds vulnerabilities and weaknesses related to security in PHP code.
This package provides a wrapper for Google Lighthouse to audit the quality of web pages with Laravel.
laravel-google-lighthouse This package is based on octoper/lighthouse-php. This package provides a wrapper for Google Lighthouse to audit the quality
Laravel Logable is a simple way to log http request in your Laravel application.
Laravel Logable is a simple way to log http request in your Laravel application. Requirements php = 7.4 Laravel version = 6.0 Installation composer
Laravel User Activity Log - a package for Laravel 8.x that provides easy to use features to log the activities of the users of your Laravel app
Laravel User Activity Log - a package for Laravel 8.x that provides easy to use features to log the activities of the users of your Laravel app
Log user authentication actions in Laravel.
Laravel Auth Log The laravel-auth-log package will log all the default Laravel authentication events (Login, Attempting, Lockout, etc.) to your databa
Log user authentication details and send new device notifications.
Laravel Authentication Log is a package which tracks your user's authentication information such as login/logout time, IP, Browser, Location, etc. as well as sends out notifications via mail, slack, or sms for new devices and failed logins.
An effective,fast,stable log extension for PHP
SeasLog An effective,fast,stable log extension for PHP @author Chitao.Gao [neeke@php.net] Documentation On php.net 中文文档 Synopsis Why use seaslog What
Tango is a command-line tool for analyzing access logs 💃
Tango Tool to get insights from the server access logs Tango is a dependency-free command-line tool for analyzing access logs 💃 Currently, work on th
Magento 2 module to log to Sentry
Magento 2 Sentry Logger This Magento 2 module integrates the Sentry sdk into magento 2. Depending on the log level configured in the backend of magent
Magento extension which makes it impossible for a customer to log in until the account has been activated by the administrator.
This Magento 1 extension is orphaned, unsupported and no longer maintained. If you use it, you are effectively adopting the code for your own project.
PSR Log - This repository holds all interfaces/classes/traits related to PSR-3.
PSR Log This repository holds all interfaces/classes/traits related to PSR-3. Note that this is not a logger of its own. It is merely an interface tha
Your performance & security consultant, an artisan command away.
Enlightn A Laravel Tool To Boost Your App's Performance & Security Introduction Think of Enlightn as your performance and security consultant. Enlight
A simple Laravel event log package for easy model based logging.
Karacraft Logman A simple Model Event Logging Package Usage Installation composer require karacraft/logman Migrate php artisan migrate Publish php a
Sends log messages to the Logentries log management service
Phalcon Logentries Phalcon library to connect and make log entries using Logentries. You can adapt it to your own needs or improve it if you want. Ple
Feature plugin to count CSS and JS assets loaded by the theme on front-end and display recommandations in Site Health
=== Site Health - Audit Enqueued Assets === Contributors: audrasjb, whodunitagency Tags: site health, performance audit, performance test, assets, scr
Log requests and group together for aggregated statistics of route usage
Log Laravel route usage statistics Log Laravel requests and responses for statistical purposes and optionally aggregate by hours/days/months for minim
Matomo is the leading Free/Libre open analytics platform.
Matomo (formerly Piwik) - matomo.org Code Status Description Matomo is the leading Free/Libre open analytics platform. Matomo is a full-featured PHP M
phpcs-security-audit is a set of PHP_CodeSniffer rules that finds vulnerabilities and weaknesses related to security in PHP code
phpcs-security-audit v3 About phpcs-security-audit is a set of PHP_CodeSniffer rules that finds vulnerabilities and weaknesses related to security in
Log with Cloudwatch
Yii2 Cloudwatch Logs Target Working in 2021 This is a fork from Codemonauts but fixed with some pr of other users. A Yii2 log target for AWS Cloudwatc
A Laravel package to output a specific sql to your favourite debugging tool. The supported log output is Laravel Telescope, Laravel Log, Ray, Clockwork, Laravel Debugbar and your browser.
Laravel showsql A Laravel package to output a specific sql to your favourite debugging tool, your browser or your log file. Use case You often want to
The package provides the ability to write logs into the database synchronously or asynchronously, along with other logging channels.
Laravel database log channel The package provides the ability to write logs into the database synchronously or asynchronously, along with other loggin
This package allows you to send logs to files. based on monolog/monolog. You can use it during your development to make debugging easier. The file are in the var / log folder. This package is recommended for magento 2.This package allows you to send logs to files.
Custom Logger This package allows you to send logs to files. based on monolog/monolog. You can use it during your development to make debugging easier
A simple and beautiful laravel log reader
Laravel Log Reader A simple and beautiful laravel log reader Documentation Get full documentation of Laravel Log Reader Other Packages Laravel H - A h
Windows and macOS Hardening Interface to make security more accessible.
