Add WooCommerce support and functionality to your WPGraphQL server


WPGraphQL WooCommerce (WooGraphQL)

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Quick Install

  1. Install & activate WooCommerce
  2. Install & activate WPGraphQL
  3. Download the latest release from here or Clone / download the zip of this repository into your WordPress plugin directory, run composer install in plugin directory & activate the WP GraphQL WooCommerce plugin.
  4. (Optional) Install & activate WPGraphQL-JWT-Authentication to add a login mutation that returns a JSON Web Token.
  5. (Optional) Install & activate WPGraphQL-CORS to add an extra layer of security using HTTP CORS and some of WPGraphQL advanced functionality.

What can you do with this extension?

  • Query your shops products and variations with complex filtering options.
  • Query customers, orders, coupons, and refunds (*).
  • Manage a customer's session with JWTs and cart/customer queries and mutations(*).
  • Create orders manually (*), automatically with the checkout mutation, or pass a customer's session to the WooCommerce checkout page in your theme for complete payment gateway support (#).

(*) These operations have user restrictions. Please read up on authenticating an user with here, then view this React/Apollo example with the added on usage of customer session Token.

(#) This is the recommended method on checkout. You can read it's usage in this excellent write-up by @jacobarriola

Why don't the WooCommerce CPT GraphQL types support all the same features as most WordPress CPTs that WPGraphQL exposes?

The CPTs as well as most of the data objects that WooCommerce defines are wrapped in a object managers distributed by a data store system.

This data store system allows for each individual data object to be defined however needed. What this means is, although by out of the box objects like products, orders, and coupons are defined as WordPress CPTs they don't have to be.

This is what also enables WooCommerce to store most meta connected to these CPTs in separate tables. The object data doesn't even have to be in the same database if the object's data store designed to manage somewhere else, but we are getting out of the scope of this question.

What does all this ☝️ have to do with WooCommerce's CPTs' functionality? Well, the object managers distributed by the data store are WooGraphQL first point of contact for pretty much everything. Unlike the most common CPTs which use a WP_Post object as their data source and a WPGraphQL\Model\Post object as their model, WooGraphQL uses object managers as the data source for the CPTs and each individual has it's own model with it's own set of permissions and restrictions.

This has led to some friction is certain areas of the schema where WooGraphQL support is lacking. I'm sorry for the inconvience, myself and whole WPGraphQL org are working to reduce this friction and WooGraphQL properly integrated with all WPGraphQL + WPGraphQL ACF features.

Thank you for your patience @kidunot89

Future Features

  • Product CRUD mutations.
  • And some other stuff I'm sure :thinking_face:


Feel free to test out the extension using this GraphiQL Playground. The playground allows you to execute queries and mutations, as well as view the schema (*).

(*) I have a tendency to forget to update the playground between releases 😅 , so if you believe this to be the case look me up somewhere on this page and lemme know 🤷‍♂️

Wanna help support WooGraphQL's future

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Who using WooGraphQL


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Support this project with your organization. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [Contribute]

  • Enable support for product types: subscription and bundle

    Enable support for product types: subscription and bundle

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. We are using woocommerce subscription products and bundle products, and as there is a feature in wp graphql woo that allows us to filter on a products type, we would like to be able to filter on the types subscription and bundle which is not possible at the moment.

    Describe the solution you'd like Extend the ProductTypesEnum to allow bundle and subscription

    opened by ranaaterning 27
  • Mutation: updateCustomer Not updating the customer details

    Mutation: updateCustomer Not updating the customer details

    I have made a mutation to update the customer's details, more specifically only the billing details. I passed in the same clientMutatuinId that gets generated when the user logs in. The mutation gets executed successfully and it returns the updated customer details. But the actual customers details do not get changed at all it just stays the same.

