Laravel 5.2 + Bootstrap 3.5 + AdminLTE 2.3


laravel-admin License: MIT

A Laravel 5.2.x, Bootstrap 3.5.x, and AdminLTE 2.3.x. project.

Laravel-Admin Features
Built on Laravel 5.2
Admin is built on AdminLTE 2.3
Uses MySQL Database
Uses Artisan to manage database migration, schema creations, and create/publish page controller templates
Dependencies are managed with COMPOSER
Assets are managed with BOWER
Assets are organized and processed with GULPJS
Laravel Scaffolding User and Administrator Authentication.
Dynamic Breadcrumbs
User Registration
User Registration IP Capture
User Login
User Dashboard
User Profile
User Forgot Password
User email address based Gravatar
User Management - admin access
User List - admin access
404 Page for public
404 Page for users

Quick Project Setup

  1. Run git clone laravel-admin
  2. Create a MySQL database for the project
    • mysql -u root -p, if using Vagrant: mysql -u homestead -psecret
    • create database laravelAdmin;
    • \q
  3. From the projects root run sudo cp .env.example .env
  4. Configure your .env file
  5. From the projects root folder run sudo chmod -R 777 ../laravel-admin
  6. Run sudo composer update from the projects root folder
  7. Run sudo npm install from the projects root folder
  8. From the projects root folder run sudo chmod -R 777 ../laravel-admin
  9. Run bower update from the projects root folder
  10. Run sudo gulp copyfiles from the projects root folder
  11. Run sudo gulp from the projects root folder
  • NOTE: In production run sudo gulp --production
  1. From the projects root folder run sudo chmod -R 755 ../laravel-admin
  2. From the projects root folder run php artisan key:generate
  3. From the projects root folder run php artisan migrate
  4. From the projects root folder run composer dump-autoload
  5. From the projects root folder run php artisan db:seed
  1. Seeded Roles
    • user
    • editor
    • administrator

Laravel-Admin URL's (routes)

  • /auth/login
  • /auth/logout
  • /auth/register
  • /user
  • /user/{user id}
  • /auth/admin
  • /auth/superadmin

Laravel-Admin Alias Redirect URL's (routes)

  • /admin
  • /superadmin
  • /home
  • /dashboard
  • /login
  • /logout
  • /register
  • /reset


Build Status License

Example .env file:





File Structure

    ├── .bowerrc
    ├── .env
    ├── bower.json
    ├── composer.json
    ├── gulpfile.js
    ├── LICENSE
    ├── package.json
    ├── phpspec.yml
    ├── phpunit.xml
    ├── server.php
    ├── app/
    │    ├── User.php
    │    └── Http/
    │       ├── breadcrumbs.php
    │       ├── kernal.php
    │       ├── routes.php
    │       ├── Controllers/
    │       │   ├── Auth/
    │       │   │   ├── AuthController.php
    │       │   │   └── PasswordController.php
    │       │   ├── adminController.php
    │       │   ├── Controller.php
    │       │   ├── UsersController.php
    │       │   └── WelcomeController.php
    │       ├── Middleware/
    │       │   ├── Admin.php
    │       │   ├── Authenticate.php
    │       │   ├── EncryptCookies.php
    │       │   ├── RedirectAuthenticated.php
    │       │   ├── SuperAdmin.php
    │       │   └── VerifyCsrfToken.php
    │       └── Requests/
    │           └── Request.php
    ├── config/
    │   ├── app.php
    │   ├── auth.php
    │   ├── bootstrapper.php
    │   ├── breadcrumbs.php
    │   ├── broadcasting.php
    │   ├── cache.php
    │   ├── compile.php
    │   ├── database.php
    │   ├── filesystems.php
    │   ├── gravatar.php
    │   ├── image.php
    │   ├── mail.php
    │   ├── queue.php
    │   ├── services.php
    │   ├── session.php
    │   ├── sluggable.php
    │   └── view.php
    ├── database/
    │   ├── migrations/
    │   │   ├── 2014_10_12_000000_create_users_table.php
    │   │   ├── 2014_10_12_100000_create_password_resets_table.php
    │   │   └── 2015_10_06_064037_add_userlevels_to_users_table.php
    │   └── seeds/
    │       └── DatabaseSeeder.php
    ├── public/
    │   ├── .htaccess
    │   ├── index.php
    │   └── assets/
    │       ├── css/
    │       │   ├── admin/
    │       │   │   ├── admin.css
    │       │   │   ├── login.css
    │       │   │   └── components/
    │       │   │       ├── admin-core.css
    │       │   │       ├── admin-font-icons.css
    │       │   │       ├── admin-plugins.css
    │       │   │       ├── admin-skins.css
    │       │   │       └── login-plugins.css
    │       │   ├── fonts/
    │       │   └── vendor/
    │       │       └── bootstrap.css
    │       ├── fonts
    │       └── js
    │           ├── login.js
    │           └── admin/
    │               ├── admin-plugins.js
    │               └── admin.js
    └── resources/
        ├── assets/
        ├── lang/
        └── views/
            ├── welcome.blade.php
            ├── admin/
            │   ├── errors/
            │   │   └── users404.blade.php
            │   ├── forms/
            │   │   ├── login.blade.php
            │   │   ├── register.blade.php
            │   │   └── reset-pw.blade.php
            │   ├── layouts/
            │   │   ├── dashboard.blade.php
            │   │   └── user-progile.blade.php
            │   ├── modules/
            │   │   ├── blank.blade.php
            │   │   ├── calendar-tasks.blade.php
            │   │   ├── chat-boxes.blade.php
            │   │   ├── control-sidebar.blade.php
            │   │   ├── quick-email-widget.blade.php
            │   │   ├── sales-graph.blade.php
            │   │   ├── stat-boxes.blade.php
            │   │   ├── tabbed-charts.blade.php
            │   │   ├── todo-list.blade.php
            │   │   └── visitors.blade.php
            │   ├── partials/
            │   │   ├── breadcrumbs.blade.php
            │   │   ├── footer.blade.php
            │   │   ├── header.php.php
            │   │   ├── main-sidebar.blade.php
            │   │   └── nav.blade.php
            │   └── structure/
            │       ├── head.blade.php
            │       ├── jscripts.blade.php
            │       └── master.blade.php
            ├── auth/
            │   ├── login.blade.php
            │   ├── password.blade.php
            │   ├── register.blade.php
            │   └── reset.blade.php
            ├── emails/
            │   ├── contact.blade.php
            │   └── password.blade.php
            ├── errors/
            │   ├── 404.blade.php
            │   └── 503.blade.php
            └── vendor/

