Performance monitoring Lighthouse with GraphQL Hive.


Lighthouse GraphQL Hive

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GraphQL Hive can measure and collect data against all your GraphQL operations and generate analytics on them.

This package aims to integrate GraphQL Hive with Lighthouse, a GraphQL server for Laravel.


composer require stayallive/lighthouse-graphql-hive

Add the following snippet to your config/services.php file:

    'graphqlhive' => [
        'enabled'   => env('GRAPHQL_HIVE_ENABLED', false),
        'token'     => env('GRAPHQL_HIVE_TOKEN'),
        'submitter' => env('GRAPHQL_HIVE_SUBMITTER'),
        'queue'     => env('GRAPHQL_HIVE_QUEUE'),

In your .env configure at least the following:

GRAPHQL_HIVE_TOKEN=<your GraphQL Hive token>

Read more about how to obtain a GraphQL Hive token here.


A submitter is the code that runs to aggregate and/or send the operation data collected to the GraphQL Hive API.

There are 2 submitters currently supported, we default to using the Queue submitter if none is configured:

Queue (default)


This submitter will push every operation to a queued job, the job will send every operation to GraphQL Hive.

You can configure the queue used to dispatch the jobs too by setting the GRAPHQL_HIVE_QUEUE environment variable to the name of the queue.

Note: On high volumes this might cause issues with many queued jobs being pushed and being rate limited by the GraphQL Hive server.



This submitter will push every operation to a Redis list, a scheduled command will run every minut to batch send the operation to GraphQL Hive.

Note: This submitter requires a configured Redis connection.


You should only have to install this package to benefit, unless you have disabled package auto discovery, in that case you will need to add the service provider to your config/app.php manually.

You can optionally add the graphql-client header to your requests in the format name:version (like: my-app:1.2.3) to see client stats in the GraphQL Hive dashboard. You can also opt to set x-graphql-client-name and x-graphql-client-version headers instead.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within this package, please send an e-mail to Alex Bouma at All security vulnerabilities will be swiftly addressed.


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

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