    However, it does work in graphiql but not on my frontend next.js app.

    awaiting author response 
    opened by britzdylan 24
  • Getting NO SCHEMA AVAILABLE after activating this plugin in GraphiQL Ide

    Getting NO SCHEMA AVAILABLE after activating this plugin in GraphiQL Ide

    UPDATE: This is no longer an issue on v0.6.0, I'll keep it open because it might still be relevant for you, feel free to close in case. I installed version from master v 0.6.1 downgrading to v 0.6.0 seemed to fix the issue for me

    Describe the bug Getting NO SCHEMA AVAILABLE after activating this plugin in GraphiQL Ide. Everything was working fine until I activated Gql WooCommerce plugin. Deactivating it shows the schema back

    To Reproduce Activate both plugins (wp-graphql and wp-graphql-woocommerce) and lookup for the schema or documentation in graphiql, both are empty

    Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

    Screenshots image

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: MacOs
    • Browser Chrome
    • Version: WP GraphQL: 0.14.0 WooGraphQL: 0.6.1

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

    Just in case I tried to do run a query on products getting it from the documentation:

    query MyQuery {
      products(first: 1) {
        edges {
          node {

    And it responds 500

      "code": "internal_server_error",
      "message": "<p>There has been a critical error on your website.</p><p><a href=\"\">Learn more about debugging in WordPress.</a></p>",
      "data": {
        "status": 500
      "additional_errors": []
    opened by dbertella 20
  • Help using the `checkout` mutation to create orders.

    Help using the `checkout` mutation to create orders.

    Describe the bug I am using graphql for create orders from the postman. queries are working fine but I can't run any mutations there is always customer capability error. I am also sending the Bearer token in header to authenticate the customer

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. http://localhost:8888/testsite/graphql or
    2. Headers Content-Type:application/graphql Authorization:Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvd29vZ3JhcGhxbC5heGlzdGF5bG9yLmNvbSIsImlhdCI6MTU3MDAyMTg1OCwibmJmIjoxNTcwMDIxODU4LCJleHAiOjE1NzAwMjIxNTgsImRhdGEiOnsidXNlciI6eyJpZCI6IjMifX19.7drzb9beicfl-SqbPZvzseBGoY4Cf30eoS0x1wyGQIE
    3. run this mutation
    mutation MyMutation {
    createOrder(input: {clientMutationId: "CreateOrder", customerId: 6, paymentMethod: "bacs", paymentMethodTitle: "Direct Bank Transfer", billing: {address1: "969 Market", city: "San Francisco", address2: "", company: "", country: US, email: "", firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe", phone: "12903402832", postcode: "94103", state: "CA"}, shippingLines: {methodId: "flat_rate", methodTitle: "flat_rate", total: "10"}, shipping: {address1: "969 Market", address2: "", city: "San Francisco", country: US, email: "", firstName: "JOhn", lastName: "Doe", phone: "180923843204", postcode: "94103", state: "CA"}, isPaid: true, lineItems: {productId: 30, quantity: 1}}) {
      order {

    Expected behavior The order should be created

    Screenshots Request Screenshot


    Screenshot 2 Screenshot 2019-10-02 at 5 48 38 PM Screenshot 3 image

    opened by khuramdogar 18
  • Error when querying products that are ACF relationship field items within a Flexible Content

    Error when querying products that are ACF relationship field items within a Flexible Content

    Describe the bug Attaching a product relationship within a Flexible content ACF field on to a Page post type renders an Abstract type error due to the resolve. The resolve is expected to resolve to an Object type.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. ACF JSON Export File OR Create a new ACF Field Group (named WPGraphQL Example) with a Location > Rules equal to Page Add a Flexible Content (named Flexible Content) Field Type: Relationship (Layout name: Relationship Field, Field Label: Product Relationship) Filter by Post Type: Product Filter by Taxonomy: Simple (optional) Filters: All Checked Elements: Featured Image Checked Return Object: Post Object Save.

