A simple PocketMine-MP plugin that allows to create elevators on your server.
How to use
You just have to setup an id in the config.yml. Place 2 blocks aligned, jump to go up and sneak to go down.
prefix: "§6[§fElevatorBlock§6]"
# Elevator ID & META ("ID:META")
block: "155:0"
# EXAMPLE: If you are using the bone block, set to false to allow all rotations [Put anyway :0 on "block"]
use_meta: true
# Enable or disable the distance system (true|false)
distance: true
# Maximum distance between 2 elevators
max_distance: 5
no_elevator_found: "{prefix} §cNo elevator was found"
distance_too_hight: "{prefix} §cAn elevator has been found, but it's too far"