113 Repositories
PHP modular-bundle Libraries
The task of this package is to manage module dotnev-files used by the Laravel integration of phpdotenv.
Warning This Package is still work in progress! Warning The package is basically functional, but there is no logic to handle the files in a repo. Modu
🕧 Provides an scheduler bundle for symfony framework.
🕧 PHP Scheduler Bundle Provides the integration of the PHP Scheduler library into Symfony Framework. Installation Run composer require flexic/schedul
RSQueue Bundle for Symfony
RSQueueBundle for Symfony Simple queuing system based on Redis Table of contents Installing/Configuring Tags Installing Redis Installing PHPRedis Inst
A generic filter for contao entities.
Contao filter bundle This bundle offers a generic filter module to use with arbitrary contao entities containing standard filter with initial filters
SAML bundle for gateway, self-service, and ra
SURFnet SamlBundle A bundle that adds SAML capabilities to your application using simplesamlphp/saml2 Developed as part of the SURFnet Stepup Gateway
Simple, stylish Email Verification for Symfony
VerifyEmailBundle: Love Confirming Emails Don't know if your users have a valid email address? The VerifyEmailBundle can help! VerifyEmailBundle gener
Bundle around the WebPush library
MinishlinkWebPushBundle This bundle provides a simple integration of the WebPush library. Usage Web Push sends notifications to endpoints which server
Messenger mailer bundle
messenger-mailer-bundle About Install Usage Contributing About You might need to bundle if your project fulfills the following criteria: You are using
It's Pimcore Bundle to send notifications to Google Chat, Slack or Email from admin panel inside Pimcore
Send notifications to Discord, Google Chat, Slack and more from Pimcore It's Pimcore Bundle to send notifications to Discord, Google Chat, Slack, Tele
Hoa is a modular, extensible and structured set of PHP libraries
Hoa is a modular, extensible and structured set of PHP libraries. Moreover, Hoa aims at being a bridge between industrial and research worlds. Hoa\Ust
Symfony Bundle for the Stash Caching Library
TedivmStashBundle The TedivmStashBundle integrates the Stash caching library into Symfony, providing a powerful abstraction for a range of caching eng
A Symfony bundle that provides #StandWithUkraine banner and has some built-in features to block access to your resource for Russian-speaking users.
StandWithUkraineBundle На русском? Смотри README.ru.md This bundle provides a built-in StandWithUkraine banner for your Symfony application and has so
The news bundle adds news functionality to Contao 4
Contao 4 news bundle The news bundle adds news functionality to Contao 4. Contao is an Open Source PHP Content Management System for people who want a
Laravel style FormRequests for Symfony; inspired by adamsafr/form-request-bundle
Somnambulist Form Request Bundle An implementation of form requests from Laravel for Symfony based on the original work by Adam Sapraliev. Requirement
JWT Authenticator for symfony
HalloVerdenJwtAuthenticatorBundle This bundle provides a JWT authenticator for Symfony applications. It's using PHP JWT Framework for parsing and vali
Pagekit is a modular and lightweight CMS built with Symfony components and Vue.js.
Pagekit Pagekit is a modular and lightweight CMS built with Symfony components and Vue.js. Homepage - Learn more about Pagekit Documentation - User an
Bundle to integrate Tactician with Symfony projects
TacticianBundle Symfony2 Bundle for the Tactician library https://github.com/thephpleague/tactician/ Installation Step 1: Download the Bundle Open a c
This bundle provides new generator command line tools for doctrine generator.
GenBundle This bundle provides new generator command line tools for doctrine generator, extending SensioGeneratorBundle. php bin/console gen:generate:
The query sorting bundle allows you to sort data from QueryBuilder and the Database
The query sorting bundle allows you to sort data from QueryBuilder and the Database. you can sort multiple columns at the same time and also you can sort relation fields with two-level deep and without any join in your query builder.
Symfony bundle integrating server-sent native notifications
Symfony UX Notify Symfony UX Notify is a Symfony bundle integrating server-sent native notifications in Symfony applications using Mercure. It is part
Modularize your laravel app in a package way.
