Simple web interface to manage Redis databases.



phpRedisAdmin is a simple web interface to manage Redis databases. It is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. This code is being developed and maintained by Erik Dubbelboer.

You can send comments, patches, questions here on github or to


You can find an example database at


To install phpRedisAdmin through composer you need to execute the following commands:

curl -s | php
php composer.phar create-project -s dev erik-dubbelboer/php-redis-admin path/to/install

You may also want to copy includes/ to includes/ and edit it with your specific redis configuration.

Instead of using composer, you can also do a manual install using:

git clone
cd phpRedisAdmin
git clone vendor

Docker Image

A public phpRedisAdmin Docker image is available on Docker Hub automatically built from latest source. The file includes/ is used as the configuration file to allow environment variables to be used as configuration values. Example:

docker run --rm -it -e -e REDIS_1_NAME=MyRedis -p 80:80 erikdubbelboer/phpredisadmin

Also, a Docker Compose manifest with a stack for testing and development is provided. Just issue docker-compose up --build to start it and browse to http://localhost. See docker-compose.yml file for configuration details.

Environment variables summary

  • REDIS_1_HOST - define host of the Redis server
  • REDIS_1_NAME - define name of the Redis server
  • REDIS_1_PORT - define port of the Redis server
  • REDIS_1_AUTH - define password of the Redis server
  • ADMIN_USER - define username for user-facing Basic Auth
  • ADMIN_PASS - define password for user-facing Basic Auth


  • Encoding support for editing
  • Javascript sorting of tables
  • Better error handling
  • Move or Copy key to different server
  • Importing JSON
  • JSON export with seperate objects based on your seperator


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  • Add Docker support

    Add Docker support

    • Dockerfile initial version
    • Environment-sourcing config file

    How to test:

    $ docker run -d --name=redistest redis redis-server
    $ docker run -d --name=phpredisadmin -e ADMIN_USER=admin -e=ADMIN_PASS=admin -e REDIS_1_HOST=redis --link=redistest:redis -p 80:80 pataquets/phpredisadmin

    After these, browse to http://localhost

    If merged, I can help with either:

    • Setting up a public Docker Hub image
    • Link upstream Github repo to my Docker Hub account

    With any of these, an 'automated build' can be set up on Docker Hub that will trigger an image rebuild on each Github commit.

    opened by pataquets 23
  • Questionable Feature Request: Handle serialization?

    Questionable Feature Request: Handle serialization?

    I use binary serialization in redis.

    It has the disadvantage that you need to handle more complex data than just strings but a number of serious advantages as well over using JSON and just making the string editable.


    • Faster.
    • Uses much less memory.
    • Preserves types accurately (arrays).
    • Does not have problems with character sets/binary data.

    My work around for this is to make my encoder json -> igbinary and the decoder vice versa.

    You could use the same solution with the serializer functions configurable (msgpack, igbinary, php, json, json pretty, etc).

    This loses a key advantage of type preservation.

    The catch 22 is that for the front end it would really want to be in JSON anyway so you still bump into those problems with PHP and indeterminate array type or JSON/JS and their charset issues. Though at the very least using a common JSON editing library would be nice.

    On a side note, you have ?> at the end of files and then white space. This forces the use of output buffering even when it may not be necessary which increases memory usage a lot.

    It is best to just not have the closing tag in include files even if you intend not to have a new line. Some tools like a new line at the end so people tend to add one as good practice. You cannot do this with ?> at the end of an include file without the ob.

    Another side note, my json solution works well enough, though in your display you do not use white space pre.

    Finally, I have some massive serialized objects but there is no way to effectively deal with these here.

    It looks like early work but the first tool I've found where I am able to edit redis that is igbinary backed with relative easy and minimal setup cost.

    opened by joeyhub 16
  • Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

    Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

    I have a javascript error : Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded when I load a server with more than 60k keys in a subset

    I think the javascript engine goes mad, the error pops out of jquery.js file

    opened by jrmgx 11
  • Cannot Edit Keys Anymore

    Cannot Edit Keys Anymore

    Hi please help me with this. It's quite urgent.

    For some reason, I can no longer edit keys with phpRedisAdmin. I log in fine with my usual credentials , however I come to edit a key, it brings the login prompt again and if I enter my usual credentials again, it doesn't work.

    It's like my admin account has turned into read-only mode. Is this even possible?

    opened by Supersta 11
  • dependence predis is deprecated

    dependence predis is deprecated

    Hi, I wondered why you don’t have streams (5.0) support. I cloned the repo and thought to add it myself, but found that some methods do not work, for example

    case 'stream':
    	      echo $fullkey;
                  $len = $redis->xLen($fullkey);

    Fatal error: Uncaught Predis\ClientException: Command 'XLEN' is not a registered Redis command.

    I see composer dependence "predis/predis": "1.1.x-dev" (2017-07-12) and (newer). They abandoned the composer. Now it is distributed as a compiled library. Please replace the composer dependency in the project with the compiled one so that you can develop the project further, working with the latest redis.

