2589 Repositories
PHP laravel-snappy Libraries
Laravel Package for 1APP. Learn how to integrate our APIs to build a web or mobile integration to send and accept payments for your application and businesses.
1APP Laravel Library Learn how to integrate our APIs to build a web or mobile integration to accept payments, make payment of Bills and as well custom
This Validate Class is for those who are looking for a validator that returns a code for every each error (Laravel/Api)
Validator-Class This Validate Class is for those who are looking for a validator that returns a code for every each error (Laravel/Api) Requirements A
Use Ciphersweet in your Laravel project
In your project, you might store sensitive personal data in your database. Should an unauthorised person get access to your DB, all sensitive can be read which is obviously not good.
🍪 Powerful wrapper for improved cookie integration on Laravel
🍪 Powerful wrapper for improved cookie integration on Laravel
Simple opinionated PHP 8.1 enum helper for Laravel
Laravel Enum Helper This is an extension of the datomatic/enum-helper package based on Laravel Framework. The package consists on a LaravelEnumHelper
Proyecto Start-Basic sobre Login y crud de usuarios, mediante Api Rest, usando la plantilla AdminLte 3.1 y manejo de roles y permisos con spatie y autenticacion JWT
Proyecto Start-Basic sobre Login y crud de usuarios, mediante Api Rest, usando la plantilla AdminLte 3.1 y manejo de roles y permisos con spatie y autenticacion JWT
Laravel Response Formatter
I created this package to make it easier to format the response from a controller. I have used this package in my projects and I hope you enjoy it!
Fluent Interface for Laravel Backpack - Define resources once and get all CRUD configurations ready!
CRUD Resource for Laravel Backpack This package allows creating CRUD panels for Backpack for Laravel administration panel using fluent field definitio
A simple twitter-feed-style RSS aggregator written in PHP, Laravel, Inertia.js, Tailwind and Vue.js
RSS A simple, opinionated, RSS feed aggregator. Features The following features are built into the application: Supports RSS and ATOM formats. Regular
A dead-simple comments package for Laravel.
A dead-simple comments package for Laravel. This package provides an incredibly simple comment system for your Laravel applications. If you're looking
Data providers encapsulate logic for Inertia views, keep your controllers clean and simple.
Laravel Data Providers for Inertia.js Data providers encapsulate logic for Inertia views, keep your controllers clean and simple. Installation We assu
Sqlcommenter is a plugin/middleware/wrapper to augment SQL statements from laravel
sqlcommenter is a plugin/middleware/wrapper to augment SQL statements from laravel with comments that can be used later to correlate user code with SQL statements.
Open source for selling social media accounts or accounts on other platforms.
SELLACC - Open Source Selling Accounts SELLACC is open source for selling social media accounts or accounts on other platforms. ⚠️ We not update sourc
Performance monitoring Lighthouse with GraphQL Hive.
Lighthouse GraphQL Hive GraphQL Hive can measure and collect data against all your GraphQL operations and generate analytics on them. This package aim
Build a simple ecommerce website with Laravel.
Simple Ecommerce Build a simple ecommerce website with Laravel. Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents Getting
A Blade component to quickly login to your local environment
Quickly login to your local environment When developing an app that has an admin section (or any non-public section), you'll likely seed test users to
Laravel Manager provides some manager functionality for Laravel
Laravel Manager Laravel Manager was created by, and is maintained by Graham Campbell, and provides some manager functionality for Laravel. Feel free t
Monitor your Laravel application performance with New Relic
Laravel New Relic This package makes it simple to set up and monitor your Laravel application with New Relic APM. New Relic provides some excellent lo
Optimize images in your Laravel app
Optimize images in your Laravel app This package is the Laravel 6.0 and up specific integration of spatie/image-optimizer. It can optimize PNGs, JPGs,
Package with small support traits and classes for the Laravel Eloquent models
Contains a set of traits for the eloquent model. In future can contain more set of classes/traits for the eloquent database.
