5726 Repositories
PHP spikkl-php-laravel-client Libraries
Instant Upgrades and Instant Refactoring of any PHP 5.3+ code
Rector - Speedup Your PHP Development Rector helps you with 2 areas - major code changes and in daily work. Do you have a legacy code base? Do you wan
PHP completion, refactoring, introspection tool and language server.
Phpactor This project aims to provide heavy-lifting refactoring and introspection tools which can be used standalone or as the backend for a text edit
PHPGGC is a library of PHP unserialize() payloads along with a tool to generate them, from command line or programmatically.
PHPGGC: PHP Generic Gadget Chains PHPGGC is a library of unserialize() payloads along with a tool to generate them, from command line or programmatica
PHP 7.1 ready Smart and Simple Documentation for your PHP project
Smart and Readable Documentation for your PHP project ApiGen is the simplest, the easiest to use and the most modern api doc generator. It is all PHP
GitHub action to setup PHP with required extensions, php.ini configuration, code-coverage support and various tools like composer...
Setup PHP in GitHub Actions Setup PHP with required extensions, php.ini configuration, code-coverage support and various tools like composer in GitHub
PHPCI is a free and open source continuous integration tool specifically designed for PHP.
PHPCI PHPCI is a free and open source (BSD License) continuous integration tool specifically designed for PHP. We've built it with simplicity in mind,
vfsStream is a stream wrapper for a virtual file system that may be helpful in unit tests to mock the real file system. It can be used with any unit test framework, like PHPUnit or SimpleTest.
vfsStream vfsStream is a stream wrapper for a virtual file system that may be helpful in unit tests to mock the real file system. It can be used with
Highly opinionated mocking framework for PHP 5.3+
Prophecy Prophecy is a highly opinionated yet very powerful and flexible PHP object mocking framework. Though initially it was created to fulfil phpsp
The PHP Unit Testing framework.
PHPUnit PHPUnit is a programmer-oriented testing framework for PHP. It is an instance of the xUnit architecture for unit testing frameworks. Installat
SpecBDD Framework for PHP
phpspec The main website with documentation is at http://www.phpspec.net. Installing Dependencies Dependencies are handled via composer: wget -nc http
A MySQL engine written in pure PHP
PHP MySQL Engine PHP MySQL Engine is a library for PHP that allows you to test database-driven applications with an in-memory simulation of MySQL 5.6.
Mock built-in PHP functions (e.g. time(), exec() or rand())
PHP-Mock: mocking built-in PHP functions PHP-Mock is a testing library which mocks non deterministic built-in PHP functions like time() or rand(). Thi
BDD test framework for PHP
BDD test framework for PHP, inspired by Jasmine and RSpec. Features a familiar syntax, and a watch command to automatically re-run specs during develo
PHP Mocking Framework
Phake Phake is a framework for PHP that aims to provide mock objects, test doubles and method stubs. Phake was inspired by a lack of flexibility and e
Event driven BDD test framework for PHP
The highly extensible, highly enjoyable, PHP testing framework. Read more at peridot-php.github.io or head over to the wiki. Building PHAR Peridot's p
Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework for use in unit testing with PHPUnit, PHPSpec or any other testing framework. Its core goal is to offer a test double framework with a succinct API capable of clearly defining all possible object operations and interactions using a human readable Domain Specific Language (DSL).
Mockery Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework for use in unit testing with PHPUnit, PHPSpec or any other testing framework. Its c
:heavy_check_mark: PHP Test Framework for Freedom, Truth, and Justice
Kahlan is a full-featured Unit & BDD test framework a la RSpec/JSpec which uses a describe-it syntax and moves testing in PHP one step forward. Kahlan
AST based PHP Mutation Testing Framework
Infection - Mutation Testing framework Please read documentation here: infection.github.io Twitter: @infection_php Discord: https://discord.gg/ZUmyHTJ
Mock HTTP requests on the server side in your PHP unit tests
HTTP Mock for PHP Mock HTTP requests on the server side in your PHP unit tests. HTTP Mock for PHP mocks the server side of an HTTP request to allow in
Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you
Faker Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you. Whether you need to bootstrap your database, create good-looking XML documents, fill-in
Full-stack testing PHP framework
Codeception Modern PHP Testing for everyone Codeception is a modern full-stack testing framework for PHP. Inspired by BDD, it provides an absolutely n
The modern, simple and intuitive PHP unit testing framework.
