Simple php-imap integration for Symfony 2.8, 3.x and 4.x.


PHP-IMAP integration bundle

Simple php-imap integration for Symfony 4.x, 5.x and 6.x.

The version 1.5 and above are only compatible with Symfony 4+. Previous versions support was dropped. If you'd like to use it with Symfony 2.8 or 3.x you should use the version 1.4 which was the last compatible with Symfony 2.8 and 3.x.

Want to support this bundle?

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1. Composer

From the command line run

$ composer require secit-pl/imap-bundle

If you're using Symfony Flex you're done and you can go to the configuration section otherwise you must manually register this bundle.

2. Register bundle

If you're not using Symfony Flex you must manually register this bundle in your AppKernel by adding the bundle declaration

class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = [
            new SecIT\ImapBundle\ImapBundle(),



Setup your mailbox configuration. If your are using symfony 2.8 or 3.x without Symfony Flex add your configuration in app/config/config.yml. If you're using Symfony 4 or Symfony 3.x with Flex open the config/packages/imap.yaml and adjust its content.

Here is the example configuration:

            mailbox: "{localhost:993/imap/ssl/novalidate-cert}INBOX"
            username: ""
            password: "password"

            mailbox: "{localhost:143}INBOX"
            username: "username"
            password: "password"
            attachments_dir: "%kernel.project_dir%/var/imap/attachments"
            server_encoding: "UTF-8"

            mailbox: "{localhost:143}INBOX"
            username: "username"
            password: "password"
            attachments_dir: "%kernel.project_dir%/var/imap/attachments"
            create_attachments_dir_if_not_exists: true # default true
            created_attachments_dir_permissions: 777 # default 770
            server_encoding: "UTF-8"

If you're using Symfony to connect to a Microsoft 365 business environment, there's a good chance you'll want to connect to a shared mailbox. In that case you need to specify the parameters authuser and user. Where shared_account is the username without domain, like:

            mailbox: "{}Root/Folder"
            username: ""
            password: "password"


With autowiring

In your controller:


namespace App\Controller;

use SecIT\ImapBundle\Service\Imap;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;

class IndexController extends AbstractController
    public function indexAction(Imap $imap)
        $exampleConnection = $imap->get('example_connection');
        $anotherConnection = $imap->get('another_connection');



With service container

In your controller:


namespace App\Controller;

use SecIT\ImapBundle\Service\Imap;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;

class IndexController extends Controller
    public function indexAction()
        $exampleConnection = $this->get('secit.imap')->get('example_connection');
        $anotherConnection = $this->get('secit.imap')->get('another_connection');



From this point you can use any of the methods provided by the php-imap library. For example

$exampleConnection = $this->get('secit.imap')->get('example_connection');

To quickly test the connection to the server you can use the testConnection() method

// testing with a boolean response
$isConnectable = $this->get('secit.imap')->testConnection('example_connection');

// testing with a full error message
try {
    $isConnectable = $this->get('secit.imap')->testConnection('example_connection', true);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
    echo $exception->getMessage();

Be aware that this will disconnect your current connection and create a new one on success. In most cases this is not a problem.

  • Improve configuration definition

    Improve configuration definition

    This allows you to use the new php based configuration without hassle:

    return static function(ImapConfig $imap): void
    opened by bobvandevijver 4
  • Problems in my Docker Environment

    Problems in my Docker Environment

    Hey, after installing it on my Symfony Docker environment I get the following Error:

    Attempted to call function "imap_search" from namespace "PhpImap"

    What can I do to solve this?

    opened by tomwuell 3
  • Multiple connection not work

    Multiple connection not work

    Hi I installed his library on symfony 5, created the imap.yaml file and inside I entered the various emails addresses with relative accesses, but if I go to recall them in the controller I always find the results of the first email why? imap: connections: infovisioweb: mailbox: "{}INBOX" username: "" password: "mypass1"

            mailbox: "{}INBOX"
            username: ""
            password: "mypass2"
            mailbox: "{}INBOX"
            username: ""
            password: "mypass3"
            mailbox: "{}INBOX"
            username: ""
            password: "mypass4"

    in DefaultController.php: $infovisioweb = $imap->get('infovisioweb')->getMailboxInfo(); dump($infovisioweb); // result is 5107 = exactly $infobenesserevita = $imap->get('infobenessere')->getMailboxInfo(); dump($infobenesserevita); // result is 5107 = not exactly but result is 76

