3927 Repositories
PHP php-exif Libraries
CRON for PHP: Calculate the next or previous run date and determine if a CRON expression is due
The PHP cron expression parser can parse a CRON expression, determine if it is due to run, calculate the next run date of the expression, and calculate the previous run date of the expression. You can calculate dates far into the future or past by skipping n number of matching dates.
A RESTful and extendable Backend as a Service that provides instant backend to develop sites and apps faster, with dead-simple integration for JavaScript, iOS, Android and more.
Welcome to hook  hook is a RESTful, extendable Backend as a Service that provides instant backend to
A PHP-based sandboxing library with a full suite of configuration and validation options.
A full-scale PHP 5.4+ sandbox class that utilizes PHP-Parser to prevent sandboxed code from running unsafe code. It also utilizes FunctionParser to di
Simple and lightweight OOP wrapper for PHP's low-level sockets extension (ext-sockets)
clue/socket-raw Simple and lightweight OOP wrapper for PHP's low-level sockets extension (ext-sockets). PHP offers two networking APIs, the newer stre
Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you
Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you. Whether you need to bootstrap your database, create good-looking XML documents, fill-in your persistence to stress test it, or anonymize data taken from a production service, Faker is for you.
Humanize values that are readable only for developers.
PHP Humanizer Tests - 4.x Readme for 4.x version Humanize values to make them readable for regular people ;) Installation Run the following command: c
PHP client library for reCAPTCHA, a free service to protect your website from spam and abuse.
reCAPTCHA PHP client library reCAPTCHA is a free CAPTCHA service that protects websites from spam and abuse. This is a PHP library that wraps up the s
🐘 A probe program for PHP environment (一款精美的 PHP 探針, 又名X探針、劉海探針)
Simplified Chinese | 简体中文 Traditional Chinese(Taiwan) | 正體中文(臺灣) Traditional Chinese(Hong Kong) | 正體中文(香港) Japanese | 日本語 😎 X Prober This is a probe
World countries in JSON, CSV, XML and Yaml. Any help is welcome!
World countries in JSON, CSV, XML and YAML. Countries data This repository contains a list of world countries, as defined by ISO Standard 3166-1, in J
An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in PHP .
PHP-Casbin Documentation | Tutorials | Extensions Breaking News: Laravel-authz is now available, an authorization library for the Laravel framework. P
PHP CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing) middleware.
CORS PHP CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing) middleware. Support Array, Coding in Native PHP Using PSR-7 PSR-15 Support Symfony Support Laravel Suppo
Provides the functionality to compare PHP values for equality.
sebastian/comparator This component provides the functionality to compare PHP values for equality. Installation You can add this library as a local, p
A set of ready-made regex helper methods for use in your Laravel application.
Regex A set of ready-made regex helper methods for use in your Laravel application. Installation composer require hotmeteor/regex Usage Regex comes wi
Test your PHP GraphQL server in style, with Pest!
Pest GraphQL Plugin Test your GraphQL API in style, with Pest! Installation Simply install through Composer! composer require --dev miniaturebase/pest
爱发电非官方简易 PHP SDK
afdian-php-sdk 爱发电非官方简易 PHP SDK by Akkariin 这是一个简单的 SDK,可以用于查询爱发电的订单和赞助者信息 Installation 将项目 clone 到本地即可 git clone https://github.com/ZeroDream-CN/afdi
🔵 PM3 | 오피가 아닌 유저의 아이템액자 사용을 막아줍니다
ProtectedItemFrame : 오피가 아닌 유저의 아이템액자 사용을 막자 ! What is it ? 에서 OP권한이 없는 유저의 아이템액자 사용을 막아주는 플러그인입니다 How to use ? config.yml에 protected-message 를 수정하시면
PHP library for determining the physical location of binaries
Bin Locator Library for searching binary files in the operating system. Requirements PHP = 7.4 Installation Library is available as composer reposito
PHP CLI to add latest release notes to a CHANGELOG
changelog-updater A PHP CLI to update a CHANGELOG following the "Keep a Changelog" format with the latest release notes. Want to automate the process
A web application for a school, facilitating the registration of students. Built using HTML/CSS, PHP and Oracle.
Student Registration System A web application for a school, facilitating the registration of students. Built using HTML/CSS, PHP and Oracle. Included
PHP library for ArCaptcha. This package supports PHP 7.3+.