    Future improvement 
    opened by jenokizm 10
  • keys that end with the separator show up as folder and <empty>

    keys that end with the separator show up as folder and

    Sorry that I've been opening a few issues over the past few days. But it means that someone is using your software. ;-)

    When I create a key called test:, it looks like this:


    It has something to do with the way the namespaces are built. Maybe you have a quick fix, since you wrote the code in the first place.

    opened by tessus 9
  • docker image not supply setting redis password

    docker image not supply setting redis password

    hi , i want to use the project docker image , but my redis has password , i reading the, and did fount anywhere to setting my password . it that say the docker image not supply the function ? and what should i do to add the function for docker image, thank you

    opened by guodidi 9
  • Unable to delete keys with comma(s)

    Unable to delete keys with comma(s)

    My keys list:


    I select Articles.All(rid=11,did=14,page=12) and press "Delete selected"

    Nothing changed, but I recieved:


    Select All -> Delete selected broken too with same situation on screen above

    Click on key


    and click on red cross works, with answer:

    изображение (just as planned)

    P.S. Keys with (, ) and , allowed by redis:


    opened by KarelWintersky 7
  • Request: Refresh keys without refreshing page/frame

    Request: Refresh keys without refreshing page/frame

    Sometimes I'm looking at a specific set of keys, e.g. 'failed' below, and I want to refresh/update the values within they key without refreshing the whole page.


    Would it be possible to have a refresh button next to the key name and ajax them in? Or assign an anchor tag to each key, and have the refresh button refresh the page but jump down to the anchor you clicked and auto-expand the node?

    (This is really just an ease-of-use suggestion; otherwise I am finding this to be a really handy tool)

    opened by deancsmith 7
  • Uncaught Predis\Connection\ConnectionException: Error while reading line from the server.

    Uncaught Predis\Connection\ConnectionException: Error while reading line from the server.

    I'm running phpRedisAdmin through an ssh tunnel to one of our work environments. MacOS : 11.6.5 Redis: 6.2.6 Redis there is configured to use port 6380, so I ran the following docker command:

    docker run --rm \
      -p 8092:80 \
      -e REDIS_1_HOST=host.docker.internal \
      -e REDIS_1_NAME=redis \
      -e REDIS_1_PORT=6380 \
      -e REDIS_TLS=true \
      -e REDIS_PASSWORD=$1 \

    when I run http://localhost:8092, there's pause and then:

    <br />
    <b>Fatal error</b>:  Uncaught Predis\Connection\ConnectionException: Error while reading line from the server. [tcp://host.docker.internal:6380] in /src/app/vendor/predis/predis/src/Connection/AbstractConnection.php:155
    Stack trace:
    #0 /src/app/vendor/predis/predis/src/Connection/StreamConnection.php(314): Predis\Connection\AbstractConnection-&gt;onConnectionError('Error while rea...')
    #1 /src/app/vendor/predis/predis/src/Connection/AbstractConnection.php(120): Predis\Connection\StreamConnection-&gt;read()
    #2 /src/app/vendor/predis/predis/src/Connection/AbstractConnection.php(112): Predis\Connection\AbstractConnection-&gt;readResponse(Object(Predis\Command\KeyScan))
    #3 /src/app/vendor/predis/predis/src/Client.php(331): Predis\Connection\AbstractConnection-&gt;executeCommand(Object(Predis\Command\KeyScan))
    #4 /src/app/vendor/predis/predis/src/Client.php(314): Predis\Client-&gt;executeCommand(Object(Predis\Command\KeyScan))
    #5 /src/app/index.php(14): Predis\Client-&gt;__call('scan', Array)
    #6 {main}
      thrown in <b>/src/app/vendor/predis/predis/src/Connection/AbstractConnection.php</b> on line <b>155</b><br />

    Not sure where I should start looking for a solution to this issue.

    opened by JESii 6
  • Serialization display problems

    Serialization display problems

    @erikdubbelboer I use the following code serialization, but view 'null'

    import net.sf.ehcache.CacheException;
    import org.nustaq.serialization.FSTObjectInput;
    import org.nustaq.serialization.FSTObjectOutput;
     * 使用 FST 实现序列化
     * @author winterlau
    public class FSTSerializer implements Serializer {
        public String name() {
            return "fst";
        public byte[] serialize(Object obj) throws IOException {
            ByteArrayOutputStream out = null;
            FSTObjectOutput fout = null;
            try {
                out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                fout = new FSTObjectOutput(out);
                return out.toByteArray();
            } finally {
                if(fout != null)
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {}
        public Object deserialize(byte[] bytes) throws IOException {
            if(bytes == null || bytes.length == 0)
                return null;
            FSTObjectInput in = null;
            try {
                in = new FSTObjectInput(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes));
                return in.readObject();
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                throw new CacheException(e);
            } finally {
                if(in != null)
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {}
    opened by gumutianqi 6
  • phpRedisAdmin does not support arm64v8 architectures

    phpRedisAdmin does not support arm64v8 architectures

    The following error occurred in the Dcoker run:

    WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested exec /sbin/tini: exec format error

    opened by GeekDot 4
  • use pagination to speed up

    use pagination to speed up

    if there is thousands of keys in redis, web frontend will load all data from backend, which is slow and stupid.

    1,use pagination on keys which have the same prefix 2,actually user do not need to load all keys on the left side, so only load keys that user choose.

    phpredisadmin is difficult to use in develop environment because it load all keys!

    Future improvement 
    opened by gouchaoer 7
Erik Dubbelboer
I don't fork unless I make a pull request.
Erik Dubbelboer
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