Aropixel Sylius Stock Movement Plugin
Log and display the product stock movements. When the stock of a product is updated, the stock movement will be saved and displayed in the admin product stock tab. The origin of the stock update is also displayed (either a new order or a manual update).
- Install this plugin using composer :
composer require aropixel/sylius-stock-movement-plugin
- import the plugin config in a new "aropixel_sylius_stock_movement.yaml" file inside 'config/packages':
- { resource: "@AropixelSyliusStockMovementPlugin/Resources/config/app/config.yml" }
- Add the StockMovement interface and trait to your ProductVariant entity:
namespace App\Entity\Product;
use Aropixel\SyliusStockMovementPlugin\Entity\ProductVariantMovementInterface;
use Aropixel\SyliusStockMovementPlugin\Entity\ProductVariantMovementTrait;
* @ORM\Entity
* @ORM\Table(name="sylius_product_variant")
class ProductVariant extends BaseProductVariant implements ProductVariantMovementInterface
use ProductVariantMovementTrait;
- Generate and execute the db migrations