atoum PHP version atoum version 5.3 - 5.6 1.x - 3.x 7.2 - 8.x 4.x (current) A simple, modern and intuitive unit testing framework for PHP! Just lik
Expressive fixtures generator
Alice - Expressive fixtures generator Relying on FakerPHP/Faker, Alice allows you to create a ton of fixtures/fake data for use while developing or te
Dependency Injection System
Aura.Di A serializable dependency injection container with constructor and setter injection, interface and trait awareness, configuration inheritance,
An object oriented PHP driver for FFMpeg binary
php-ffmpeg An Object-Oriented library to convert video/audio files with FFmpeg / AVConv. Check another amazing repo: PHP FFMpeg extras, you will find
Abstraction for local and remote filesystems
League\Flysystem About Flysystem Flysystem is a file storage library for PHP. It provides one interface to interact with many types of filesystems. Wh
The Mailer component helps sending emails
Mailer Component The Mailer component helps sending emails. Getting Started $ composer require symfony/mailer use Symfony\Component\Mailer\Transport;
Library for using online Email providers
Stampie Stampie is a simple API Wrapper for different email providers such as Postmark and SendGrid. It is very easy to use and to integrate into your
Manage mailboxes, filter/get/delete emails in PHP (supports IMAP/POP3/NNTP)
PHP IMAP Initially released in December 2012, the PHP IMAP Mailbox is a powerful and open source library to connect to a mailbox by POP3, IMAP and NNT
A browser testing and web crawling library for PHP and Symfony
A browser testing and web scraping library for PHP and Symfony Panther is a convenient standalone library to scrape websites and to run end-to-end tes
The HttpClient component provides powerful methods to fetch HTTP resources synchronously or asynchronously.
HttpClient component The HttpClient component provides powerful methods to fetch HTTP resources synchronously or asynchronously. Resources Documentati
Requests for PHP is a humble HTTP request library. It simplifies how you interact with other sites and takes away all your worries.
Requests for PHP Requests is a HTTP library written in PHP, for human beings. It is roughly based on the API from the excellent Requests Python librar
Silly CLI micro-framework based on Symfony Console
currentMenu home Silly CLI micro-framework based on Symfony Console. Professional support for Silly is available via Tidelift Video introduction in fr
A unified front-end for different queuing backends. Includes a REST server, CLI interface and daemon runners.
PHP-Queue A unified front-end for different queuing backends. Includes a REST server, CLI interface and daemon runners. Why PHP-Queue? Implementing a
Akeneo PIM Community Standard Edition
Akeneo PIM Community Standard Edition Welcome to Akeneo PIM. This repository is used to create a new PIM project based on Akeneo PIM. If you want to c
Self hosted project management and collaboration tool powered by TALL stack
Sponsored By: Self hosted project management and collaboration tool inspired by basecamp. Notice: Project under some major change, do not use until st
Simple web interface to manage Redis databases.
phpRedisAdmin phpRedisAdmin is a simple web interface to manage Redis databases. It is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. Th
Database management in a single PHP file
Adminer - Database management in a single PHP file Adminer Editor - Data manipulation for end-users https://www.adminer.org/ Supports: MySQL, MariaDB
A web interface for MySQL and MariaDB
phpMyAdmin A web interface for MySQL and MariaDB. https://www.phpmyadmin.net/ Code status Download You can get the newest release at https://www.phpmy
📛 An open source status page system for everyone.
Cachet is a beautiful and powerful open source status page system. Overview List your service components Report incidents Customise the look of your s
Voyager - The Missing Laravel Admin
Voyager - The Missing Laravel Admin Made with ❤️ by The Control Group Website & Documentation: https://voyager.devdojo.com/ Video Tutorial Here: https
Craft is a flexible, user-friendly CMS for creating custom digital experiences on the web and beyond.
