698 Repositories
PHP simple-response Libraries
Creating data transfer objects with the power of php objects. No php attributes, no reflection api, and no other under the hook work.
Super Simple DTO Creating data transfer objects with the power of php objects. No php attributes, no reflection api, and no other under the hook work.
FilterGuard is a simple PHP library for sanitizing data. It provides methods to sanitize strings, integers, floats, booleans, arrays, and objects. The library helps protect against common security vulnerabilities such as XSS and SQL injection.
FilterGuard FilterGuard is a simple PHP library for data sanitization. It provides methods to sanitize strings, integers, floats, boolean values, arra
Simple plugin to toggle maintenance mode from Filament.
Filament Maintenance Plugin This plugin allows you to easily toggle maintenance mode from your Filament Admin Panel. You can also set a secret token t
This package provides a simple and intuitive way to work on the Youtube Data API. It provides fluent interface to Youtube features.
Laravel Youtube Client This package provides a simple and intuitive way to work on the Youtube Data API. It provides fluent interface to Youtube featu
A very simple way to handle self-hosted WordPress plugin updates
Simple WP Plugin Update handling A very simple way to handle self-hosted WordPress plugin updates This uses the "update_plugins_{$hostname}" filter in
A simple package to send HTTP header responses ✨
PHP HTTP Response Simple PHP package to easily send the right HTTP header responses to the browser 🐘 Requirement PHP v8.0 or higher 🚀 Installation T
A simple bus ticket system made by Larave 5.4
Bus Ticket System About Bus Ticket System A simple bus ticket system made by Larave 5.4. There are several features here in this project and those are
This application is a simple application to watch movies like Netflix or DisneyPlus.
Movie Streaming React Web Apps This application is a simple application to watch streaming movies like Netflix or DisneyPlus. The application is built
Implement a "Where's Wally" (or Waldo/Charlie) Captcha in a simple Symfony Project
Where's Wally ? Nowadays, we are often confronted with "Captcha". These tests to know if we are robots or not. They are all very boring and not very f
Orm is a simple database abstraction layer that supports postgresql.
Orm What is it Orm is a simple database abstraction layer that supports postgresql. Welcome to join us or star us for encouragement. Requires php 8.1
⚡ Setting up Apache and PHP on AWS with Ansible Playbook Using Ubuntu 22.04 AMI. Ansible is a simple and powerful automation engine. It is used to help with configuration management, application deployment, and task automation. It makes your applications and systems easier to deploy and maintain .
Ansible-Aws-Ubuntu-Apache-PHP Table of content Overview Process Link to files Author Overview Setting up Apache and PHP on AWS with Ansible Playbook U
A simple plugin to display a block name that player break or place in popup!
🧱 • Block Popup Version Status Date 1.0.0 stable-alpha 12/10/2022 📫 • General: Plugin Introduction: This is a simple plugin to add the function to d
A simple GitScrum plugin for Wordpress. You will be able to manage your projects without having to leave Wordpress.
GitScrum Plugin for Wordpress A simple GitScrum plugin for Wordpress. You will be able to manage your projects without having to leave Wordpress. GitS
A simple plugin to teleport the player to world spawn when taking damage!
🧙♂️ • Damage TP Version Status Date 1.0.0 stable-dev 12/10/2022 📫 • General: Plugin Introduction: This is a simple plugin that teleports the player
Columnar analytics for PHP - a pure PHP library to read and write simple columnar files in a performant way.
Columnar Analytics (in pure PHP) On GitHub: https://github.com/envoymediagroup/columna About the project What does it do? This library allows you to w
Description: A simple plugin that sets the current admin page to always be at the top of the admin menu.
=== Sticky Admin Menu === Contributors: sc0ttkclark Donate link: https://www.scottkclark.com/ Tags: admin menu, sticky Requires at least: 4.4 Tested u
Simple yet powerful, PSR-compliant, Symfony-driven PHP Blog engine.
brodaty-blog ✒️ Simple Blog Engine based on pure Markdown files. 💕 Works without database, caches HTML templates from Markdown files. 🚀 Fast and ext
Tiny, fast and simple PHP boilerplate built on top of FlightPHP
BlessPHP Tiny, fast and simple PHP boilerplate built on top of FlightPHP. Good enough to use as skeleton for prototypes and some pet-projects. The nam
📥 A simple web page to download addons through the GmodStore API.