Laravel Modular Pustaka laravel untuk modularisasi kode secara rapi dan mudah di maintain. Instalasi $ composer require kodepandai/laravel-modular Set
Component bundles with symfony (php)
Component bundles with symfony (php)
The query filter bundle allows you to filter data from QueryBuilder and the Database.
The query filter bundle allows you to filter data from QueryBuilder and the Database. you can filter multiple columns at the same time and also you can filter relation fields with two-level deep and without any join in your query builder.
A Small modular PHP framework Build for web applications
MagmaCore__ This project is in active development. So is evolving constantly. As soon project gets to stable point. Due notice will be given Composer
Symfony Bundle to create HTML tables with bootstrap-table for Doctrine Entities.
HelloBootstrapTableBundle This Bundle provides simple bootstrap-table configuration for your Doctrine Entities. Used bootstrap-table version 1.18.3. I
MeteionBundle is the Symfony integration of the Meteion library.
MeteionBundle MeteionBundle is a Symfony integration of the Meteion library. Key features Auto-configuration Commands Services Entities Installation c
Simple php-imap integration for Symfony 2.8, 3.x and 4.x.
PHP-IMAP integration bundle Simple php-imap integration for Symfony 4.x, 5.x and 6.x. The version 1.5 and above are only compatible with Symfony 4+. P
Symfony2 Bundle for Doctrine Cache
DoctrineCacheBundle Symfony Bundle for Doctrine Cache. Master: Master: Deprecation warning This bundle is abandoned and will no longer be updated. If
project with laravel 9 and php 8 and vuejs 3(modular) in both multi page and single page application
About Project Since Laravel 9 was recently released, it supports PHP 8 and above. So I decided to implement a prototype project using Laravel 9 + PHP
This plugin integrates OAuth2 functionality into Guzzle Bundle
Guzzle Bundle OAuth2 Plugin This plugin integrates OAuth2 functionality into Guzzle Bundle, a bundle for building RESTful web service clients. Prerequ
Integrates libphonenumber into your Symfony application
PhoneNumberBundle This bundle is a fork of misd-service-development/phone-number-bundle. As this project doesn't look maintained anymore, we decided t
Symfony bundle that provides Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF or XSRF) protection for client-side applications
CSRF Cookie Bundle This Symfony bundle provides Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF or XSRF) protection for client-side applications requesting endpoints
Retry Plugin for EightPointsGuzzleBundle
GuzzleBundleRetryPlugin Requirements PHP 7.3 or above Guzzle Bundle Guzzle Retry middleware Installation Using composer: composer.json { "require"
[Abandoned] Symfony SonataNotificationBundle
SonataNotificationBundle Symfony SonataNotificationBundle Branch Github Actions Code Coverage Documentation 3.x 4.x WARNING: This repository is abando
Symfony bundle for Roach PHP
roach-php-bundle Symfony bundle for Roach PHP. Roach is a complete web scraping toolkit for PHP. It is a shameless clone heavily inspired by the popul
Symfony bundle for EventSauce (WIP)
Symfony EventSauce (WIP) This bundle provides the basic and extended container configuration of symfony for the EventSauce library. Before using it, I
Airbrake.io & Errbit integration for Symfony 3/4/5. This bundle plugs the Airbrake API client into Symfony project
AmiAirbrakeBundle Airbrake.io & Errbit integration for Symfony 3/4/5. This bundle plugs the Airbrake API client into Symfony project. Prerequisites Th
This plugin integrates cache functionality into Guzzle Bundle, a bundle for building RESTful web service clients.
Guzzle Bundle Cache Plugin This plugin integrates cache functionality into Guzzle Bundle, a bundle for building RESTful web service clients. Requireme
Preferences are configuration variables that are user-managed for which we cannot rely upon container parameters or environment variables.
