insert batch and update batch in laravel


Laravel BATCH (BULK)

Insert and update batch (bulk) in laravel

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composer require mavinoo/laravel-batch

Service Provider

file app.php in array providers :



file app.php in array aliases :

'Batch' => Mavinoo\Batch\BatchFacade::class,

Example Update 1

use App\Models\User;

$userInstance = new User;
$value = [
         'id' => 1,
         'status' => 'active',
         'nickname' => 'Mohammad'
     ] ,
         'id' => 5,
         'status' => 'deactive',
         'nickname' => 'Ghanbari'
     ] ,
$index = 'id';

Batch::update($userInstance, $value, $index);

Example Update 2

use App\Models\User;

$userInstance = new User;
$value = [
         'id' => 1,
         'status' => 'active'
         'id' => 5,
         'status' => 'deactive',
         'nickname' => 'Ghanbari'
         'id' => 10,
         'status' => 'active',
         'date' => Carbon::now()
         'id' => 11,
         'username' => 'mavinoo'
$index = 'id';

Batch::update($userInstance, $value, $index);

Example Increment / Decrement

use App\Models\User;

$userInstance = new User;
$value = [
         'id' => 1,
         'balance' => ['+', 500] // Add
     ] ,
         'id' => 2,
         'balance' => ['-', 200] // Subtract
     ] ,
         'id' => 3,
         'balance' => ['*', 5] // Multiply
     ] ,
         'id' => 4,
         'balance' => ['/', 2] // Divide
     ] ,
         'id' => 5,
         'balance' => ['%', 2] // Modulo
     ] ,
$index = 'id';

Batch::update($userInstance, $value, $index);

Example Insert

use App\Models\User;

$userInstance = new User;
$columns = [
$values = [
         '[email protected]',
     ] ,
         '[email protected]',
     ] ,
         '[email protected]',
     ] ,
$batchSize = 500; // insert 500 (default), 100 minimum rows in one query

$result = Batch::insert($userInstance, $columns, $values, $batchSize);
// result : false or array

sample array result:
    [totalRows]  => 384
    [totalBatch] => 500
    [totalQuery] => 1

Helper batch()

// ex: update

$result = batch()->update($userInstance, $value, $index);

// ex: insert

$result = batch()->insert($userInstance, $columns, $values, $batchSize);


If you don't have phpunit installed on your project, first run composer require phpunit/phpunit

In the root of your laravel app, run ./vendor/bin/phpunit ./vendor/mavinoo/laravel-batch/tests


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  • Not compatible Composer v2

    Not compatible Composer v2

    Deprecation Notice: Class Mavinoo\LaravelBatch\Batch located in ./vendor/mavinoo/laravel-batch/src/LaravelBatch.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. It will not autoload anymore in Composer v2.0

    opened by lkmadushan 12
  •  Class 'Mavinoo\LaravelBatch\LaravelBatchServiceProvider' not found

    Class 'Mavinoo\LaravelBatch\LaravelBatchServiceProvider' not found

    Hi im having this error in Laravel:

    php artisan optimize In ProviderRepository.php line 208:

    Class 'Mavinoo\LaravelBatch\LaravelBatchServiceProvider' not found

    Script php artisan optimize handling the post-update-cmd event returned with error code 1

    opened by salvadorcea 9
  • Class 'Batch' not found

    Class 'Batch' not found

    I have added to aliases and providers in app.php but it does not seem to work.

    My code:

    public function storeBanks($request) {
    	$selected = $this->getListOfSelectedBanksIds();
    	return Batch::update('bank_school', $this->createUpdateBankObject($request, $selected));
    opened by Cholowao 9
  • Publish a new release with Batch problem solved

    Publish a new release with Batch problem solved

        "message": "Class 'Mavinoo\\LaravelBatch\\Batch' not found",
        "exception": "Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exception\\FatalThrowableError",
        "file": "/home/vagrant/code/xxxxxxx-core/vendor/mavinoo/laravel-batch/src/LaravelBatchServiceProvider.php",
        "line": 16

    I saw that you have fixed the "Batch" class problem on the ServiceProvider in the master branch. Can you publish a new release with this fix so we can establish a fixed version for our projects?


    opened by alrik11es 7
  • How to get updated instance

    How to get updated instance

    use App\Models\User;
    $userInstance = new User;
    $value = [
             'id' => 1,
             'status' => 'active',
             'nickname' => 'Mohammad'
         ] ,
             'id' => 5,
             'status' => 'deactive',
             'nickname' => 'Ghanbari'
         ] ,
    $index = 'id';
    Batch::update($userInstance, $value, $index);

    After Batch::update, I want to access updated objects., like this:

    $updatedUser=Batch::update($userInstance, $value, $index);

    But $updatedUser is a total number of updated array, so what can I do? Thank you~

    opened by dododaphne 4
  • NULL gets replaced with

    NULL gets replaced with ""

    I believe the update function replaces null values with "" (an empty string), which leads to sql errors; can't assign"" to an INT column, for example.