    2. Navigate to Pages Choose a page: Home (take note of page ID) Add ACF Flexible Content Relationship Field Select 1+ products Save

    3. Navigate to GraphiQL IDE > Add GraphQL statement (GraphQL Statement) OR

    query PageById($id: Int!) {
      pageBy(pageId: $id) {
        wpgraphqlExample {
          flexibleContent {
            ... on Page_Wpgraphqlexample_FlexibleContent_RelationshipField {
              productRelationship {
                ... on SimpleProduct {
    // Query Variables
    {"id": 33}
    1. Press Play > See error

    Expected behavior A list of product objects

    Screenshots WPGraphQL-Example-Error

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: macOS Big Sur 11.2.1
    • Browser Chrome
    • Version 88.0.4324.182 (Official Build) (x86_64)

    Plugin Versions

    • WooGraphQL Version: 0.6.1
    • WPGraphQL Version: 1.2.5
    • WordPress Version: 5.6.2 (Bedrock)
    • WooCommerce Version: 4.8.0
    • WPGraphQL for Advanced Custom Fields: 0.3.5
    • WPGraphQL JWT Authentication: 0.4.1
    • Disable Gutenberg: 2.4
    • Safe SVG: 1.9.9
    • WooCommerce Accommodation Bookings: 1.1.23
    • WooCommerce Bookings: 1.15.31
    • WooCommerce Product Vendors: 2.1.45

    Additional context I have also added to this thread with a information, findings and debug

    opened by boxxroom 16
  • Shipping metrod [checkout mutation]

    Shipping metrod [checkout mutation]

    Hello, I would like to know how to apply the value of the "shipping metrod", it seems to me to receive only one String, how to insert a value together in the mutation checkout? thankss

    'shippingMethod' => array (
    'type' => 'String',
    'description' => __ ('Order shipping method', 'wp-graphql-woocommerce'),
    opened by felipepxavier 14
  • Adds Two New Workflows

    Adds Two New Workflows

    Your checklist for this pull request

    Thanks for sending a pull request! Please make sure you click the link above to view the contribution guidelines, then fill out the blanks below.

    🚨Please review the guidelines for contributing to this repository.

    • [x] Make sure you are making a pull request against the develop branch (left side). Also you should start your branch off our develop.
    • [x] Make sure you are requesting to pull request from a topic/feature/bugfix branch (right side). Don't pull request from your master!

    What does this implement/fix? Explain your changes.

    Migrates to Travis-CI to Github Actions

    Does this close any currently open issues?

    Any relevant logs, error output, GraphiQL screenshots, etc?

    (If it’s long, please paste to and insert the link here.)

    Any other comments?

    Where has this been tested?

    Operating System: Linux Mint 19.2

    WordPress Version: 5.3.2

    work in progress continuous integration wpcs 
    opened by kidunot89 14
  • Feature/stripe payment gateway support

    Feature/stripe payment gateway support

    Your checklist for this pull request

    Thanks for sending a pull request! Please make sure you click the link above to view the contribution guidelines, then fill out the blanks below.

    🚨Please review the guidelines for contributing to this repository.

    • [x] Make sure you are making a pull request against the develop branch (left side). Also you should start your branch off our develop.
    • [x] Make sure you are requesting to pull request from a topic/feature/bugfix branch (right side). Don't pull request from your master!

    What does this implement/fix? Explain your changes.

    Adds supports for processing payments using the Stripe payment gateway and the checkout mutation.

    • To do this the IDs of the Stripe Customer, Source, and Payment Intent objects connected to the future order must be provided as _stripe_customer_id, _stripe_source_id, and _stripe_intent_id to the metaData field in the CheckoutInput when executing the mutation.
    • This only works with the Stripe payment gateway currently as far as I know, however other payment gateways may use WooCommerce order meta field to process order payments.
    • If you need a explain of sorts you can view this test. The stripe/stripe-php library is used to execute the Stripe API requests and create the stripe objects. This process can also be in client-side in Javascript with the Stripe JavaScript libraries and it's encouraged.

    Does this close any currently open issues?

    Any relevant logs, error output, GraphiQL screenshots, etc?

    (If it’s long, please paste to and insert the link here.)

    Any other comments?

