430 Repositories
PHP vue-admin-template Libraries
Eduwork - Kelas Laravel Vue dengan Reza Nurfachmi
Eduwork - Kelas Laravel Vue dengan Reza Nurfachmi Ini adalah repositori yang harus di-clone oleh setiap siswa yang berfungsi untuk menjadi wadah pengu
Laravel 9 Vue Js flash message example
Laravel 9 Vue Js flash message example; Through this tutorial, i am going to show you how to display a flash messages with vue js components in laravel vue js apps.
A simple News/Bloging Website Build Using Vue and Inertia with Laravel
Laravel Vue and Inertia News Site This is a simple News/Bloging Website Build Using Vue and Inertia with Laravel.
A convenient helper for using the laravel-seo package with Filament Admin and Forms
Combine the power of Laravel SEO and Filament PHP. This package is a convenient helper for using the laravel-seo package with Filament Admin and Forms
All in one tool for Information Gathering and Vulnerability Scanning
All in one tool for Information Gathering, Vulnerability Scanning and Crawling. A must have tool for all penetration testers
A starter template from which to build Laravel + Vite apps
Stack The Laravel framework is fast, clean, and filled with best practices. In this stack, it will handle the backend as an API. The Laravel Vite pack
A PHP project template with PHP 8.1, Laminas Framework and Doctrine
A PHP project template with PHP 8.1, Laminas Framework and Doctrine
Laravel Boilerplate / Starter Kit with Gentelella Admin Theme
Laravel Boilerplate Project Laravel Boilerplate provides a very flexible and extensible way of building your custom Laravel applications. Table of Con
Super2Do Apps menggunakan Laravel + Vue JS
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Bismuth CMS is a ready-made Website CMS based on Yii 2 Advance Template
Bismuth CMS is a ready-made Website CMS based on Yii 2 Advance Template, it's the simplest and easy to set up CMS you may come across.
Lumen PHP Framework (Starter Template)
This repository contains JWT Auth, Form Request, Route List, Redis, RabbitMQ and Mail packages. A ready auth system comes with the project
OpenAPI Spec to API in 3, 2, 1... done!
yii2-app-api OpenAPI Spec to API in 3, 2, 1... done! Yii Framework Application Template for quickly building API-first applications. Based on yii2-ope
Magento 2 Preview/Visit Catalog allows the store owner to quickly preview the catalog (product & category) pages from the admin panel.
Magento 2 Preview/Visit Catalog Overview Magento 2 Preview/Visit Catalog allows the store owner to quickly preview the catalog (product & category) pa
Hotel Management App using Laravel & Orchid for admin
Hotel Management System Installation Open a terminal session in the project's root. Install dependencies by running the command: composer install Run
Web Sekolah yang dibuat diatas CMS Popoji dengan base Laravel 6. Web Sekolah ini sudah diintegrasikan dengan template semesta-front.
Web Sekolah yang dibuat diatas CMS Popoji dengan base Laravel 6. Web Sekolah ini sudah diintegrasikan dengan template semesta-front.
A Faster Lightweight Full-Stack PHP Framework
A Faster Lightweight Full-Stack PHP Framework 中文版 Docker env Just one command to build all env for the easy-php How to build a PHP framework by ourse
Wordless is a junction between a WordPress plugin and a theme boilerplate that dramatically speeds up and enhances your custom theme creation
Wordless is a junction between a WordPress plugin and a theme boilerplate that dramatically speeds up and enhances your custom theme creation. Some of
Vueform Laravel + Vue 3 + TailwindCSS 3 Boilerplate
Vueform Laravel + Vue 3 + TailwindCSS 3 Boilerplate Last tested with Laravel 8.75. Installation Clone this repo with: git clone https://github.com/vue
Tech-Admin is Laravel + Bootstrap Admin Panel With User Management And Access Control based on Roles and Permissions.
Tech-Admin | Laravel 8 + Bootstrap 4 Tech-Admin is Admin Panel With Preset of Roles, Permissions, ACL, User Management, Profile Management. Features M
A Laravel Admin Starter project with Page Builder, Roles, Impersonation, Analytics, Blog, News, Banners, FAQ, Testimonials and more
Laravel CMS Starter Project A Laravel CMS Starter project with AdminLTE theme and core features. Preview project here User: github@bpocallaghan.co.za
Customize Login and Register Page for User/Admin in Laravel v8
Customize Login and Register Page for User/Admin in Laravel v8
Simple PHP templating system for user editable templates.