A query database collection for use with Laravel Pipeline
A query database collection for use with Laravel Pipeline This package contains a collection of class that can be used with Laravel Pipeline. Let's se
Easy way to upload Laravel model related files from the request.
Easy way to upload laravel model related file from the requset.
A Collections-only split from Laravel's Illuminate Support
Collect - Illuminate Collections Deprecated: With the separation of Illuminate's Collections package, Collect is no longer necessary 🎉 . We will main
OneSignal PHP SDK
OneSignal SDK for PHP developers with fluent API and supports Laravel / Lumen out of the box.
Build XML based USSD menus.
Instead of having tonnes of nested, complex PHP files, this package give you the ability to construct your menus in XML and execute them as though they were plain PHP files.
Simply define the permission in the filament resource.
Simply define the permissions in the filament resource. Easily define permissions for Filament Resources & Relation Managers Installation You can inst
O-CONGO est un projet open source qui donne accès à la liste complète et officielle des toutes les provinces
O-CONGO est un projet open source qui donne accès à la liste complète et officielle des toutes les provinces, villes et communes de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), dans un premier temps.
Enhance your laravel apps with WhatsApp's Cloud API
Enhance your laravel apps with WhatsApp's Cloud API Use Whatsapp API in your Laravel app! Support us Investing on this package is defintely a good mov
Service that helps you to send notifications for a series of failed exceptions.
Laravel Failure Notifier This package helps you to track your exceptions and do what you want to do with them such as sending an SMS or and Email. You
Laravel Rocket chat Debugher, push all logs to rocket chat channels
Laravel Rocket chat Debugher, push all logs to rocket chat channels
Notion.so notifications channel for Laravel
Installation composer require astroshippers/notion-notification-channel Usage Inside eloquent model: public function routeNotificationForNotion(): arr
Laravel mercado pago es un paquete que te ayuda a implementar el sdk de mercado pago para php en laravel
Introducción Laravel mercado pago es un paquete que te ayuda a implementar el sdk de mercado pago para php en laravel. 💻 Instalación Para instalar ut
A complete open source hotel management system built with Laravel Framework.
Hotelio : Hotel Management System Hotelio is a open source hotel management system that manages your hotel operations, smoothly, effortless. Hotelio i
Hierarchical Rol-Permission Based Laravel Auth Package with Limitless Hierarchical Level of Organizations
AAuth for Laravel Hierarchical Rol-Permission Based Laravel Auth Package with Limitless Hierarchical Level of Organizations Features Organization Base
Laravel Seeable - Keep track of the date and time a user was last seen.
Laravel Seeable This package makes it easy to keep track of the date and time a user was last seen. Installation Install this package. composer requir
An open-source Laravel library for building high-quality, accessible applications and administration dashboards.
Arpite An open-source Laravel library for building high-quality, accessible applications and administration dashboards. Built using Inertia.js, React,
A package for integrating Lazerpay services with your laravel application
This is my package lazerpay-laravel This is where your description should go. Limit it to a paragraph or two. Consider adding a small example. Support
Laravel FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) Notification Channel
Laravel FCM Notification Laravel FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) Notification Channel Use this package to send push notifications via Laravel to Fireba
Laravel Pint is an opinionated PHP code style fixer for minimalists.
Laravel Pint is an opinionated PHP code style fixer for minimalists. Pint is built on top of PHP-CS-Fixer and makes it simple to ensure that your code style stays clean and consistent.
Laravel IndexNow - Submit webpage updates to search engines
Laravel IndexNow - Submit webpage updates to search engines This packages provides a wrapper to use the IndexNow api in Laravel. This makes indexing n
LaraCache is an ORM based package for Laravel to create, update and manage cache items based on model queries
LaraCache Using this package, you can cache your heavy and most used queries. All you have to do is to define the CacheEntity objects in the model and
This package aims to help you standardize all your API responses in a simple and structured way.
