81 Repositories
PHP nginx-fastcgi-fix-permission Libraries
Laravel fortify ve spatie permissions eklentileri üzerine geliştirilmiş kullanıma hazır panel
Herkobi Panel Laravel ile yeni bir projeye başlayacak kişiler için Laravel Fortify üzerine geliştirdiğimiz arayüze (https://github.com/bulentsakarya/l
Packet-driven global form interaction-spam blocker for PM.
Looking for testers and README improvers! Form Interaction Fix Interaction-spam Interaction spam is often a problem for players who use the mouse as t
Integrate your PHP application with your HTTP caching proxy
FOSHttpCache Introduction This library integrates your PHP applications with HTTP caching proxies such as Varnish. Use this library to send invalidati
⚡ Php snippets, random stuff, demos, functions, fast message system, agnostic and framework free - 100% compactible ;) ⚡
⚡ Php8 FPM Nginx Fast, Scripts, Pearls & Treasures 🚀 Want to run and test asap ? docker-compose up -d phpgit_php8;ip=$(docker-machine ip default);ech
Dockerized PHP development stack: Nginx, MySQL, MongoDB, PHP-FPM, HHVM, Memcached, Redis, Elasticsearch and RabbitMQ
PHP Dockerized Dockerized PHP development stack: Nginx, MySQL, MongoDB, PHP-FPM, HHVM, Memcached, Redis, Elasticsearch and RabbitMQ PHP Dockerized giv
Hachkathon DevOps - Deploy application with docker container
Hackathon-Semesta-DevOps Nama : Islam Nurul Yakin Mail : nurulyakin79@gmail.com Sebuah Web Server menggunakan Nginx, PHP, dan MySQl di tambah dengan p
Container Open Inventory ID send bug fix PocketMine-MP plugin
ContainerOpenFixed Container Open Inventory ID send bug fix PocketMine-MP plugin Example use skh6075\containeropenfixed\IWindowType; use pocketmine\ne
A tool to automatically fix PHP Coding Standards issues
PHP Coding Standards Fixer The PHP Coding Standards Fixer (PHP CS Fixer) tool fixes your code to follow standards; whether you want to follow PHP codi
Simply define the permission in the filament resource.
Simply define the permissions in the filament resource. Easily define permissions for Filament Resources & Relation Managers Installation You can inst
Hierarchical Rol-Permission Based Laravel Auth Package with Limitless Hierarchical Level of Organizations
AAuth for Laravel Hierarchical Rol-Permission Based Laravel Auth Package with Limitless Hierarchical Level of Organizations Features Organization Base
Laravel Sail plugin to enable SSL (HTTPS) connection with Nginx.
Laravel Sail plugin to enable SSL (HTTPS) connection with Nginx.
Tools for checking malware, permission of file php and any on website
webtools Tools for checking malware, permission of file php and any on website You can use the webtools.php file directly. All features can be accesse
Laravel mongodb permissions
Laravel mongodb permissions
Lamp Docker skeleton PHP + Nginx + Mysql + Redis
Stop installing the entire development stack on your local machine. This project will allow you to quickly start working with php. To install, you need to install docker locally.
A tool to automatically fix PHP Coding Standards issues by Dragon Code.
The Dragon Code Styler Installation Required PHP: ^8.0 Composer: ^2.0 Locally composer global require dragon-code/codestyler Usage When you run the co
Yet another asynchronous permission management plugin for PocketMine-MP.
GroupsAPI Yet another asynchronous permission management plugin for PocketMine-MP. Features Developer-friendly API Temporary rank/group support Multip
Secure package for WP CLI, built to provide an easier way of securing your WordPress installation
wp-cli/secure-command Official website: Hackthewp.com Manages common security aspects of WordPress. Supports nginx and Apache. Basic Usage This packag
Admin user, role and permission management for Laravel Filament
Filament Access Control Opinionated setup for managing admin users, roles and permissions within Laravel Filament Features Separate database table for
Laravel Starter Kit (Inertia-SSR - Vue3 - Bootstrap 5)
Laravel Starter Kit (Inertia-SSR - Vue3 - Bootstrap 5) Use this starter kit to develop with Laravel 9 setup InertiaJs with Server Side Rendering (SSR)
Elastic Beanstalk Multi Container PHP-FPM + Nginx Demo App
Elastic Beanstalk Multi Container PHP-FPM + Nginx Demo App This demo app shows you how to run a simple PHP application using the PHP-FPM and Nginx Doc
A PocketMine-MP plugin which allows the users to edit no permission message of commands
CommandPermissionMessage A PocketMine-MP plugin which allows the users to edit no permission message of commands Have you ever got bored by the red me
This Laravel package merges staudenmeir/eloquent-param-limit-fix and staudenmeir/laravel-adjacency-list to allow them being used in the same model.
