🕧 Provides an scheduler bundle for symfony framework.


🕧 PHP Scheduler Bundle

Provides the integration of the PHP Scheduler library into Symfony Framework.



composer require flexic/scheduler-bundle

to install flexic/scheduler-bundle.

If you are using Symfony Flex, the bundle will be automatically enabled. To enable the bundle manually, add it to the list of registered bundles in the config/bundles.php file of your project:

return [
    // ...
    Flexic\SchedulerBundle\SchedulerBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    // ...

Tag Schedule Events

To make a schedule event available to the scheduler, you need to tag it with scheduler.schedule_event.

      tags: [ 'scheduler.schedule_event' ]


    tags: [ 'scheduler.schedule_event' ]


This package is licensed using the GNU License.

Please have a look at LICENSE.md.


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