Laravel API Response This package aims to help you standardize all your API responses in a simple and structured way. By default, the stucture of the
This package is the official Laravel integration for Pirsch Analytics
Laravel Pirsch This package is the official Laravel integration for Pirsch Analytics. Installation Install this package. composer require pirsch-analy
Laravel Model File Uploader package
Laravel Model File Uploader package Easy way to upload laravel model related file from the requset. Install (Via Composer) composer require plusemon/u
Laravel Package - Files to S3 Like Cloud Storage
This is a Laravel package that handles and make easy the upload, overwrite, delete, cdn purge of files and directories on AWS S3 like cloud storages. It supports a form uploaded file (UploadedFile) or a base64 file string
Modularize your laravel app in a package way.
Laravel Modular Pustaka laravel untuk modularisasi kode secara rapi dan mudah di maintain. Instalasi $ composer require kodepandai/laravel-modular Set
Job Portal - Find your dream job here Various career opportunities await you
Find your dream job here Various career opportunities await you. Find the right career and connect with companies anytime, anywhere 🎯 free access to search for jobs, post resumes, and research companies. 🎊
Laravel Ajax Datatable is a nice laravel admin panel which includes authentication, CRUD and Ajax datatable.
Laravel Ajax Datatable is a nice laravel admin panel which includes authentication, CRUD and Ajax datatable. the datatable is created with laravel & ajax so No need to install another package, yout can do search, sort, paginate and show records per page fastly.
A wrapper for vladimir-yuldashev RabbitMQ Queue for Laravel with Actions
RabbitMQ Actions This package its a wrapper of vladimir-yuldashev/rabbitmq-queue-laravel. Adds a new feature to produce and consume messages with Rabb
Laravel Sail plugin to enable SSL (HTTPS) connection with Nginx.
Laravel Sail plugin to enable SSL (HTTPS) connection with Nginx.
This component, based on the Symfony serializer and async-aws, is a human-readable and quick abstraction to easily store serialized objects in DynamoDB 🚀.
DynamoDB Storable This component, based on the Symfony serializer and async-aws, is a human-readable and quick abstraction to easily store serialized
Easily implement optimistic Eloquent model locking feature to your Laravel app.
quarks/laravel-locking Easily implement optimistic Eloquent model locking feature to your Laravel app. Installation composer require quarks/laravel-lo
Service manager for Slim compatible with Laravel packages
SlimServices SlimServices is a service manager for the Slim PHP microframework based on Laravel 4 service providers and DI container, allowing you to
A Laravel package that allows you to validate your config values and environment.
Table of Contents Overview Installation Requirements Install the Package Publishing the Default Rulesets Usage Creating a Validation Ruleset Using the
Laravel-Weather let you get weather info from qweather.com
Laravel Weather Weather info system for Laravel. Installing composer require layoute/laravel-weather -vvv Configuration and Migrations php artisan ven
Laravel-Crowdin Integration - Automate translations uploading/downloading
Laravel-Crowdin Integration Automate uploading/downloading translations Installation Install the package via composer: composer require georgii-web/la
Test requests in Laravel without all the boilerplate.
Request Factories Test requests in Laravel without all the boilerplate. 💡 Psst. Although our examples use Pest PHP, this works just as well in PHPUni
Packagit is amazing laravel modules management, you could manage huge project with many separate laravel modules.
Packagit is amazing laravel modules management, you could manage huge project with many separate laravel modules.
The official SingleStore Laravel driver.
SingleStore Driver for Laravel This repository contains a SingleStore Driver for Laravel. This package is currently in a pre-release beta, please use
An easy-to-use, free and open source laravel e-Exam platform to build your online course right away.
➡️ Website | Documentation | Community ⬅️ Laerx Get detailed information about your clients, exams and courses to create an effective report and track
A package that adds view-composer like feature to Inertia.js Laravel adapter
Kinetic A package that adds view-composer like feature to Inertia.js Laravel adapter. Use to be able to share props based on the Inertia component nam
Generate previous attributes when saving Eloquent models
This package provides a trait that will generate previous attributes when saving any Eloquent model.
