An artisan command to tail your application logs


Easily tail your logs

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This package offers an artisan command to tail the application log. It supports daily and single logs on your local machine.

To tail the log you can use this command:

php artisan tail

It can also tail logs on other environments:

php artisan tail production

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You can install the package via composer:

composer require spatie/laravel-tail

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Tail\TailServiceProvider"

This is the contents of the file that will be published at config/tail.php:

return [
    'production' => [
         * The host that contains your logs.
        'host' => env('TAIL_HOST_PRODUCTION', ''),

         * The user to be used to SSH to the server.
        'user' => env('TAIL_USER_PRODUCTION', ''),

         * The path to the directory that contains your logs.
        'log_directory' => env('TAIL_LOG_DIRECTORY_PRODUCTION', ''),

         * The filename of the log file that you want to tail.
         * Leave null to let the package automatically select the file.
        'file' => env('TAIL_LOG_FILE_PRODUCTION', null),


To tail the local log you can use this command:

php artisan tail

You can start the output with displaying the last lines in the log by using the lines-option.

php artisan tail --lines=50

By default, the most-recently modified file in the directory will be used. You can specify the file that you would like to tail by using the file option.

php artisan tail --file="other-file.log"

It's also possible to fully clear the output buffer after each log item. This can be useful if you're only interested in the last log entry when debugging.

php artisan tail --clear

Should you wish to filter the log to return only certain keywords then you can also use the grep feature.

php artisan tail --grep="only display lines that contain this string"

Tailing remote logs

To tail remote logs, you must first specify values for host, user, log_directory, and file keys of an environment in the tail config file.

After that you can tail that logs of an environment like this

php artisan tail production

You can also use the --clear, --file, and --lines options described above.


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.


This package was created because the awesome tail command present in Laravel 4 was dropped in Laravel 5. The tail command from this package is equivalent to Laravel's old one minus the remote tailing features.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

  • Add '--hide-stack-traces' option

    Add '--hide-stack-traces' option

    Took a crack at adding this option, as per Freek's tweet:

    Let me know if you'd like to see any changes!

    opened by aryehraber 11
  • Prefix all shell commands with backslashes to ignore aliases

    Prefix all shell commands with backslashes to ignore aliases

    I recently began using exa to replace ls. To make the switch easier, I aliased ls:

    $ which ls
    ls: aliased to exa --icons --classify --header --git

    As a result, the command this package uses to get the latest log file (ls -t) throws an error instead of listing the sorted files:

    $ ls -t
    exa: Flag -t needs a value (choices: modified, changed, accessed, created)
    To sort newest files last, try "--sort newest", or just "-snew"

    The package uses the ls, head, tail, and grep shell commands, and they all could potentially be aliased/overwritten on the user's system. This could break the package, and there is no way of knowing because the output is suppressed:


    This PR simply adds backslashes to the beginning of each shell command so that aliases are ignored and the native shell commands are used instead.

    I can manually specify the escaped command with --file to get it to work, but it's janky and you'll only know to do it this way if you know why it's throwing the error in the first place:

    php artisan tail --file="\`\\ls -t | \\head -1\`"


    opened by squatto 5
  • Fix filter argument order

    Fix filter argument order

    Hopefully this one does the trick!

    As mentioned in the comments of the previous PR, there seems to be a slight limitation when mixing the --lines & --hide-stack-traces options. What seems to happen is tail -n [num] selects the log file lines before the filter is applied, so when using tail -n 50, for example, fewer lines might be output because the stack traces will be filtered from those 50 lines.

    Perhaps someone else can find a way around this, but I don't know if it's possible natively using tail's own options.

    opened by aryehraber 4
  • Laravel 8.x Compatibility

    Laravel 8.x Compatibility

    This is an automated pull request from Shift to update your package code and dependencies to be compatible with Laravel 8.x.

    Before merging, you need to:

    • Checkout the l8-compatibility branch
    • Review all comments for additional changes
    • Thoroughly test your package

    If you do find an issue, please report it by commenting on this PR to help improve future automation.

    opened by laravel-shift 3
  • Refactor the registration to work with Laravel 5.4

    Refactor the registration to work with Laravel 5.4

    This PR seeks to resolve the error encountered in #7 with Laravel 5.4

    I am not 100% sure if this is the best possible fix, but it follows the way that Laravel Dusk does its registration and it works on my Laravel 5.4 install.

    Let me know how this looks!

    Cheers :)

    opened by jkudish 2
  • Add file option

    Add file option

    I've had a number of instances where I needed to tail a specific log file (for example, I log third-party API calls to a different file for each service). This PR adds a --file option that lets you specify the file that you want to tail, rather than only being able to see the last-modified file in the directory.

    The relevant test was added, and I updated the readme to describe the use case and usage. I also added a config value to allow the file to specified per-environment (optional, of course).

    Please let me know any feedback or requested changes. Thank you!

    opened by squatto 1
  • fix --grep option

    fix --grep option

    Without the equal sign I get an error The "--grep" option does not accept a value. But the tests still pass which is incorrect.

    From Laravel Docs:

    Next, let's take a look at an option that expects a value. If the user must specify a value for an option, suffix the option name with a = sign:

    opened by ilzrv 1
  • Updates required packages to remove 5.5-dev references.

    Updates required packages to remove 5.5-dev references.

    Composer.json file still had references to 5.5-dev that is preventing installation.

    Updated to:

        "require": {
            "php" : "^7.0",
            "illuminate/support": "^5.5",
            "illuminate/console": "^5.5",
            "symfony/process": "^3.3"
    opened by faasie 1
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