360 Repositories
PHP project-planning Libraries
Batteries include Drupal project template with Redis and object storage for assets.
Mojo An opinionated Drupal build designed to run in a cloud native environment. This is a work in progress, see the TODO.md for initial tracking of it
PHP CLI project to get an appointment from https://vacunacovid.catsalut.gencat.ca
covid_vaccine_bcn PHP CLI project to get an appointment from https://citavacunacovid19.catsalut.gencat.cat/Vacunacio_Covid/Vacunacio/VacunacioCovidRes
Camdram is an open source project developed by a team of volunteers for the benefit of the Cambridge student theatre community
Camdram is an open source project developed by a team of volunteers for the benefit of the Cambridge student theatre community. We use this repository to host the code that runs Camdram and to co-ordinate our work, however we welcome anyone to contribute bugs and suggest new features.
Code for database forms and Drupal module for the Lobbywatch.ch project
Lobbywatch.ch Lobbywatch.ch - the platform for transparent politics. Lobbywatch.ch maintains a database with links of politicians and lobby groups. Th
Check a project's code coverage, optionally enforcing a minimum value
coverage-check Display the code coverage for a project using a clover.xml file, optionally enforcing a minimum code coverage percentage. This package
Project template for starting a project based on the Rabble admin system.
Note: this is an experimental project and heavily under development. If you do come across this repository, and you would like to support development,
A restaurant website using PHP and MySQL. (A group project at Chandigarh University)
tasty-indeed-restaurant-website-php Description A restaurant website using PHP and MySQL for group project at Chandigarh University. Steps to setup Do
Internal Quality Assurance Cell, IQAC Project Data Capturing System.
IQAC-DCS-2021 Added AQAR Directory with template pages! Old Readme Internal Quality Assurance Cell, IQAC Project Data Capturing System. Fork Repo Clon
Monorepo of the PoP project, including: a server-side component model in PHP, a GraphQL server, a GraphQL API plugin for WordPress, and a website builder
PoP PoP is a monorepo containing several projects. The GraphQL API for WordPress plugin GraphQL API for WordPress is a forward-looking and powerful Gr
Laravel Admin Dashboard, Admin Template with Frontend Template, for scalable Laravel projects. It is to save your time when You start with new scalable Laravel projects with many features Bootstrap, cooreui, infyom admin Generator, roles and permissions, translatable models, spatie media and much more
Based on Laravel8.x laravel starter Template, to save your time when You start with new scalable Laravel projects with many features. Live Demo you ca
A project to add Psalm support for Drupal for security testing, focused only on taint analysis.
psalm-plugin-drupal A Drupal integration for Psalm focused on security scanning (SAST) taint analysis. Features Stubs for sinks, sources, and sanitize
Emoncms is an open-source web application for processing, logging and visualising energy, temperature and other environmental data and is part of the OpenEnergyMonitor project.
Emoncms is an open-source web application for processing, logging and visualising energy, temperature and other environmental data and is part of the OpenEnergyMonitor project.
Antvel is an ecommerce project written in Laravel 5.* intended for building a friendly eStore either for startups or big companies.
Antvel is an ecommerce project written in Laravel 5.* intended for building a friendly eStore either for startups or big companies.
Bedrock is a modern WordPress stack that helps you get started with the best development tools and project structure.
WordPress boilerplate with modern development tools, easier configuration, and an improved folder structure
Issue tracking application extending GitHub's issues and pull requests for the Joomla! project.
Requirements The issue tracker application requires a server running: PHP 7.2 or 7.3 PHP's ext/curl and ext/intl should also be installed MySQL 5.5.3
Patrol is an elegant command-line tool that keeps your PHP Project's dependencies in check.
Patrol is an elegant command-line tool that keeps your PHP Project's dependencies in check. Installation / Usage Requires PHP 8.0+ First, install Patr
This package is for updating your Laravel project via view without doing any command in the prompt, this package may be useful when you sell your project to multiple people as they will update without any intervention from you via a simple destination
Introduction : This package is for updating your Laravel project via view without doing any command in the prompt, this package may be useful when you
Opinionated way to start a new Laravel project.
Laravel Boilerplate The way I start new Laravel projects. Why? I just got tired of repeating the same things over and over. I made this repository pub
Easily Integrate PingPing APIs in your Laravel Project
PingPing This composer package allows us to easily integrate PingPing APIs in your Laravel project. What is PingPing ? PingPing is the simplest uptime
Project template for developing Drupal core with a git clone.