An example chat app to illustrate the usage of kitar/laravel-dynamodb.
Simplechat An example chat app to illustrate the usage of kitar/laravel-dynamodb. Demo https://demo.simplechat.app/ This demo app is deployed with Lar
Use Laravel's blade engine as a CLI for rendering files.
Blade CLI Use Laravel's blade engine as a CLI for rendering files. Introduction This package customizes and extends several of the Illuminate\View cla
Backend application using Laravel 9.x REST APIs for games topup from digiflazz.com and payment gateway using xendit.co
TOPUP - Laravel 9.x REST API Documentation is still on progress. For now, you can fork this postman collection Installation Clone this project git clo
Authenticate users with fingerprints, patterns and biometric data.
WebAuthn Authenticate users with fingerprints, patterns and biometric data. use Laragear\WebAuthn\Http\Requests\AssertedRequest; public function logi
Créateurs qui produisent du contenu autour de Laravel et de son écosystème.
Salut voyageur 👋 Bienvenue au cœur de la communauté Laravel francophone. Tu trouveras ici la liste des créateurs qui produisent du contenu autour de
HydePHP - Elegant and Powerful Static App Builder
HydePHP - Elegant and Powerful Static App Builder Make static websites, blogs, and documentation pages with the tools you already know and love. About
QCloud COS FederationToken generator for Laravel.
Laravel 腾讯云联合身份临时访问凭证生成器 Laravel 腾讯云联合身份临时访问凭证 生成器,主要用于下发腾讯云联合身份临时访问凭证,比如前端直传等场景。 开始之前,请您仔细阅读并理解一下官方文档: 获取联合身份临时访问凭证 COS API 授权策略使用指引 条件键说明及使用示例 CAM 策
A Real time chat app made in Next.js, Laravel and Ably.
Chat App with Next.js, Laravel and Ably This repository serves as a code container for the tutorial I wrote on Ably's Blog. Blog link will be updated
This is a laravel Auth Starter Kit, with full user/admin authentication with both session and token auth
About Auth Starter It's a Laravel 8 authentication markdown that will help you to understand and grasp all the underlying functionality for Session an
Database Repository / PHP Repository / Laravel Repository
Database Repository / PHP Repository / Laravel Repository Installation Use following command to add this package to composer development requirement.
Lara-zeus sky is simple CMS for your website. it include posts, pages, tags, and categories.
Lara Zeus Sky Lara-zeus sky is simple CMS for your website. it include posts, pages, tags, and categories. small tasks can be time-consuming, let us b
Laravel Passport is an OAuth2 server and API authentication package that is simple and enjoyable to use
Introduction Laravel Passport is an OAuth2 server and API authentication package that is simple and enjoyable to use. Official Documentation Documenta
Statamic 3 - the flat-first, Laravel + Git powered CMS designed for building beautiful, easy to manage websites
Statamic 3 - the flat-first, Laravel + Git powered CMS designed for building beautiful, easy to manage websites
Generate Admin Panels CRUDs and APIs in Minutes with tons of other features and customizations with 3 different themes
InfyOm Laravel Generator Generate Admin Panels CRUDs and APIs in Minutes with tons of other features and customizations with 3 different themes. Docum
This package makes it easy to send web push notifications with Laravel.
Web push notifications channel for Laravel This package makes it easy to send web push notifications with Laravel. Installation You can install the pa
Deployer is a PHP Application deployment system powered by Laravel
Deployer is a PHP Application deployment system powered by Laravel 5.5, written & maintained by Stephen Ball.
