Simple Magento Fullpagecache



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Simple Magento Fullpagecache. The current documentation can be found here.


Several quick start options are available:

Install manually

Install with modman

modman clone

Install with Magento Composer Installer

  • add the requirement gordonlesti/lesti_fpc
    "require": {
        "gordonlesti/lesti_fpc": "*"

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING and CONDUCT for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The Open Software License v. 3.0 (OSL-3.0). Please see License File for more information.

  • Minicart block isn't updated after user deletes/updates cart via ajax action

    Minicart block isn't updated after user deletes/updates cart via ajax action


    To reproduce:

    1. Add some product to cart
    2. Go to home page so it gets cached
    3. Go to other page
    4. Open minicart at the top, delete the product
    5. Go to home page again

    Result: Minicart displays the product still in minicart

    Desired result: Minicart is updated.

    Tried adding both minicart_head and minicart_content to dynamic_blocks, but problem is still there.

    How can minicart be updated on ajax actions (both product update and delete)? Or if this can't be done, how can minicart be loaded dynamically?

    The following events were added as per #58: checkout_cart_updateItemOptions, checkout_cart_ajaxDelete, checkout_cart_ajaxUpdate

    opened by mat-b- 16
  • Magento Minicart block isn't updated after user deletes/updates cart

    Magento Minicart block isn't updated after user deletes/updates cart

    Hello Team,

    We are having an issue with mini cart on right top of our website which does not stay dynamic. When a product is added, Minicart is been updated, but when I go back to the homepage, the homepage does not reflect the items on the Minicart, this is happening with all the pages, Minicart status of that particular page does not carry forward to next page, be it homepage or any other page. Please help how to solve this.

    1. Add some product to cart (Product added to Minicart)
    2. Go to home page so it gets cached (Minicart became 0)
    3. Go to other pages (Minicart values are shown)
    4. Open Minicart at the top, delete the product
    5. Go to home page again

    We are using Ves_fashion theme in our Magento store (, please let us know your best solution.

    Thanks in advance!

    opened by Muthukumarcse10 15
  • Cart Speed

    Cart Speed

    Hi, we're running a large magento store and have lesti FPC in use. Everything runs well but the cart.

    The cart is exluded of the caching process. I wonder if there is a senseful way to session-cache the cart with the outlined update handels or if this is not a good idea.

    Yet we could not find the reason the cart using so much mysql requests....

    Thanks for your aprreciated advise.


    opened by Webmasterei 15
  • Caching issues with Mobile Themes

    Caching issues with Mobile Themes

    When running dedicated mobile themes (tested with aw_mobile and Magento 1.7 native), whichever page is loaded first; Desktop version or Mobile version is then displayed by the FPC to end users for that page.

    I've managed a rudimentary workaround on the awmobile version by calling one of their functions

    Mage::Helper('awmobile')->getTargetPlatform() and only load / apply FPC if it is the desktop version.

    Haven't yet had time to take a look at the Magento 1.7.2 theme yet.

    opened by trabulium 14
  • Randomly generating 404 pages on category pages...

    Randomly generating 404 pages on category pages...

    I'm using Lesti FPC with Redis backend. Category pages generating 404 pages and caching it. When I open same url from https:// clearing cache and regenerating cache for that category. Or If I execute flushall on redis server every category page is working.

    How do I fix this ?

    opened by hidonet 13
  • getStockStatusChangedAuto() vs getStockStatusChangedAutomatically()

    getStockStatusChangedAuto() vs getStockStatusChangedAutomatically()

    In Lesti_Fpc_Model_Observer_Save, there is this piece of code;

    public function cataloginventoryStockItemSaveAfter($observer)
        $item = $observer->getEvent()->getItem();
        if ($item->getStockStatusChangedAuto()) {
            $this->_getFpc()->clean(sha1('product_' . $item->getProductId()));

    The function getStockStatusChangedAuto() should have an equivalent setStockStatusChangedAuto() function. But when I look through the Magento core, I get this;