Welcome to the Hardening Interface Introduction To use HardeningKitty service more easily, we have created an interface which permits better understan
Log Laravel application request and response with a unique ID for easy debugging
Flexible and extendable logging of Laravel application request and responses Zero configuration logging of Requests and Responses to database or custo
Remove messages from the error log that are from a certain folder
Error-Focus A package to stay focused on relevant entries in your error-log Scope This package allows you to declare folders that are not under your d
Add a logger to your Kirby3 website
A Website logger for Kirby3 Commercial Usage This plugin is free but if you use it in a commercial project please consider to buy me a 🍺 Installation
Log and display the product stock movements
Aropixel Sylius Stock Movement Plugin Log and display the product stock movements. When the stock of a product is updated, the stock movement will be
A simple database logger for all outgoing emails sent by Laravel website.
Laravel Email Database Log A simple database logger for all outgoing emails sent by Laravel website.
Easily add logs anywhere in your Magento 2 code
Magento 2 Simple Log Easily add logs anywhere in the code (like Magento 1). Requirements Requires Magento 2 in any version. Installation Add the Log.p
Generate pretty release changelogs using the commit log and Github API.
zenstruck/changelog Generate pretty release changelogs using the commit log and Github API. Changelog entries are in the following format: {short hash
Laravel Authentication Log is a package Log user authentication details and send new device notifications.
Laravel Authentication Log is a package which tracks your user's authentication information such as login/logout time, IP, Browser, Location, etc. as well as sends out notifications via mail, slack, or sms for new devices and failed logins.
This Package helps you in laravel application to log all desired activity for each request from request entry point to generate response at a single snapshot.
Laravel Scenario Logger This Package helps you in laravel application to log all desired activity for each request from request entry point to generat
Cloudlog is a self-hosted PHP application that allows you to log your amateur radio contacts anywhere.
Web based amateur radio logging application built using PHP & MySQL supports general station logging tasks from HF to Microwave with supporting applications to support CAT control.
PHP Discord Webcrawler to log all messages from a Discord Chat.
Disco the Ripper was created to rip all messages from a Discord specific channel into JSON via CLI and help people to investigate some servers who has awkward channels before they get deleted.
Symfony 5.2 + api platform project with ELK stack + elastic FileBeats for the log management. All running in 7 docker containers: nginx, php 8, mysql, elastic search, logstash, kibana, fileBeats.
Symfony with ELK and Elastic FileBeats Stack Prerequisites: Make sure that docker and docker-compose are installed in your machine and available for y
A yii-log-target of collection(Bark、Chanify、DingTalk、FeiShu、ServerChan、WeWork、XiZhi).
A yii-log-target of collection(Bark、Chanify、DingTalk、FeiShu、ServerChan、WeWork、XiZhi). - 集合了多种 yii-log-target(Bark、Chanify、钉钉群机器人、飞书群机器人、Server 酱、企业微信群机器人、息知)。
DatabaseLog CakePHP plugin to log into DB instead of files. Better to filter and search.
CakePHP DatabaseLog Plugin DatabaseLog engine for CakePHP applications. This branch is for CakePHP 4.0+. See version map for details. Features Easy se
Flexible and rock solid audit log tracking for CakePHP 3
AuditStash Plugin For CakePHP This plugin implements an "audit trail" for any of your Table classes in your application, that is, the ability of recor
Borgert is a CMS Open Source created with Laravel Framework 5.6
A simple CMS to start projects in Laravel containing some modules. Blog, Pages, Products, Mailbox, Image Gallery, Log Viewer and Users. Frontend: Blog
Record the change log from models in Laravel
This package will help you understand changes in your Eloquent models, by providing information about possible discrepancies and anomalies that could
Log activity inside your Laravel app
Log activity inside your Laravel app The spatie/laravel-activitylog package provides easy to use functions to log the activities of the users of your
An artisan command to tail your application logs
Easily tail your logs This package offers an artisan command to tail the application log. It supports daily and single logs on your local machine. To
:page_with_curl: Provides a log viewer for Laravel
LogViewer By ARCANEDEV© This package allows you to manage and keep track of each one of your log files. NOTE: You can also use LogViewer as an API. Of
:dromedary_camel: Laravel log viewer
Laravel log viewer TL;DR Log Viewer for Laravel 5, 6, 7 & 8 (still compatible with 4.2 too) and Lumen. Install with composer, create a route to LogVie
Liberating Web Analytics. Star us on Github? +1. Matomo is the leading open alternative to Google Analytics that gives you full control over your data. Matomo lets you easily collect data from websites & apps and visualise this data and extract insights. Privacy is built-in. We love Pull Requests!
Matomo (formerly Piwik) - matomo.org Code Status Description Matomo is the leading Free/Libre open analytics platform. Matomo is a full-featured PHP M