Preferences Preferences are configuration variables that are meant to be user managed for which we cannot rely upon container parameters or environmen
StaticPHP - Simple, modular php framework
StaticPHP Simple, modular php framework. Requirements PHP 8.1+ Twig 3.0+ Installation There are two ways to start using StaticPHP framework: Docker -
A Symfony2 bundle that integrates Select2 as a drop-in replacement for a standard entity field on a Symfony form.
select2entity-bundle Introduction This is a Symfony bundle which enables the popular Select2 component to be used as a drop-in replacement for a stand
The server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes
API Platform Core API Platform Core is an easy to use and powerful system to create hypermedia-driven REST and GraphQL APIs. It is a component of the
Symfony bundle for class/method memoization
Symfony service memoization bundle This bundle provides memoization for your services - every time you call the same method with the same arguments a
This bundle aims to easily integrate & use the Froala editor in Symfony 4.4+/5.0+.
KMSFroalaEditorBundle Introduction This bundle aims to easily integrate & use the Froala editor in Symfony 4.4+/5.0+. If you want to use it with Symfo
Sanitize untrustworthy HTML user input (Symfony integration for https://github.com/tgalopin/html-sanitizer)
html-sanitizer is a library aiming at handling, cleaning and sanitizing HTML sent by external users (who you cannot trust), allowing you to store it and display it safely. It has sensible defaults to provide a great developer experience while still being entierely configurable.
Symfony bundle which provides OAuth 2.0 authorization/resource server capabilities
Symfony bundle which provides OAuth 2.0 authorization/resource server capabilities. The authorization and resource server actors are implemented using the thephpleague/oauth2-server library.
API Integration for UVdesk Community Helpdesk System.
The API bundle allows integration developers to utilize uvdesk's REST api to easily communicate with their community helpdesk system. Installation Thi
This is a Symfony bundle that lets you you integrate your PSR-6 compliant cache service with the framework
PSR-6 Cache bundle This is a Symfony bundle that lets you you integrate your PSR-6 compliant cache service with the framework. It lets you cache your
Sylius is an Open Source eCommerce platform on top of Symfony.
Sylius is an Open Source eCommerce platform on top of Symfony. The highest quality of code, strong testing culture, built-in Agile (BDD) workflow and
A bundle to handle encoding and decoding of parameters using OpenSSL and Doctrine lifecycle events.
SpecShaper Encrypt Bundle A bundle to handle encoding and decoding of parameters using OpenSSL and Doctrine lifecycle events. Features include: Master
The NelmioApiDocBundle bundle allows you to generate a decent documentation for your APIs
NelmioApiDocBundle The NelmioApiDocBundle bundle allows you to generate a decent documentation for your APIs. Migrate from 3.x to 4.0 To migrate from
WordPress Interop Bundle
WordPress Interop Bundle Introduction This bundle integrates williarin/wordpress-interop with Symfony. Installation composer require williarin/wordpre
The query filter bundle allows you to filter data from QueryBuilder and the Database
The query filter bundle allows you to filter data from QueryBuilder and the Database. you can filter multiple columns at the same time and also you can filter relation fields with two-level deep and without any join in your query builder.
Domain-Driven Design Maker for Symfony apps
Domain-Driven Design Maker for Symfony applications This bundle assumes you are using https://github.com/yceruto/symfony-ddd-skeleton architecture or
Laravel Countries is a bundle for Laravel, providing Almost ISO 3166_2, 3166_3, currency, Capital and more for all countries.
Laravel Countries Laravel Countries is a bundle for Laravel, providing Almost ISO 3166_2, 3166_3, currency, Capital and more for all countries. Please
Hoa is a modular, extensible and structured set of PHP libraries
Hoa is a modular, extensible and structured set of PHP libraries. Moreover, Hoa aims at being a bridge between industrial and research worlds. Hoa\Rul
Mini is a small Laravel application with 2 modules to go with the book Laravel: The Modular Way
Mini Mini is a small Laravel application with 2 modules to go with the book Laravel: The Modular Way Install Clone this repo git clone git@github.com:
Mediator - CQRS Symfony bundle. Auto Command/Query routing to corresponding handlers.
Installation $ composer require whsv26/mediator Bundle configuration // config/packages/mediator.php return static function (MediatorConfig $config)
The maker bundle allows you to generate content elements, front end modules
Contao 4 maker bundle The maker bundle allows you to generate content elements, front end modules, event listener, callbacks and hooks using interacti
Enterprise Modular SAAS Framework, Design from the growndup to grow vertically.