Simple template Simple PHP templating system for user editable templates. Idea Most applications need to render templates that insert safely treated v
WordPress Vue.js Multistep Form
WordPress Vue.js Multistep Form Universal ACF PRO based multistep form implementation This form is created with Vue.js and it fully prepared to be eas
Plates Template Integration for Slim micro framework 3
Plates Template Integration for Slim micro framework 3 Render your Slim 3 application views using Plates template engine. Install Via Composer $ compo
Gracili is a PHP Application Template to quickly create a new Project
Gracili What is Gracili? Gracili is a PHP Application Template to quickly create a new Project. Using this template can save you a lot of time. With t
A Event Management system - EMS build with Laravel and Vuejs
Event Management system - EMS A Event Management system - EMS build with Laravel and Vuejs Both FE & BE project folders has own README.md files for in
This repository contains custom View classes for the template frameworks
Slim Views This repository contains custom View classes for the template frameworks listed below. You can use any of these custom View classes by eith
MenuCard - Employees can login with already made admin accounts
MenuCard Symfony 5.4.2 application Employees can login with already made admin accounts. Employees can manages create new accounts for new employees.
a hub for American soccer clubs of all levels, built with Laravel and Vue 3
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
phpSleekDBAdmin - a web-based SleekDB database admin tool written in PHP
phpSleekDBAdmin is a web-based SleekDB database admin tool written in PHP. Following in the spirit of the flat-file system used by SleekDB, phpSleekDBAdmin consists of a single source file, phpsleekdbadmin.php. The interface and user experience is comparable to that of phpLiteAdmin and phpMyAdmin.
With the help of the Laravel eCommerce CashU Payment Gateway, the admin can integrate the CashU payment method in the Bagisto store.
Introduction Bagisto CashU Payment add-on allow customers to pay for others using CashU payment gateway. Requirements: Bagisto: v1.3.2 Installation wi
The Laravel eCommerce ABA Payment Gateway module allows the admin to integrate the ABA payment gateway to the online store.
Introduction Bagisto ABA Payment Gateway. Requirements: Bagisto: v1.3.2. Installation with composer: Run the following command composer require bagist
The Laravel eCommerce Image Gallery allows the admin to add/manage images into various galleries and galleries into various groups according to requirements.
The Laravel eCommerce Image Gallery allows the admin to add/manage images into various galleries and galleries into various groups according to requirements.
WordPress & TypeScript. Simple starter template for WordPress projects
WordPress & TypeScript. Simple starter template for WordPress projects that want to use TypeScript in combination with @wordpress/scripts
H&O Magento 2 Advanced Template Hints module
H&O Magento 2 Advanced Template Hints module Ho_Templatehints extends the default Magento template hints. Easily accessible with muscle memory ?ath=1.
PHPStorm Live template preferences for Magento 2 Projects
Magento 2 PHPStorm Preferences This project is intended to setup useful PHPStorm Templates for Magento 2 Projects. Disclaimer This project overrides t
Magento 2 Blog Extension is a better blog extension for Magento 2 platform. These include all useful features of Wordpress CMS
Magento 2 Blog extension FREE Magento 2 Better Blog by Mageplaza is integrated right into the Magento backend so you can manage your blog and your e-c
Invoice PDF Generator For Magento 2
Magento Invoice PDF Generator Magento 2 Invoice PDF Generator - helps you to customize the pdf templates for Magento 2. If you have an enabled templat
Admin Autologin for Magento 2
Admin Autologin for Magento 2 The simple extension that allows to perform admin log in automatically without asking for login/password. Useful for dem
Reset UI Bookmarks allows admin users to reset their own UI bookmarks such as state of filters, column positions and applied sorting ( e.g Sales Orders ).
Reset Ui Bookmarks Reset UI Bookmarks becomes an invaluable tool while working daily in the admin panel, especially on Magento® instances with a large
Magento 2 Extension to cleanup admin menu and Store Configuration area by arranging third party extension items.