Laravel Developement Packages Used References

FORM and HTML classes for Laravel 5.1
Bootstrapper for Laravel 5.1
Gravatar for Laravel 5.1
Image Processing for Laravel 5.1
Breadcrumbs for Laravel 5.1
Eloquent-Sluggable for Laravel 5.1

Development Environement References and help

VAGRANT Dev Environment References

VAGRANT Virtual Machine Details
Item Value:
Hostname homestead
IP Address
Username vagrant
SU Password vagrant
Database Host
Database Port 33060
Database Username homestead
Database Password secret
Command Action
vagrant up Start Vagrant VM
vagrant up --provision Start Vagrant VM if vagrantfile updated
vagrant halt Stop Vagrant VM
Command Action
sudo ssh vagrant@ -p 222 Access Vagrant VM via SSH. Password is vagrant
mysql -u homestead -psecret Access Vagrant VM MySQL. Password is vagrant

For reference AdminLTE can be installed into projects using Bower. If you do not have Bower, it can be installed using Node Package Manager (NPM). If you do not have NPM, it can be installed using NODE JS.

###Install NODE JS ####Node JS can be installed muliple ways: Mac GUI Installer, easiest way (Simply Download and Install)

####Node JS can also be installed using Homebrew Package Manager with the following command:

brew install node

###Install Node Package Manager (NPM) ####NPM can be installed using the following command:

npm install -g bower

###Install Bower ####Bower can be installed with the following command:

sudo npm install -g bower

###Install GULP ####GULP can be installed using the following command:

npm install -g gulp

###Install COMPOSER

####COMPOSER can be installed using the following commands:

sudo curl -sS | php
sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

####COMPOSER on MAC OS X can be installed using the following commands:

sudo brew update
sudo brew tap homebrew/dupes
sudo brew tap homebrew/php
sudo brew install composer

Very Helpful Aliases

You can edit/or create your systems (MAC OS X) alias file with the follwing command:

sudo vim ~/.bash_profile

To update TERMINAL CLI to be able to use the the added aliases run the following command:

. ~/.bash_profile
You can choose all or some of the following aliases to add to your .bash_profile:
Vagrant/Homestead Aliases
alias machost='sudo vim /etc/hosts'
alias edithost='sudo vim /etc/hosts'
alias sshlara='sudo ssh vagrant@ -p 2222'
alias laraedit='vim ~/.homestead/Homestead.yaml '
alias aliaslara='vim ~/.homestead/aliases'
alias laraalias='vim ~/.homestead/aliases'
alias sql='mysql -u homestead -psecret'
alias larasql='mysql -u homestead -psecret'
alias updatecomposer='sudo composer self-update'
alias rollbackcomposer='sudo composer self-update --rollback'