About Craft CMS Craft is a flexible, user-friendly CMS for creating custom digital experiences on the web and beyond. It features: An intuitive, user-
:earth_asia: Functions for making sense out of URIs in PHP
sabre/uri sabre/uri is a lightweight library that provides several functions for working with URIs, staying true to the rules of RFC3986. Partially in
URI manipulation Library
URI The Uri package provides simple and intuitive classes to manage URIs in PHP. You will be able to parse, build and resolve URIs create URIs from di
Purl is a simple Object Oriented URL manipulation library for PHP 7.2+
Purl Purl is a simple Object Oriented URL manipulation library for PHP 7.2+ Installation The suggested installation method is via composer: composer r
Public Suffix List based domain parsing implemented in PHP
PHP Domain Parser PHP Domain Parser is a resource based domain parser implemented in PHP. Motivation While there are plenty of excellent URL parsers a
A PHP Stream wrapper for Amazon S3
S3StreamWrapper A simple stream wrapper for Amazon S3. Example ?php use S3StreamWrapper\S3StreamWrapper; S3StreamWrapper::register(); $options = a
Twitter REST API for PHP 5.3+
README The Wid'op Twitter REST library is a modern PHP 5.3+ API allowing you to easily interact with Twitter 1.1. In order to sign your request with t
PHP library for the GitHub API v3
GitHub API v3 - PHP Library Currently under construction. Overview Provides access to GitHub API v3 via an Object Oriented PHP library. The goal of th
A versatile PHP Library for Google PageSpeed Insights
PhpInsights An easy-to-use API Wrapper for Googles PageSpeed Insights. The JSON response is mapped to objects for an headache-free usage. Installation
PHP 5.3+ library which helps you to interact with the DigitalOcean API
DigitalOcean The version 2 of the API will be available soon ! Please visit DigitalOceanV2 and contribute :) This PHP 5.3+ library helps you to intera
A PHP library for the Campaign Monitor API
createsend A PHP library which implements the complete functionality of the Campaign Monitor API. Installation Composer If you use Composer, you can r
Mailgun's Official SDK for PHP
Mailgun PHP client This is the Mailgun PHP SDK. This SDK contains methods for easily interacting with the Mailgun API. Below are examples to get you s
A PHP library for communicating with the Twilio REST API and generating TwiML.
twilio-php The default branch name for this repository has been changed to main as of 07/27/2020. Documentation The documentation for the Twilio API c
A simple PHP GitHub API client, Object Oriented, tested and documented.
PHP GitHub API A simple Object Oriented wrapper for GitHub API, written with PHP. Uses GitHub API v3 & supports GitHub API v4. The object API (v3) is
PHP library for the Stripe API.
Stripe PHP bindings The Stripe PHP library provides convenient access to the Stripe API from applications written in the PHP language. It includes a p
A framework agnostic PHP library to build chat bots
BotMan If you want to learn how to create reusable PHP packages yourself, take a look at my upcoming PHP Package Development video course. About BotMa
Official repository of the AWS SDK for PHP (@awsforphp)
AWS SDK for PHP - Version 3 The AWS SDK for PHP makes it easy for developers to access Amazon Web Services in their PHP code, and build robust applica
TextGenerator is a PHP package that aims to generate automated texts from data.
TextGenerator TextGenerator is a PHP package that aims to generate automated texts from data. Feel free to comment and contribute. Features Text gener
A complete and fully-functional implementation of the Jade template language for PHP
Tale Jade for PHP Finally a fully-functional, complete and clean port of the Jade language to PHP — Abraham Lincoln The Tale Jade Template Engine brin
Provides TemplateView and TwoStepView using PHP as the templating language, with support for partials, sections, and helpers.
Aura View This package provides an implementation of the TemplateView and TwoStepView patterns using PHP itself as the templating language. It support
PHP 5.3 Mustache implementation
Phly\Mustache MOVED! This package has moved to phly/phly-mustache, and the package name has changed to phly/phly-mustache. I have updated packagist to
PHP template engine for native PHP templates
FOIL PHP template engine, for PHP templates. Foil brings all the flexibility and power of modern template engines to native PHP templates. Write simpl
View template engine of PHP extracted from Laravel
Blade 【简体中文】 This is a view templating engine which is extracted from Laravel. It's independent without relying on Laravel's Container or any others.