📥 GmodStore Downloader In French Ce petit site Internet permet le téléchargement d'addons en provenance du GmodStore sans passer le site en ligne mai
This project uses dflydev/dot-access-data to provide simple output filtering for cli applications.
FilterViaDotAccessData This project uses dflydev/dot-access-data to provide simple output filtering for applications built with annotated-command / Ro
The simple PHP router
Macaw Macaw is a simple, open source PHP router. It's super small (~150 LOC), fast, and has some great annotated source code. This class allows you to
A simple wrapper around vlucas' PHP dotenv library for Kirby CMS.
kirby-phpdotenv A simple wrapper around vlucas' PHP dotenv library for Kirby CMS. Why? I've been using .env in my Kirby projects for a while, but I go
A Rich Featured Mini PHP MVC Framework
Footup MVC PHP Framework Un mini framework MVC PHP qui comporte : CLI support for generating class Translation support Config using PHP File or .env (
Simple, stylish Email Verification for Symfony
VerifyEmailBundle: Love Confirming Emails Don't know if your users have a valid email address? The VerifyEmailBundle can help! VerifyEmailBundle gener
🎮 A simple command line tool for installing and interacting with your leaf apps
Leaf CLI 2 A simple command line tool for creating and interacting with your leaf projects. You can do stuff like installing packages, interacting wit
Simple HTTP smoke testing for your Symfony application
Shopsys HTTP Smoke Testing This package enables you to do simple HTTP smoke testing of your Symfony application. Basically, it generates a HTTP reques
Validate your input data in a simple way, an easy way and right way. no framework required. For simple or large. project.
wepesi_validation this module will help to do your own input validation from http request POST or GET. INTEGRATION The integration is the simple thing
🔒 a simple login screen done in php with connection to mysql
login.php What is a login system? login (derived from the English log in) or logon or signin, is the process to access a restricted computer system ma
A simple library for dealing with docx word processed documents
WordCat Limited manipulation of docx word processed documents A simple php library for manipulation of docx word processed document; in particular the
A simple OOP wrapper to work with HTTP headers in PHP
Headers This package is to allow you to create HTTP Headers in PHP, in a simple and reliable way. Installation composer require http-php/headers Usage
A Simple & Beautiful Pluggable Exception Viewer for FilamentPHP's Admin Panel
Filament Exception Viewer A Simple & Beautiful Exception Viewer for FilamentPHP's Admin Panel Installation You can install the package via composer: c
Simple artisan command to debug your redis cache. Requires PHP 8.1 & Laravel 9
🔎 php artisan cache:debug Simple artisan command to debug your redis cache 🚀 Installation You can install the package via composer: composer require
ATVController for android devices running with RDM POGO ATLAS. Quick, simple and dirty add controls with a GUI view
ATVController - WIP - Much to add and fix. ATVController for android devices running with RDM POGO ATLAS. Quick, simple and dirty adb controls wit
A simple pure PHP RADIUS client supporting Standard and Vendor-Specific Attributes in single file
BlockBox-Radius A simple pure PHP RADIUS client supporting Standard and Vendor-Specific Attributes in single file Author: Daren Yeh dhy901224@gmail.co
Create a simple todo-list application with the basic PHP programming language implemented in the terminal
PHP-DASAR---simple-todo-list-app-with-terminal create a simple todo-list application with the basic PHP programming language implemented in the termin
How to create a simple auth system with login and signup functionalities in Code-igniter 4.
Codeigniter 4 Authentication Login and Registration Example Checkout the step-by-step tutorial on: Codeigniter 4 Authentication Login and Registration
A Simple Timetable Management Sys (PHP)
Vela-patrak_v_1.0 To manage TimeTable Insights =============================================================================== EXTENSION NAME : lineco
This is a simple plugin for PocketMine-MP4 that will add a promo code system.
