776 Repositories
PHP application-server Libraries
For server-to-server comms from PHP to CloudKit.
CloudKit-PHP Today I found this fantastic gist by Mauricevb that demonstrates how to communicate with CloudKit from PHP. I already had a previous proj
Single Page Chat Application
About A single page chat application developed in PHP OOP, Mysql and AJAX. Users email (password) abrazzaq@gmail.com (abrazzaq) john@gmail.com (john)
Block ads for other servers.
[] NoAdvertisings| v0.0.1 Block ads for other servers. Features Block server ads. Easy to setup. Block server address ads when chatting, using command
This is a plugin written in PHP programming language and running on the PocketMine platform that works stably on the API 4.0.0 platform. It allows you to query some other server information
QueryServer This is a plugin written in PHP programming language and running on the PocketMine platform that works stably on the API 4.0.0 platform. I
Hotel Management System using MySQL, Php, Ajax, Jquery and HTML
Hotel-Management-System-Ajax-PHP-Mysql A hotel management system in which clients can perform operations such as booking a room and event. It is possi
This is the web Application for Event Management
Web-Application This is the web Application for Event Management Abstract: In the Past the registration to the event is like Standing in the queue pay
Web Application using MVC PHP Framework (LavaLust)
LavaLust Version 2 This is an early release of LavaLust Version 2. You may check the changelog.txt file to see the changes. Overview of Changes in Ve
A Laravel extension for using a laravel application on a multi domain setting
Laravel Multi Domain An extension for using Laravel in a multi domain setting Description This package allows a single Laravel installation to work wi
BigBlueButton Server API Library for Laravel
BigBlueButton Server API Library for Laravel Package that provides easily communicate between BigBlueButton server and laravel framework Requirements
Bar management application to manage transactions and inventory.
Barbapappa Barbapappa bar management application. Installation This application requires some installation steps. Initial setup The project can be ins
Open Source Voucher Management System is a web application for manage voucher. used PHP with Laravel Framework and use MySQL for Database.
Voucher Management System is a web application for manage voucher. You can create and manage your voucher. Voucher Management System is used PHP with Laravel Framework and use MySQL for Database.
A CLI program that helps you check your endpoints by requesting the given servers and send a report message in any supported channel like Telegram
API Monitor A CLI program that help you check your endpoints by requesting the given servers and send a report message in any supported channel ( Tele
A project boad for on premises Jira Server
project-board A project board for on premises Jira Server setup run docker-compose run --rm composer install run docker-compose up -d serve Copy .env.
Multi theme support for Laravel application
Multi theme support for Laravel application This Laravel package adds multi-theme support to your application. It also provides a simple authenticatio
Laravel Blog Package. Easiest way to add a blog to your Laravel website. A package which adds wordpress functionality to your website and is compatible with laravel 8.
Laravel Blog Have you worked with Wordpress? Developers call this package wordpress-like laravel blog. Contact us for any customization: contact@binsh
Laravel application performance monitoring
Gauge - Laravel Application Performance Monitoring Gauge is an easy to use package to monitor the performance of your Laravel applications. Gauge in b
Lakasir is a free, open source and online Point Of Sale Software designed for small shop or retail
Lakasir is a free, open source and online Point Of Sale Software designed for small shop or retail. It is built with modern technologies such as Laravel, VueJS, Bootstrap 4, RESTful API etc.
A genealogy/family tree application, built with Laravel.
Genealogy Application Development in progress In development progress, any changes of table structure will be updated directly to corresponding migrat
Laravel Larex lets you translate your whole Laravel application from a single CSV file.
Laravel Larex Translate Laravel Apps from a CSV File Laravel Larex lets you translate your whole Laravel application from a single CSV file. You can i
Enable user Timezones in your application.
Laravel Timezone An easy way to set a timezone for a user in your application and then show date/times to them in their local timezone. How does it wo
Magic Test allows you to write browser tests by simply clicking around on the application being tested, all without the slowness of constantly restarting the testing environment.
Magic Test for Laravel Magic Test allows you to write browser tests by simply clicking around on the application being tested, all without the slownes
Add Server-Timing header information from within your Laravel apps.