PHP Template Attribute Language — template engine for XSS-proof well-formed XHTML and HTML5 pages
PHPTAL - Template Attribute Language for PHP Requirements If you want to use the builtin internationalisation system (I18N), the php-gettext extension
Multi target HAML (HAML for PHP, Twig, your language here)
Multi target HAML MtHaml is a PHP implementation of the HAML language which can target multiple languages. Currently supported targets are PHP and Twi
☕ Latte: the intuitive and fast template engine for those who want the most secure PHP sites.
Latte: amazing template engine for PHP Introduction Latte is a template engine for PHP which eases your work and ensures the output is protected again
Native PHP template system
Plates Plates is a native PHP template system that's fast, easy to use and easy to extend. It's inspired by the excellent Twig template engine and str
Smarty is a template engine for PHP, facilitating the separation of presentation (HTML/CSS) from application logic.
Smarty 3 template engine smarty.net Documentation For documentation see www.smarty.net/docs/en/ Requirements Smarty can be run with PHP 5.2 to PHP 7.4
A Mustache implementation in PHP.
Mustache.php A Mustache implementation in PHP. Usage A quick example: ?php $m = new Mustache_Engine(array('entity_flags' = ENT_QUOTES)); echo $m-re
Twig, the flexible, fast, and secure template language for PHP
Twig, the flexible, fast, and secure template language for PHP Twig is a template language for PHP, released under the new BSD license (code and docum
Pure PHP task runner
task/task Got a PHP project? Heard of Grunt and Gulp but don't use NodeJS? Task is a pure PHP task runner. Leverage PHP as a scripting language, and a
PHP cron job scheduler
PHP Cron Scheduler This is a framework agnostic cron jobs scheduler that can be easily integrated with your project or run as a standalone command sch
Modern task runner for PHP
RoboTask Modern and simple PHP task runner inspired by Gulp and Rake aimed to automate common tasks: writing cross-platform scripts processing assets
Multibyte strings as objects
Opis String Multibyte strings Opis String is a tiny library that allows you to work with multibyte encoded strings in an object-oriented manner. The l
PHP library to parse urls from string input
Url highlight - PHP library to parse URLs from string input. Works with complex URLs, edge cases and encoded input. Features: Replace URLs in string b
Convert strings between 13 naming conventions: Snake case, Camel case, Kebab case, Pascal case, Ada case, Train case, Cobol case, Macro case, Upper case, Lower case, Title case, Sentence case and Dot notation.
Case converter Use this library to convert string between: Name Method Output example 🐪 Camel case toCamel() myNameIsBond 👨🏫 Pascal case toPascal(
Extensive, portable and performant handling of UTF-8 and grapheme clusters for PHP
Patchwork UTF-8 for PHP Patchwork UTF-8 gives PHP developpers extensive, portable and performant handling of UTF-8 and grapheme clusters. It provides
Generate Heroku-like random names to use in your php applications.
HaikunatorPHP Generate Heroku-like random names to use in your PHP applications. Installation composer require atrox/haikunator Usage Haikunator is p
:clamp: HtmlMin: HTML Compressor and Minifier via PHP
🗜️ HtmlMin: HTML Compressor and Minifier for PHP Description HtmlMin is a fast and very easy to use PHP library that minifies given HTML5 source by r
Library for free use Google Translator. With attempts connecting on failure and array support.
GoogleTranslateForFree Packagist: https://packagist.org/packages/dejurin/php-google-translate-for-free Library for free use Google Translator. With at
🔡 Portable ASCII library - performance optimized (ascii) string functions for php.
🔡 Portable ASCII Description It is written in PHP (PHP 7+) and can work without "mbstring", "iconv" or any other extra encoding php-extension on your
ColorJizz is a PHP library for manipulating and converting colors.