    opened by valivvvv 4
  • Syntax error, unexpected token

    Syntax error, unexpected token "return" :: 275 line

    Before 2.3.2 update laravel-btach works ok, now i'm getting error: syntax error, unexpected token "return"

    about this line: ...../vendor/mavinoo/laravel-batch/src/Batch.php:275

    opened by bizvid 3
  • syntax error, unexpected 'return' (T_RETURN)

    syntax error, unexpected 'return' (T_RETURN)

    When I try to run Batch:update method, error message shown like below;

    Laravel Framework 8.83.9

     syntax error, unexpected 'return' (T_RETURN)                                                                           
     at C:\www\myapp\vendor\mavinoo\laravel-batch\src\Batch.php:275
       271▕     {                                                                                                           
       272▕         // no need for the old validation since we now use type hint that supports from php 7.0                 
       273▕         // but I kept this one                                                                                  
       274▕         if (count($columns) !== count(current($values)) {
     ➜ 275▕             return false;
       276▕         }
       278▕         $query = [];
       279▕         $minChunck = 100;
    opened by tanero 3
  • ParseError: syntax error, unexpected 'return' (T_RETURN) in version 2.3.2, 2.3.3.

    ParseError: syntax error, unexpected 'return' (T_RETURN) in version 2.3.2, 2.3.3.

    You probably already know, but updating the package version to 2.3.2 or 2.3.3 generates the next error:

    ParseError: syntax error, unexpected 'return' (T_RETURN)
    in /vendor/mavinoo/laravel-batch/src/Batch.php:275

    I had to set the package to version 2.3.1 to avoid that error. Btw awesome package. Thanks

    opened by eleazarbr 3
  • Increment multiple values?

    Increment multiple values?

    Is there something available to increment multiple values like this?

    $userInstance = new \App\Models\User;
    $values = [
            'id' => 4,
            'balance' => 'balance + 5',
            'id' => 5,
            'balance' => \DB::raw('balance + 200'), // This works for the "->update" method
    $index = 'id';
    Batch::update($userInstance, $values, $index);
    opened by WalterWoshid 3
  • Call to undefined function Mavinoo\Batch\now()  in Batch.php line 242

    Call to undefined function Mavinoo\Batch\now() in Batch.php line 242

    Hi there,

    This package used to work fine for version 2.1, but I have recently run into the following error.

    I have tried to install version 2.2 but I still getting the following error that the following function is undefined. now().

    When I tried to update now()->format($table->getDateFormat()) to date($table->getDateFormat()) on line 67 and 242 of Batch.php it seems to work fine. Is this a solution as the database entries looks good.

    opened by salmonerasmus 3
  • Update rows with single quote

    Update rows with single quote

    Hello there! I try use this package for updating rows with fields which contains single quote. For example: files/'test 'Р'усс"кие "ry'bub".png. And i get an error: Syntax error: 7 ERROR: syntax error at or near \"test\"\nLINE 1: ...e\" SET \"name\" = (CASE WHEN fileid = '797' THEN '\\'test \\'Р\\'...\n .

    How can i solve this problem?

    opened by NikolayIlichev 0
  • how to update with pivot tables?

    how to update with pivot tables?

    Hello this is the following update method:

    `public function updateProfile(ProfileRequest $request, Profile $profile) { try { \DB::beginTransaction();

            $profile = new Profile;
            $input = [
            $index = 'id';
            /** @var Mavinoo\Batch\Batch $batch */
            $batch = batch();
            $batch->update($profile, $input, $index);
            session()->flash("message", ["success", __("<h5>Perfil actualizado</h5>")]);
            return redirect(route('profile', ['profile' => $profile]));
        } catch (\Throwable $exception) {
            session()->flash("message", ["danger", $exception->getMessage()]);
            return back();

    A new profile create, I have an array of a many to many relationship, for that relationship is saved in the database in the store method, i have:


    putting that line of code in the update method gives me the following error:

    SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'profile_id' cannot be null (SQL: insert into category_profile (category_id, profile_id) values (1, ?))

    how can i solve it?

    opened by Nemachtilli 0
  • PHP 7.4 run Batch::update syntax error Batch.php:275

    PHP 7.4 run Batch::update syntax error Batch.php:275

    PHP 7.4.15 (cli) (built: Feb 16 2021 01:48:03) ( NTS )

    production.ERROR: syntax error, unexpected 'return' (T_RETURN) {"exception":"[object] (ParseError(code: 0): syntax error, unexpected 'return' (T_RETURN) at /back_end/vendor/mavinoo/laravel-batch/src/Batch.php:275)

    opened by puzzle9 0
  • Batch::update without index

    Batch::update without index

    Hi, I have massive data from external API, and to avoid duplicates, I need to use update instead of insert.SO the idea is to insert the data if it does not exist and update it instead if exists. My question is, is it possible without using an index?


    opened by ianrussel 0
  • How set NULL?

    How set NULL?

    I have:

    [ [ "id" => "40142" "invoice_number" => null ], [ "id" => "40108" "invoice_number" => "555" ] ]

    Case with null - don't work. How can i insert null in batch update process?

    opened by bizvid 0
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