This Laravel package merges staudenmeir/eloquent-param-limit-fix and staudenmeir/laravel-adjacency-list to allow them being used in the same model.
An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC for webman plugin
An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC for webman plugin
Nginx FastCGI Fix Permission
Nginx FastCGI Fix Permission Table of Contents About How it works Installation Changelog Contributing License About This library was born with the obj
Pomf is a simple lightweight file host with support for drop, paste, click and API uploading.
Pomf Pomf is a simple file uploading and sharing platform. Features One click uploading, no registration required A minimal, modern web interface Drag
Plugin Notify OP Or Staff Has Permission antixraype.check when someone breaks ore
General Plugin Notify OP Or Staff Has Permission antixraype.check when someone breaks ore If the message repeats many times, check if the player is us
A tool to automatically fix PHP Coding Standards issues by Dragon Code.
A tool to automatically fix PHP Coding Standards issues by Dragon Code.
Use php-fpm as a simple built-in async queue
PHP-FPM Async Queue Use php-fpm as a simple built-in async queue. Based on interoperable queue interfaces Queue Interop. Usage composer makasim/php-fp
Dockerizado para Laravel 8.X // Nginx + PHP 8.1.1 + NodeJS + MariaDB
Información Este es un Dockerizado de Laravel + NginX + MariaDB , el cual esta listo para poder lanzar un proyecto iniciar en Laravel 8.80 El Stack es
This is a lightweight package that allows you assign roles and permissions to any Laravel model, or on a pivot table (many to many relationship).
Simple Laravel roles and permissions Introduction This package allows you to assign roles and permissions to any laravel model, or on a pivot table (m
Ip2region is a offline IP location library with accuracy rate of 99.9% and 0.0x millseconds searching performance. DB file is ONLY a few megabytes with all IP address stored. binding for Java,PHP,C,Python,Nodejs,Golang,C#,lua. Binary,B-tree,Memory searching algorithm
Ip2region是什么? ip2region - 准确率99.9%的离线IP地址定位库,0.0x毫秒级查询,ip2region.db数据库只有数MB,提供了java,php,c,python,nodejs,golang,c#等查询绑定和Binary,B树,内存三种查询算法。 Ip2region特性
FalconOne Lite is an Open Source solution deployed and updated on a daily basis to help prevent terror and crime globally
FalconOne Lite is an Open Source solution deployed and updated on a daily basis to help prevent terror and crime globally. By using advanced tools, functions and stealth strategies, FalconOne community is focused on making a friendly and fast solution for effective results.
OSX/Linux Docker containers installer for Magento 2
Magento 2 OSX/Linux Docker Requirements MacOS: Docker, docker-sync, Git Linux: Docker, Docker-compose, Git on Debian based OS (Example: Ubuntu, Linux
Mage2click toolset to create and manage the Magento Docker development environment with mutagen.io file-sync for macOS and native filesystem mounts on Linux.
Mage2click - Magento Docker Toolset Mage2click toolset is a system-wide command-line tool for creating and managing simultaneously running Magento Doc
A dockerized magento 2 community environment ready for development or production.
Painless Magento 2 & 1 A dockerized magento 2 community environment ready for development or production. It supports magento 1.9.x for development Ins
The php gRPC server framework with php-fpm and nginx.
php-grpc-server-protobuf The php grpc server framework with protobuf and DO NOT use any 3rd libraries or use Swoole. Support protobuf and json request
A user, group, role and permission management for Codeigniter 4
CI4-Auth CI4-Auth is a user, group, role and permission management library for Codeigniter 4. CI4-Auth is based on the great Myth-Auth library for Cod
The easiest and most intuitive way to add access management to your Filament Resource Models through `spatie/laravel-permission`
Filament Shield The easiest and most intuitive way to add access management to your Filament Resource Models (more coming soon 😎 ) One Plugin to rule
Default Nginx config for Magento
Default Nginx config for Magento DEMO: https://www.magenx.com Get cloud server: at DigitalOcean magento Magento upto 1.9.x default magento configurati
Docker-magento2 - 🐳 Docker containers with all required Magento 2 dependencies installed available as FPM through Nginx and CLI
Magento 2 Docker A collection of Docker images for running Magento 2 through nginx and on the command line. Quick Start cp composer.env.sample compose
Magento-Vagrant-Puppet-Nginx - Installs magento and a nginx server
Magento-Vagrant-Puppet-Nginx Installs Magento MySQL PHP PHP-FPM Nginx n98-magerun Setup git submodule init git submodule update vagrant up Modify pupp
Cache-purge-helper - Additional instances where nginx-helper and lscache plugin should be purged.