#Getting started: ColorJizz-PHP uses the PSR-0 standards for namespaces, so there should be no trouble using with frameworks like Symfony 2. ###Autolo
🉑 Portable UTF-8 library - performance optimized (unicode) string functions for php.
🉑 Portable UTF-8 Description It is written in PHP (PHP 7+) and can work without "mbstring", "iconv" or any other extra encoding php-extension on your
A fast PHP slug generator and transliteration library that converts non-ascii characters for use in URLs.
URLify for PHP A fast PHP slug generator and transliteration library, started as a PHP port of URLify.js from the Django project. Handles symbols from
A sane interface for php's built in preg_* functions
Making regex great again Php's built in preg_* functions require some odd patterns like passing variables by reference and treating false or null valu
"結巴"中文分詞:做最好的 PHP 中文分詞、中文斷詞組件。 / "Jieba" (Chinese for "to stutter") Chinese text segmentation: built to be the best PHP Chinese word segmentation module.
jieba-php "結巴"中文分詞:做最好的 PHP 中文分詞、中文斷詞組件,目前翻譯版本為 jieba-0.33 版本,未來再慢慢往上升級,效能也需要再改善,請有興趣的開發者一起加入開發!若想使用 Python 版本請前往 fxsjy/jieba 現在已經可以支援繁體中文!只要將字典切換為 bi
The Universal Device Detection library will parse any User Agent and detect the browser, operating system, device used (desktop, tablet, mobile, tv, cars, console, etc.), brand and model.
DeviceDetector Code Status Description The Universal Device Detection library that parses User Agents and detects devices (desktop, tablet, mobile, tv
A PHP string manipulation library with multibyte support
A PHP string manipulation library with multibyte support. Compatible with PHP 5.4+, PHP 7+, and HHVM. s('string')-toTitleCase()-ensureRight('y') ==
Converts a string to a slug. Includes integrations for Symfony, Silex, Laravel, Zend Framework 2, Twig, Nette and Latte.
cocur/slugify Converts a string into a slug. Developed by Florian Eckerstorfer in Vienna, Europe with the help of many great contributors. Features Re
A lightweight php class for formatting sql statements. Handles automatic indentation and syntax highlighting.
SqlFormatter A lightweight php class for formatting sql statements. It can automatically indent and add line breaks in addition to syntax highlighting
👮 A PHP desktop/mobile user agent parser with support for Laravel, based on Mobiledetect
Agent A PHP desktop/mobile user agent parser with support for Laravel, based on Mobile Detect with desktop support and additional functionality. Insta
A PHP library for generating universally unique identifiers (UUIDs).
ramsey/uuid A PHP library for generating and working with UUIDs. ramsey/uuid is a PHP library for generating and working with universally unique ident
Mobile_Detect is a lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices (including tablets). It uses the User-Agent string combined with specific HTTP headers to detect the mobile environment.
Motto: "Every business should have a detection script to detect mobile readers." About Mobile Detect is a lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile d
PHP Static site generator
Spress - PHP Static site generator Spress is a static site generator built with Symfony components. License: MIT. Requirements Linux, Unix, Mac OS X o
Phrozn is extremely flexible static site generator in PHP.
Phrozn Phrozn is extremely flexible static site generator in PHP. Philosophy Configurable: you should be able to tune it to your needs SCM-Enabled: no
Fetches random integers from random.org instead of using PHP's PRNG implementation
TrulyRandom Composer-compatible library to interact with random.org's API in order to generate truly random lists of integers, sequences of integers,
TCrypto is a simple and flexible PHP 5.3+ in-memory key-value storage library
About TCrypto is a simple and flexible PHP 5.3+ in-memory key-value storage library. By default, a cookie will be used as a storage backend. TCrypto h
CIDRAM: Classless Inter-Domain Routing Access Manager.
What is CIDRAM? CIDRAM (Classless Inter-Domain Routing Access Manager) is a PHP script designed to protect websites by blocking requests originating f
An experimental object oriented SSH api in PHP
PHP SSH (master) Provides an object-oriented wrapper for the php ssh2 extension. Requirements You need PHP version 5.3+ with the SSH2 extension. Insta