Web Application Firewall (WAF) package for Laravel


Web Application Firewall (WAF) package for Laravel

Downloads Tests StyleCI Quality License

This package intends to protect your Laravel app from different type of attacks such as XSS, SQLi, RFI, LFI, User Agent, and a lot more. It will also block repeated attacks and send notification via email and/or slack when attack is detected. Furthermore, it will log failed logins and block the IP after a number of attempts.

Note: Some middleware classes (i.e. Xss) are empty as the Middleware abstract class that they extend does all of the job, dynamically. In short, they all works ;)

Getting Started

1. Install

Run the following command:

composer require akaunting/laravel-firewall

2. Register (for Laravel < 5.5)

Register the service provider in config/app.php


3. Publish

Publish configuration, language, and migrations

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=firewall

4. Database

Create db tables

php artisan migrate

5. Configure

You can change the firewall settings of your app from config/firewall.php file


Middlewares are already defined so should just add them to routes. The firewall.all middleware applies all the middlewares available in the all_middleware array of config file.

Route::group(['middleware' => 'firewall.all'], function () {
    Route::get('/', 'HomeController@index');

You can apply each middleware per route. For example, you can allow only whitelisted IPs to access admin:

Route::group(['middleware' => 'firewall.whitelist'], function () {
    Route::get('/admin', 'AdminController@index');

Or you can get notified when anyone NOT in whitelist access admin, by adding it to the inspections config:

Route::group(['middleware' => 'firewall.url'], function () {
    Route::get('/admin', 'AdminController@index');

Available middlewares applicable to routes:



You may also define routes for each middleware in config/firewall.php and apply that middleware or firewall.all at the top of all routes.


Firewall will send a notification as soon as an attack has been detected. Emails entered in notifications.email.to config must be valid Laravel users in order to send notifications. Check out the Notifications documentation of Laravel for further information.


Please see Releases for more information what has changed recently.


Pull requests are more than welcome. You must follow the PSR coding standards.


If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.

  • How can I add a wildcard or range of addresses to the whitelist?

    How can I add a wildcard or range of addresses to the whitelist?

    Is there/needs to be a way to add a wildcard for a range of IP whitelist addresses such as:

    1.2.3.* so that the entire 1.2.3 network can access the pages.

    If there is already a way please point me to the docs. Thanks.

    opened by codejockey68 5
  • Call to undefined method Akaunting\Firewall\Middleware\Whitelist::whitelist()

    Call to undefined method Akaunting\Firewall\Middleware\Whitelist::whitelist()

    When using just the firewall.whitelist, getting call to undefined.

    Route::group(['middleware' => 'firewall.whitelist'], function () {
        Route::get('/admin', 'Admin\DashboardController@index');
    opened by trevorllarson 4
  • Error while discover after installing

    Error while discover after installing

    "Writing lock file Generating optimized autoload files

    Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postAutoloadDump @php artisan package:discover --ansi


    Argument 2 passed to Illuminate\Routing\Router::middlewareGroup() must be of the type array, null given, called in /home/pi/GestionJ/idf-armatures/vendor/akaunting/firewall/src/Provider.php on line 60

    at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php:879 875| * @param string $name 876| * @param array $middleware 877| * @return $this 878| */

    879| public function middlewareGroup($name, array $middleware) 880| { 881| $this->middlewareGroups[$name] = $middleware; 882| 883| return $this;

      +10 vendor frames

    11 [internal]:0 Illuminate\Foundation\Application::Illuminate\Foundation{closure}(Object(Akaunting\Firewall\Provider))

      +5 vendor frames

    17 artisan:37 Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel::handle(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput)) Script @php artisan package:discover --ansi handling the post-autoload-dump event returned with error code 1"

    This is happens while i was trying to install Do you have a idea what is the problem TY ! ;D

    opened by ninijule 3
  • thow exception when middleware blocks the request

    thow exception when middleware blocks the request

    This mr will allow the dev to thow an exception when the middleware triggers the block. The exception can be caught by the handler to render any specific actions and could also render a usefull message to the user when the block came from an ajax request

    opened by yormy 2
  • Laravel 8 support

    Laravel 8 support


    this my error [user@serv laravel-app]$ composer require akaunting/laravel-firewall Using version ^1.3 for akaunting/laravel-firewall ./composer.json has been updated Running composer update akaunting/laravel-firewall Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies Lock file operations: 1 install, 0 updates, 0 removals

    • Locking akaunting/laravel-firewall (1.3.2) Writing lock file Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev) Package operations: 1 install, 0 updates, 0 removals
    • Installing akaunting/laravel-firewall (1.3.2): Extracting archive Generating optimized autoload files

    Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postAutoloadDump @php artisan package:discover --ansi


    Argument 2 passed to Illuminate\Routing\Router::middlewareGroup() must be of the type array, null given, called in /home/user/laravel-app/vendor/akaunting/laravel-firewall/src/Provider.php on line 60

    at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php:913 909▕ * @param string $name 910▕ * @param array $middleware 911▕ * @return $this 912▕ */ ➜ 913▕ public function middlewareGroup($name, array $middleware) 914▕ { 915▕ $this->middlewareGroups[$name] = $middleware; 916▕ 917▕ return $this;

      +9 vendor frames

    10 [internal]:0 Illuminate\Foundation\Application::Illuminate\Foundation{closure}()