Laravel Server Timings Add Server-Timing header information from within your Laravel apps. Installation You can install the package via composer: comp
A Discord Webhook Application with the Coinbase API
Ein PHP-Skript um einen Kryptowährungspreis in Discord darzustellen. Installation Windows Voraussetzungen Docker vollständig installiert Discord und e
WPCloudDeploy is a WordPress plugin that allows you to easily deploy servers at major cloud-server providers and then install apps
WPCloudDeploy is a WordPress plugin that allows you to easily deploy servers at major cloud-server providers and then install apps
A Laravel 8 Project Implement with GraphQL With Sanctum APIs Authentications Which utilized in Any Frontend or Any Mobile Application Programs.
A Laravel 8 Project Implement with GraphQL With Sanctum APIs Authentications Which utilized in Any Frontend or Any Mobile Application Programs.
A simple CRUD built in PHP, Bootstrap and MySQL
✨ Notes-CRUD ✨ A simple CRUD built in PHP, Bootstrap and MySQL 📑 Table of Contents Usage Contribute Screenshots 🤖 Usage Add the project to your envi
Simple web app with laravel build from scratch
Find Me Simple Web Application This "Find Me" matchmaking web-based application is useful for facilitating people who are looking for new relationship
Minimalist PHP frame for Core-Library, for Developing PHP application that gives you the full control of your application.
LazyPHP lightweight Pre-Made Frame for Core-library Install Run the below command in your terminal $ composer create-project ryzen/lazyphp my-first-pr
JSON-RPC 2.0 API server for @Laravel framework
Sajya is an open-source project aiming to implement the JSON-RPC 2.0 server specification for the Laravel quickly.
A Doctor appointment and Patient history application
An application for Doctor and their staff to manage Appointments, Patient information and other stuff. Built with Laravel, ReactJs, Inertia
Application pour la gestion de emploi du temps et le payement des profs vacataires
GPET Application pour la gestion de emploi du temps et le payement des profs vacataires CONNEXION Email Mot de passe BATIMENT CRUD Ajouter un nouveau
Chat Application
The system implements oop in most of its core. The users should login, create accounts, start chats with other users and be able to chat freely with the users .Creation of tables is automated here where two users that want to chat have a table.
This package is for centralized logging of multiple Laravel application into one connection.
Laralogs This package is for centralized logging of multiple Laravel application into one connection. Installation You can install the package via com
A Pocketmine-MP plugin to add King Of The Hill events to your server.
KOTH KOTH is an event popular on HCF and Faction servers. This plugin lets you add this minigame to you server. Support For questions, please join the
A WordPress package for updating custom plugins and themes based on an API response from a custom update server.
WordPress Update Handler A WordPress package for updating custom plugins and themes based on an JSON REST API response from a custom update server. Ch
Sending Email via Microsoft Exchange Web Services made Easy!
Send Mail via Exchange Web Services! Sending Email via Microsoft Exchange Web Services (EWS) made easy! Installation Install via Composer composer req
Laravel Jetstream is a beautifully designed application scaffolding for Laravel.
Laravel Jetstream is a beautifully designed application scaffolding for Laravel. Jetstream provides the perfect starting point for your next Laravel application and includes login, registration, email verification, two-factor authentication, session management, API support via Laravel Sanctum, and optional team management.
Jetstrap is a lightweight laravel 8 package that focuses on the VIEW side of Jetstream / Breeze package installed in your Laravel application
A Laravel 8 package to easily switch TailwindCSS resources generated by Laravel Jetstream and Breeze to Bootstrap 4.
Express.php is a new HTTP - Server especially made for RESTful APIs written in PHP.
express.php Express.php is a new HTTP - Server especially made for RESTful APIs written in PHP. Features Fast The Library is handles requests fast and
Transfers you to the server of your choice when you join
Automatic-Server-Transfer Transfers you to the server of your choice when you join when installed this plugin automaticly transfers you to the server
A easy way to install your basic yii projetc, we have encrypt database password in phpfile, my class with alot funtions to help you encrypt and decrypt and our swoole server install just run ./yii swoole/start and be happy!