PromoSystem Author Download TG Releases This is a simple plugin for PocketMine-MP that will add a promo code system. Capabilities Two types of promo c
commie 2.0 is a pastebin with line commenting support.
commie2 commie 2.0 is a pastebin script with line commenting support. This was originally forked from splitbrain/commie and further improved and expan
A simple job posting application using PHP with an Admin Panel. Register, Login and create the job in apnel. The job gets posted on index page.
Jobee A simple job posting application using PHP with an Admin Panel. Register, Login and create the job in apnel. The job gets posted on index page.
PHP & MySQL Based Simple Application
Al Quran Technology Pages localhost/index.php Single Surah Page localhost/pages/single.php?no=1&name=আল%20ফাতিহা&ty=7 Data Source MySQL Database Local
It is a simple blog application coded with PHP, HTML, CSS. You can develop, edit. You can see it as a skeleton. ⚡
PHP-BLOG-SYSTEM Simple blog system Features Adding Text Update Text Text Deletion User Login and register Bootstrap Design Profile Page How to use blo
Otpify is a Laravel package that provides a simple and elegant way to generate and validate one time passwords.
Laravel Otpify 🔑 Introduction Otpify is a Laravel package that provides a simple and elegant way to generate and validate one time passwords. Install
Dnsmasq GUI is a simple Web GUI for editing the /etc/hosts file on a computer
dnsmasq GUI is a simple Web GUI for editing the /etc/hosts file on a computer, with the intention of using it for easily setting up results for dnsmasq use.
Simple laravel hook for adding meta tags to head for inertia
laravel seo hook for js frameworks simple hook for adding meta tags to head/head for js frameworks inertia:react,vue, etc... in app/Meta.php put M
Sunhill Framework is a simple, fast, and powerful PHP App Development Framework
Sunhill Framework is a simple, fast, and powerful PHP App Development Framework that enables you to develop more modern applications by using MVC (Model - View - Controller) pattern.
ModernPDO is a simple library for PHP v8.1
ModernPDO ModernPDO is a simple library for PHP v8.1 Getting Started Download the latest release, create the directory ModernPDO in your library direc
A Simple MVC PHP Framework, integrated with lot of features such as Session, Cookies, Migrations, Database, Factories, Seeding, Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS
Navite A Simple MVC PHP Framework, integrated with lot of features such as Session, Cookies, Migrations, Database, Factories, Seeding, Bootstrap and T
Elevator - A simple PocketMine-MP plugin that allows to create elevators on your server
Elevator - A simple PocketMine-MP plugin that allows to create elevators on your server. How to use You just have to setup an id in the config.yml. Plac
A simple shopping cart implementation for Laravel
LaravelShoppingcart This is a fork of Crinsane's LaravelShoppingcart extended with minor features compatible with Laravel 8+. An example integration c
Simple HTTP cURL client for PHP 7.1+ based on PSR-18
Simple HTTP cURL client for PHP 7.1+ based on PSR-18 Installation composer require sunrise/http-client-curl QuickStart composer require sunrise/http-f
Simple solution for form request validation on lumen.
Form Request Validation for Lumen This small package contains a laravel-like solution for request form validation. Contents Form Request Validation fo
Simple Plugin to Light Redstone Lamps with one click for PocketMine-MP API 4.
TouchLight-PM4 Simple plugin to light redstone lamps with one click! Category PocketMine-MP plugins | PHP 8 Requirements PocketMine-MP API 4.0.0 and P
A simple package for idempotent requests in Laravel.
📽 Replay A simple package for handling idempotent requests in Laravel. Any routes using the Replay middleware will check for whether an incoming requ
A PHP package for handling client requests, sending response, database CRUD operations, among others, easily
Zam Zam helps to receive and process client request(s), return response to client with appropriate header and database CRUD operation for a more robus
A collection of pre-made simple Laravel Blade form components.
Laravel Form Components Library A collection of pre-made simple Laravel Blade form components. Installation & setup You can install the package via co
Simple Magento Fullpagecache
Lesti_Fpc Simple Magento Fullpagecache. The current documentation can be found here. Install Several quick start options are available: Install manual
Renders consistent HTTP JSON responses for API-based projects
Laravel API Response is a package that helps to provide and render a consistent HTTP JSON responses to API calls as well as converting and formatting
Simple, single-file and dependency-free AWS S3 client.