    Where has this been tested?

    Operating System: Linux Mint 19.2

    WordPress Version: 5.2.3

    enhancement work in progress 
    opened by kidunot89 13
  • Error when querying products that are ACF relationship field items

    Error when querying products that are ACF relationship field items

    The relationship field in ACF establishes connections to other Post Types. Product is a Post Type, but WooGraphQL resolves Products differently than WPGraphQL resolves any other type of Post Type, so fields like this that expect a Post model to be returned don't get a Post model returned, but instead a Product.

    To Reproduce

    1. Have wp-graphql, wp-graphql-woocommerce, wp-graphql-acf and wp-graphiql installed.

    2. Add an ACF Field group to posts, example field group export below: [ { "key": "group_5e85643c0cc84", "title": "Testing Product Relationship issue", "fields": [ { "key": "field_5e85644be0a13", "label": "Post Products", "name": "post_products", "type": "relationship", "instructions": "", "required": 0, "conditional_logic": 0, "wrapper": { "width": "", "class": "", "id": "" }, "show_in_graphql": 1, "post_type": [ "product" ], "taxonomy": "", "filters": [ "search", "post_type", "taxonomy" ], "elements": "", "min": "", "max": "", "return_format": "object" } ], "location": [ [ { "param": "post_type", "operator": "==", "value": "post" } ] ], "menu_order": 0, "position": "normal", "style": "default", "label_placement": "top", "instruction_placement": "label", "hide_on_screen": "", "active": true, "description": "", "show_in_graphql": 1, "graphql_field_name": "TestingProductRelationshipIssue" } ]

    3. Run query in wp-graphiql. Sample query below: query SampleQuery { __typename posts(first: 10) { edges { node { title TestingProductRelationshipIssue { postProducts { ... on SimpleProduct { id name sku } } } } } } }

    Expected behavior Should return results without errors


    Additional context Slack message thread about the issue:

    opened by jholman101 13
  • Improved Documentation

    Improved Documentation

    Hello Guys,

    Thanks a lot for the great effort on this module.

    I'm currently implementing an ecom in WooCommerce/Gatsby and found the wp-graphql project which is great.

    But while trying to use it, in specific the WooCommerce project I have been pretty much guessing how I'm suppose to use it.

    At the moment seems that I have understood well, but I have seen that documentation is definitely lacking.

    I'm no PHP programmer, but wanted to offer a hand on improving documentation if that might work.

    opened by kvindascr 13
  • $source is getting null on graphql_product_connection_query_args

    $source is getting null on graphql_product_connection_query_args

    Describe the bug I am trying to use graphql_product_connection_query_args filter like this -

    			add_filter( 'graphql_product_connection_query_args', function ( $query_args, $source, $args, $context, $info ) {
    				if ( 'auction' !== $source->type ) {
    				 	return $query_args;
    				$query_args['auction_arhive'] = true;
    				$query_args['show_past_auctions'] = true;
    				return $query_args;
    			}, 10, 5 );

    Using this code, $source is getting null. it should be a product object if I am not wrong.

    Please suggest if I am missing something. Thanks

    Plugin Versions

    **WooGraphQL Version: 0.7.0 **WPGraphQL Version 1.1.3 **WordPress Version: 5.6.1 **WooCommerce Version: 4.9.2

    opened by akshaykatale99 11
  • Internal Server Error when executing mutation

    Internal Server Error when executing mutation

    Describe the bug For user authentication, I am using wp-graphql-jwt-authentication plugin. When trying to execute any mutation with an authorization header set, I get the error code 500 - internal server error. When trying to execute a query, I get results but with the error code 403. After looking at the server logs (see below) it seemed to originate from this plugin and not wp-graphql-jwt-authentication

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Login using login mutation from wp-graphql-jwt-authentication
    2. Use the received authToken in the header to execute any mutation

    Expected behavior The mutation should get executed and return a result.