PHP ArCaptcha Library PHP library for ArCaptcha. This package supports PHP 7.3+. List of contents PHP ArCaptcha Library List of contents Installation
SurfShark Shadowsocks/Clash Config Generator
Instructions This script was written to build a proxy list of Surfshark service servers. Change Host2Ip for bypass censorship To work with the script,
Simple Enum cast for Eloquent ORM using myclabs/php-enum.
Enum cast for Eloquent Simple Enum cast for Eloquent ORM using myclabs/php-enum. Requirements PHP 7.3 or higher Laravel 8.0 or higher Installation You
Easily add routes to your Laravel app by creating Markdown or Blade files
Laravel Pages This package lets you create pages using Markdown or Blade without having to worry about creating routes or controllers yourself. Essent
🐼 Framework agnostic package using asynchronous HTTP requests and PHP generators to load paginated items of JSON APIs into Laravel lazy collections.
Framework agnostic package using asynchronous HTTP requests and generators to load paginated items of JSON APIs into Laravel lazy collections.
A small, modern, PSR-7 compatible PSR-17 and PSR-18 network library for PHP, inspired by Go's net package.
Net A small, modern, PSR-7 compatible PSR-17 and PSR-18 network library for PHP, inspired by Go's net package. Features: No hard dependencies; Favours
This is a simpler way to decode the Green Pass QR-code in your PHP application.
COVID-19 Green Pass PHP Decoder
I made my own simple php framework inspired from laravel framework.
Simple MVC About Since 2019, I started learning the php programming language and have worked on many projects using the php framework. Laravel is one
Modern version of pocketmine forms API, ported to PHP 8.0+ with high quality code and phpstan integration
forms Modern version of pocketmine forms API, ported to PHP 8.0+ with high quality code and phpstan integration Code samples ModalForm Using ModalForm
Get started with the Microsoft Graph SDK for PHP
If you want to play around with the PHP library, you can get up and running quickly with the PHP Connect Sample. This sample will start you with a little Laravel project that helps you with registration, authentication, and making a simple call to the service.
a php client for distributed transaction framework dtm. 分布式事务管理器dtm的php客户端
a client for distributed transaction manager dtm dtmcli 是分布式事务管理器dtm的客户端sdk dtm分布式事务管理服务 DTM是一款跨语言的开源分布式事务管理器,优雅的解决了幂等、空补偿、悬挂等分布式事务难题。提供了简单易用、高性能、易水平扩
A WordPress theme.json generator from a PHP array
ItalyStrap Theme Json Generator WordPress Theme Json Generator the OOP way This is a WIP project and still experimental. The idea is to generate a fil
An advanced Mute Assistant to mute players.
IMPORTANT This plugin does not include AI Please follow me for more better projects :) MuteAssistant Mute players using a simple menu This plugin is s
PHP, MySQL and JS based web chat application
About The Project Chat Application coded in PHP, CSS3 and JS. This is just a project to learn and improve understanding on certain topics. This is not
With this package you can create wallet for the users.
Laravel User Wallet With this package you can create wallet for the users. Note: Make sure you've already installed php ^8 Installation Install the pa
Get the system resources in PHP, as memory, number of CPU'S, Temperature of CPU or GPU, Operating System, Hard Disk usage, .... Works in Windows & Linux
system-resources. A class to get the hardware resources We can get CPU load, CPU/GPU temperature, free/used memory & Hard disk. Written in PHP It is a
Kaiju is an open source verification bot based on Discord's OAuth written in C# and PHP, with the functionality of being able to integrate the user to a new server in case yours is suspended.
What is Kaiju? Kaiju is an open source verification bot for Discord servers, based on OAuth and with permission for the server owner, to be able to mi
Simple live support server with PHP Swoole Websocket and Telegram API
Telgraf Simple live support server with PHP Swoole Websocket and Telegram API. Usage Server Setup Clone repository with following command. git clone h
A simple PHP Toolkit to parallel generate combinations, save and use the generated terms to brute force attack via the http protocol.
Brutal A simple PHP Toolkit to parallel generate combinations, save and use the generated terms to apply brute force attack via the http protocol. Bru
Workout application with fully functional Frontend and Backend.