ServD - a Docker PHP development environment heavily inspired by Laravel Valet and Laradock
ServD ServD is a Docker PHP development environment heavily inspired by Laravel Valet and Laradock, it supports multiple projects within a working dir
OneLogin SAML Toolkit for Laravel
OneLogin SAML Toolkit for Laravel Laravel version of the PHP-SAML Toolkit created by OneLogin Features Create multiple tenants and authenticate users
A Laravel Nova tool for viewing your application logs
This package makes it easy to view your Laravel application logs inside of Nova. It even supports polling. Installation You can install the Nova tool
Volistx Framework For RESTful API Based on Laravel/Lumen 9.x
Volistx Framework Volistx Framework For RESTful API Based on Laravel/Lumen 9.x This is a framework skeleton for Volistx API platform using Lumen PHP F
Laravel package for manage your URL redirects in database or other sources to get better SEO results
Laravel 8 and 9 package to manage URL redirections inside your Laravel application using different data sources. It allows a better SEO support for your Laravel site.
This package makes it easy to send notifications using RocketChat with Laravel 9.0+.
laravel-rocket-chat-notifications Introduction This package makes it easy to send notifications using RocketChat with Laravel 9.0+. Contents Installat
Laravel Cron Scheduling - The ability to run the Laravel task scheduler using different crons
Laravel Cron Scheduling Laravel Task Scheduling is a great way to manage the cron. But the documentation contains the following warning: By default, m
Specially customized Laravel jetstream's scaffolding for Frest html + laravel admin Template
frest-html-laravel-jetstream Specially customized Laravel jetstream's scaffolding for Frest html + laravel admin Template. It'll not work with any oth
Laravel wrapper for the Facebook Graph PHP 8 SDK
Laravel Facebook Graph SDK Installation Getting started with Laravel Facebook Graph is easy - first, install the package via composer composer require
A DynamoDB based Eloquent model and Query builder for Laravel.
Laravel DynamoDB A DynamoDB based Eloquent model and Query builder for Laravel. You can find an example implementation in kitar/simplechat. Motivation
The Slim PHP micro framework paired with Laravel's Illuminate Database toolkit.
Slim & Eloquent The Slim PHP micro framework paired with Laravel's Illuminate Database toolkit. Getting started # Download composer curl -s https://ge
Laravel Query Helper was developed for laravel 7.2+ to help you optimize sql queries
Laravel Query Helper Laravel Query Helper was developed for laravel 7.2+ to help you optimize sql queries, this package will contain all advanced SQL
An opinionated extension package for Laravel Orchid to extend its table handling capabilities, and some further useful helper methods.
OrchidTables An opinionated extension package for Laravel Orchid to extend its table handling capabilities, and some further useful helper methods. In
A simple API wrapper to Gigapay's APIs for Laravel Framework
Laravel-Gigapay A simple API wrapper for Gigapay's APIs. It gives you helper methods that will make your work with gigapay's API easy, fast and effici
A bot that translates the words you choose during the chat in Telegram to the language you want.
About Needy Telegram Translator If you are constantly using telegram and want to translate words into different languages, this library is for you. Qu
Indexing Storyblok on Algolia using Laravel
StoryblokAlgolia This is where your description should go. Take a look at contributing.md to see a to do list. Installation Via Composer $ composer re
YouTubeClone - Web Projects Build By Laravel Framework v8 & LiveWire it's Small project to upload video Like Youtube
YouTubeClone YouTubeClone - Web Projects Build By Laravel Framework & LiveWire it's Small project to upload video Like Youtube Use Laravel v8.80.0 Ima
Object-oriented, composable, fluent API for writing validations in Laravel
Laravel Hyrule Hyrule provides an object-oriented, fluent API for building validation rules for use w/ Laravel's Validation component. This unlocks pa
A package to generate YouTube-like IDs for Eloquent models
Laravel Hashids This package provides a trait that will generate hashids when saving any Eloquent model. Hashids Hashids is a small package to generat
Configurable activity logger for filament.
Activity logger for filament Configurable activity logger for filament. Powered by spatie/laravel-activitylog Features You can choose what you want to
Eloquent scope assertion for testing Laravel applications.
Eloquent Scope Assertion This package allows you to assert that the scope of a model is called in your tests. Installation You can install the package
Laravel mongodb permissions
Laravel mongodb permissions