A simple PHP Toolkit to parallel generate combinations, save and use the generated terms to apply brute force attack via the http protocol.
Brutal uses a simple combination algorithm to generate unique and limited number of combinations in chunk files
*Under construction
is written in PHP and distributed as package via composer
. Make sure you have PHP (>= 7.3) installed.
Using composer:
composer install brutal
Using Brutal
Generating and saving combinations dictionaries:
//Instance BrutalService (the facade)
$brutalService = new BrutalService();
//Call generate and pass an implementation of Combinable interface, an array of words and the size of combination
$combinations = $brutalService->generate(new SimpleCombination(), ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'], 3);
//Create a concrete repository of Combination and pass the combinations generated, a path to save the combinations and the format of content
$from = '/tmp/brutal';
$combinationRepository = CombinationRepositoryFactory::createRepository($combinations, $from, CombinationRepository::FORMAT_TEXT);
//Call save method passing the concrete repository
Loading dictionaries chunks, attacking the target and reporting results
//Create a concrete repository of Loader and pass the path where saved the combinations
$loadRepository = LoadRepositoryFactory::createRepository($from);
//Load chunks calling load method and passing concrete load repository
$chunks = $brutalService->load($loadRepository);
//Instance HttpOptions passing the http target, method, format, body and headers (optional). Use '$term' where you need override to generated combination term
$httpOptions = new HttpOptions('http://localhost:3000/test_server.php', 'POST', HttpFormat::JSON, ['test' => '$term']);
//Create a concrete attack repository calling HttpAttackFactory and passing $httpOptions
$httpAttackRepository = HttpAttackRepositoryFactory::createRepository($httpOptions);
//Call attack method passing the concrete attack repository and loaded chunks
$attackResult = $brutalService->attack($httpAttackRepository, $chunks);
//Create a concrete report repository passing http options
$reportRepository = CLIReportRepositoryFactory::createRepository($httpOptions);
//Call report method passing the concrete report repository and attack results
$brutalService->report($reportRepository, $attackResult);
//You can run the test_server.php to test this
Try it at hack a infosec first programming challenge.
Look at brutal_hackinfosec.php file(put your cookie on GET_YOUR_REQUEST_COOKIE_FROM_YOUR_BROWSER) to help you
Using Brutal CLI
*Under construction
To generate combinations
$ php brutal.php generate <options>
Generate options:
: Characters token separeted comma to generate combinations term.-s
: Size of generated terms.-p
: Output path of generated combinations.-i
: Type of output file(s)chunk or single
. Default is chunk.-f
: Format of combinations file(s) contentTEXT or SERIALIZED
. Default is text.-r
: Maximum ram memory in megabytes (important increase to generate and attack higher volume of combinations)-v
: Verbose mode.
Generate combination of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 with size 3 and save in path /home/user/chunks inside multiple chunks text files:
$ brutal generate -c 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 -s 3 -p /home/user/chunks -i chunk -f TEXT
Generate combination of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 with size 3 and save in path /home/user/chunks inside multiple chunks using maximum of 700 megabytes ram text files:
$ brutal generate -c 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 -s 3 -p /home/user/chunks -i chunk -r 700 -f TEXT
Generate combination of a,b,c,d with size 4 and save in path /home/user inside single serialized file:
$ brutal generate -c a,b,c,d -s 4 -p /home/user -i single -f SERIALIZED
Attacking target
$ php brutal.php attack <options>
Attack options:
: Target HTTP(s) to execute attack.-p
: Chunks path or specific generated file.-m
: HTTP method.-f
: Format of requestjson or form-params
: Content body. Use$term
to replace string by generated combinations term.--headers
: Request headers.-r
: Maximum ram memory in megabytes (important increase to generate and attack higher volume of combinations)-v
: Verbose mode.
Attack from chunks combination generated in folder /home/user to target http://target.test with method POST and json body (note $term matches each combination term inside chunk file):
$ brutal attack -p /home/user -t 'http://target.test' -m POST -f json -b ['user' => 'root', 'password' => '$term']
Attack from specific generated in file /home/user/combination to target http://target.test with method POST using header User-Agent, Host and Cookie with form params body:
$ brutal attack -f /home/user/combination -p 'http://target.test' -m POST --headers ['User-Agent' => 'Test', 'Host' => 'test.local', 'Cookie' => 'qwerty123'] -f form-params ['user' => 'root', 'password' => '$term']
To customize and add new features consider extends (open-closed principle) following steps:
- Generate
BrutalService::generate(Combinable) : Combinations
Build your custom combination algorithm implementing Combinable interface to generate terms - Save
BrutalService::save(CombinationRepositoryInterface, $chunk = true) : void
Build your custom saver algorithm implementing CombinationRepositoryInterface - Load
BrutalService::load(LoadRepositoryInterface) : Chunks
Build your custom loader algorithm implementing LoadRepositoryInterface - Attack
BrutallService::attack(AttackRepositoryInterface $attackRepository, Chunks $chunks) : array
Build your custom attacker algorithm implementing AttackRepositoryInterface - Report
BrutalService::report(ReportRepositoryInterface $report, array $attackResult)
Builder your custom reporter implementing ReportRepositoryInterface