A helpful bashfile alias function to start VAGRANT instance:

function laraup {
    vagrant up --provision
  echo "=============================================================================="
  echo "=============================================================================="
  cd ~/Homestead/
  if startVM ; then
    echo "=============================================================================="
    echo "=============================================================================="
    echo "=============================================================================="
    echo "=============================================================================="
  cd $_originalDir

A helpful bashfile alias function to shutdown/halt/stop VAGRANT instance:

function laradown {
    vagrant halt
  echo "=============================================================================="
  echo "=============================================================================="
  cd ~/Homestead/
  if stopVM ; then
    echo "=============================================================================="
    echo "=============================================================================="
    echo "=============================================================================="
    echo "=============================================================================="
  cd $_originalDir

A helpful bashfile alias function to remove VAGRANT instance:

function larakill {
    vagrant destroy
  echo "=============================================================================="
  echo "=============================================================================="
  cd ~/Homestead/
  if killVM ; then
    echo "=============================================================================="
    echo "=============================================================================="
    echo "=============================================================================="
    echo "=============================================================================="
  cd $_originalDir
General Very Helpful Aliases

A nice alias to list all the MAC and OSX filesystem booger:

alias cleanprint='
find . -name "*.DS_Store" -print;
find . -name "*.DS_Store" -print;
find . -name "*._DS_Store" -print;
find . -name "._.DS_Store" -print;
find . -name ".DS_Store" -print;
find . -name "Thumbs.db" -print;
find . -name "._.*" -print;
find . -name "._*" -print ;

A nice alias to delete all the MAC and OSX filesystem booger:

alias cleanrm='
find . -name "*.DS_Store" -delete;
find . -name "*.DS_Store" -delete;
find . -name "*._DS_Store" -delete;
find . -name "._.DS_Store" -delete;
find . -name ".DS_Store" -delete;
find . -name "Thumbs.db" -delete;
find . -name "._.*" -delete;
find . -name "._*" -delete ;

A nice alias to list and delete all the MAC and OSX filesystem boogers:

alias cleanboth='
find . -name "*.DS_Store" -print;
find . -name "*.DS_Store" -print;
find . -name "*._DS_Store" -print;
find . -name "._.DS_Store" -print;
find . -name ".DS_Store" -print;
find . -name "Thumbs.db" -print;
find . -name "._.*" -print;
find . -name "._*" -print ;
find . -name "*.DS_Store" -delete;
find . -name "*.DS_Store" -delete;
find . -name "*._DS_Store" -delete;
find . -name "._.DS_Store" -delete;
find . -name ".DS_Store" -delete;
find . -name "Thumbs.db" -delete;
find . -name "._.*" -delete;
find . -name "._*" -delete ;
Show MAC OS X files

Alias to show all hidden files on MAC OS X filesystem:

alias showfiles='defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES; killall Finder /System/Library/CoreServices/'

Alias to hide all hidden files on MAC OS X filesystem:

alias hidefiles='defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO; killall Finder /System/Library/CoreServices/'
GIT CLI Quick alias functions
function quickpush {
    _currentBranch=$(git branch | sed -n -e 's/^\* \(.*\)/\1/p')
    sudo git add -A
    sudo git commit -m "quick push"
    sudo git push $_currentBranch
Another flavor of Quick GIT PUSH
function push {
    _currentBranch=$(git branch | sed -n -e 's/^\* \(.*\)/\1/p')
    sudo git add -A
    sudo git commit -m "quick push"
    sudo git push $_currentBranch
function quickpull {
    _currentBranch=$(git branch | sed -n -e 's/^\* \(.*\)/\1/p')
    sudo git pull $_currentBranch
Another flavor of Quick GIT PULL
function pull {
    _currentBranch=$(git branch | sed -n -e 's/^\* \(.*\)/\1/p')
    sudo git pull $_currentBranch
My keyboard hates me GIT helper aliases:
alias gut='git'
alias got='git'
alias car='cat'
alias commut='commit'
alias commmit='commit'
alias comit='commit'
alias commot='commit'
Typing clear takes too many keystrokes alias helper:
alias cl='clear'
Helpful quick filesystem ls alias helpers:
alias la='ls -la'
alias ll='ls -la'
Alias and .bash_profile management aliases:
Show Aliases helpers:
alias listalias='cat ~/.bash_profile'
alias aliaslist='cat ~/.bash_profile'
alias list='cat ~/.bash_profile'
alias text='cat ~/.bash_profile'
alias aliasshow='cat ~/.bash_profile'
Edit Aliases helpers:
alias aliasedit='sudo vim ~/.bash_profile'
alias editalias='sudo vim ~/.bash_profile'

Restart/Enable Aliases helpers:

alias aliasreset='. ~/.bash_profile'
alias aliasr='. ~/.bash_profile'
alias alr='. ~/.bash_profile'
alias alsr='. ~/.bash_profile'
alias aliasrestart='. ~/.bash_profile'

Things not working (Troubleshooting)?