Clean Admin Menu - Magento 2 Extension It will merge all 3rd party extension's menu items in backend's primary menu to a common menu item named "Exten
Magento 2 Grid Colors module for colorizing admin grids. Supports saving of states with the help of grid's bookmarks.
Magento 2 Grid Colors Overview The module adds extra coloring features to admin grids at the Sales section. With help of this module, it is possible t
A Magento Incident Response Plan Template
A Magento centric Incident Response Plan Template Introduction This will provide you with our defined process and procedures to use when responding to
A great Start for your next Magento Theme's local.xml file
Magento-local.xml-Template A Great Start for your next Magento Theme's local.xml file - ?xml version="1.0"? layout !-- Add/Remove Items From H
Magento 2 Product Allocation extension allows the to admin manage all products in an order
Magento 2 Product Allocation extension allows the to admin manage all products in an order, making sure that products can only be moved to cart if sufficient allocation is available.
Testes com Laravel e Vue.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
It's basically a dynamic web browser extension that can display notifications with the help of an admin-controlled dynamic API.
D-NOTIFIER A self controlled dynamic API based web browser extension built by Sahil Kumar How It Works? It's basically a dynamic web browser extension
🔹 Generator Template for 🙃 Phony Framework
🔹 Generator Template This repository contains the Generator Template for 🙃 Phony Framework. 🙃 Start generating fake data with 🙃 Phony Framework, v
Patchstack Test task Laravel&Vue CRUD
Patchstack Test Task - Laravel & Vue CRUD SPA Written with Laravel and Vue2 using mix. Installation Clone this repository Run "composer update" comman
Building Student Management CRUD with LARAVEL VUE and INERTIA
Building Student Management CRUD with LARAVEL VUE and INERTIA. the amazing thing about I got by combining these technologies is we ca build single page application or SPA .
HTML5 Twitter Bootstrap 3.1 Magento Boilerplate Template
Magento Boilerplate A HTML5 Twitter Bootstrap 3.1 Magento 1.8 Boilerplate Template Read the blog post or checkout the demo for more information. Insta
Give your Magento Admin a facelift.
Installation on Magento 1.7.x, 1.8.x, 1.9.x Install with modgit: $ cd /path/to/magento $ modgit init $ modgit clone admin-theme https://github.com/jre
Arc admin comment preview - Simple Textpattern plugin that adds a comment preview to admin
arc_admin_comment_preview This is a Textpattern plugin for adding comment previews to the admin comment edit pages. Requirements Textpattern 4.0.8+ In
Textpattern-plugin-template - A template for building plugins for Textpattern CMS.
Plugin template for Textpattern CMS Developer documentation Refer to the Textpattern plugin development documentation, and notably the Plugin template
Textpattern-jquery-ui-theme - The jQuery UI theme used within the Textpattern CMS admin-side.
Textpattern jQuery UI theme The jQuery UI theme used within the Textpattern CMS admin-side. Supported web browsers Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari and O
A PHP notebook application build with PHP Symfony as back-end API and VueJS/Vuetify front-end.
PHPersonal Notes 📓 - BETA RELEASE PHPersonal notes is an application to store your personal notes! PHPersonalnotes is build with Symfony/VueJS/Vuetif
Free and open-source Laravel admin dashboard interface built with Livewire & Alpine.js based on Bootstrap 5
Volt Dashboard Laravel Free Frontend Web App for Laravel with Livewire & Alpine.js Never start a development project from scratch again. We've partner
It's a dashboard theme/UI-Starter Kit with Laravel, Inertia and Vue (JetStream).
TailAdmin Inertia It's a dashboard theme/UI-Starter Kit with Laravel, Inertia and Vue (JetStream). Setup Directions npm install composer install Chang
AdminArchitect - Active Admin for Laravel
Admin Architect Missing Laravel Administration Framework. It's like ActiveAdmin for Laravel. Docs Follow the documentation. License The Admin Architec
The light version of NexoPOS 4.x, which is a web-Based Point Of Sale (POS) System build with Laravel, TailwindCSS, and Vue.Js.
About NexoPOS 4.x NexoPOS 4 is a free point of sale system build using Laravel, TailwindCSS, Vue and other open-source resources. This POS System focu
Laravel Blog Package. Easiest way to add a blog to your Laravel website. A package which adds wordpress functionality to your website and is compatible with laravel 8.