Kwerio Enterprise Modular SAAS Framework, Design from the growndup to grow vertically. Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Tab
Symfony bundle to publish status updates on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
Upgrading? Check the upgrade guide. What's this? This is a Symfony bundle written in PHP 7.1 that wraps martin-georgiev/social-post - an easy way for
CMS based on Phalcon PHP Framework with modular structure
Yona CMS Yona CMS - open source content management system (CMS). Written in Phalcon PHP Framework (version 3.x supported) Has a convenient modular str
Implements a Refresh Token system over Json Web Tokens in Symfony
JWTRefreshTokenBundle The purpose of this bundle is manage refresh tokens with JWT (Json Web Tokens) in an easy way. This bundles uses LexikJWTAuthent
Symfony kafka bundle to produce and consume messages.
Technology stack Quick start Example project Basic Configuration Consuming messages Retrying failed messages Handling offsets Decoders Denormalizers V
Auto register services aliases in the Symfony container.
Service Alias Auto Register A bundle for Symfony 5. Description The S.O.L.I.D. principles are a set of five design principles intended to make softwar
Generates and handles Modules for Laravel
L5Modular Keep Your Laravel App Organized This package allows you to organize your Laravel project in a modular manner. You can simply drop or generat
Instrument commands/workers/custom code with datadog, newrelic, tideways, symfony, spx.
sourceability/instrumentation This library provides a simple interface to start and stop instrumenting code with APMs. Symfony commands and messenger
Symfony 5 bundle to easily create dynamic subpages with Markdown. Useful for help sections and wikis.
MarkdownWikiBundle This bundle allows you to create rich subpages in a Symfony project using Markdown. Pages are stored in a file cache and sourced fr
Tabler.io bundle for Symfony - a backend/admin theme for easy integration
Tabler Bundle for Symfony This repository contains a Symfony bundle, integrating the fantastic Tabler.io HTML Template into your Symfony project. It s
Simple, modular content management system adapted for launch pages and one-page websites
Segmint Segmint is an easy-to-use flat-file landing page framework, allowing quick and efficient prototyping and deployment - perfect for freelancers
Pageon Doctrine Data Grid Bundle
Pageon Doctrine Data Grid Bundle A bundle that wraps around the knp paginator bundle and doctrine to generate a data grid from your entity Documentati
SyCaptchaBundle is a form protection bundle made for Symfony, including a set of CAPTCHA challenges that should stop any malicious requests from submitting your forms.
SyCaptchaBundle is a form protection bundle made for Symfony, including a set of CAPTCHA challenges that should stop any malicious requests from submitting your forms.
Livewire DataTables components for back-end. Modular, easy to use, with tons of features.
Livewire DataTables Livewire DataTables components for back-end. Modular, easy to use, with tons of features. Inspired by Caleb's Livewire Screencasts
PHP bundle which makes array traversing / inserting dead easy.
XTraverse.php This bundle makes it dead easy to traverse through nested arrays/objects in PHP. Installation Via Composer composer require phiil/xtrave
While BotMan itself is framework agnostic, BotMan is also available as a bundle with the great Laravel PHP framework.
BotMan Studio About BotMan Studio While BotMan itself is framework agnostic, BotMan is also available as a bundle with the great Laravel PHP framework
A Redis bundle for Symfony supporting Predis and PhpRedis
RedisBundle About This bundle integrates Predis and PhpRedis into your Symfony 3.4+ application, providing a fast and convenient interface to Redis. U
Bundle providing Honeypot field for the Form Builder in Ibexa DXP Experience/Commerce (3.X)
IbexaHoneypot Bundle providing Honeypot field for the Form Builder in Ibexa DXP Experience/Commerce (3.X) What is Honey pot? A honey pot trap involves
Laravel-Mix helper for projects with complex & multi assets.
Laravel-Mix helper for projects with complex & multi assets. 🔥 Getting started Since mix introduced in laravel 5.4 it is recommended to use this pack
A modular multilingual CMS built with Laravel 5.