Drupal Core Development Composer Project This is a Composer project template for developing Drupal core. It allows: a clean git clone of Drupal core.
Live Coding Project #1 | Création d'un annuaire téléphonique web (CRUD) ☎️📚
Live Coding #1 - Annuaire Téléphonique Ceci est un petit projet réalisé par les développeurs de Galsen Dev. Contribuer Si vous souhaitez une contribut
Symfony Health Check Bundle Monitoring Project Status
Symfony Health Check Bundle Version Build Status Code Coverage master develop Installation Step 1: Download the Bundle Open a command console, enter y
A package to generate modules for a Laravel project.
Laravel Modular A package to generate modules for a Laravel project. Requirements PHP 7.4 or greater Laravel version 8 Installation Install using comp
Symfony 5.2 + api platform project with ELK stack + elastic FileBeats for the log management. All running in 7 docker containers: nginx, php 8, mysql, elastic search, logstash, kibana, fileBeats.
Symfony with ELK and Elastic FileBeats Stack Prerequisites: Make sure that docker and docker-compose are installed in your machine and available for y
Start a new Laravel 8 project with the AdminLTE template installed.
AdminLTE template Laravel 8 package Start a new Laravel 8 project with the AdminLTE template installed. Installation Create database. Clone repository
Simple App Project
SimpleProject(CRUD) by Melvs Clone the repository with git clone Copy .env.example file to .env and edit database credentials there Run composer insta
A Simple method to create laravel authentication for an existing laravel project.
Laravel Simple Auth A Simple method to create laravel authentication for an existing laravel project. Indroduction Why I created this kind of package?
This project was built to connect WHMCS with GridPane.com's API service so we can create sites within WHMCS.
GridPane Server Module for WHMCS This project was built to connect WHMCS with GridPane.com's API service so we can create sites within WHMCS. Discliam
This is a simple example project demonstrating the Lupus Nuxt.js Drupal Stack.
Lupus Nuxt.js Drupal Stack - Example project This is a simple example project demonstrating the Lupus Nuxt.js Drupal Stack. Introduction Please refer
laravel package for the Ar-PHP Project
laravel package for the Ar-PHP Project this is just a wrapper to use with laravel for the Ar-PHP Library, for more details checkout khaled-alshamaa
This is a Hostel Management system project is created using PHP and MYSQL
Hostel-Managment-System-PHP This is a Hostel Management system project is created using PHP and MYSQL. Developed as a package for the subject Relation
Bitrix Project + Symfony.
Bitrix Project + Symfony Заготовка для 1C Bitrix проектов. На базе https://github.com/regiomedia/bitrix-project Основное отличие: максимальное использ
undefined is an issue tracking product that allows agile project management.
undefined is an issue tracking product that allows agile project management. Our goal is to make work life simpler, more efficient and stress-free. In
A Laravel Starter Kit for Laravel. Built with Laravel 8.
Laravel Get Started Project Laravel Get Started Project is a basic crud app built with laravel 8. In this app a basic product crud created. Features i
Simple and Robust solution to manage your software development project
Project moved to GitScrum CE https://github.com/gitscrum-team/GitScrum-Frontend More than 6.600 business use GitScrum to manage their agile projects W
PHP Framework for building scalable API's on top of Laravel.
Apiato Build scalable API's faster | With PHP 7.2.5 and Laravel 7.0 Apiato is a framework for building scalable and testable API-Centric Applications
PHP Framework for building scalable API's on top of Laravel.
Apiato Build scalable API's faster | With PHP 7.2.5 and Laravel 7.0 Apiato is a framework for building scalable and testable API-Centric Applications
The Laravel Boilerplate Project - https://laravel-boilerplate.com
Laravel Boilerplate (Current: Laravel 8.*) (Demo) Demo Credentials Admin: admin@admin.com Password: secret User: user@user.com Password: secret Offici
Dispatcher is a Laravel artisan command scheduling tool used to schedule artisan commands within your project so you don't need to touch your crontab when deploying.
Dispatcher Dispatcher allows you to schedule your artisan commands within your Laravel project, eliminating the need to touch the crontab when deployi
A drop-in library for certain database functionality in Laravel, that allows for extra features that may never make it into the main project.