cache-purge-helper Additional instances where nginx-helper and lscache plugin should be purged. Install Extract the zip file. Upload them to /wp-conte
Debug with Ray to fix problems faster
Debug with Ray to fix problems faster This package can be installed in any PHP application to send messages to the Ray app. The desktop app: can be us
This package helps you to associate users with permissions and permission groups with laravel framework
Laravel ACL This package allows you to manage user permissions and groups in a database, and is compatible with Laravel v5.8 or higher. Please check t
Multi Auth and admin auth in Laravel Project
Laravel Multi Auth For Complete Documentation, visit Here This package is just create admin side (multi auth), which is totaly isolated from your norm
Like Cloud Drive Run on Raspbian + Nginx + PHP
Raspberry-Pi-Cloud Like Cloud Drive Run on Raspbian + Nginx + PHP I Made a Project Called Raspberry-Pi-Cloud. it's on testing stage help me to test it
1000+ micro code pieces with clear explanation @ onelinerhub.com
Onelinerhub Lib of micro code pieces, well explained and mostly single-line solutions @ onelinerhub.com. Why we do it and where we go We're building n
Phalcon 3, PHP7, Docker sample starter application
Phalcon Docker Nginx starter app Docker image based on: Ubuntu 16.04 Phalcon 3 PHP 7 Nginx + PHP FPM Supervisord Dependencies Docker. For installation
Vagrant configuration for PHP7, Phalcon 3.x and Zephir development.
Phalcon VM 2.0.1 Phalcon VM is an open source Vagrant configuration which contains wide range of tools required in modern web development. Like a Swis
User role and Permission Management system with Paticie package
User role and Permission Management system with Paticie package Installation instruction Download or git clone https://github.com/KKOO727/User-role-ma
Associate users with roles and permissions
Associate users with permissions and roles Sponsor If you want to quickly add authentication and authorization to Laravel projects, feel free to check
Lumen on Docker - Skeleton project with Nginx, MySQL & PHP 8 | Aws ECS, Google Kubernates, Azure Container Engine
Docker infrastructure for Lumen Description Microservice Lumen is a starting skeleton based on Docker and Lumen Framework. This project helps to devel
Public API for the project coding.events. Made in PHP 8.0 with Lumen 8, PHP-FPM, NGINX and MySQL 8.
coding.events API Uma API feita apenas para passar o tempo, montando uma API para o site coding.events. Sinta-se livre para usar esse código como es
Here are few exercises to practice how to implement API Security with NGINX App-Protect WAF.
api-security-lab This repo contains files for customers and partners to practice an API Security with NGINX App-Protect WAF. To demonstrate the capabi
Ponto de partida para utilização do Docker Compose 💙✨
Docker-compose Docker | WSL2 | PHP | Nginx | MySQL Esse projeto fornece um ponto de partida para integrar diferentes serviços usando um arquivo Compos
Docker with PHP 7.4 fpm, Nginx, Composer, PhpUnit and MaridaDB
Clean Docker with PHP Docker with PHP 7.4 fpm, Nginx, Composer, PhpUnit and MariaDB Starting app docker-compose up -d Main page
Laravel Roles and Permissions
Introduction to Laravel Roles and Permission App Starter Kit Roles and sanctions are a paramount part of many web applications. In project, we have op
A WordPress plugin for managing user permission, education, and communication.
A WordPress plugin for managing user permission, education, and communication. Texas A&M University System
Laravel 5 with Dockerized Gulp, PHP-FPM, MySQL and nginx using docker-compose
docker-laravel Laravel 5 with Dockerized PHP-FPM, MySQL and nginx using docker-compose Usage Get Composer docker-compose run --rm phpnginx curl -O htt
🐳 Build a simple laravel development environment with docker-compose.
docker-laravel 🐳 Introduction Build a simple laravel development environment with docker-compose. Usage $ git clone git@github.com:ucan-lab/docker-la
Plugin to diagnose/fix ClassicPress SSL issues.
ClassicPress SSL Fix This plugin provides a way to work around the issue "cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired" in ClassicP
permission generation for all your declared routes with corresponding controller action
Permissions Generator This package add some artisan command to help generating permissions for your declared routes. Each route should have an alias (
Full PHP development environment for Docker.