        $relishvisioweb = $imap->get('relishvisio')->getMailboxInfo();
       // result is 5107  = not exactly but result is 120
        $airaldivisioweb = $imap->get('airaldivisio')->getMailboxInfo();
        // result is 5107  = not exactly but result is 759
    opened by Visioweb 3
  • oAuth authentication support

    oAuth authentication support

    Hello @secit-pl,

    I installed imap-bundle on my Symfony 5.4 project, but cannot authenticate on Office 365 to retrieve emails with IMAP.

    The reason is probably the deprecation of basic authentication by Microsoft :

    Is there a way to use an oAuth access token to authenticate ? If not, is it going to be supported in the future ?

    Thanks you !

    opened by pbories 2
  • feat: drop support of php < 7, update readme

    feat: drop support of php < 7, update readme


    WIP: I need to test it first. Of course i would be glad if someone can help.

    Symfony dependencies are at 4.4 as the latest supportet LTS from Symfony. < 4.4 are not maintained by symfony itself.

    I guess this does not need to be nullable. Or is there a reason? protected function checkAttachmentsDir(?string $directoryPath

    opened by Chris53897 2
  • New Major version with PHP >= 8.0 and Symfony >= 5.4

    New Major version with PHP >= 8.0 and Symfony >= 5.4

    @secit-pl Are you open for a PR for a new major version with PHP >= 8.0 and Symfony >= 5.4, strong types and new language level features? Composer handles the old version, so there is no problem with existing users of this repo.

    I can start the PR after I have your go.

    opened by Chris53897 2
  • attachment support

    attachment support

    i see my attachment

    IncomingMailAttachment {#563 ▼ +id: "14221071831878934793" +contentId: "auto_cid_2817556830" +name: "cpanel-logo-tiny.png" +filePath: null +disposition: "attachment" }

    how i can download it ?

    opened by grekpg 2
  • Add `extra.branch-alias` config at `composer.json` in order to allow installs from dev versions while respecting SemVer

    Add `extra.branch-alias` config at `composer.json` in order to allow installs from dev versions while respecting SemVer

    |Q |A | |--- |--- | |Branch |master| |Bug fix? |no | |New feature? |no | |BC breaks? |no | |Deprecations?|no | |Tests pass? |yes | |Fixed tickets|n/a | |License |MIT | |Doc PR |n/a |

    opened by phansys 2
  • Update Repo => About (Add Symfony 5 and 6)

    Update Repo => About (Add Symfony 5 and 6)

    Text that is displeayed in the upper, right corner of the github-page.

    Actual: Simple php-imap integration for Symfony 2.8, 3.x and 4.x.

    Suggestion: Simple php-imap integration for Symfony 2-6

    opened by Chris53897 1
  • Minor symfony 6.1 deprecation

    Minor symfony 6.1 deprecation

    After upgrading to symfony 6.1, I'm getting this new deprecation:

    Method "Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\ConfigurationInterface::getConfigTreeBuilder()" might add "TreeBuilder" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "SecIT\ImapBundle\DependencyInjection\Configuration" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.

    Seems like an easy fix...

    opened by ehymel 1
  • directory permissions wrong?

    directory permissions wrong?

    created_attachments_dir_permissions is declared as an integer node in configuration

    When default value is 770 , the variable $directoryPermissions in has the integer value 770. And when we decoct(770) we have "1402" as permissions and creating the folder with wrong permissions.

    Why dont pass the created_attachments_dir_permissions as scalarNode ?

    php version 7.2.24 secit-pl/imap-bundle version 1.5.0

    opened by akmez 1
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