Laravel Blog Have you worked with Wordpress? Developers call this package wordpress-like laravel blog. Give our package a Star to support us ⭐ 😍 Inst
Nebula is a minimalistic and easy to use administration tool for Laravel applications, made with Laravel, Alpine.js, and Tailwind CSS.
Nebula Nebula is a minimalistic and easy to use administration tool for Laravel applications, made with Laravel, Alpine.js, and Tailwind CSS. Nebula m
Generate Data Transfer Objects directly from JSON objects
Json 2 DTO Spatie's Data Transfer Object library is awesome, but typing out DTOs can quickly become a chore. Inspired by Json2Typescript style tools,
Admin One is simple, beautiful and free Laravel admin dashboard (built with Vue.js, Bulma & Buefy).
Admin One — Free Laravel Vue Bulma Dashboard Admin One is simple, beautiful and free Laravel admin dashboard (built with Vue.js, Bulma & Buefy). Built
CoreUI Free Laravel Bootstrap Admin Template
CoreUI Free Laravel Bootstrap Admin Template Curious why I decided to create CoreUI? Please read this article: Jack of all trades, master of none. Why
An open source Laravel Soundboard with Admin Panel CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) built on Laravel, Bootstrap, and Vue.js
Laravel Soundboard An open source Laravel Soundboard with Admin Panel CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) built on Laravel 5.8, Bootstrap 4, Vue.js, Boot
A desktop Laravel admin panel app
Laravel Kit A simple and elegant desktop application for managing your Laravel applications. Available for Windows, Linux and macOS. Website | Feature
Laravel 7+ Content management framework
Sharp is not a CMS: it's a content management framework, a toolset which provides help to build a CMS section in a website, with some rules in mind: t
Laravue is a beautiful dashboard combination of Laravel, Vue.js and the UI Toolkit Element.
Laravue Laravue (pronounced /ˈlarəvjuː/) is a beautiful dashboard combination of Laravel, Vue.js and the UI Toolkit Element. The work is inspired by v
👻 It's never been easier to build and customize admin panels. Yah! yaldash is a beautifully designed administration panel for Laravel.
👻 It's never been easier to build and customize admin panels. Yah! yaldash is a beautifully designed administration panel for Laravel.
A @laravel based RAD platform for back-office applications, admin/user panels, and dashboards.
For the full documentation, visit orchid.software. Introduction Orchid is a free Laravel package that abstracts standard business logic and allows cod
Multilingual PHP CMS built with Laravel and bootstrap
Lavalite This is an open source of Content Management System developed with Laravel framework. Documentation Visit Documentation section in the websit
Get a grip on your finances.
Budget Budget is an open-source web application that helps you keep track of your finances. You can use Budget by hosting it yourself, or using the in
Laravel FREE E-Commerce Software
Get discount on Digital Ocean Sign-up with Digital Ocean and get $10 discount! Laravel FREE E-Commerce Software Features Provided Products Cart Checko
Quickly build an admin interface for your Eloquent models
Website | Documentation | Add-ons | Pricing | Services | Stack Overflow | Reddit | Blog | Newsletter Quickly build an admin interface for your Eloquen
Multi Auth and admin auth in Laravel Project
Laravel Multi Auth For Complete Documentation, visit Here This package is just create admin side (multi auth), which is totaly isolated from your norm
This is the information I prepared for the PHP interview.The notes include PHP, MySql, Linux, etc.
PHP面试准备的资料 这个项目是自己准备面试整理的资料。可能包括PHP、MySQL等资料。方便自己以后查阅,会不定期更新,如果错误,请指出,谢谢。欢迎大家提交PR,谢谢大家的star 可以通过https://xianyunyh.gitbooks.io/php-interview/预览。欢迎有精力的朋
Laravel 5.2 + Bootstrap 3.5 + AdminLTE 2.3
laravel-admin A Laravel 5.2.x, Bootstrap 3.5.x, and AdminLTE 2.3.x. project. Laravel-Admin Features Built on Laravel 5.2 Admin is built on AdminLTE 2.