Fit_Me_Application About Application: This FIT-ME management system is an easy way to use gym and health membership system. It can help to keep the re
Date Manager PHP Class
Date Manager PHP Class Date Manager Version 1.0.0 PHP class for date management, for example converting solar date to gregorian date and vice versa. C
Doctrine PHP mapping driver
WORK IN PROGRESS! Doctrine PHP mapping driver Alternative mapping driver that allows to write mappings in PHP. Documentation Associations examples TOD
PHP Implementation of PASERK
PASERK (PHP) Platform Agnostic SERialized Keys. Requires PHP 7.1 or newer. PASERK Specification The PASERK Specification can be found in this reposito
PHP CLI project to get an appointment from https://vacunacovid.catsalut.gencat.ca
covid_vaccine_bcn PHP CLI project to get an appointment from https://citavacunacovid19.catsalut.gencat.cat/Vacunacio_Covid/Vacunacio/VacunacioCovidRes
PHP backend Scripts to add and Manage Live tv Streaming android app
PHP Backend to Manage Live TV Streaming Android app Follow Given Steps to Setup Local Environment to run this php Script Setting Up Local Environment
A REST API that should power the Agile Monkeys CRM Service
This is a simple REST API that purposes to power the Agile Monkeys CRM service
Easily create and work with code snippets from PHP
code-snippets Easily create and work with code snippets from source code files of any type in PHP. The original code this package is based on was borr
A GETTR.com client library written in PHP with Laravel support.
Gettr API Clinet PHP A GETTR.com client library written in PHP with Laravel support. This library uses unofficial publicly accessible API endpoints of
Rebuild the todo website with Laravel and Vue
Lara-Todo This is a course that I took at Udmey, to create a todo website with Laravel and Vue.js Start First we need to download and setup Composer.
Full-featured e-commerce platform with multi-domain and multi-language support for PHP 8
Surikata.io Full-featured e-commerce platform with multi-domain and multi-language support for PHP 8. Free to use for both commercial and personal pro
🌐 Free Google Translate API PHP Package. Translates totally free of charge.
Google Translate PHP Free Google Translate API PHP Package. Translates totally free of charge. Installation Basic Usage Advanced Usage Language Detect
30 seconds of code Short PHP code snippets for all your development needs
30 seconds of code Short PHP code snippets for all your development needs Visit our website to view our snippet collection. Use the Search page to fin
🔨 Prefixes all PHP namespaces in a file/directory to isolate the code bundled in PHARs.
PHP-Scoper PHP-Scoper is a tool which essentially moves any body of code, including all dependencies such as vendor directories, to a new and distinct
Unit testing tips by examples in PHP
Unit testing tips by examples in PHP Introduction In these times, the benefits of writing unit tests are huge. I think that most of the recently start
classroombookings - open source room booking system for schools.
This is a web-based room booking system for schools and is designed to be as easy to use as possible. Set up your bookable rooms, day schedule and timetable for the year. Add user accounts, and allow them to make and manage bookings from anywhere.
A PHP implementation of ActivityPub protocol based upon the ActivityStreams 2.0 data format.
ActivityPhp ActivityPhp is an implementation of ActivityPub layers in PHP. It provides two layers: A client to server protocol, or "Social API" This p
Zen Cart® is a full-function e-commerce application for your website.
Zen Cart® - The Art of E-Commerce Zen Cart® was the first Open Source e-Commerce web application to be fully PA-DSS Certified. Zen Cart® v1.5.8 is an
Camdram is an open source project developed by a team of volunteers for the benefit of the Cambridge student theatre community
Camdram is an open source project developed by a team of volunteers for the benefit of the Cambridge student theatre community. We use this repository to host the code that runs Camdram and to co-ordinate our work, however we welcome anyone to contribute bugs and suggest new features.
Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
Chamilo 2.x Chamilo is an e-learning platform, also called "LMS", published under the GNU/GPLv3+ license. It has been used by more than 30M people wor
Arithmetic expression solver PHP library
arithmexp An arithmetic expression solver Usage $operators = OperatorRegistry::default(); $expression = new ArithmeticExpression($operators, "4 - 3 +
DinoPHP is a web application framework with expressive.
DinoPHP is a web application framework with expressive. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience. DinoPHP takes the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in many web projects
Gestor de Contraseñas basado en Laravel 8 + PHP 8 + MySQL 8. Self-hosted Password Manager based on Laravel 8 + PHP 8 + MySQL 8.