Simple, single-file and dependency-free AWS S3 client. Why? In some scenarios we want the simplest and lightest S3 client possible. For example in Bre
Meridian is a simple to use SAAS invoicing and Purchasing platform for customers to signup with credit card via stripe subscriptions.
Codekerala - Meridian NOTE This project is no longer maintained. Meridian is a simple to use SAAS invoicing and Purchasing platform for customers to s
Simple PHP Pages - A simple puristic PHP Website Boilerplate
Simple PHP Pages - A simple puristic PHP Website Boilerplate 🚀 Hey! This project provides simple and basic concepts for PHP pages. It includes ideas
Laravel Simple Access Log
Laravel Simple Access Log Many systems need to log user access for auditing purposes. This package creates a database table with sensible fields for l
Simple app for geoip - Lumen GeoIP Service
Lumen GeoIP Service Requirements PHP = 8 Required packages: https://github.com/maxmind/GeoIP2-php Install Install Composer packages: composer install
Simple php debugger
Debugger Description Simple debugger for php Requirements PHP 5.5+ to 8.0 Usage new \Debugger\Debugger( true, // work mode [false - disable, 'FILE' -
An alternative to run cron jobs that uses simple HTTP requests
SilverStripe Simple Jobs An alternative to run cron jobs that uses simple HTTP requests. This module require SilverStripe CronTask. Why? Configuring c
A simple and easy-to-use enumeration extension package to help you manage enumerations in your project more conveniently
A simple and easy-to-use enumeration extension package to help you manage enumerations in your project more conveniently
UMySQL is an extremely simple PHP library for communicating with MySQL databases with ease while keeping overhead to a bare minimum.
Uncomplicated MySQL UMySQL is an extremely simple PHP library for communicating with MySQL databases with ease while keeping overhead to a bare minimu
Simple, async SOAP webservice client, built on top of ReactPHP.
clue/reactphp-soap Simple, async SOAP web service client library, built on top of ReactPHP. Most notably, SOAP is often used for invoking Remote proce
Simple, image-based, mathematical captcha, with increasing levels of difficulty
simple-captcha Simple, image-based, mathematical captcha, with increasing levels of difficulty version 1.1.0 see also: ModelView a simple, fast, power
This template should help get you started developing with laravel 9 + Vue 3 in Vite + Tailwind
simple-project This template should help get you started developing with laravel 9 + Vue 3 in Vite + Tailwind
Simple and customizable console log output for CLI apps.
Console Pretty Print Simple and customizable console log output for CLI apps. Highlights Simple installation (Instalação simples) Very easy to customi
A simple plugin that replaces the sms channel with Whatsapp Web channel through Wo-Wa Whatsapp service
Mautic Whatsapp Plugin This plugin replaces the SMS channel and allows you to send messages to Whatsapp using the Wo-Wa Whatsapp Web application. Inte
Simple personal website with your Github projects.
Setup Install dependencies: composer install npm install Copy .env.example file to .env: cp .env.example .env Generate application key: php artisan ke
Simple Laravel API with Sanctum Authentication.
Laravel API (with sanctum authentication) What is sanctum? Laravel Sanctum provides a featherweight authentication system for SPAs (single page applic
FBT - a internationalization framework for PHP designed to be not just powerful and flexible, but also simple and intuitive
FBT is an internationalization framework for PHP designed to be not just powerful and flexible, but also simple and intuitive. It helps with the follo
Simple opinionated PHP 8.1 enum helper for Laravel
Laravel Enum Helper This is an extension of the datomatic/enum-helper package based on Laravel Framework. The package consists on a LaravelEnumHelper
Laravel Response Formatter
I created this package to make it easier to format the response from a controller. I have used this package in my projects and I hope you enjoy it!
A simple twitter-feed-style RSS aggregator written in PHP, Laravel, Inertia.js, Tailwind and Vue.js
RSS A simple, opinionated, RSS feed aggregator. Features The following features are built into the application: Supports RSS and ATOM formats. Regular
A dead-simple comments package for Laravel.
