Test your PHP GraphQL server in style, with Pest!


Pest GraphQL Plugin

Test your GraphQL API in style, with Pest!


Simply install through Composer!

composer require --dev miniaturebase/pest-plugin-graphql

What's Added?

  • Test your schema as code;
  • Assert PSR-7 GraphQL response data and errors;
  • Testing resolvers (Coming Soon!);


  • schema(string|Schema $document)
  • isValidSdl()
  • toHaveDirective(string $directive)
  • toHaveEnum(string $enum)
  • toHaveInput(string $input)
  • toHaveInterface(string $interface)
  • toHaveScalar(string $scalar)
  • toHaveType(string $type)
  • toHaveUnion(string $union)
  • toBeGraphQlResponse()
  • toHavePath(string $path, $value = null)
  • toHaveData(array $data)
  • toHaveErrors(array $errors)

And more on the way!

schema(string|Schema $document)

Create a new expectation with a GraphQL\Type\Schema instance as the underlying value.

test('my schema')->schema();
it('is my schema')->schema();

You can also provide an alternative schema path or document contents, like so.

it('uses any schema you want')->schema(sprintf('%s/../app/schema.graphql', __DIR__));
test('inline content')->schema(<<<'GRAPHQL'
type Query {
    foo: Int
    bar: Int
it('even uses your instance')->schema(AcmeSchemaBuilder::build());


Assert that the schema is valid and written to the GraphQL specification.

it('validates your schema')->schema()->isValidSdl();

toHaveDirective(string $directive)

Assert that the given directive definition exists with the schema document.

it('has a directive')->schema()->toHaveDirective('auth')
it('will also use base classnames')->schema()->toHaveDirective(Auth::class);

toHaveEnum(string $enum)

Assert that the given enum definition exists with the schema document.

it('has an enum')->schema()->toHaveEnum('Status')
it('will also use base classnames')->schema()->toHaveEnum(Status::class);

toHaveInput(string $input)

Assert that the given input definition exists with the schema document.

it('has a input')->schema()->toHaveInput('Message')
it('will also use base classnames')->schema()->toHaveInput(Message::class);

toHaveInterface(string $interface)

Assert that the given interface definition exists with the schema document.

it('has a interface')->schema()->toHaveInterface('Notification')
it('will also use base classnames')->schema()->toHaveInterface(Notification::class);

toHaveScalar(string $scalar)

Assert that the given scalar definition exists with the schema document.

it('has a scalar')->schema()->toHaveScalar('Date')
it('will also use base classnames')->schema()->toHaveScalar(Date::class);

toHaveType(string $type)

Assert that the given (object) type has been defined within the schema document.

it('has mutations')->schema()->toHaveType('Mutation');
test('user defined types too')->schema()->toHaveType('User');
it('will also use your base classnames')->schema()->toHaveType(User::class);

toHaveUnion(string $union)

Assert that the given union definition exists with the schema document.

it('has a union')->schema()->toHaveUnion('Character')
it('will also use your base classnames')->schema()->toHaveUnion(Character::class);


Assert that an underlying (PSR-7) response value is a compliant with the GraphQL specification.

test('response validity')
    ->expect($response) // a Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface instance

toHavePath(string $path, $value = null)

Assert that the underlying GraphQL response contains data at the given path. Optionally provide a value to be checked as well!

it('reads paths')
    ->expect($response) // a Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface instance
    ->toHavePath('foo', 1)
    ->toHavePath('foo', 0);

toHaveData(array $data)

Assert that the underlying response GraphQL data is canonically equal to the expected data.

it('contains response data')
    ->expect($response) // a Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface instance
        'foo' => 1,

toHaveErrors(array $errors)

Assert that the underlying response GraphQL errors are canonically equal to the exepected set of errors.

it('has errors')
    ->expect($response) // a Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface instance
            'message'   => 'Oops, I did it again',
            'locations' => [['line' => 1, 'column' => 5]],
            'path'      => ['foo'],

This repository was based off of the Pest Plugin Template.

Pest was created by Nuno Maduro under the Sponsorware license. It got open-sourced and is now licensed under the MIT license.

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