Backend application using Laravel 9.x REST APIs for games topup from and payment gateway using


TOPUP - Laravel 9.x REST API

Documentation is still on progress. For now, you can fork this postman collection
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  1. Clone this project
    git clone
  2. Cd into your project folder
    cd laravel-be-topup
  3. Install dependencies
    composer install --no-dev
    Or if you want continue developing this project
    composer install
  4. Copy env file
    cp .env.example .env
  5. Setup your database, xendit, and digiflazz via .env file
  6. Make app key
    php artisan key:generate
  7. Migrate database
    php artisan migrate
  8. (Optional) Seed the database
    php artisan db:seed
  9. Create passport key
    php artisan passport:install
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