A dead-simple comments package for Laravel. This package provides an incredibly simple comment system for your Laravel applications. If you're looking
Data providers encapsulate logic for Inertia views, keep your controllers clean and simple.
Laravel Data Providers for Inertia.js Data providers encapsulate logic for Inertia views, keep your controllers clean and simple. Installation We assu
A simple Object Oriented wrapper for Linear API, written with PHP.
PHP Linear API A simple Object Oriented wrapper for Linear API, written with PHP. NOTE You should take a look Linear GraphQL API Schema for all nodes
Simple async lowlevel ICMP (ping) messaging library built on top of React PHP
clue/icmp-react Simple async lowlevel ICMP (ping) messaging library built on top of react Usage Once clue/icmp-react is installed, you can run any of
Build a simple ecommerce website with Laravel.
Simple Ecommerce Build a simple ecommerce website with Laravel. Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents Getting
A simple PHP project to make API requests on your cPanel installation
A simple PHP project to make API requests on your cPanel installation. This allows you to call modules inside the installation and interact with them to add, show or list data such as domains, e-mail accounts, databases and so on.
A simple cache library. Implements different adapters that you can use and change easily by a manager or similar.
Desarolla2 Cache A simple cache library, implementing the PSR-16 standard using immutable objects. Caching is typically used throughout an applicatito
A simple library for managing database connections, results pagination and building queries in PHP
PHP lions-software-database-manager This is a simple library for managing database connections, results pagination and building queries in PHP. Esta é
AcLog is a simple, zero-dependency PHP package to log activity to files
AcLog is a simple, zero-dependency PHP package to log activity to files. This is not meant for logging errors, this is can be used for logging c
Simple papara payment api that you can use without the need for an activation key
PaparaQrApi Papara QR Api Simple papara payment api that you can use without the need for an activation key. Explore the docs » View Demo About The Pr
Simple Plugin To Get EXP Directly To Inventory.
Simple Plugin To Get EXP Directly To Inventory.
This package aims to help you standardize all your API responses in a simple and structured way.
Laravel API Response This package aims to help you standardize all your API responses in a simple and structured way. By default, the stucture of the
Simple Symfony currency exchange demo application (CLI)
Symfony currency exchange demo Keynotes Using a small Symfony installation as possible Using SQLite database for simplicity but with price of some cav
A simple class that provides access to country & state list.
GeoData A simple class that provides access to country & state list. Installation composer require ahmard/geodata Usage Fetch country list ?php use
Simple MySQL library for PHP 5.4+ includes Query Builder, PDO Native functions, Helper functions for quick use.
Simple MySQL library for PHP 5.4+ includes Query Builder, PDO Native functions, Helper functions for quick use.
Miniset allows you to create compact sets of fields that either combine into a string of classes, or return a simple array of values
Miniset allows you to create compact sets of fields that either combine into a string of classes, or return a simple array of values. Miniset
Lara-zeus sky is simple CMS for your website. it include posts, pages, tags, and categories.
Lara Zeus Sky Lara-zeus sky is simple CMS for your website. it include posts, pages, tags, and categories. small tasks can be time-consuming, let us b
Laravel Passport is an OAuth2 server and API authentication package that is simple and enjoyable to use
Introduction Laravel Passport is an OAuth2 server and API authentication package that is simple and enjoyable to use. Official Documentation Documenta
Pug Renderer - a (heavily based on the PhpRenderer) renderer for rendering Pug view scripts into a PSR-7 Response object
Pug Renderer This is a (heavily based on the PhpRenderer) renderer for rendering Pug view scripts into a PSR-7 Response object. It works well with Sli
PHP Router class - A simple Rails inspired PHP router class.
PHP Router class A simple Rails inspired PHP router class. Usage of different HTTP Methods REST / Resourceful routing Reversed routing using named rou
A simple and modern approach to stream filtering in PHP
clue/stream-filter A simple and modern approach to stream filtering in PHP Table of contents Why? Support us Usage append() prepend() fun() remove() I
Blade is a simple, yet powerful templating engine provided for the Slim Framework
slim-blade Blade is the default template engine of Laravel. The main advantage of Blade is template inheritance whilst using plain PHP. This package a