English Gestor de Contraseñas Esta aplicación permite una gestión completa de contraseñas para múltiples tipos de servicios (web, ssh, teléfonos, wifi
Evo is a Laravel package that leverages PHP 8 features.
Evo is a Laravel package that leverages PHP 8 features. It change the way you write Laravel app into something like this: #[RoutePrefix('users')] clas
Simple Curl based wrapper for Binance API for PHP scripts
Simple Curl based wrapper for Binance API for PHP scripts Feaures API support for SPOT data/trading FAPI/DAPI support for futures data/trading Curl-on
Track the memory usage of your workers and display them in Filament.
Filament Memory Tracker Track the memory usage of your workers and display them in Filament. Installation Install the package via composer: composer r
Library for PHP 7.4+ to detect Browsers and Devices
This library requires PHP 7.4+. Also a PSR-3 compatible logger and a PSR-16 compatible cache are required. In
Tensor is a library and extension that provides objects for scientific computing in PHP.
Tensor is a library and extension that provides objects for scientific computing in PHP. The multithreaded extension is especially suited for computing large sets of numbers. In some cases, the extension is 230X faster than the same operation in PHPland. Tensor is used by libraries such as Rubix ML to build and accelerate machine learning algorithms such as linear regression, dimensionality reduction, and neural networks.
Polymorphic and Multilingual CMS powered by Laravel
Nuclear CMS Polymorphic and multilingual content management system. Nuclear is a polymorphic and multilingual content management system powered by Lar
NovaGram - An elegant, Object-Oriented, reliable PHP Telegram Bot Library
An elegant, Object-Oriented, reliable PHP Telegram Bot Library Full Documentation • Public support group Examples • Features • Installation ?
Thelia is an open source tool for creating e-business websites and managing online content.
Thelia is an open source tool for creating e-business websites and managing online content.
A Free and Opensource Laravel eCommerce framework built for all to build and scale your business.
Bagisto is a hand tailored E-Commerce framework built on some of the hottest opensource technologies such as Laravel (a PHP framework) and Vue.js a progressive Javascript framework.
Elasticsearch migrations for Laravel
Elastic Migrations Elasticsearch migrations for Laravel allow you to easily modify and share indices schema across the application's environments. Con
A REST client inside your Laravel app
Laravel Compass is an elegant REST assistant for the Laravel framework that you can use to test API calls and create API documentation. it provides automatically endpoints for GET, POST, PUT/PATCH, DELETE, various auth mechanisms, and other utility endpoints based on Laravel routes in your project.
LavaLust is an lightweight Web Framework - (using MVC pattern) - for people who are developing web sites using PHP. It helps you write code easily using Object-Oriented Approach. It also provides set of libraries for commonly needed tasks, as well as a helper functions to minimize the amount of time coding.
LavaLust Version 2 This is an early release of LavaLust Version 2. You may check the changelog.txt file to see the changes. Overview of Changes in Ve
Firefly III: a personal finances manager
"Firefly III" is a (self-hosted) manager for your personal finances. It can help you keep track of your expenses and income, so you can spend less and save more. Firefly III supports the use of budgets, categories and tags. Using a bunch of external tools, you can import data. It also has many neat financial reports available.
insert batch and update batch in laravel
Laravel BATCH (BULK) Insert and update batch (bulk) in laravel Install composer require mavinoo/laravel-batch Service Provider file app.php in array p
TinyFileManager is web based file manager and it is a simple, fast and small file manager with a single file, multi-language ready web application
TinyFileManager is web based file manager and it is a simple, fast and small file manager with a single file, multi-language ready web application for storing, uploading, editing and managing files and folders online via web browser. The Application runs on PHP 5.5+, It allows the creation of multiple users and each user can have its own directory and a build-in support for managing text files with cloud9 IDE and it supports syntax highlighting for over 150+ languages and over 35+ themes.
PHP library to validate and convert ISBNs and EANs
biblys/isbn biblys/isbn can be used to: validate a string against the ISBN-10, ISBN-13 and EAN-13 formats convert an ISBN to ISBN-10, ISBN-13, EAN-13
Prettier PHP Plugin
Prettier PHP Plugin Intro Prettier is an opinionated code formatter. It enforces a consistent style by parsing your code and re-printing it with its o
PHP client for Kafka
A library to allow people to communicate to Kafka using plain PHP, compatible with Kafka v0.11+ (due to the way the protocol works).
