LockedItem| v1.0.0
Player's item lock
- Player's item lock
- Players aren't afraid of losing items
For Devolopers
You can access to LockedItem by using LockedItem::getInstance()
## All LockedItem Commands:
Command | Description |
/setlock | Lock the item in hand |
/unlock | Unlock the item in hand |
- You can use permission
for command /setlock - You can use permission
for command /unlock
**Example:** ```php LockedItem::getInstance()->setLocked($item); ```
# Config Main of LockedItem
perm-message: You are not allowed to use this command!
lock-message: Your item has been locked successfully!
no-lock-message: Your item was previously locked!
unlock-message: Your item has been successfully unlocked!
no-unlock-message: Your item has not been locked before!
item-hand-message: You need to hold the item in your hand to unlock!
#Lore of item when locked
item-lore: LOCKED
# The item locked will not be able to interact with the itemframe if this is true
no-touch: true
Project Infomation
Plugin Version | Pocketmine API | PHP Version | Plugin Status |
1.0.0 | 3.x.x | 7.4 | Completed |