Yii 2 Basic Project Template with swoole and Modules Yii 2 Basic Project Template is a skeleton Yii 2 application best for rapidly creating small proj
Server emulator for the Hasbro Em@il Games clients
HasbroPBEMProxy Greg Kennedy, 2021 Server emulator for the Hasbro Em@il Games clients About In 1999 Hasbro launched a series of games under the "Em@il
A Server Side Processing Datatable for Vue Next Datatable
Laravel Next Datatable A Server Side Proccessing Package Laravel for Vue Next Datatable. You can see Vue Next Datatable Installation You can install t
Provide modular structure into your symfony application.
Symfony Modular Bundle Provide modular structure into your symfony application. Features Configure doctrine Entity/Document mapping. Load services in
OTT Web Application using PHP
OTT - WEB Application This project is based on OTT Web Application Where you can enjoy lots of entertainment content. This Web Based Application is un
Gretel is a Laravel package for adding route-based breadcrumbs to your application.
Gretel Laravel breadcrumbs right out of a fairy tale. Gretel is a Laravel package for adding route-based breadcrumbs to your application. Defining Bre
CTFx is a CTF Platform forked from mellivora, that focuses on low memory footprint and low server CPU usage
CTFx is a CTF Platform forked from mellivora, that focuses on low memory footprint and low server CPU usage. It has a futuristic interface that's optimized for slower hardware, meaning that there is no bulky Javascript running in the background, nor length CSS stylesheets. CTFx improves on the mellivora CTF engine by the UI redesign and the addition of new features.
A simple, not so bad looking Minecraft Server's website template
Minecraft Server 官网模板 本仓库为 Minecraft 服务器官网模板,主要通过 Bootstrap 和 Argon 组件库实现 本项目基于 https://github.com/nyancatda/mcserverweb 二开 config.json参数说明 参数 说明 备注 s
A simple package allowing for consistent API responses throughout your Laravel application
Laravel API Response Helpers A simple package allowing for consistent API responses throughout your Laravel application. Requirements PHP ^7.4 | ^8.0
PHP Web Socket server
Important ⛔️ This project is no longer maintained ⛔️ We urge you to look for a replacement. Description WebSocket Server and Client library for PHP. W
Simple WebSocket server implemented in PHP.
Bloatless PHP WebSockets Simple WebSocket server implemented in PHP. Installation Requirements Installation procedure Usage Server Applications Timers
This API provides functionality for creating and maintaining users to control a simple To-Do-List application. The following shows the API structure for users and tasks resources.
PHP API TO-DO-LIST v.2.0 This API aims to present a brief to consume a API resources, mainly for students in the early years of Computer Science cours
Interact with TMDB data in your Laravel application.
Laravel TMDB Installation composer require astrotomic/laravel-tmdb php artisan vendor:publish --tag=tmdb-migrations Configuration Add your TMDB API v4
A Laravel admin panel which is creating CRUD for your application automatically.
Adds a zero configuration Admin Panel to your Laravel Application Installation You can install the package via composer: composer require max-hutschen
Slim Framework 4 Skeleton Application
Slim Framework 4 Skeleton Application Use this skeleton application to quickly setup and start working on a new Slim Framework 4 application. This app
Creating a simple weather web application with Laravel rest API.
Weather Channel Creating a website for weather status, with Laravel restAPI. See the Website Weather.Channel-1.mov Features REST API Invoake Controlle
A Zabbix 5.4 module to group items under Monitoring - Latest data per Tag as it used to be with Application grouping in previous versions of Zabbix
zabbix-module-latest-data Written according to Zabbix official documentation https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/current/manual/modules A Zabbix 5.4
A plugin that adds minions to your Minecraft Server
BetterMinion A plugin that adds minions to your Minecraft Server ⚠️ This project is currently unfinished and needs some help! If you'd like to help us
Automatically load your helpers in your laravel application.
Laravel AutoHelpers Automatically load your helpers in your laravel application. Installation You can install the package via composer: composer requi
Server manager is a open source project made for people so that they can add the servers to one single place irrespective of their provider and manage it through one location.
Server Manager Are you sick of having to log into hundreads of different website just to access your server? Well we got you, Server manager is a open
A simple package to validate against common passwords and help keep your application secure.
common-passwords A simple package to validate against common passwords and help keep your application secure. composer require crumbls/common-password
A complete anti-cheat to defend the server from malicious users.