      +5 vendor frames

    16 artisan:37 Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel::handle() Script @php artisan package:discover --ansi handling the post-autoload-dump event returned with error code 1

    Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json and ./composer.lock to their original content.

    opened by el3wdy 2
  •   Argument 2 passed to Illuminate\Routing\Router::middlewareGroup() must be of the type array, null given, called in vendor\akaunting\firewall\src\Provider.php on line 60

    Argument 2 passed to Illuminate\Routing\Router::middlewareGroup() must be of the type array, null given, called in vendor\akaunting\firewall\src\Provider.php on line 60


    Argument 2 passed to Illuminate\Routing\Router::middlewareGroup() must be of the type array, null given, called in vendor\akaunting\firewall\src\Provider.php on line 60

    at vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Routing\Router.php:879 Script @php artisan package:discover --ansi handling the post-autoload-dump event returned with error code 1 875| * @param string $name 876| * @param array $middleware 877| * @return $this 878| */

    879| public function middlewareGroup($name, array $middleware) 880| { 881| $this->middlewareGroups[$name] = $middleware; 882| 883| return $this;

    1 vendor\akaunting\firewall\src\Provider.php:60 Illuminate\Routing\Router::middlewareGroup("firewall.all")

    2 vendor\akaunting\firewall\src\Provider.php:33 Akaunting\Firewall\Provider::registerMiddleware(Object(Illuminate\Routing\Router))

    PHP ver:7.2 LARAVEL ver 7. Server IIS

    opened by damku999 2
  • Error installing

    Error installing

    Hi, I am getting below error when installing: Argument 2 passed to Illuminate\Routing\Router::middlewareGroup() must be of the type array, null given, called in /var/www/live_4wd/vendor/akaunting/firewall/src/Provider.php on line 60

    at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php:879 875| * @param string $name 876| * @param array $middleware 877| * @return $this 878| */

    879| public function middlewareGroup($name, array $middleware) 880| { 881| $this->middlewareGroups[$name] = $middleware; 882| 883| return $this;

      +10 vendor frames 

    11 [internal]:0 Illuminate\Foundation\Application::Illuminate\Foundation{closure}()

      +5 vendor frames 

    17 artisan:37 Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel::handle()

    Appreciate if you can look into it.

    opened by aadityamundhalia 2
  • installation error

    installation error

    New project based on latest Laravel 7


    composer require akaunting/firewall


    Argument 2 passed to Illuminate\Routing\Router::middlewareGroup() must be of the type array, null given, called in /home/vagrant/code/xxx/vendor/akaunting/firewall/src/Provider.php on line 60

    opened by rabol 2
  • Patched service provider to work with Laravel 7

    Patched service provider to work with Laravel 7

    Patched service provider to work with Laravel 7, which requires an array as second parameter to middlewareGroup(), when it is null before config is cached.

    opened by townsweb 1
  • limit request log size

    limit request log size

    When the request is very long (in my case it was a base64 encoded screenshot that triggered the rfi) then the database layer would break as the request size was too long to insert in the database.

    With this MR the request size is reduced to the setting in the config

    opened by yormy 1
  • How can I hash the IP address?

    How can I hash the IP address?

    I would like to save the IP hashed instead of raw - is there anywhere where I can say how I want the IP to be saved?

    i.e. hash("sha256", 'abcd'.\Request::ip().'1234')

    opened by iec989 1
  • TypeError thrown when null given on middleware

    TypeError thrown when null given on middleware

    I got this error on my production server. Illuminate\Routing\Router::middlewareGroup(): Argument #2 ($middleware) must be of type array, null given, called in /home/ljsharp1/fmcosmetics.ljsharp.com/vendor/akaunting/laravel-firewall/src/Provider.php on line 60

    How can I fix this issue please?

    opened by ljsharp 0
  • Only one whitelist IP can be defined via the .env file

    Only one whitelist IP can be defined via the .env file

    This only allows 1 IP to be defined within the .env file.

    Getting the environment value grabs a whole string: https://github.com/akaunting/laravel-firewall/blob/72f30fa7962e4682aca341ba273156dbc483da6b/src/Config/firewall.php#L7

    When it's used it is only treated as containing 1 IP in a string: https://github.com/akaunting/laravel-firewall/blob/72f30fa7962e4682aca341ba273156dbc483da6b/src/Traits/Helper.php#L24

    opened by carlos-reynosa 0
  • limit referrer max size

    limit referrer max size

    I saw many of the following errors in the logs due to too long referrer. production.ERROR: SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 1406 Data too long for column 'referrer' at row 1 (SQL: insert into `firewall_logs` (`ip`, `level`, `middleware`, `user_id`, `url`, `referrer`, `request`, `updated_at`, `created_at`)

    opened by 2000calories 0
  • prevent ip block but add message to request. This is especially usefu…

    prevent ip block but add message to request. This is especially usefu…

    prevent ip block but add message to request. This is especially usefull when you want to keep your firewall intact, but still allow certain ips to pass. Just whitelisting bypasses the entire firewall, prevent_ip_block keeps your firewall and logging all the same but the ip passes and a flag is added to the request that normally the ip would have been blocked

    Also usefull if you allow certain ips to pentest your system, and allow them to see that normally the firewall would have been kicked in and banned the ip

    opened by yormy 0
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