Full PHP development environment based on Docker. Use Docker First - Learn About It Later! Join Us Awesome People Laradock is an MIT-licensed open sou
Implementation Package Spatie/Laravel-Permission
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
An ultra-lightweight blogging engine, written in PHP.
简体中文, Italiano. 📣 Translations wanted! Go to the wiki to find out more about translating Chyrp Lite into your language. What can Chyrp Lite do for me
Command-line control panel for Nginx Server to manage WordPress sites running on Nginx, PHP, MySQL, and Let's Encrypt
EasyEngine v4 EasyEngine makes it greatly easy to manage nginx, a fast web-server software that consumes little memory when handling increasing volume
A tool to automatically fix Twig Coding Standards issues
Twig CS Fixer Installation This standard can be installed with the Composer dependency manager. Add the coding standard as a dependency of your projec
An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in PHP .
PHP-Casbin Documentation | Tutorials | Extensions Breaking News: Laravel-authz is now available, an authorization library for the Laravel framework. P
A REST API that should power the Agile Monkeys CRM Service
This is a simple REST API that purposes to power the Agile Monkeys CRM service
Uguu is a simple lightweight temporary file host with support for drop, paste, click and API uploading.
Uguu What is Uguu? Uguu is a simple lightweight temporary file hosting and sharing platform, but can also be used as a permanent file host. Features O
php-crossplane - Reliable and fast NGINX configuration file parser and builder
php-crossplane Reliable and fast NGINX configuration file parser and builder ℹ️ This is a PHP port of the Nginx Python crossplane package which can be
Engintron for cPanel/WHM is the easiest way to integrate Nginx on your cPanel/WHM server.
Engintron for cPanel/WHM is the easiest way to integrate Nginx on your cPanel/WHM server. Engintron will improve the performance & web serving capacity of your server, while reducing CPU/RAM load at the same time. It does that by installing & configuring the popular Nginx webserver to act as a reverse caching proxy for static files (like CSS, JS, images etc.) with an additional micro-cache layer to significantly improve performance of dynamic content generated by CMSs like WordPress, Joomla or Drupal as well as forum software like vBulletin, phpBB, SMF or e-commerce solutions like Magento, OpenCart, PrestaShop and others.
MediaDB is a web-based media streaming service written in Laravel and Vue.
MediaDB (API) MediaDB is a web-based media streaming service written in Laravel and Vue. The nginx-vod-module is used for on-the-fly repackaging of MP
Cipi is a Laravel based cloud server control panel that supports Digital Ocean, AWS, Vultr, Google Cloud, Linode, Azure and other VPS.
Cipi is a Laravel based cloud server control panel that supports Digital Ocean, AWS, Vultr, Google Cloud, Linode, Azure and other VPS. It comes with nginx, Mysql, multi PHP-FPM versions, multi users, Supervisor, Composer, npm, free Let's Encrypt certificates, Git deployment, backups, ffmpeg, fail2ban, Redis, API and with a simple graphical interface useful to manage Laravel, Codeigniter, Symfony, WordPress or other PHP applications. With Cipi you don’t need to be a Sys Admin to deploy and manage websites and PHP applications powered by cloud VPS.
Symfony 5.2 + api platform project with ELK stack + elastic FileBeats for the log management. All running in 7 docker containers: nginx, php 8, mysql, elastic search, logstash, kibana, fileBeats.
Symfony with ELK and Elastic FileBeats Stack Prerequisites: Make sure that docker and docker-compose are installed in your machine and available for y
A modern Docker LAMP stack and MEAN stack for local development
The Devilbox Usage | Architecture | Community | Features | Intranet | Screenshots | Contributing | Logos | License Support for valid https out of the
Stacker - The environment for local web development, ready for use.
Introduction English 简体中文 Why stacker? Stacker - This is a local environment for web development with everything you need. What is its benefit? You do
Full PHP development environment for Docker.
Full PHP development environment based on Docker. Use Docker First - Learn About It Later! Join Us Awesome People Laradock is an MIT-licensed open sou
Associate users with roles and permissions
Associate users with permissions and roles Sponsor If you want to quickly add authentication and authorization to Laravel projects, feel free to check
⚡️Lightning-fast linter for .env files. Written in Rust 🦀
⚡️ Lightning-fast linter for .env files. Written in Rust 🦀 Dotenv-linter can check / fix / compare .env files for problems that may cause the applica
A tool to automatically fix PHP Coding Standards issues
PHP Coding Standards Fixer The PHP Coding Standards Fixer (PHP CS Fixer) tool fixes your code to follow standards; whether you want to follow PHP codi