Advanced Anti-Cheat vAlpha An Anti-Cheat plugin with various preventions and support for apis ≤ 2.0.0. 📃 Features Options that are not checked will s
This Package helps you in laravel application to log all desired activity for each request from request entry point to generate response at a single snapshot.
Laravel Scenario Logger This Package helps you in laravel application to log all desired activity for each request from request entry point to generat
Division, District, Upazila/Thana and Union data of Bangladesh for Laravel application.
Bangladesh Geocode Division, District, Upazila/Thana and Union data of Bangladesh for Laravel application. Migration and seeders are ready. Just publi
Dynamic ACL is a package that handles Access Control Level on your Laravel Application.
Dynamic ACL Dynamic ACL is a package that handles Access Control Level on your Laravel Application. It's fast to running and simple to use. Install an
Cecil is a CLI application that merges plain text files (written in Markdown), images and Twig templates to generate a static website.
Cecil is a CLI application that merges plain text files (written in Markdown), images and Twig templates to generate a static website.
OpenEMR is a Free and Open Source electronic health records and medical practice management application
OpenEMR is a Free and Open Source electronic health records and medical practice management application. It features fully integrated electronic health records, practice management, scheduling, electronic billing, internationalization, free support, a vibrant community, and a whole lot more. It runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and many other platforms.
Web based groupware server written in PHP
EGroupware Tools Usage runs unit-tests after each commit scrutinizer runs static analysis on our codebase manual testing with unusual browser versions
Web Application Firewall (WAF) package for Laravel
Web Application Firewall (WAF) package for Laravel This package intends to protect your Laravel app from different type of attacks such as XSS, SQLi,
Add WooCommerce support and functionality to your WPGraphQL server
WPGraphQL WooCommerce (WooGraphQL) Docs • AxisTaylor • Join Slack Quick Install Install & activate WooCommerce Install & activate WPGraphQL Download t
An WPGraphQL extension that adds SearchWP's query functionality to the GraphQL server
QL Search What is QL Search? An extension that integrates SearchWP into WPGraphQL. Quick Install Install & activate SearchWP v3.1.9+ Install & activat
:rocket: GraphQL API for WordPress
WPGraphQL WPGraphQL is a free, open-source WordPress plugin that provides an extendable GraphQL schema and API for any WordPress site. Below are some
Framework for building extensible server-side progressive applications for modern PHP.
Chevere 🔔 Subscribe to the newsletter to don't miss any update regarding Chevere. Framework for building extensible server-side progressive applicati
Open Source Point of Sale is a web based point of sale application written in PHP using CodeIgniter framework.
Open Source Point of Sale is a web based point of sale application written in PHP using CodeIgniter framework. It uses MySQL as the data back end and has a Bootstrap 3 based user interface.
Learning Websocket by creating Custom Websocket-server package provided by Laravel
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience to be truly fulfilling.
A plugin so that players on your server cannot use Frames.
[] AntiFrameEdit | v3.0 A plugin so that players on your server cannot use Frames. ⚡ Features: Personalized messages. Easy to usage. Permissions for p
A package to render Heroicons in your PHP application.
PHP Heroicons A package to render Heroicons in your PHP application. Preview the icons at heroicons.com, developed by Steve Schoger and Adam Wathan. I
Full stack shop app with Symfony
A progressive PHP framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications. Description A fullstack shop app with Symfony framework and
This is a plugin for pocketmine-mp, when locking a player's items helps players not to lose items or throw things around causing server lag.
[] LockedItem| v1.0.0 Player's item lock Features Player's item lock Players aren't afraid of losing items For Devolopers You can access to LockedItem
Simple game server with php without socket programming. Uses the Api request post(json).
QMA server Simple game server with php without socket programming. Uses the Api request post(json). What does this code do? Register the user as a gue
Linfo PHP Server Health Status
Linfo - Server stats UI/library Linfo is a: Light themable Web UI and REST API displaying lots of system stats Ncurses CLI view of WebUI Extensible, e
Buggregator is a beautiful, lightweight web server built on Laravel and VueJs that helps debugging your app.