AsgardCMS Platform View the documentation at AsgardCMS.com/docs. Join the conversation on Slack License The AsgardCMS is open-sourced software license
Symfony Bundle to assist in imagine manipulation using the imagine library
LiipImagineBundle PHPUnit PHP-CS-Fixer Coverage Downloads Release This bundle provides an image manipulation abstraction toolkit for Symfony-based pro
📐 Symfony Bundle to generate database diagrams
Doctrine Diagram Bundle 📐 Symfony Bundle to generate database diagrams.
Provide modular structure into your symfony application.
Symfony Modular Bundle Provide modular structure into your symfony application. Features Configure doctrine Entity/Document mapping. Load services in
symfony solarium integration and solr management
solarium-bundle symfony bundle for solarium integration and solr management. current state of this bundle for now this bundle is me messing about with
A bundle providing routes and glue code between Symfony and a WOPI connector.
WOPI Bundle A Symfony bundle to facilitate the implementation of the WOPI endpoints and protocol. Description The Web Application Open Platform Interf
Full stack shop app with Symfony
A progressive PHP framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications. Description A fullstack shop app with Symfony framework and
Copy of hautelook/alice-bundle v2.9.0
AliceBundle A Symfony bundle to manage fixtures with nelmio/alice and fzaninotto/Faker. The database support is done in FidryAliceDataFixtures. Check
Modular Laravel - Boilerplate project starter
MODULAR About Modular Laravel This project is a personal blueprint starter with customized modular / SOA architecture. Kostadin Keljtanoski Install Yo
A flexible and fast Cms built with Symfony and Vuejs.
GreenCheap CMS A modular and lightweight CMS made with Symfony and Vuejs components GreenCheap works with PHP 8 version. In this case, lower versions
A Symfony bundle built to schedule/consume repetitive tasks
Daily runs Code style Infection PHPUnit Rector Security Static analysis A Symfony bundle built to schedule/consume repetitive tasks Main features Exte
A Symfony Feature Flag Bundle which easily allows you to configure and use your favorite feature flag provider.
Metro Markets FF Metro Markets FF is a Feature Flag Symfony Bundle. It easily allows you to configure and use your favorite feature flag provider. Ins
Pimcore Bundle that enbable pimcore to expose webook for communication to third parties
WebHookBundle Plugin This extention provide an easy way to send dataobjects to an external sites via json, whenever a pimcore event occurs on a specif
The official Symfony SDK for Sentry (sentry.io)
sentry-symfony Symfony integration for Sentry. Benefits Use sentry-symfony for: A fast Sentry setup Easy configuration in your Symfony app Automatic w
Simple Client for Airtable API
Airtable Client Bundle (Work In Progress) The Airtable Client bundle is a Symfony bundle that attempts to make the Airtable API easier to use. Retriev
Render the symfony profiler toolbar in your terminal.
sourceability/console-toolbar-bundle Render the symfony profiler toolbar in your terminal. Each panel links to the corresponding web profiler page.
Symfony Health Check Bundle Monitoring Project Status
Symfony Health Check Bundle Version Build Status Code Coverage master develop Installation Step 1: Download the Bundle Open a command console, enter y
A package to generate modules for a Laravel project.
Laravel Modular A package to generate modules for a Laravel project. Requirements PHP 7.4 or greater Laravel version 8 Installation Install using comp
An Unleash bundle for Symfony applications to provide an easy way to use feature flags
Unleash Bundle An Unleash bundle for Symfony applications. This provide an easy way to implement feature flags using Gitlab Feature Flags Feature. Ins
Integration with your Symfony app & Vite
ViteBundle : Symfony integration with Vite This bundle helping you render all of the dynamic script and link tags needed. Essentially, he provide two
Modular CMS powered by CakePHP
QuickAppsCMS Free open source content management system for PHP, released under GPL License and powered by CakePHP 3.0 MVC framework. This is an unsta
The modular open source laravel administration panel
Laralum What is Laralum? Laralum is an idea that came to our mind when we found no CMS that had the right balance between power and flexibility. This