    ➜  ~/magento git:(master) ✗ ack setStockStatusChangedAuto app/code/core
    1876:                    $stockItem->setStockStatusChangedAutomatically((int) !$stockItem->verifyStock());
    208:                    ->setStockStatusChangedAutomaticallyFlag(true);
    61: * @method Mage_CatalogInventory_Model_Stock_Item setStockStatusChangedAutomatically(int $value)
    727:                    ->setStockStatusChangedAutomaticallyFlag(true);
    738:            $this->setStockStatusChangedAutomatically(0);
    740:                $this->setStockStatusChangedAutomatically((int)$this->getStockStatusChangedAutomaticallyFlag());
    ➜  ~/magento git:(master) ✗

    Which leads me to believe that getStockStatusChangedAuto() should actually be getStockStatusChangedAutomatically(). I've looked at the magic setters and getters to make sure there is no max length on the magic functions, but it seems there isn't (reference), leading me to assume that this flag is never set, thereby the product will not be invalidated by this trigger.

    opened by peterjaap 12
  • Issue with redis backend cache and Lesti

    Issue with redis backend cache and Lesti

    I get this error :

     Connection to Redis failed after 2 failures

    I have 2 redis instances , configured following this post

    system – redis port 6379 fpc – redis port 6381

    I have no issue when backend cache is running only,

    but when Lesti is active I get this error in frontend.

    While trying to refresh the cache from magento admin panel, I get the same error, and in error log i have

    AH01797: client denied by server configuration: /var/www/vhosts/

    What do you think ?

    local.xml and fpc.xml are configured like this :

    local.xml :

                <server></server> <!-- or absolute path to unix socket for better performance -->
                <force_standalone>1</force_standalone>  <!-- 0 for phpredis, 1 for standalone PHP -->
                <connect_retries>1</connect_retries>    <!-- Reduces errors due to random connection failures -->
                <read_timeout>10</read_timeout>         <!-- Set read timeout duration; phpredis does not currently support setting read timeouts -->
                <automatic_cleaning_factor>0</automatic_cleaning_factor> <!-- Disabled by default -->
                <compress_data>1</compress_data>  <!-- 0-9 for compression level, recommended: 0 or 1 -->
                <compress_tags>1</compress_tags>  <!-- 0-9 for compression level, recommended: 0 or 1 -->
                <compress_threshold>20480</compress_threshold>  <!-- Strings below this size will not be compressed -->
                <compression_lib>gzip</compression_lib> <!-- Supports gzip, lzf and snappy -->
                <!--persistent>1</persistent--> <!-- persistence value, 0: not in use, > 0 used as persistence ID -->

    fpc.xml :

    opened by vhanahrni 11
  • Unirgy GeoIP Extension not working with Lesti Fpc magento 1.9

    Unirgy GeoIP Extension not working with Lesti Fpc magento 1.9

    Hi Gordon,

    Thanks for this amazing extension and the support you have been providing. We have found an issue with our Magento store. I am using Unirgy_GeoIP extension with this Lesti Fpc. The problem is, when FPC is turned on GeoIp randomly changes country flags. However, everything works fine if FPC is disabled. How do I solve this?

    Also, I want to use the event fpc_helper_collect_params to add the resolved storeId of Unirgy_GeoIP module to $parameters array. How do I solve this?

    Will appreciate any help. Hoping to be favoured.

    opened by deeptecksky 11
  • Question header.welcome

    Question header.welcome

    Hi @GordonLesti you wrote in #214 .... NEVER put a block into dynamic and lazy, only one.

    We updated to the last version today because every customer see my testaccount name at the frontend :( I see in my config that there are 5 (!) actions standing into Lazy and Dynamic Blocks. Is this wrong? What to put where?



    Hope you can advice me.


    opened by Mic2005 11
  • Problem loading images after flushing cache

    Problem loading images after flushing cache

    With the latest version of the module i experience an issue with the product images when viewing an category.

    After flushing the cache all images dissapwar on the website. Flushing/refreshing it again, restarting nginx, php-fpm, redis won't help to solve the issue. Only way to get the images back is disable the FPC cache, flush everything and then turn the FPC back on however the problem will appear next time the cache has been flushed.

    Anyone else having this issue or am i the only one?

    opened by ReindDooyeweerd 11
  • Attribute Filter is not workin g on frontend

    Attribute Filter is not workin g on frontend

    Hi I have installed the extension, when I enabled the extension then frontend layered filter is not working, after disable the extension frontend layered filter is working, Can you please let me know the solution of this issue?