A server for debugging more than just Laravel applications. Buggregator is a beautiful, lightweight web server built on Laravel and VueJs that helps d
A Symfony application for managing and automating regular backups of MySQL databases.
DbSaver DbSaver is an application written by Bastien LOUGHIN allowing you to make automatic daily backups (and manual backups) for your MySQL database
A simple, beautiful, mobile-first instant messaging web application backend build with ThinkPHP6 and Swoole.
OnChat A simple, beautiful, mobile-first instant messaging progressive web application build with ThinkPHP6 and Swoole. You can click here to view the
Cloudlog is a self-hosted PHP application that allows you to log your amateur radio contacts anywhere.
Web based amateur radio logging application built using PHP & MySQL supports general station logging tasks from HF to Microwave with supporting applications to support CAT control.
wallabag is a self-hostable PHP application allowing you to not miss any content anymore
What is wallabag? wallabag is a self-hostable PHP application allowing you to not miss any content anymore. Click, save and read it when you can. It e
List of 77 languages for Laravel Framework 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Laravel Jetstream , Laravel Fortify, Laravel Breeze, Laravel Cashier, Laravel Nova and Laravel Spark.
Laravel Lang In this repository, you can find the lang files for the Laravel Framework 4/5/6/7/8, Laravel Jetstream , Laravel Fortify, Laravel Cashier
This is a skeleton to quickly set up a new Slim 4 application.
Slim 4 Skeleton This is a skeleton to quickly set up a new Slim 4 application. Requirements PHP 7.4+ or 8.0+ MySQL 5.7+ or MariaDB Recommended Apache
File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bar, validation and preview images, audio and video for jQuery. Supports cross-domain, chunked and resumable file uploads. Works with any server-side platform (Google App Engine, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, etc.) that supports standard HTML form file uploads.
jQuery File Upload Contents Description Demo Features Security Setup Requirements Mandatory requirements Optional requirements Cross-domain requiremen
Dashboard to view your http client requests in laravel application
Laravel Blanket is a package with wraps laravel http client requests and provide logs for request and response, also give option to retry any request from dashboard and more...
Command-line control panel for Nginx Server to manage WordPress sites running on Nginx, PHP, MySQL, and Let's Encrypt
EasyEngine v4 EasyEngine makes it greatly easy to manage nginx, a fast web-server software that consumes little memory when handling increasing volume
Ray server is a beautiful, lightweight php app build on Laravel that helps you debug your app. It runs without installation on multiple platforms.
RayServer is a beautiful, lightweight web server built on Laravel and VueJs that helps debugging your app. It runs without installation on multiple platforms.
A simple package to manage the creation of a structure composed of the service and repository layers in a Laravel application
Chapolim Este projeto tem como objetivo fornecer alguns comandos adicionais à interface de linha de comando do Laravel, o Artisan, para manipular a es
CodeIgniter 4-based application skeleton
Bonfire 2 Just getting started. More details at Patreon What is Bonfire? Bonfire will be a robust application skeleton for CodeIgniter 4-based applica
Pushpin is a publish-subscribe server, supporting HTTP and WebSocket connections.
Pushpin and 1 million connections Pushpin is a publish-subscribe server, supporting HTTP and WebSocket connections. This repository contains instructi
Laravel package that converts your application into a static HTML website
phpReel Static Laravel Package phpReel Static is a simple Laravel Package created and used by phpReel that converts your Laravel application to a stat
The server administration software for your needs
The server administration software for your needs. Developed by experienced server administrators, this panel simplifies the effort of managing your hosting platform.
🐘 A probe program for PHP environment (一款精美的 PHP 探針, 又名X探針、劉海探針)
Simplified Chinese | 简体中文 Traditional Chinese(Taiwan) | 正體中文(臺灣) Traditional Chinese(Hong Kong) | 正體中文(香港) Japanese | 日本語 😎 X Prober This is a probe
A set of ready-made regex helper methods for use in your Laravel application.
Regex A set of ready-made regex helper methods for use in your Laravel application. Installation composer require hotmeteor/regex Usage Regex comes wi
Test your PHP GraphQL server in style, with Pest!
Pest GraphQL Plugin Test your GraphQL API in style, with Pest! Installation Simply install through Composer! composer require --dev miniaturebase/pest