Date Manager PHP Class


Date Manager

PHP Class Date Manager

Version 1.0.0

PHP class for date management, for example converting solar date to gregorian date and vice versa.



Name Arguments Options Description
gregorianToSolar Date Sign, Format Convert Gregorian Date To Solar Date
solarToGregorian Date Sign, Format Convert Solar Date To Gregorian Date
solarDate - Format Return Solar Date


Name Description
Sign The Mark between year, month and date
For example, you can use the '-' or '/' sign. default is '-'
Format Format the return date
ymd: return year-month-day
dmy: return day-month-year
mdy: return month-day-year
ym: return year-month
md: return month-day
y: return year
m: return month
d: return day


require 'DateManager.php';
$date = new DateManager();


Without options

Convert gregorian date to solar date

//without options
echo $date->gregorianToSolar('2021-07-22');

Convert solar date to gregorian date

//without options
echo $date->solarToGregorian('1400-04-31');

Get solar date

//without options
echo $date->solarDate();

With options

Sign '-' and Year-month-day format

//Return with '-' sign and Year-Month-Day format
echo $date->gregorianToSolar('2021-07-22',['sign'=>'-','format'=>'ymd']);

Sign '/' and Day-Month-Year format

//Return with '/' sign and Day-Month-Year format
echo $date->gregorianToSolar('2021-07-22',['sign'=>'/','format'=>'dmy']);

Sign '/' and Month-Day-Year format

//Return with '/' sign and Month-Day-Year format
echo $date->gregorianToSolar('2021-07-22',['sign'=>'/','format'=>'mdy']);

Sign '/' and Year-Month format

//Return with '/' sign and Year-Month format
echo $date->gregorianToSolar('2021-07-22',['sign'=>'/','format'=>'ym']);

Sign '/' and Month-Day format

//Return with '/' sign and Month-Day format
echo $date->gregorianToSolar('2021-07-22',['sign'=>'/','format'=>'md']);

Sign '/' and Year format

//Return with '/' sign and Year format
echo $date->gregorianToSolar('2021-07-22',['sign'=>'/','format'=>'y']);
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