Issue: Cannot access project through web browser after running vagrant up / homestead up
Error Message from Browser:
This webpage is not available
1. Check Vagrant/Homestead configuration
a. Open configuration with the following command:

vim ~/.homestead/Homestead.yaml or laraedit

b. Check to make sure your folders are mapped (See example A1.):

Note: map: Is the path to the your files on your local machine to: Is the virtual file path to your projects that vagrant will create

Example A1
  - map: /Users/yourLocalUserName/Sites/project1
    to: /home/vagrant/Sites/project1/public

  - map: /Users/yourLocalUserName/Sites/project2
    to: /home/vagrant/Sites/project2/public
c. Check to make sure your projects URI and SYMLINK is mapped (See example A2):

map: Is the local URI of your project to: Is the virtual symlink to your projects virtual file path

Example A2
  - map: project1.local
    to: /home/vagrant/Sites/project1/public

  - map:
  to: /home/vagrant/Sites/project2/public

2. Check your local hosts file for local pointer redirect:

a. Open your hosts file (See example B1):

Note: Instructions are for Mac OS X

Example B1

sudo vim /etc/hosts or edithost

b. Edit your hosts file (See example B2):

Note: Replace examples URI used in Vargrant/Homestead configuration file and use the IP address of your local Vargrant/Homestead virtual machine instance

Example B2 - The last line is the important part of the example
# Host Database
# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
# when the system is booting.  Do not change this entry.
##        localhost  broadcasthost    laravel-admin.local


~ Jeremy
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  • server goes down when routing to dashboard

    server goes down when routing to dashboard


    after processing all the installation then register a user and log on

    the page is redirected to dashboard page and show this message :

    Web page unavailable


    Google Chrome to connect to localhost attempt was rejected. It is possible that the Web site is blocked or that your network is not configured properly.

    In my terminal my Laravel development server stop to serve

    Do you have an idea ?

    Thanks for advance !

    opened by DigitalCoder 6
  • During composer update error

    During composer update error

    Problem 1 - intervention/image 2.3.5 requires ext-fileinfo * -> the requested PHP extension fileinfo is missing from your system. - intervention/image 2.3.4 requires ext-fileinfo * -> the requested PHP extension fileinfo is missing from your system. - intervention/image 2.3.3 requires ext-fileinfo * -> the requested PHP extension fileinfo is missing from your system. - intervention/image 2.3.2 requires ext-fileinfo * -> the requested PHP extension fileinfo is missing from your system. - intervention/image 2.3.1 requires ext-fileinfo * -> the requested PHP extension fileinfo is missing from your system. - intervention/image 2.3.0 requires ext-fileinfo * -> the requested PHP extension fileinfo is missing from your system. - Installation request for intervention/image ^2.3 -> satisfiable by intervention/image[2.3.0, 2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.3.3, 2.3.4, 2.3.5].

    opened by ghost 4
  • [ImgBot] Optimize images

    [ImgBot] Optimize images

    Beep boop. Your images are optimized!

    Your image file size has been reduced 🎉


    | File | Before | After | Percent reduction | |:--|:--|:--|:--| | /resources/assets/adminlte/plugins/datatables/extensions/TableTools/images/pdf.png | 4.22kb | 0.82kb | 80.62% | | /resources/assets/adminlte/plugins/colorpicker/img/alpha.png | 3.19kb | 0.66kb | 79.49% | | /resources/assets/adminlte/plugins/colorpicker/img/alpha-horizontal.png | 3.55kb | 0.76kb | 78.60% | | /resources/assets/adminlte/plugins/colorpicker/img/hue-horizontal.png | 2.77kb | 0.68kb | 75.61% | | /resources/assets/adminlte/plugins/colorpicker/img/hue.png | 2.90kb | 0.71kb | 75.50% | | /resources/assets/ionicons/src/android-arrow-dropleft.svg | 0.52kb | 0.28kb | 47.09% | | /resources/assets/ionicons/src/ios-bolt.svg | 0.55kb | 0.31kb | 43.95% | | /resources/assets/adminlte/plugins/ckeditor/skins/moono/icons.png | 9.79kb | 5.53kb | 43.51% | | /resources/assets/adminlte/plugins/ckeditor/plugins/icons.png | 9.79kb | 5.53kb | 43.51% | | /resources/assets/ionicons/src/ios-paperplane.svg | 0.58kb | 0.33kb | 43.10% 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Jeremy Kenedy
Love programming everyday. Practice compassion and kindness to all. Striving to be a better person and father. Love giving back and helping others.
Jeremy Kenedy
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