Multiavatar is a multicultural avatar generator.
Multiavatar Multiavatar is a multicultural avatar generator. In total, it is possible to generate 12,230,590,464 cryptographically unique avatars. Ini
YesWiki is a wiki system written in PHP, including extensions making collaboration more simple (databases, maps, easy editing, bootstrap themes,...).
YesWiki YesWiki is a Free Software under the AGPL licence, made for creating and managing your website, in a collaborative way. YesWiki allows any web
High performance HTTP Service Framework for PHP based on Workerman.
webman High performance HTTP Service Framework for PHP based on Workerman. Manual https://www.workerman.net/doc/webman Benchmarks https://www.techempo
File manager module for the Lumen PHP framework.
Lumen File Manager File manager module for the Lumen PHP framework. Please note that this module is still under active development. NOTE: Branch 5.1 i
Tighten linter for Laravel conventions.
Install (Requires PHP 7.3+) composer global require tightenco/tlint Upgrade composer global update tightenco/tlint What Is It? This is an opinionate
A simple PHP library for complex monetary prices management
PHP Prices 💸 Version 2.x This new major version is shifting the package towards more flexibility and configuration possibilities in general. One of t
A Symfony bundle built to schedule/consume repetitive tasks
Daily runs Code style Infection PHPUnit Rector Security Static analysis A Symfony bundle built to schedule/consume repetitive tasks Main features Exte
The swiss army knife for Magento developers, sysadmins and devops. The tool provides a huge set of well tested command line commands which save hours of work time. All commands are extendable by a module API.
netz98 magerun CLI tools for Magento 2 The n98 magerun cli tools provides some handy tools to work with Magento from command line. Build Status Latest
Logs which process created or modified a record
It is sometimes very useful to know which process created or modified a particular record in your database. This package provides a trait to add to your Laravel models which automatically logs that for you.
Learn how to set up a fake authentication web page on a fake WiFi network.
Evil Twin - Mark VII Learn how to set up a fake authentication web page on a fake WiFi network. Read the comments in these two files to get a better u
A PHP wrapper for Spotify's Web API.
Spotify Web API PHP This is a PHP wrapper for Spotify's Web API. It includes the following: Helper methods for all API endpoints: Information about ar
OroCRM is an open source Client Relationship Management (CRM) application
OroCRM is an open source Client Relationship Management (CRM) application that allows to create a 360° view of your customers across multiple channels, organize the sales pipeline, manage account and contact information, communicate with customers, run marketing campaigns and track campaign performance.
L'Air du Bois is a Community Driven Woodworkers Sharing Platform.
L'Air du Bois is a Community Driven Woodworkers Sharing Platform.
PHPVibe Open source video CMS / Video Sharing CMS / Youtube Api v3 / Video Embeds
PHPVibe Video CMS Free Video Sharing CMS The modern choice of design inspired by Youtube and a social videos sharing module that may just cut it for y
Standards Alignment Tool
Standards Alignment Tool (SALT) [] Overview This is a prototype for testing the IMS Global Learning Consortium® CASE™ Specification and proving its us
FlatPress is a lightweight, easy-to-set-up flat-file blogging engine.
[flatpress.org] [Support forum] [Wiki] [GitHub] [Mastodon] [Twitter] [Changelog] [Contributors] Welcome to FlatPress! FlatPress is a lightweight, easy
PhpRouter is a powerful, lightweight, and very fast HTTP URL router for PHP projects.
PhpRouter PhpRouter is a powerful, lightweight, and very fast HTTP URL router for PHP projects. Some of the provided features: Route parameters Predef
Soosyze CMS is a minimalist content management system in PHP, without database to create and manage your website easily
Soosyze CMS is a content management system without a database. It's easy to create and manage you
EspoCRM open source CRM application
EspoCRM is an Open Source CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software that allows you to see, enter and evaluate all your company relationships regardless of the type. People, companies or opportunities - all in an easy and intuitive interface.
Code for database forms and Drupal module for the Lobbywatch.ch project
Lobbywatch.ch Lobbywatch.ch - the platform for transparent politics. Lobbywatch.ch maintains a database with links of politicians and lobby groups. Th
PHP Discord Webcrawler to log all messages from a Discord Chat.
Disco the Ripper was created to rip all messages from a Discord specific channel into JSON via CLI and help people to investigate some servers who has awkward channels before they get deleted.