    Thanks Vishal

    opened by vishalsanwar 10
  • problem minicart rwd teme

    problem minicart rwd teme

    good morning.

    I have a problem with the minicart. I want to completely exclude how do you have to configure lesti_fpc to completely exclude the minicart and the actions associated with it?

    thank you

    Cachable actions:

    cms_index_index, cms_page_view, catalog_product_view, catalog_category_view

    Dynamic Blocks:

    global_messages, messages, global_notices, global_cookie_notice, right.reports.product.viewed

    Refresh Actions:

    checkout_cart_add, checkout_cart_delete, checkout_cart_updatePost, checkout_cart_ajaxDelete, checkout_cart_ajaxUpdate, checkout_cart_updateItemOptions, catalog_product_compare_add, catalog_product_compare_clear, catalog_product_compare_remove, wishlist_index_add, wishlist_index_remove, wishlist_index_update, wishlist_index_allcart, wishlist_index_configure, checkout_onepage_success, customer_account_login, poll_vote_add

    Lazy Blocks:

    top.links,, right.reports.product.compared, wishlist_sidebar, welcome, right.poll

    opened by Danieleeffe1 0
  • Breadcrumb is cached when approaching directly.

    Breadcrumb is cached when approaching directly.

    We're running into issue with the breadcrumbs being cached somehow, shouldn't this not be cached out of the box?

    Reproduction ( I could give live environment information if needed through private messaging ) are as followed: If for example we visit a product through a direct link: by copying the URL and navigating to a incognito browser we see that the breadcrumb is as "Home/Product" which is the expected result.

    However if someone else now visits the website and navigates to this exact same product but instead of using a direct URL, they're navigating through the category list, we would expect the breadcrumb to be "Home / Category / Sub category / Product" but it stays as "Home/Product" but it is "Home / product" again.

    However; When we clean the FPC cache, and do the same steps as above in the opposite direction, we also get the opposite result: We clean cache. Navigate through "Product" by using the category navigation, we see that it's correct and shows "Home / Category / Sub Category / Product" Use another browser/system and navigate to the URL directly instead of using navigation, and you see the incorrect information "Home / Category / Sub category / Product"

    Any way we can fix this easily? The breadcrumb should never be cached in this matter. We also tried adding "breadcrumbs" block to Lazy load, which made it dissapear. We've also added it to Dynamic blocks but this also made it dissapear. Are we doing something wrong or is this potentially a bug?

    opened by supportnubix 0
  • CMS Page Cache Not Busted On Product Save

    CMS Page Cache Not Busted On Product Save


    I am not sure if this is the nature of this FPC module, if I currently have it configured incorrectly, or if this this a bug - so I am looking for some guidance.

    I am using the 'catalog/product_list' block on a CMS Page, which loads the products of a specific category, on that CMS Page. When I update and save a product that exists in that specific category, the product change appears on the Product Page and Category Page, but is not appearing on the CMS Page where that product is rendered using 'catalog/product_list'. If I save the CMS Page itself, the update is rendered, but how can I get product changes to appear on products that are being rendered on CMS Pages using the 'catalog/product_list' block?

    Thank you.

    opened by SafrazSears-Araca 1
  • More a question, than an issue....uri params in MVC format

    More a question, than an issue....uri params in MVC format


    I am using

    All works fine, however, I am battling to place a URL param that is in /param/value/param/value format

    The URI params are all in param=value (normal request pram format)

    Is it possible to set the filter param to be detected in a url as such:


    so detect 'filter' ?

    opened by ProxiBlue 0
  • Custom layout update ignored after refresh

    Custom layout update ignored after refresh

    We have for one catergory this xml update:

    <reference name="product_list_toolbar">
      <action method="addPagerLimit"><mode>list</mode><limit>200</limit></action>
      <action method="addPagerLimit"><mode>grid</mode><limit>200</limit></action>

    This works okay when FPC is turned off. When it is turned on and we refresh one or two times the update is ignored.

    We have the same kind of problem on the layered navigation. Using it after cache refresh, all works okay. Refreshing the filter, for example click on an attribute, then deselect it and select it again and it doesn't work anymore.

    Who can help? The problem is driving me nuts.

    opened by gijsve 1
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