Easily add a full Laravel blog (with built in admin panel and public views) to your laravel project with this simple package.
Webdevetc BlogEtc - Complete Laravel Blog Package Quickly add a blog with admin panel to your existing Laravel project. It has everything included (ro
Laravel+Vue project
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
A template for web development using Laravel, Inertia and Svelte
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Online Food Ordering system with admin, owner, rider panel
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Authentication for SPA (Laravel Sanctum + Vue.js)
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Backpack v3 used this Base package to offer admin authentication and a blank admin panel using AdminLTE
Until 2018, Backpack v3 used this Base package to offer admin authentication and a blank admin panel using AdminLTE. Backpack v4 no longer uses this package, they're now built-in - use Backpack/CRUD instead.
Administration system for Hackathons :chart_with_upwards_trend: !
We are looking for maintainers! In order to ensure active development going forward, we are looking for maintainers to join the project. Please contac
This repository contains source code of my personal portfolio at naurislinde.com
The source code of naurislinde.com This repository contains source code of my personal portfolio at naurislinde.com Getting Started These instructions
Theme and asset management for laravel
Laravel-Themevel Themevel is a Laravel theme and asset management package. You can easily integrate this package with any Laravel based project. Featu
View template engine of PHP extracted from Laravel
Blade 【简体中文】 This is a view templating engine which is extracted from Laravel. It's independent without relying on Laravel's Container or any others.
🔥 基于 Laravel 的后台系统构建工具 (Laravel Admin),使用很少的代码快速构建一个功能完善的高颜值后台系统,内置丰富的后台常用组件,开箱即用,让开发者告别冗杂的HTML代码
Dcat Admin是一个基于laravel-admin二次开发而成的后台系统构建工具,只需很少的代码即可快速构建出一个功能完善的高颜值后台系统。内置丰富的后台常用组件,开箱即用,让开发者告别冗杂的HTML代码,对后端开发者非常友好。 官方网站 中文文档 English documentions D
Returns a list of Craft/Vue/React route rules and element URLs for ServiceWorkers from Craft entries
Route Map plugin for Craft CMS 3.x Returns a list of Craft/Vue/React route rules and element URLs for ServiceWorkers from Craft entries Related: Route
Private file storage and share with user build with laravel and vue inspired by google drive
LaravelDrive is a file storage system that allows store private file and share with users build wiht laravel and vue inspired by google drive. Laravel
Official website of Giada Loop Machine. Powered by NodeJS, SASS, Pug and other beautiful JavaScript machineries.
Giada WWW Official website of Giada Loop Machine, proudly powered by NodeJS, SASS, Pug and other beautiful JavaScript machineries. What is Giada? Giad
Phalcon cli template
Phalcon cli template This is just sample boostraping application for command line applications using the outstanding Phalcon Framework. Installation J
Extracts translatable strings from source. Identical to xgettext but for template languages.
xgettext-template Extracts translatable strings from source. Identical to xgettext(1) but for template languages. Template language support Handlebars
Twig Template Engine to Phalcon PHP
Twig Template Engine to Phalcon PHP
Snippets for blade template engine
Blade Snippets for Sublime Text Blade is a simple, yet powerful templating engine provided with Laravel PHP framework. These snippets works with blade
A starter kit that integrates Laravel with Vue CLI, Inertia.js, TailwindCSS and Vuetify
Laravel Viltify Laravel Viltify is a heavily opinionated Laravel starter kit. It's intent is to seamlessly integrate V ue, I nertia.js, L aravel, T ai
Fully customizable and tests supported Laravel admin dashboard for developers.
Laravel Admin dashboard Like Laravel Jetstream but built with Hotwire Turbo + additional perks. Tools used: tailwindcomponents/dashboard Hotwire Turbo
For the super admin, replace WP Admin Bar My Sites menu with an All Sites menu.
Super Admin All Sites Menu Also available at https://wordpress.org/plugins/super-admin-all-sites-menu/ Use | Prerequisite | Install | Filters | Demo |
Media gallery with CKEditor, TinyMCE and Summernote support. Built on Laravel file system.
Documents ・ Installation ・ Integration ・ Config ・ Customization ・ Events ・ Upgrade ・ Demo ・ FAQ Features File upload and management Uploading validati