Eloquence Eloquence is a package to extend Laravel's base Eloquent models and functionality. It provides a number of utilities and classes to work wit
A high performance full-featured project management system
Interested in managed hosting? Take a brief survey to help us know what to build! Phproject A high-performance project management system in PHP Instal
Kanban project management software
Kanboard Kanboard is project management software that focuses on the Kanban methodology. Official website: https://kanboard.org/ List of features Chan
:panda_face: Jitamin is a free software written in PHP, intended to handle the project management over the web. QQ群: 656868
Jitamin Jitamin (pronounced /ˈdʒɪtəmɪn/) is a free software written in PHP, intended to handle the project management over the web. Jitamin is inspire
MeEdu - 开源的在线视频点播系统。 安装方式 使用傻瓜安装包安装 下载地址 宝塔一键安装(适合技术能力一般的用户) 手动安装教程(适合技术能力较强的用户) MeEdu 安装服务(适合小白用户)。由 MeEdu 作者亲自帮您安装。具体查看:MeEdu托管服务 。 FAQ MeEdu 官网 MeE
PHing Is Not GNU make; it's a PHP project build system or build tool based on Apache Ant.
P H I N G Thank you for using PHING! PHing Is Not GNU make; it's a PHP project build system or build tool based on Apache Ant. You can do anything wit
Simple handler system used to power clients and servers in PHP (this project is no longer used in Guzzle 6+)
RingPHP Provides a simple API and specification that abstracts away the details of HTTP into a single PHP function. RingPHP be used to power HTTP clie
PHP 7.1 ready Smart and Simple Documentation for your PHP project
Smart and Readable Documentation for your PHP project ApiGen is the simplest, the easiest to use and the most modern api doc generator. It is all PHP
Self hosted project management and collaboration tool powered by TALL stack
Sponsored By: Self hosted project management and collaboration tool inspired by basecamp. Notice: Project under some major change, do not use until st
The OWASP ZAP core project
OWASP ZAP The OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) is one of the world’s most popular free security tools and is actively maintained by a dedicated internatio
🌩支持多家云存储的云盘系统 (A project helps you build your own cloud in minutes)
Cloudreve 支持多家云存储驱动的公有云文件系统. 演示站 • 讨论社区 • 文档 • 下载 • Telegram 群组 • 许可证 ✨ 特性 ☁️ 支持本机、从机、七牛、阿里云 OSS、腾讯云 COS、又拍云、OneDrive (包括世纪互联版) 作为存储端 📤 上传/下载 支持客户端直传
Hprose is a cross-language RPC. This project is Hprose 3.0 for PHP
Hprose 3.0 for PHP Introduction Hprose is a High Performance Remote Object Service Engine. It is a modern, lightweight, cross-language, cross-platform
Quantum PHP Project
Quantum PHP Framework (project) Website Blog Very fast and extremely simple, next generation PHP MVC framework with modular structure, which allows yo
PHP 7.1 ready Smart and Simple Documentation for your PHP project
Smart and Readable Documentation for your PHP project ApiGen is the simplest, the easiest to use and the most modern api doc generator. It is all PHP
Easily parse your project's Composer configuration, and those of its dependencies, at runtime
Composed This library provides a set of utility functions designed to help you parse your project's Composer configuration, and those of its dependenc
Simple composer script to manage phar files using project composer.json.
tooly-composer-script With tooly composer-script you can version needed PHAR files in your project's composer.json without adding them directly to a V
PHPMD is a spin-off project of PHP Depend and aims to be a PHP equivalent of the well known Java tool PMD. PHPMD can be seen as an user friendly frontend application for the raw metrics stream measured by PHP Depend.
PHPMD PHPMD is a spin-off project of PHP Depend and aims to be a PHP equivalent of the well known Java tool PMD. PHPMD can be seen as an user friendly
A tool for quickly measuring the size of a PHP project.
PHPLOC phploc is a tool for quickly measuring the size and analyzing the structure of a PHP project. Installation This tool is distributed as a PHP Ar
A starter-kit for your PHP project.
PHP Noise A starter-kit for your PHP project. It includes frequently needed boilerplate setups (ci, badges, etc.) 📦 Installation To install this appl
A PHP project/micro-package generator for PDS compliant projects or micro-packages.
Construct A PHP project/micro-package generator for PDS compliant projects or micro-packages. Installation Construct should be installed globally thro
PHing Is Not GNU make; it's a PHP project build system or build tool based on Apache Ant.
P H I N G Thank you for using PHING! PHing Is Not GNU make; it's a PHP project build system or build tool based on Apache Ant. You can do anything wit