    Error Log

    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught GraphQL\Error\UserError: Woo session transaction executed out of order in
    Stack trace:
    #0 WPGraphQL\WooCommerce\Utils\Session_Transaction_Manager->pop_transaction_id(Object(GraphQL\Executor\ExecutionResult))
    #1 WP_Hook->apply_filters('', Array)
    #2 WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
    #3 do_action('graphql_process...', Object(GraphQL\Executor\ExecutionResult), Object(GraphQL\Executor\ExecutionResult), '', 'mutation AddToCart...', NULL, 403)
    #4 WPGraphQ in on line 220

    Plugin Versions

    • WooGraphQL Version: 0.12.0
    • WPGraphQL Version: 1.13.7
    • WordPress Version: 6.1.1
    • WooCommerce Version: 7.2.2
    opened by vorasudh 0
  • An error from the plugin causes the application to disconnect from Wordpress using GraphQL and Apollo Client

    An error from the plugin causes the application to disconnect from Wordpress using GraphQL and Apollo Client

    Describe the bug

    We have a problem in an online store using the WPGraphQL WooCommerce (WooGraphQL) plugin. It manifests itself in such a way when we want to add a product to the basket when we are logged in and authorized, we cannot do it because on the GraphQL and Wordpress side we get ERROR, which causes us to lose communication and the operation cannot be performed.

    Error from debug.log: "PHP Fatal error: Uncaught GraphQL\Error\UserError: Woo session transaction executed out of order in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-graphql-woocommerce-2/includes/utils/class-session-transaction-manager.php:220"

    I edited the plugin and commented out this line in the plugin code. Then everything started working as it should.

    Expected behavior

    Operations performed via GraphQL and Apollo Client using the wp-graphql-woocommerce plugin should not lose connection due to an error. The code under the path /public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-graphql-woocommerce-2/includes/utils/class-session-transaction-manager.php:220 breaks the connection and makes it impossible to perform other operations. Commenting out this solved the problem for me temporarily.

    Plugin Versions and other

    • WooGraphQL Version: 0.11.2
    • WPGraphQL Version: 1.11.2
    • WordPress Version: 6.1.1
    • WooCommerce Version: 6.3.1
    • Gatsby Version: 4.17.2
    • GatsbySourceWordpress Version: 6.10.2
    • React Version: 17.0.1
    • Node Version: 14.17.0
    • ApolloClient Version: 3.6.9

    Additional context

    Is this a bug? Is the problem elsewhere? I temporarily solved the problem by commenting out some plugin code but this is not an optimal solution and problematic if we want to update the plugin.

    opened by WojciechPolec 2
  • Order query with idType: ORDER_NUMBER actually expects orderKey instead of orderNumber

    Order query with idType: ORDER_NUMBER actually expects orderKey instead of orderNumber

    When I try to run the Order query passing an orderNumber as id

    order(idType: ORDER_NUMBER, id: "123") {

    I get an error: "No order ID was found corresponding to the order_number: 123"

    If I pass an orderKey instead:

    order(idType: ORDER_NUMBER, id: "wc_order_Zjd4Iusj4poZ") {

    I get the wanted response:

        "order": {
          "orderNumber": "123",
          "orderKey": "wc_order_Zjd4Iusj4poZ"

    Looking at the code, I've found the step where this check is executed:

    To query by the orderNumber,this would have to change for a orderNumber "lookup".

    If passing the orderKey is the expected behaviour, I suppose changing the idType to ORDER_KEY would avoid this confusion.

    bug failing query 
    opened by j-miguel 0
  • WooGraphQL appears to have been installed without it's dependencies

    WooGraphQL appears to have been installed without it's dependencies

    I have WPGraphQL Version 1.13.6 installed

    I have activated the plugin WPGraphQL WooCommerce (WooGraphQL) ver 0.12.0 and getting this error message

    WooGraphQL appears to have been installed without it's dependencies. It will not work properly until dependencies are installed. This likely means you have cloned WPGraphQL from Github and need to run the command composer install.

    opened by vstrelianyi 3
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